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CCI 150 FINAL EXAM (NEW 2024/ 2025 UPDATE) QUESTIONS AND VERIFIED ANSWERS| GRADE A+| 100% CORRECT Encoding and Transmission - Correct Answer-The basic communication model (Shannon and Weaver) begins with the sender of the message, who makes a decision to communicate. What does the sender do next after that? Temporal Context - Correct Answer-You are suddenly transported in time back to the year 1916 and are visiting a university. You hear a group of students telling jokes you find racist, sexist and offensive, yet they are all laughing. This is an example of: all of the above are true - Correct Answer-Why did the 1960 Nikon/Kennedy presidential debate call attention to nonverbal communication? Kinesics - Correct Answer-In class we learned that different cultures have different types of nonverbal communication. Which of these terms have to do with movement, the idea that how we walk, gesture, etc. Sends a message?

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Available from 06/17/2024

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Download CCI 150 FINAL EXAM (NEW 2024/ 2025 UPDATE) QUESTIONS AND VERIFIED ANSWERS| GRADE A+ and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! CCI 150 FINAL EXAM (NEW 2024/ 2025 UPDATE) QUESTIONS AND VERIFIED ANSWERS| GRADE A+| 100% CORRECT Encoding and Transmission - Correct Answer-The basic communication model (Shannon and Weaver) begins with the sender of the message, who makes a decision to communicate. What does the sender do next after that? Temporal Context - Correct Answer-You are suddenly transported in time back to the year 1916 and are visiting a university. You hear a group of students telling jokes you find racist, sexist and offensive, yet they are all laughing. This is an example of: all of the above are true - Correct Answer-Why did the 1960 Nikon/Kennedy presidential debate call attention to nonverbal communication? Kinesics - Correct Answer-In class we learned that different cultures have different types of nonverbal communication. Which of these terms have to do with movement, the idea that how we walk, gesture, etc. Sends a message? A radio broadcast "the war of the worlds" caused people to panic, believing Martians had attacked earth. - Correct Answer-According to lecture and textbook, many Americans worried about media effects in 1938 because? not embarrassing someone/ collectivist - Correct Answer-Face saving means ____ and the culture most likely to practice face saving is _____ At any given time, about 20% are paying attention and about 12% are actively listening - Correct Answer-Credit for showing up and listening: We discussed research conducted on college students to evaluate how they listen in class, researchers would ring a bell to stop class and then ask what students were thinking about at that moment. Which of the following is true? George Gerbner - Correct Answer-We saw a video about a man whose research revealed that television consumption causes people to be more fearful than those watch less TV (mean world syndrome) Who was he? managing relationships - Correct Answer-At its most basic level, public relations involves? localize them - Correct Answer-According to what you learned in class, local news media like national and international stories best when they can do this with them: The space left for news once the advertising is placed in a newspaper or magazine - Correct Answer-what is a news hole? The number of advertisements sold for that edition - Correct Answer-What determines the size of a newspaper on an average day? The local stations that are affiliated with the major networks - Correct Answer-In television, what does the word "affiliate" typically mean, according to book and lecture? clustering - Correct Answer-A newspaper chain will often group its papers together by region to cut costs and operate more efficiently. The term for this is: The internet removed cost and licensing barriers that kept citizens from publishing and broadcasting news on their own - Correct Answer-As we discussed, how does the term "barrier to entry" relate to the term "Citizen Journalist" The idea that news media don't tell us what to think but do tell us what to think about - Correct Answer-According to lecture, agenda setting in news is: Size or length, placement, audience size - Correct Answer-The price of a single advertisement is determined by factors best described this way false - Correct Answer-True or False? In advertising, research is an after-thought. It is conducted only after the campaign is complete, to make sure it was effective. true - Correct Answer-True or False? Most advertising rate cards include prices for the ads, but most also include the audience demographics for that medium. Advertisers sell access to an audience, not just space and time. Communication, because this 'visible' part of PR work involves sending and receiving actual messages - Correct Answer-In the four step process for public relations, in the industry standard acronym RACE, the C stands for: Evaluation, because you must prove that the plan worked and stayed within budget - Correct Answer-In the four step process for public relations, in the industry standard acronym RACE, the E stands for The agency gets a 15% discount from media in which it places advertising then charges its client full price. The agency keeps the difference - Correct Answer-How is an advertising agency paid, according to the most traditional model? Unsold advertising space, late night - Correct Answer-Why do broadcasters run PSA advertising and what time of day are you most likely to see PSA? Cost per thousand is cost to reach a thousand people. A good CPM only helps if you can use it to reach your target audience. - Correct Answer-Which of the following statements is truest of CPM in adverting? forms of media. The research firm known for work with television is commoditization - Correct Answer-American consumers feel differently about news than their grandparents did. They are no longer loyal to one nightly TV newscast and one daily newspaper. Instead they go around "snacking" on news all day long. This trend is called. above the fold and ear - Correct Answer-As we discussed in class ____ is considered the most important part of a newspaper and ____ is a small spot in top corner of the front page. false - Correct Answer-True/False? Tim Berners-Lee developed what we now know as the world wide web and is a very wealthy man because of it. He holds a dozen patents and tightly controls content, limiting access in order to make more profit. consolidation - Correct Answer-Technnology and competition have forced newspapers to change. Which of the following terms means that chains are buying up small, independent newspapers? Am stations that boost power at sundown to travel long distances at night - Correct Answer-what are clear channel radio stations? false - Correct Answer-True/False? A.M stands for Amplitude modulation, which means the distance between the waves and the waves get wide and then narrower, while the height stays the same? all are true - Correct Answer-Recorded music was seldom played on radio before the television era. Which is are true? all of the above are true - Correct Answer-According to class lecture, everyone expected radio to die after TV came along. Radio is still alive. What happened to save it? the code used to write web pages - Correct Answer-The term HTML could best be described as: the address you type into your web browser to get to a specific web page - Correct Answer-The term URL could best be described as A UT blogger known as Instapundit (blog father) - Correct Answer-When we discussed the internet, we talked about professor Glenn Reynolds. Who is he? Newspaper readers tend to be more educated and affluent than the typical TV viewer and Newspapers are a "warm" medium, which means they require more effort from the reader and therefore may be more engaging. - Correct Answer-Newspapers are still a very desirable medium for any advertisers. Why is this true? Hyper local and hyper niche - Correct Answer-You heard in class that many newspapers are emphasizing _____ content as a way to keep readers loyal to their brand KDKA Pittsburg - Correct Answer-The first commercial radio station in America was: Game informer, AARP magazine and better homes and Garden - Correct Answer-Which of the magazines listed below have the largest circulation of any non-Sunday supplement magazine? all are true - Correct Answer-How did the timeline work for development of our online world? Choose the truest statement Verbal and nonverbal - Correct Answer-What are the two coding systems in human communication true - Correct Answer-True or False? Generally speaking, the more readers/ viewers a media outlet has, the more the outlet can charge for its advertising All of the above. Radio, TV, internet - Correct Answer-Which of the following belong in the category of electronic media chemical - Correct Answer-We learned in chapter one that magazines fall under the "print medium" category. Of the major categories listed in that chapter, where do motion pictures (movies on film) fall? personal - Correct Answer-we talked about the major categories of information that must be managed. Information that belongs to you and that you want to keep secret would fall into this category: true - Correct Answer-True or False? One way to be successful as a media owner is to match advertisers with an audience they specifically want to reach? Corporate chains/ businesses, both large and small. - Correct Answer-if someone asked you, "who owns the media" which of the following answers is most accurate according to what you learned in this class? advertising revenue - Correct Answer-Media make money in a variety of ways. For most forms of media, the biggest source of income is: eye glaze and tactile - Correct Answer-You catch your friends eye in a crowded room, then go over and shake hands. What type of communication have you engaged in? contradicting - Correct Answer-You tell your friend that you're so happy that your biggest rival won a big award. You also roll your eyes as you say it. What is the term for integrating verbal and nonverbal communication in this example? smell communication - Correct Answer-A bakery may communicate with you nonverbally to make you want to come in and buy bread how might this happen? true - Correct Answer-if you work as an info science professional, an important part of your job is to organize knowledge for efficient retrieval. anything consumers pay - Correct Answer-An example of circulation revenue money, power and technology - Correct Answer-We discussed in class that change is the one constant in the media world. Which of the following best describes the major force of change in the media world? The trend toward narrower targeted audiences for both media and advertisers. - Correct Answer-demassification?