Download CBET ( Sample Exam 50 Questions ) Correct Answers Latest Update 2024 and more Exams Education Planning And Management in PDF only on Docsity! CBET ( Sample Exam : 50 Questions ) Correct Answers Latest Update 2024 1500 meters/second - correct answers The Velocity of ultrasonic waves though typical soft tissue is about? increase functional residual capacity - correct answers The PEEP control on a respiratory ventilator is used to decreases as temperature increases - correct answers The resistance of the typical medical thermistor 30 millimeters per second - correct answers The typical chart speed for an ECG is uterine activity - correct answers a fetal monitor usually records fetal heart rate and artificially high blood pressure reading - correct answers An automatic blood pressure cuff that is too narrow for the patient's arm may cause electrosurgery - correct answers Coagulation, fulgaration and cutting are the three main functions of pulmonary artery - correct answers When measuring the cardiac output, the tip of a Swan-Ganz catheter should be positioned in the 30 milliseconds - correct answers The time after the R- wave peak when a synchronized defibrillator discharge is usually delivered is optical isolation - correct answers Isolating the patient connected to a cardiac monitor from ground reference can be accomplished by using 50 ohms - correct answers An instrument used to test the output of a defibrillator should have an input impedance of approximately 39 degrees Celsius - correct answers What is the highest temperature that an infant warmer should obtain before and alarm is generated break up gallbladder or kidney stones - correct answers You are called to troubleshoot an R-wave trigger problem with an extracorporeal lithotripter. This device is used to? usually done with a piezoelectric crystal - correct answers The generation of ultrasound energy for medical imaging: electrosurgical - correct answers What type of medical device is likely to cause interference with CB radios? cardiology - correct answers "Normal sinus rhythm" refers to Biphasic - correct answers )The most popular waveform used in dc fibrillation is the ________ waveform. LL, LA, RA - correct answers Which of the patient's limbs are used to make a Lead III ECG recording? the study of blood - correct answers " Hematology" refers to 1 mV - correct answers The "calibrate" pulse used to standardize most ECG machines has an amplitude of hot tip - correct answers Most ECG machines commonly used in hospitals use a ____________ pen to record the trace. His bundle - correct answers Which of the following a structure in the heart? aVR - correct answers Which of the following is an augmented ECG? V2 - correct answers Which of the following a precordial ECG lead? ventricular fibrillation - correct answers A deadly arrhythmia in which the heart muscle quivers rapidly and loses its pumping effectiveness is called EEG (brain) - correct answers Brain-wave signals are recorded on an stainless steel cases - correct answers All equipment and furniture used in operating rooms must have nurses, interns, residents - correct answers The most vicious form of reliability testing for medical electronic equipment involves giving the equipment to ventricles - correct answers The lower chambers of the heart are called Aorta - correct answers The main artery supplying blood to the body leaves the left ventricle of the heart. What is this artery called? heart rate - correct answers A cardio tachometer measures Doppler's law - correct answers Noninvasive blood-flow detectors use ultrasonic - correct answers Certain noninvasive fetal monitors use ________waves. ECG waveforms - correct answers P-waves are found in DC milliammeter - correct answers What type of instrument might be used to test the output level of an electrosurgical generator?