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CCMA 2024 NHA - Practice T. I 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers. Graded A
Typology: Exams
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A medical assistant discovers an unidentifiable liquid on the floor of one of the clinic's treatment rooms. Which of the following materials should the assistant use to remove and dispose of the liquid? - ANSA clean-up kit A medical assistant has scheduled four appointments in the first half of the 1400 time slot, but blocked the last half of 1400 time slot. Which of the following types of appointment scheduling does this represent? - ANSmodified wave A medical assistant is administering a medication for a patient. Following administration, the patient experiences shortness of breath, dizziness and throat tightening. The assistant should identify that the patient is likely experiencing which of the following? - ANSAnaphylactic shock A medical assistant is administering eye ointment to a patient. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? - ANSApply a thin ribbon of ointment along the conjunctival sac.
A medical assistant is assisting a patient who refuses to accept their terminal illness diagnosis. The assistant should identify that this patient is in which of the following Kübler-Ross stages of grief? - ANSDenial A medical assistant is assisting the provider with a patient who experienced an ankle sprain. The assistant should expect the provider to prescribe which of the following to treat the ankle sprain? - ANSIce A medical assistant is assisting with a scratch test for a pediatric patient. The assistant should identify that which of the following statements describes the scratch test? - ANSSeveral allergies can be identified at one time A medical assistant is attempting to resolve a patient complaint. The assistant should identify that which of the following describes the defense mechanism of reaction formation? - ANSThe patient expresses the opposite of what they actually feel A medical assistant is caring for an infant who weights 15 kg. How many pounds does the infant weigh? - ANS33 lb
A medical assistant is checking a patient in. The assistant should identify that a check-in sheet that requests which of the following information violates HIPAA laws? - ANSReason for the patient's visit A medical assistant is checking a requisition prior to collecting blood from a patient. Which of the following information should the assistant obtain from the patient prior the procedure? - ANSDate of birth A medical assistant is classifying services that a patient requires. The assistant should identify which of the following as an ancillary diagnostic service? - ANSPathology A medical assistant is collecting a urine specimen from a patient for a drug screening. Which of the following actions should the assistant take to adhere to the chain of custody for this specimen? - ANSSend the specimen to the testing laboratory on the same day as the collection A medical assistant is documenting in a patient's medical record after performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The assistant should identify that which of the following acronyms is used to indicate cardiopulmonary resuscitation? - ANSCPR
A medical assistant is documenting in a patient's medical record. Which of the following should the assistant use to notate a patient's statement in their own words? - ANSQuotation marks A medical assistant is ensuring that documentation of preventive maintenance and screenings is included in the electronic health record (EHR) of a female patient who is 70 years old. The assistant should identify that which of the following screenings is performed every 2 years for females who are 65 years and older and should be documented on the patient's EHR? - ANSBone density A medical assistant is examining the skin on a patient's forearm where the patient reports developing a rash. The assistant notes multiple solid elevations that are less than 0.5 cm (0.2 in) in diameter. Which of the following terms should the assistant use to document their observations in the patient's medical record? - ANSPapules A medical assistant is obtaining a patient's orthostatic vital signs. The assistant should identify that which of the following information is true regarding orthostatic vital signs? - ANSWait 1 min after each position change before obtaining the patient's orthostatic vital signs.
A medical assistant is obtaining vital signs from a 6-year old child. The assistant should identify that which of the following vital signs is outside the expected reference range for this patient and should be reported to the provider? - ANSHeart rate 140/min A medical assistant is performing a credit adjustment on a patient account. At Which of the following times should the assistant post the adjustment to the patient ledger? - ANSAt the same time the payment is posted A medical assistant is performing a hematology test. Which of the following tubes should the assistant use for this test? - ANSLavender A medical assistant is performing a patient intake. The patient states, "I eat once a day and exercise four times a day, but I still feel overweight." The assistant should identify that this statement by the patient describes which of the following conditions? - ANSAnorexia nervosa A medical assistant is performing a venipuncture at which of the following angles should the assistant insert the needle - ANS15°
A medical assistant is preparing a patient for a physical examination. Which of the following steps should the assistant take first? - ANSVerify the patient's identity A medical assistant is preparing a patient for an EKG. The assistant should wipe the area where the electrodes will be places on the patient with which of the following substances to remove any sweat or lotion. - ANSAlcohol A medical assistant is preparing a patient to transition care to an oncologist due to a recent cancer diagnosis which of the following is a personal factor that could potentially influence a patient's perception of their diagnosis? - ANSAge A medical assistant is preparing a preschooler for a physical. Which of the following therapeutic communication techniques should the assistant use when establishing rapport with the child? - ANSMaintain eye contact. A medical assistant is preparing an examination room for a wellness screening. Which of the following actions should the assistant take to ensure the safety of the patient? - ANSRemove clutter from the examination room.
A medical assistant is preparing to perform a routine venipuncture. Prior to performing the venipuncture, which of the following information should the assistant obtain to verify the patient's identity? - ANSPatient's full name A medical assistant is preparing to perform an EKG test for a patient. In which of the following locations should the assistant place the leg electrodes? - ANSJust above the ankles A medical assistant is preparing to submit a referral to a cardiologist via fax. Which of the following actions should the assistant take first? - ANSPrepare a fax cover sheet. A medical assistant is providing education to a patient about disease prevention. Which of the following is an example of disease prevention? - ANSProviding an adolescent patient educational material about tobacco use A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching about medication administration at home with a patient. Which of the following statements should the assistant make regarding disposal of used needles - ANS"Dispose of the used needles in a biohazard sharps container."
A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient about obtaining stool same. Which of the following information should the assistant include? - ANSAvoid retrieving a sample from toilet water. A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient who is scheduled for a standard 12-lead EKG. Which of the following statements should the assistant make? - ANS"You should refrain from talking during the procedure" A medical assistant is removing staples from a wound. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? - ANSGently place the jaw of the staple under the staple A medical assistant is researching community resources that provide holistic care for a patient. Which of the following resources should the assistant select - ANSPatient-centered medical home (PCMH) A medical assistant is reviewing the laboratory results of a patient who has the Epstein-Barr virus. The assistant should identify that this micro-organisms can cause which of the following conditions? - ANSMononucleosis
A medical assistant is speaking with a patient who recently received a terminal diagnosis. The patient states, "I regret not taking better care of myself. Now I won't be able to accomplish what I wanted to do with my life." The assistant should identify that the patient is in which of the following stages of grief? - ANSDepression A medical assistant is using a scale with a height bar to measure a patient's height. Which of the following actions should the assistant take - ANSLower the horizontal bar gently so that it rests on top of the patient's head A medical assistant needs to remove all living micro-organisms from a contaminated towel clamp. Which of the following methods should the assistant use to cleanse this instrument? - ANSSterilization A medical assistant provides a family member confidential information about a patient without checking the release of information form. Which of the following acts does this violate? - ANSHealth insurance a portability and accountability act (HIPAA) A medical assistant receives a phone call from a parent of a child who has possibly ingested a household cleaner. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? - ANSContact the local poison control center
A medical assistant should identify that which of the following is the term used to describe the aseptic technique that involves killing pathogens or rendering them inactive? - ANSDisinfection A medical assistant should identify that which of the following pieces of equipment must be disinfected before and after use? - ANSNasal specula A medical assistant should identify that which of the following procedures requires prior authorization? - ANSEndoscopy A medical assistant should identify that which of the following types of technology uses webcams and internet video chat to provide medical care and services? - ANSTelemedicine A patient arrives at an emergency department with a large laceration to the wrist that is bleeding profusely. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take first? - ANSDon gloves A patient's inability to trust health care workers is an example of which of the following barriers in health care? - ANSCultural differences
A provider asks a medical assistant to administer a nitroglycerin tablet to a patient who is experiencing chest pain. The assistant should identify that which of the following routes involves placing the medication under the patient's tongue for rapid absorption? - ANSSublingual A provider suspects that a patient has fibromyalgia. A medical assistant should expect the provider to refer the patient to which of the following specialists? - ANSRheumatologist A superbill must include which of the following information to ensure accurate billing? - ANSDiagnosis code According to OSHA guidelines, a medical assistant should dispose of blood-soiled gauze dressings in which of the following - ANSRed biohazard bag According to OSHA, which of the following is a guideline for disposing of biomedical waste? - ANSCollection containers for biomedical waste should be leakproof and strong
According to the CDC, which of the following is the correct order for donning personal protective equipment (PPE)? - ANSgown, mask, goggles, gloves After a patient leaves an examination room, which of the following actions should a medical assistant take to prepare the examination table for the next patient? - ANSRoll up the disposable paper on the table tightly and quickly Another provider requests the records of an established patient in the provider's office. Which of the following individuals has the right to release this information?
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1988 requires which of the following information about the immunization be documented in a pediatric patient's permanent medical record? - ANSLot number of the vaccine What is the EKG gain of the tracing below? - ANS10mm/mV When preparing for a cyst removal, which of the following pieces of equipment should a medical assistant place in the sterile field for the provider? - ANSSyringe and needle When removing sutures, why is it important for a medical assistant to place the removed sutures on a gauze pad? - ANSTo determine the number of sutures removed When speaking with an older adult patient who has moderate hearing loss, which of the following actions should a medical assistant take to aid in communication with the patient - ANSUse hand gestures. When utilizing an electronic health record (EHR) system for printing computer- generated labels for specimens, which of the following should the medical
assistant manually write on the specimen once a venipuncture is completed? - ANSTime and assistant's initials Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when communicating with a group of diverse patients? - ANSUse a calm tone of voice Which of the following body systems work together to control and maintain homeostasis? - ANSEndocrine and nervous systems Which of the following clinical roles identifies patient needs and barriers, assists with coordination of care, and assists patients with finding community resources?
Which of the following drug classifications reduces the progression of cancer cells
Which of the following is minimum temperature for an autoclave to sterilize instruments? - ANS121.1° C (250° F) Which of the following is outside of a medical assistant's scope of practice? - ANSOrdering additional laboratory tests to confirm the patient's condition Which of the following items is an example of a durable medical equipment (DME)? - ANSCrutches Which of the following may result in a denied claim? - ANSMedical necessity was unconfirmed. Which of the following organ filters the blood and forms urine? - ANSKidneys Which of the following procedures requires verbal consent? - ANSVenipuncture Which of the following sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is bacterial? - ANSGonorrhea
Which of the following should a medical assistant verify when preparing medication for a patient? - ANSThe rights of medication administration Which of the following signed forms should be on file in a patient's electronic health record in order for the medical assistant to discuss the patient's claims with a third-payer? - ANSRelease of information Which of the following stages of the communication cycle involves translating a message based on subjective perceptions or personal factors? - ANSReceiver decoding the message Which of the following statements explains the purpose of meaningful use of guidelines? - ANSProviders must show they are using electronic health records (EHR) systems in ways that can be measured significantly in both quantity and quality. Which of the following terms refer to muscle pain - ANSMyalgia Which of the following test samples are collected as evidence in legal proceedings and require special procedures to prevent tampering - ANSDrug and alcohol
Which of the following tests is granted waived states under Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)? - ANSRapid strep test Which of the following tests measures ventilation function in a normal breath of a patient? - ANSSpirometry Which of the followings positions is appropriate for a pelvic examination? - ANSLithotomy While measuring a patient's pulse, the medical assistant should recognize that which of the following patient factors can contribute to an erroneous pulse rate? - ANSMovement