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CCMA Practice Test Questions 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers. Graded A
Typology: Exams
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20 seconds into measuring a pts pulse a CCMA detects an irregular heartbeat the CCMA should take which of the following actions? - ANSmeasure the pulse for 1 min a CCMA is caring for a preschooler who weighs 40 kg. what is the conversion to lbs
a CCMA observes a hematoma developing at the site of a venous blood draw. the CCMA should so which of the following? - ANSrelease the tourniquet and stop the draw a CCMA should admin an IM injection at which angle? - ANS90 degrees a provider requests that a CCMA provides lab results to a pt when the CCMA calls the phone is disconnected. using the EMR program. what is another way to get lab results to the pt? - ANScertified mail a pt calls a facility and asks for the cost of a surgical procedure. which of the following is an appropriate response by the CCMA? - ANSquote the cost of the prodecure a pt is reporting chest pain and pressure. if this pt is experiencing a heart attack, which of the following lab test result could be elevated? - ANSTroponin (has something to do with the heart so thats how you would detect a heart attack ) a pt loses consciousness. the EKG reveals ventricular fibrillation. which of the following should the CCMA do first? - ANScall for help and begin CPR
a pt presents to an office for treatments. after reading the consent form she has second thoughts. who is responsible for counseling the pt - ANSprovider a pt requests a female provider to perform her exam due to a religious conviction. a female is not available. which is the appropriate response by the CCMA? - ANSassist the pt in locating a provider to accommodate the pts needs a pt tells a CCMA that her physicians office is incompetent, as there is no improvement in her condition. which of the following is an appropriate response?
CCMA obtain? - ANSthe policy of the parent with the earliest birth month CCMA has a bp cuff inflated and partially opens valve to deflate as she listens w a stethoscope. when should she read the diastolic pressure? - ANSwhen the sounds disappers CCMA is caring for a pt who has a BMI of 23. this pt should be categorized as which of the following? - ANSnormal weight ( 18.5 to 24.9 is normal) CCMA is caring for a pt who is 5'7. which of the following is the pts height in centimeters (round to nearest whole number) - ANS170 cm (convert inches then multiply 2.54 to get the centimeters) CCMA is caring for a pt who is crying. what action should a CCMA take? - ANSallow pt to cry. (pt allowed to express their feelings) CCMA is caring for a pt who weighs 72 kg. what is this pts weight in lb? - ANS158. ( 72 x 2.2)
CCMA is educating a pt about the home use of ambulatory telemetry monitor. CCMA should tell the pt that if electrode becomes loose the pt should do which of the following? - ANSapply surgical tape to the electrode to keep in place CCMA is measuring the intervals on an EKG tracing. which of the following is an anticipated finding of impaired conduction through the AV node? - ANSprolonged PR interval (pr interval is a direct reflection of AV node conduction) CCMA is performing a chain of custody specimen collection which of the following statements by the CCMA indicates need for further teaching - ANSspecimens collected at the end of the day should be transported stat the next morning ( specimens need to be transported the same say they are collected) CCMA is preparing a pt for 12 lead EKG. which of the following is the correct placement for lead V$ - ANS5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line CCMA is providing instructions to a patient prior to a pulmonary function test. which of the following statements by the pt indicates a need for further education? - ANSI can use my nebulizer 20 minutes prior to the pulmonary function test ( pt should not use nebulizer 6 hrs prior to test)
CCMA providing instructions to a pt on how to take an extended release medication PO. what statement shows pt needs further teaching? - ANS" I can crush or chew the pill, if its too hard for me to swallow" (those pills should never be crushed or chewed) CCMA should recognize pt needs further understanding - ANSI will take my medication w food before surgery (should never eat before surgery) CCMA should recognize which of the following bp reading as indicative of a pt who is prehypertensive - ANS130/86 (prehypertension is classified 120/80) CCMA uses a category III code in procedural coding to do which of the following? - ANSassign temporary code CMMA has a request to collect a rountine CBC from a healthy 10 month infant. which of the following is the most appropraite collection site? - ANSleft heel during a routine venipuncture, the pt becomes pale and diaphoretic. what condition is most likely to occur in this pt - ANSsyncope (pale & diaphoretic)
for 5 lead electrode placement for ambulatory monitoring. where should the CCMA place the green ground electrode? - ANScentered over a rib on the right side for a 12 lead EKA which of the following is the correct placement for 4th precordial electrode (v4) - ANSat the 5ht intercostal space left midclavicular line how often should a CCMA perform an inventory of controlled substances? - ANSend of each shift in addition to name and phone number, which of the following pieces of information is required to schedule an appointment? - ANSreason for visit MA is drawing 5 blood collection tubes. when should the tourniquet be released?
provider has ordered a pt to wear telemetry monitor at home. which of the following statements by the pt indicates a need for further instructions? - ANSif an electrode comes off, i will reattach it at home (should be done by medical staff to ensure proper placement) provider places an open sharps container on the linens hamper by mistake. what following action will the CCMA take? - ANSdispose the linen hampers contents as biohazard pt states that this is his first blood draw. which of the following actions is appropriate? - ANSdescribe the procedure. pts are restricted from doing which of the following while wearing a holter monitor - ANStaking shower (water damages device) some older adult or obese pts may not have the accessible antecubital veins. in these situations the CCMA use which of the following? - ANShand veins the CCMA is scheduling a pt for an out pt procedure. the CCMA should take which of the following actions first? - ANSobtain an oral or written order from the provider for the procedure
the CCMA should recognize that the typical 7 yr old child's heart rate should be which of the following? - ANSlower than a newborns (76-90 for reg 7yrs) the choice to perform a capillary puncture is best determined by which of the following factors? - ANStest ordered the clinical and lab standards institute (CLSI) states the needle insertion in the antecubital area should be at a? - ANS15 to 30 degree angle the lab report on a pt indicates hemoglobin level of 7g/dl. which of the following is the first action the CCMA should take - ANSnotify the provider the primary code in the CPT coding system consists of many digits? - ANS the provider orders the CCMA to prepare a tablespoon of medication for a pt how many milliliters of medication - ANS15ml (15 ml per tablespoon) the pt bill of rights protects individuals from which of the following? - ANSDenial of care due to the pt age
upon entering a pt room for a routine blood draw a CCMA notices a clergy member is the pt the CCMA should do which of the following? - ANSreturn after drawing other pts (if it isn't a stat draw CCMA can do other tasks) What is the correcr order of draw? - ANSgreen, lavender, grey what is the EKG gain of the tracing below? - ANS10 mm/mv (the calibration box is 0 mm tall) When determining therapeutic medications monitoring levels, which of the following information should the CCMA recognize as the most important in measuring trough levels - ANStime next dose is due when performing the palpatory method for obtaining blood pressure which of the following indicates the level the CCMA should inflate the cuff? - ANS30 mm above the radial pulse cessation when recording info into the medical record for a pt dx w inflammtion of the lining of the heart, which of the following terms should a CCMA use? - ANSEndocarditis
when should the code on glucose cuvettes be compared to the code on the glucometer? - ANSbefore the pt is tested (should run a test before the 1st pt to ensure correct readings) when using CPT codes, what do modifiers indicate? - ANSalteration in service performed which of the following actions should the CCMA take to verify the quality of the venipuncture supplies before beginning a blood draw? - ANSinspect the integrity of the needles seal (checking the needles insures sterility of the needle) which of the following activities should a CCMA tell a pt to record in his Holter monitor diary? - ANSRunning (physical activity can change the results on the monitor) which of the following additives should be used when performing a CBC? - ANSEDTA which of the following can cause a hemolyzed specimen? - ANSshaking the collection tube vigorously (cause rbc to rupture causing hemolyis)
which of the following findings on the tracing below should a CCMA be most concerned with? - ANSThe absence of the P wave (needs picture) which of the following instructions should a CCMA use to admin an enteric-coated tab to a pt - ANSswallow the tab whole w a glass of water Which of the following is a CLIA waved lab test? (low complexity tests) - ANSHCG test which of the following is appropriate for cleaning around the urinary meatus in a clean catch urine collection? - ANSbenzalkonium chloride which of the following is required to schedule an outpatient procedure after receiving a providers orders? - ANSthe pts demographic information which of the following is required when a drawing forensic sample? - ANSHave the receiving lab sign a chain of custody form. (releasing or receiving; has to be signed)
which of the following is the most likely cause of the artifact in the tracing below?
which of the following positions should a CCMA place a pt for a rectal exam? - ANSsims Which of the following routes for taking temperature is the most accurate? - ANSrectal (closed cavity) which of the following should a CCMA do first when blood is splashed in her eye? - ANSflush w tepid water which of the following should a CCMA perform on a hemostat prior to autoclaving? - ANSsanitization (washing; necessary before autoclaving to remove organic material) which of the following should a CCMA recognize as "open hours" scheduling used at the urgent where she works? - ANSpts arrive at their convenience are seen on a first come first serve which of the following steps for a finger stick should a CCMA complete first? - ANSconfirm the correct identity of the pt
which of the following technique's should the CCMA use when bandaging a wound? - ANSwrap the wound distal (away from) to proximal (point of attachment, close) which of the following techniques can a CCMA use to confirm pt understanding of insulin admin? - ANSobserve pt as pt performs self demonstration which of the following techniques should a CCMA use to put a young child at ease prior to admin an injection? - ANSask the child about non related health subjects which of the following terms should a CCMA use to tell a providers that a pt is having discomfort and difficulty breathing? - ANSDyspena which of the following waves should a CCMA use to determine the regularity of ventricular depolarization? - ANSR (represents ventricular repolarization) which test result is affected when povidone iodine is used to cleanse the site for a dermal puncture? - ANSpotassium