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CBT FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers Latest Updates 2024 Latest Versions A+, Exams of Nursing

CBT FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers Latest Updates 2024 Latest Versions A+

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CBT FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers

Latest Updates 2024 Latest Versions A+

*Compilations of some new questions based from the fresh takers. These answers are based from what the majority agreed. If there’s a rationale, mostly these are the questions that gave us a a doubt but if you have a stronger rationale to disagree. Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas because it can benefit to all. Thank you AUGUST 2021 If a mental problem patient after treatment became okay. So as per data protection act, what to with document. a. Delete the document b. Sent it to archive c. Update the information d. Make it as a book and keep it with staff. What is the most common cause of hypotention in elderly? a) Decreased response in adrenaline & noradrenaline b) Atheroma changes in vessel walls c) hyperglycaemia d) Age What do you see Pwaves before QRS (Double check) a. fribrillation b. afribrillation c. flat asystole d. continuous fluctuation How long is the undergraduate/Pre-registration BSc nursing programme for those on a standard entry pathway? A) 2years B) 5years C) 4years D) 3years A patient at grade 1 pressure sore, what would you do A) apply moisturizer,inform Nurse in charge and tissue viability nurse B) provide pressure reliving mattress,place patient on one side C) provide air mattress, turn patient hourly A patient with learning disabilities is prescribed medications, how do you provide support. A) give carer the information B) easy read and at appropriate time C) give medications leaflet to read and take home D) can't remember A senior nurse has received a call regarding one of the nurses being pregnant, what would you do A) look for replacement B) do risk assessment C) tell other nurses D) inform human resources

Who does not provide emergency contraceptives? a. Pharmacist b. GP c. Sexual Care enter d. Emergency Department Rationale: All can prescribe contraceptives. Some GP can prescribe but not allowed to provide but Emergency department doesn't have the authority in a real scenario. Which fan therapy is not use in in Pyrexia - a. fan therapy b. iv and cold drinks c. removal of clothing d. showering Which of the following is considered as aerosol generating procedures? Choose the correct answer. a. assisting with oral medication - b. Performing oral hygiene c. BT d. Mechanical Vntilations Who is unable to to administer drugs a. heatlth care assistant b. dietician c. nurse d. nurse practitioner Rationale: Dietician can prescribe medications while HCA can only administer under supervision Expertise Management - a. Fill complain form b. bring it up in meeting Group A controlled drug. - A. Morphine B. Midazolam C. Codeine D. Conjupram How to know nurses are update on professional knowledge - a. sofa study leave b. patient audit c. appraisal annually Patient has suicidal thought, low mood, when talkin to nurse patient is calm and cooperative a. Low risk b. Medium risk c. High risk What do registered nurse do after the NMC pin a. Induction b. training c. endorsement

d. orientation For how long will you wait to check the RBS after giving glucose to diabetes patient a. 15 - 10 minutes b. 25 - 30 minutes c. 15 - 20minutes Endotracheal tube is used for a. feeding unconscious patient b. ensuring airway c. diagnostic testing d. Mr. Bond also shared with you that his gums also bleed during brushing, which of the following statement will best explain this a. Lack of Vitamin C In his diet b. He is brushin too hard c. He is not using proper toothbrush to remove the plaque d. He is flossin wrongly What patient should not do when using Zimmer frame a. It can be used outside b. don’t carry any other thing with walker c. push walker forward when using d. slide walker forward The nurse is preparing to change the parenteral nutrition (PN) solution bag and tubing. The patient’s central venous line is. a. Take a deep breath, hold it & bear down ✔ b. breath normally c. Exhale slowly & evenly d. Turn the head to the right The act of speaking out for people and relatives about their decision is called : a) Disclosure b) Confidentiality c) Advocacy ✔ d) Confrontation A person with BMI of 28kg/m2 is: a) Overweight ✔ b) Underweight c) Obese BMI Weight Status Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5—24.9 Healthy 25.0—29.9 Overweight 30.0 and Above Obese

16 year old how will you provide support for a patient to reduce anxiety during physical examination a) Provide privacy and dignity b) remain with the patient and provide support ✔ c) do not intervene and intervene only when the doc tells you Personality disorder affects a. Their behavior interrupts self and others b. Only others c. Only self Pressure score grades that is regarded as critical incident a) 3 b) 3&4 ✔ c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 d) 4 A pt with stress signs anxiety and sleeplessness. Who will he visits A 111 service A walk in center A general practitioner ✔ Emergency department

What policy relating to dress is mandatory in all clinical areas

of the hospital?

Select one: a. Everyone must wear designated uniforms b. Everyone’s arms must be bare below the elbows ✔ c. Everyone must wear gloves when examining a patient d. Everyone must wear bespoke hospital footwear What is the average hourly urine production for an adult? a. 0 - 10 mls b. 40 80 mls/hr ✔ c. 20 - 30 mls/hr d. 100 – 200 You have a 72-year-old patient on the ward who has developed a diarrhoeal illness. She is isolated and is found to have developed an infection with Clostridium difficile. Besides protective measures, what should the nurse use to wash her hands after nursing the patient? a. Iodine scrubs b. Soap and water ✔ c. Alcohol scrubs d. Chlorhexidine scrubs

Upon which of the following muscles is respiration most dependent? a. Psoas major and minor b. Intercostal muscles c. Diaphragm ✔ d. Pectoralis major and minor Autonomic dysreflexia is a serious complication in individuals with spinal injury, resulting in a dangerous elevation in blood pressure. Which of the following is the commonest precipitant of autonomic dysreflexia in patients with spinal injury? a. Pressure ulceration b. Constipation c. Mouth ulceration d. Urinary obstruction ✔ You visit a mother with a 6 months old baby, the baby did not respond on calling name, what is the likely issues? a) the baby has hearing problem ✔ b) the baby is distracted c) the baby and mother are not well attached to each other While performing initial assessment as a nurse, the patients complained to you she wants to lose wait, what is your immediate Interventions? a) Tell the patients u r busy b) briefly talk about weight loss and tell the patients to ask more questions after the assessment ✔ c) stop and talk to the patients about weight lost You are carrying out wound dressing with a new product, what is your intervention as a nurse? a) talk to the nurse after at the end of the shift about how to do would care b) do not remove the previous dressing and apply the new products over it c) refer to another practitioner for patients safety until you gain your l competency and skills ✔ d) leave ths dressing without doing There is a prescription with dose but without no of giving, what should you do? a) assume the dose based on your experience b) call the prescriber to confirm the dosage ✔ c) Omit and leave for the next shift Which instrument is used to visualize the vocal cords during endotracheal procedure a) Laryngoscope ✔ b) Bougie

A patient with COPD is admitted to your ward. As you are talking to him and listening to his responses, he admits that he is still smoking. When you ask him why, he says he doesn’t want to give up as it is his only pleasure. What do you do? a. Tell him he has to give up, as he will now need oxygen at home and it is dangerous b. Talk to his family and try to get them to persuade him to stop c. Sit down, listen to him and ensure he is fully apprised of all the facts ✔ d. Acknowledge what he says; after all, he has lived his life and it is his only pleasure Age for organ donation consent? a) above 16 b) above 18 ✔ c) above 21 d) no consent When do you gain consent from a patient and consider it valid? 1 - Only if a patient has the mental capacity to give consent ✔ 2 - Only before a clinical procedure 3 - Only after a clinical procedure 4 - None of the above The nurse cares for an elderly patient with moderate hearing loss. The nurse should teach the patient’s family to use which of the following approaches when speaking to the patient? a) Raise your voice until the patient is able to hear you. b) Face the patient and speak quickly using a high voice. c) Face the patient and speak slowly using a slightly lowered voice. ✔ d) Use facial expressions and speak as you would formally Nurse is teaching patient about crutch walking which is incorrect? a) Take long strides ✔ b) Take small strides c) Instruct to put weight Pt has Learning disability, and you instruct him to take his medication, the nurse should: A. Give instruction to the carer B. Give appropriate level of instruction ✔ C. Give leaflet D. Explain briefly to the pt. The importance of his meds Common in young adult? A. Cancer B. poor mental health ✔ C. Neurological disease

Which of the following is an important principle of delegation? a) No transfer of authority exists when delegating b) Delegation is the same as work allocation c) Responsibility is not transferred with delegation d) When delegating, you must transfer authority ✔ RATIONALE: Delegation of authority is the process of transferring responsibility for a task to another employee. As a manager, you can typically transfer responisibility to any of your direct ream members while Allocating work is simply distributing tasks to get done, The nurse notice that the pt is violent. The nurse should? A. Request for restraint B. Inform the other pt C. Assess risk ✔ Confused patient relative requesting for fitting bed rail as they have it in their house, what will d nurse do A .ensure a bed rail is fixed ✔ B let a competent person assess risk and consider other factors C put patients bed on the floor D ignore relative *Patients husband that has waited for several hours to see wife and is shouting - A Take him to a private room and discuss with him ✔ B Give personal space and avoid provocation C accompany him to see wife D When u don’t understand the accent of ur patient: - A write whatever you hear B Assume what patient has said C Seek clarification from patient… *When you listen and repeat after ur patient: - A Active listening B active learning C resuming as a unit head and you notice you are short staffed, what type of escalation will the head nurse use - A Prompt escalation B Swift escalation C Immediate escalation C Rapid escalation

*Remenience, de~escalation and distraction are types of… - A therapy service B Therapy classes C therapeutic intervention Congestive heart failure and non infectious sputum colour A White B green C black *Chemotherapy and hormone waste disposal container Purple Yellow Orange Black Dressing for blister Hydocolloid or foam dress No dressing Silver dressing A patient is prescribed levothyroxine medication what do you teach patient Take medication one hour before meal ✔ Take with food Take after meal What do you to consider if you are obtaining a consent from the patient? a) Understanding b) Capacity ✔ c) Intellect d) Patient condition MRSA means a) Methilinase Resistant Streptococcus Aureus b) Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus Aureus c) Methilinase Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus d) Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus ✔ When inserted correctly, an oropharyngeal airway help the patient from, a) Dyspnea b) Decreased bowel movements c) Retch and vomiting ✔ d) Hyperventilate

Which one is not the symptom of Depression a) Hopeless b) Sad c) Increased energy ✔ d) Loss of Appetite What is the common cause for airway obstruction in unconscious patient? a) Tongue falling back ✔ b) Foreign object stuck in throat c) Edema in neck due to oxygen supply d) None of the above Opioid adverse reaction is a) Wizzes and shallow breathing, sleepiness b) Slow and shallow breathing, sleepiness ✔ c) Rapid and shallow breathing, sleepiness d) All of the above Delegation of work to HCA, which statement is true a) Delegate only physiologically stable b) RN is accountable for the total patient management c) RN delegate accountability d) Delegate only physical direct care ✔ A patient seeking advice with the use of Contraceptive pills. She will travel for 1 year to different countries, some are high risk for diarrhea. What is the best advice that we can be given? A /D? a) Use other methods of contraception, diarrhea affects the use of pills b) Continue the use of pills regularly, diarrhea has no effect c) Avoid sexual intercourse. To prevent HIV d) Take extra pills good for a year. Pills are not available at some countries ✔ While taking Consent for under 16 y/o, which statement is true? a) Only age 16 - 17 can give concent b) Children are allowed to give concent, after their parents say so c) Children who are intelligent, with competence and _ are allowed to give concent ✔ d) None of the above Tuckman model, which is included a) Assessing b) Performing ✔ c? Evaluating d? Implementing

While serving food for patient’s relative, mother is telling no need to give food to her son because he will eat a lot, but her son looks so thin and malnourished. What is the appropriate action for RN? a) This is an adult neglect and abuse. Investigate the case and inform the manager b) This is child neglect and abuse. Raise safeguarding alert, inform your manager for support ✔ c) Report the case to Social Services, it is not the nurse responsibility to investigate abuse cases d) Ignore the mother and give food to the child In a community hospital, an elderly man approaches you and tells you that his neighbour has been stealing his money, saying "sometimes I give him money to buy groceries but he didn't buy groceries and he kept the money" what is your best course of action for this? a) Raise a safeguarding alert ✔ b) Just listen but don't do anything c) Ignore the old man, he is just having delusions d) Refer the old man to the community clergy who is giving him spiritual support Nurse has the role to protect the patient from clinical environment. Which of the following action won't necessarily protect the patient?

  1. Arranging medicines properly 2)Repairing medical equipments
  2. Keeping floor non slippery
  3. Air conditioning the room ✔ A patient is on his 3rd day with antibiotic therapy due to lower respiratory tract infection. He presented three bouts of bloody diarrhea. A. Clostridium difficile has penetrated the intestine ✔ B. This indicate a release of histamine in the body C. Urinary tract Infection has worsened D. Allergy. prone to CAD A. Hypertensive,obese, female,sedentary lifestyle B. Hypertensive, obese, male, sedentary lifestyle Sign of dehydration a. Bounding pulse b. Hypertension c. Jugular distension d. Hypotension ✔ Precise indicator of anticoagulation status when on oral anticoagulants a. PTT b. aPTT c. CT D. INR ✔(international normalized ratio)

Gum bleeds when brushing A. Poor flossing B. Poor removal of plaque ✔ C. Poor diet Denture Stomatitis A. White patches on palate and around the teeth B. Red shiny patches on palate and around the teeth ✔ C. Red patch on the tongue D. White patch on the tongue A Chinese patient who. doesn’t know English Call a professional interpreter Instructions for a patient with gout taking allopurinol Drink plenty of water How many portions of fruits/veggies each day 5 portions of fruits/vegetables Taking antibiotics A. Take as prescribed and avoid alcohol B. Take at a regular time of the day and complete the course ✔ C. Take before or after food and complete the course A nurse notices a bed sore. It's a shallow wound, red coloured with no pus. Dermis is lost. At what stage this before is? A stage 1 non blanchable erytherma B stage 2 partial thickness skin lose ✔ 3 stage 3 full thickness shin loss 4 stage 4 full thickness tissue lose A patient has been confined in bed for months now and has a developed pressure ulcers in the buttocks are. When you checked the water flow it is at level 20. Which type of bed is best suited for this patient? A. Fluidized bed D. Egg crater mattress C. Dynamic mattress and low air loss ✔ WATERLOW SCORING FOR PRESSURE ULCERS 10+ (at Risk) Specialized memory foam mattress 100cm cushion 15+ (High Risk) Alternating pressure overlays mattress, bed systems Specialized gel/foam cushion 20+ (Very High Risk) Dynamic mattress Specialized cushion Low air loss & alternating WATERLOW CHART (Pressure Ulcers) 10+ - Specialist memory foam (uratex type) 15+ - Alternating overlay pressure mattress (egg crater) 20+ - Dynamic/Fluidized “The Notebook” by Ms. Karen Faye - Jae M. C. 2018 - 45

An overall risk of malnutrition of 2 or higher signifies A low risk of malnutrition B medium risk of malnutrition C high risk of malnutrition✔ D. ... How to take an infected sheet for washing according to UK Standard A. Take in red plastic bag that disintegrates in high temp ✔ B. Use red linen bag that allows washing in high temp. C. Orange bag... D. Clear bag.. According to Francis Report, Courage is: A. It is that quality made by relationships based on empathy, respect and dignity. It can also be described as intelligent kindness, and is central to how people perceive their care. B. Defines us and our work. People receiving care expect it to be right for them, consistently, throughout every stage of their life. C. Means all those in caring roles must have the ability to understand an individual’s health and social needs and the expertise, clinical and technical knowledge to deliver effective care and treatments based on research and evidence D. Enables you to do the right thing for the people we care for, to speak up when we have concerns and to have the personal strength and vision to innovate a ✔ When removing a closed system vacuum wound drain what should the nurse consider? A. says routine drain removal is a doctor's role B. have the tissue viability nurse to remove it C. Remove the drain gradually by pulling on it D. Releases the vacuum and gently remove it ✔ Who is responsible to start discharge planning A. First contact ✔ B. Second contact C Third contact D Fourth contact What medication gives dark colored stool A. Iron B. potassium Group A controlled drugs A Morphine B Midazolam C Codeine Pyrexia with malaise first line treatment A Pcm B COURAGE Do the right thing for the people we care for, to speak up when we have concerns. Personal strength & vision The Notebook” by Ms. Karen Faye Jae M. C. 2018 - 45 MALNUTRITION UNIVERSAL SCREENING TOOL (MUST) 0 - LOW – monitor weight 1 - MEDIUM – monitor food intake for the past 3 days 2 - HIGH – refer to dietician *“The Notebook” by Ms. Karen Faye Jae M. C. 2018 - 6

An obese patient with limited communication wants to lose weight, who should the nurse involve: A. Occupational therapist, GP, dietitian and social worker B Physiotherapist, nurse, gp, dietitian, C Occupational therapist, psychiatrist D Physiotherapist and social worker *Urine sample collection : cleaning meatus and collecting midstream / midcatch *Cutting nail of a diabetic pt with neuropathy: podiatrist Cause of pediatric cardiac arrest A Hypoxia B Myocardial infarction C anaphylaxis Nursing intervention for a patient wit 150 pulse rate, 40 resp rate and fainting Parameters for BMI - Weight and height According to RIDDOR legislative, What will you do when a staff has an accident at work place causing fracture of the femur A report the accident B report the accident to a doctor on site C record the incidence in a management book D Why Fasting before surgery Essence of PPE Weight loss in a cancer patient: A Cancer cachexia B cancer malnourishment C How do u know NG tube is in place A. check ph of aspirate B ct scan C. ultrasound D. lithmus If there is a give option of Xray. that’t the answer but if none then check ph Abdominal Xray MOST RELIABLE method in testing the placement of enteral tube o If PRIOR to FEDDING: aspiration of gastric contents (acidic <5.5pH) The Notebook” by Ms. Karen Faye , - Jae M. C. 2018 - pg 48

*when can discharge problem be assessed A when patient is awaiting assessment B awaiting discharge C awaiting carer for revalidation, how can a nurse give 5 pieces of feedback A verbal only B Written or verbally only C Verbal, written or survey How to maintain aseptic technique - A close window, remove pets, disinfect surface A patient is prescribed levothyroxine medication what do you teach patient Take medication one hour before meal Take with food Take after meal What do you to consider if you are obtaining a consent from the patient? a) Understanding b) Capacity c) Intellect d) Patient condition When inserted correctly, an oropharyngeal airway help the patient from, a) Dyspnea b) Decreased bowel movements c) Retch and vomiting d) Hyperventilate Which one is not the symptom of Depression a) Hopeless b) Sad c) Increased energy d) Loss of Appetite What is the common cause for airway obstruction in unconscious patient? a) Tongue falling back b) Foreign object stuck in throat c) Edema in neck due to oxygen supply d) None of the above .Opioid adverse reaction is

a) Wizzes and shallow breathing, sleepiness b) Slow and shallow breathing, sleepiness c) Rapid and shallow breathing, sleepiness d) All of the above Delegation of work to HCA, which statement is true a) Delegate only physiologically stable b) RN is accountable for the total patient management c) RN delegate accountability d) Delegate only physical direct care While taking Consent for under 16 y/o, which statement is true? a) Only age 16 - 17 can give concent b) Children are allowed to give concent, after their parents say so c) Children who are intelligent, with competence and _ are allowed to give concent d) None of the above While serving food for patient’s relative, mother is telling no need to give food to her son because he will eat a lot, but her son looks so thin and malnourished. What is the appropriate action for RN? a) This is an adult neglect and abuse. Investigate the case and inform the manager b) This is child neglect and abuse. Raise safeguarding alert, inform your manager for support c) Report the case to Social Services, it is not the nurse responsibility to investigate abuse cases d) Ignore the mother and give food to the child A patient is on his 3rd day with antibiotic therapy due to lower respiratory tract infection. He presented three bouts of bloody diarrhea. A. Clostridium difficile has penetrated the intestine B. This indicate a release of histamine in the body C. Urinary tract Infection has worsened D. Allergy. Sign of dehydration a. Bounding pulse b. Hypertension c. Jugular distension d. Hypotension Precise indicator of anticoagulation status when on oral anticoagulants a. PTT b. aPTT c. CT D. INR Stomatitis A. White patches on palate and around the teeth B. Red shiny patches on palate and around the teeth C. Red patch on the tongue

D. White patch on the tongue A nurse notices a bed sore. It's a shallow wound, red coloured with no pus. Dermis is lost. At what stage this before is? A stage 1 non blanchable erytherma B stage 2 partial thickness skin lose 3 stage 3 full thickness shin loss 4 stage 4 full thickness tissue lose How to take an infected sheet for washing according to UK Standard A. Take in red plastic bag that disintegrates in high temp B. Use red linen bag that allows washing in high temp. C. Orange bag... D. Clear bag.. According to Francis Report, Courage is: A. It is that quality made by relationships based on empathy, respect and dignity. It can also be described as intelligent kindness, and is central to how people perceive their care. B. Defines us and our work. People receiving care expect it to be right for them, consistently, throughout every stage of their life. C. Means all those in caring roles must have the ability to understand an individual’s health and social needs and the expertise, clinical and technical knowledge to deliver effective care and treatments based on research and evidence D. Enables you to do the right thing for the people we care for, to speak up when we have concerns and to have the personal strength and vision to innovate a Blanchable skin can be assessd by nurse as A. skin that turns red or dark wen pressure applied and returns back suddenly B. skin that turns red or dark and returns back slowly C. skin turns white or pale when pressure applied and returns back immedietly D. skin turns white or pale when pressure applied and returns back slowly A working time directive sits under which policy? - A- Equality and diversity B-Freedom of info C- health and safety ✔ D-Human resource

  • RN influence on health policy protects the quality of care by access to - A-fund & opportunity B-funding C- resources and opportunity ✔ D-fund and resources

Who can complete checklist for fullcare assessment. - A. Trained professional ✔ B. Consultant C. Junior doctor D. Patient relative. A newly qualified nurse is not yet well versed when it comes to documentation. A nurse Incharge noticed this is the case and went to report the new nurse to the nurse manager. What could the newly qualified nurse have done in order to prevent this incident? - A. Ignore the report and just continue with what she was doing B. She could have told the manager beforehand in order to have support and additional training ✔ C. Apologize that she was not able to inform her immediate head beforehand, ask for policies of the hospital in relation to documentation Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use when communicating with a client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations? Select one: a. I understand that the voices seem real to you, but i do not hear any voices ✔ b. I wouldn't worry about these voices,. The medication will make them disappear c. My sister has the same diagnosis as you and she also hears voices d. Why not turn up the radio so that the voices are muted A client elects to have epidural anesthesia to relieve the discomfort of labour. Following the initiation of epidural anesthesia, the nurse should give priority to: A. Checking for cervical dilation B. Placing the client in a supine position C. Checking the client’s blood pressure ✔ D. Obtaining a fetal heart rate The nurse asks a newly admitted client. "What can we do to help you?" What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique? - Select one: a. To put the client at ease b. To explore a subject, idea, experience, or relationship ✔ c. To reframe the client's thoughts about mental health treatment d. To communicate that the nurse is listening to the conversation A community nurse asks you to visit a male client who has mental health needs in their own home after you have visited with them on several occasions. This will be the first such visit to the client on your own. Which one of the following precautions would you take prior to the visit? - Select one: a. Phone a friend b. No precautions as you know the client and have visited them several times before c. Leave a note in your diary that you will be visiting the client with the time and date

d. Phone the designated staff team member to let them know you have arrived and then immediately after you have left ✔ One of your health care assistants came to you saying that she could not continue with her rounds due to a bad back. What will you do first? - Select one: a. Send her home and cover her work yourself to help the team b. Document the incident and report to the manager ✔ c. Assess your colleague’s back and administer pain killers d. Ring for agency staff to cover the shift When doing your shift assessment, one of your patient has a waterflow score of 20. Which of the following mattress is appropriate for this score? - a) water bed b) fluidized airbed c) low air loss ✔ d) alternating pressure A client is admitted to the Emergency Department after a motorcycle accident that resulted in the client’s skidding across a cement parking lot. Since the client was wearing shorts, there are large areas on the legs where the skin is ripped off. The wound is best described as: - A/C? a) Abrasion b) Unapproxiamted c) Laceration d) Eschar Pt is having breathlessness. Pt is in the end of life care. The nurse should: A. Put the face of the pt in the electric fan ✔ B. Give high flow oxygen C. Put paper bag D. Give more sedative A patient suffered from CVA and is now affected with dysphagia, what should not be an indication to this type of patient. - B/C? a) place the patient in a sitting position/ upright during and after eating. b) water or clear fluid should be given. c) instruct the patient to use a straw to drink water. d) review the patients ability to swallow and note the extent of facial paralysis. You are dressing the wound of a patient on a surgical ward and are required to do so using the Aseptic Non-touch Technique (ANTT). Which of the following is the definition of "asepsis"? - Select one: a. Free from all microorganisms b. Absence of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria c. Free from marks and stains d. Free from pathogenic organisms in sufficient numbers to cause infection ✔ Which nursing delivery model is based on a production and efficiency model and stresses a task- orientated approach? - a) Case management b) Primary nursing c) Differentiated practice

d) Functional method ✔ In hypoglycemic patient after giving oral glucose syrup when will u check nxt grbs - C a. Immediately b. After 5 - 10 mins c. After 15 - 20 mins ✔◻

. Which one of these notifiable disease needs to be reported on a national level? - B A chicken pox B tuberculosis ✔ C whooping cough D influenza The nurse should consider performing preparatory exercises on which muscle to prevent flexion or buckling during crutch walking? - a) Shoulder depressor muscles b) Forearm extensor muscles ✔ c) Wrist extensor muscles d) Finger & thumb flexor muscles Why is pyrexia not evident in the elderly? a) Due to lesser body fat b) Due to immature T cells ✔ c) Due to aged hypothalamus d) Due to biologic changes NHS gives the most portion of budget to - a) Alchohol and drug abuse b) Elderly chronic disorders✔ c) adolescents d) Blood borne diseases Normal urinary output in an adult per day in milliliters - a. 1000 - 1500 b. 1500 - 2000 In dehydration patient what will u infuse - a. Crystalloid glucose b. Colloid glucose c. Blood transfusion d. Plasma Spinal fracture patient how will you ensure airway - a. Jaw thrust b. Head tilt chin lift In hypoglycemic patient after giving oral glucose syrup when will u check nxt grbs - a. Immediately b. After 5 - 10 mins c. After 15 - 20 mins Best valid and accurate research method - a. Systematic review of descriptive and qualitative method b. Quasi experimental c. Randomised d. Non randomised Decebrated posture in which patients - Brain stem

a. Asthma b. MI Standard method after heart attack - a. CABG b. PCI Risk of Insitu catheterisation - a. Infection b. Redness c. Swelling d. redness Meds for asthma - a. Oxygen, steroids, bronchodilator b. Heparin Something about safeguarding the nurses right policy a. Lone working Child abuse whom will you inform - The person who is involved in child care Medication error what will you do

  • Chk pt for any annormalies...notify nurse in charge th prescriber n document Lithium therapy is indicated for? - A. Bipolar disorder B. Schizophrenia C. Tonic-Clonic seizure D. depression Management of moderate malnutrition in children? - A. Supplementary nutrition B. Immediate hospitalization C. Weekly assessment D. Document intake for 3days Difference in health status is called .........? - A. Health equities B. Health equalities C. Health informatics D. Health Inequities As a nurse, you are treating a patient who had asthma attack, how would you assess if the medication is effective? - A. Patient can walk at a short distance B. Peak flow C. Normal Heart Rate D. Normal Blood pressure Who should you speak with in end of life care - A. Patient first B. Patient and relative together

C. Relative A client is in the process of turning from male to female,when you want to educate client on catheterization as a nurse what will you do? – B/C A- teach male catheterization B- teach female catheterization C- teach both A pt with hypothyroidism is having pain 6 in 1 to 10 scale in the right hip due to recent surgery.which drugs are not appropriate for the pt - A-fentanyl B Tylenol C morphine D dilaudid Drug of choice for cardiac arrest? - Epinephrine/Adrenaline Post CABG non infected sputum? – GREEN A nurse is working with a patient who has experienced a stroke and is reluctant to join in an exercise group due to their limited mobility. How does the nurse respond? - C A. Agree that It will probably e too much for them and do not ask again. - s B. Agree not to involve them as its their choice C. Encourage them to sit and watch the group and decided if they want to joinin the next time D. Introduce them to others on the group. A clinican needs to examine a patient after Spine surgery what will you use to turn them - a) log roll to the bed b) slide method to the side c) Hoist to the bed d) advise the patient to sit at the end of the bed After catheter insertion what would the nurse check for a) infection b) redness c) swelling d) bruises he )Normal urinary output in an adult per day in milliliters - a. 1000 - 1500 b. 1500 - 2000 Best valid and accurate research method - a. Systematic review of descriptive and qualitative method b. Quasi experimental c. Randomised d. Non randomised .Meds for asthma - a. Oxygen, steroids, bronchodilator b. Heparin Lithium therapy is indicated for? - *.Post CABG non infected sputum-white(infected-green) *.CHF non infected sputum-white (it may be red or pink, based on the options we have to choose) *.COPD non infectious-

A. Bipolar disorder B. Schizophrenia C. Tonic-Clonic seizure D. depression

. A post op client who is having hypotension, bed should be tilted in which cases: eg: chest surgery, abdominal surgery,lower limb surgery, gynac surgery. 03/09/2021 Which of the following describes a quantitative method of research? Choose the correct answer. A. Collating people's views and opinions B. Reviewing published research C. Collection of numerical data D. Exploring a phenomenon by interviewing participants What research method is “Collating people's views and opinions” While you’re doing the neurological assessment. Patient’s eyes are unequal, level of conscious decrease. What will you do? A. Assess ABCD, inform senior RN and doctor B. Observe again and chart it C. Sent for neurologist A patient refused for injection and ask the nurse what injection is this and I might not needed. What is the nurse response? A. Don’t give injection & record why? B. Explain briefly what is the injection and tell it is beneficial C. Inform to GP CBT: August 16, 2021 Where does a nurse administer medication via the buccal route: A. absorption through the skin via patch B. Between the tongue and cheek ✔ C. Under the tongue D. Into the nasal phalanges What actions does a nurse take if they are unable to give a prescribed drug as it is not available in the ward stock? Choose the correct answer A. Record the reason for the omission on the prescription, inform the prescriber and the senior nurse B. Ring the doctor and inform them that the medication has not been given as they prescribed the drug C. Inform the pharmacist that the medication has not been given as they prescribed the drug D. Refer the issue to the senior nurse in charge as they are responsible for management of the acute unit What do early or initial symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include?

Choose the correct answer- A. Aggression B. Pacing or wandering C. Lapses in memory ✔ D. Incontinence A unit supports nursing students. How does a Registered Nurse ensure that the students are competent to carry out tasks that are delegated to them? Choose the correct answer. A. Ask the students to keep written records of their practice B. Ensure that all students read the policies and procedures manuals C. Ensure Practice Assessor collects evidence from supervisors, students and service users to assess proficiency D. Ensure that each student has an assessor and practice supervisor ✔ When a patient is discharged from an acute setting, how is the general practitioner informed of their inpatient care? Choose the correct answer A. discharge summary is sent ✔ B. The general practitioner will phone the hospital to retrieve the information when required C. The patient is required to make an appointment and brief the doctor D. A copy of all inpatient notes are sent A nurse is working with a patient who says they are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. How does the nurse respond to prevent ill-health in this patient? Choose the correct answer. A. Offer education on the effects of alcohol on the body ✔ B. Offer education on the risk of having an accident after drinking alcohol C. Offer advice on saving money by cutting down on alcohol D. Offer information about the alcohol rehabilitation unit A patient in a hospital setting who is having a tonic clonic seizure. What are their first actions? Choose the correct answer. A. Administer sedative medication, oxygen 15 L and complete a full A-E assessment B. Call for help, ensure safe positioning, apply 15L of oxygen ✔ C. Attach to monitoring, call for help, inform the family D. Give the patient something to bite on, call for help and attach to monitoring When undertaking phlebotomy, which of the following veins is most commonly used? Choose the correct answer A. Cephalic vein ✔ B. Popliteal vein C. Jugular vein D. Femoral vein What does "standard precautions" mean when caring for patients? Choose the correct answer A. High level precautions which include all disposable bedding and utensils for all health care staff B. Basic infection prevention and control measures which includes hand hygiene and safe disposal of all waste by all staff at all times ✔ C. Taking precautions when handling blood and high-risk body fluids for relevant medical personnel D. Selective precautions which involve safe disposal of clinical waste for all persons involved in the care process

A nurse is taking a client with a learning disability for a hearing test. How does the nurse help the client understand the information leaflet that is provided? Choose the correct answer. A. Use pictures and easy read materials ✔ B. Explain the procedure to their relatives C. Give them time to read the leaflet D. Read the leaflet to the client in a loud voice An elderly lead patient is due to be discharged home. The patient says that they live alone but their notes say they live with family. They’re not able to manage alone. What action does the nurse take? Choose the correct answer. A. Nothing as the patient will probably be alright B. Check the details on file and discuss a home care package ✔ C. Get the patients address and plan a visit to see them D. Tell them it is better if they go into permanent care What support does a nurse give to n patient who has become anxious whilst waiting for a lumbar puncture? Choose the correct answer A. Ask the doctor to explain the procedure and prescribe medication for the anxiety B. Explain and discuss the procedure with the patient ensuing that they fully understand to alleviate anxiety ✔ C. Provide a leaflet for the patient to read and answer questions later to alleviate anxiety D. Ask the patient’s relative to explain the procedure to the patient to alleviate anxiety Working across multiple teams can also be known as collaboration between Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. A. professionals. ✔ B. agencies. C. staff. D. Teams An adult patient's sister is a nurse. She asks another nurse for the patient's test results, which have not yet been shared with the patient. What action should be taken? Choose the correct answer. A. Give her the results but ask her not to say how she got them B. Tell her that the friendship is over if the results are passed on C. Do not give her the results and explain about professional responsibilities ✔ D. Give her the results because she is a friend A young person with complex needs is being transferred to an adolescent unit which is a considerable distance from their family. The patient are unhappy with this proposed transfer. What is the nurse's responsibility? Choose the correct answer. A. The family should be encouraged to respect the skills and expertise of the doctors who have planned the transfer to meet the needs o patient B. The young person requires complex care which can only be provided in the distant specialist unit therefore the nurse needs to explain transfer C. The nurse should raise the concerns and issues on behalf of the family at the next team meeting D. The nurse must report and document the concerns and preferences regarding the transfer in a timely manner and provide explanation ✔

When removing a Closed system vacuum wound drain the nurse. A. says routine drain removal is a doctor's role_ B. asks the tissue viability nurse to remove it- C. the drain gradually by pulling on it. D. releases the vacuum and gently it ✔ A patient is on four hourly observations- A nurse notices that observations have not been done for twelve hours. What action does the nurse take? Choose the correct answer. A. Check the Observations and report the issue to the ward manager B. The Observations were normal so no action is needed C. Speak to the Who Was on duty when the Observations were missed and tell her not to do it D. Report the issue to the ward manager and complete an incident form ✔ A patient who presents with a head injury and is on anticoagulation therapy has what imaging as a priority? Choose the correct answer- A. X-ray B. URrasound C. CT scan ✔ D. MRI An obese patients with limited communication wants to lose weight, who should the nurse involve A. Dietician, Occupational therapist, GP and social worker ✔ B. Dietitian physiotherapist, nurse, GP C. Occupational therapist, psychiatrist D. Social worker and Physiotherapist In a hospital dementia unit for patients with advanced disease, a nurse use reminiscence, de- escalation and distraction. These are all types of. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. A. therapy service B. Therapy classes C. therapeutic intervention ✔ D. Therapeutic relationship What is the most common cause of paediatric cardiac arrest A.Anaphylaxis B.Myocardial infarction C.Electrolyte imbalance D.Hypoxia ✔ When are women most vulnerable to domestic violence? A. When they become pregnant B. When they have suffered physical health C. Under 18 years old. ✔ D. When they leave school