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A collection of questions and answers related to the socra ccrp exam, focusing on topics like chemistry, manufacturing, controls, and non-clinical studies. It covers key regulations and guidelines, including cfr parts, ich guidelines, and ethical principles like the nuremberg code, declaration of helsinki, and belmont report. Valuable for individuals preparing for the socra ccrp exam, offering insights into important concepts and regulations.
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Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls and non-clinical studies require an ______ to be filed. - CORRECT ANSWER >>The NDA for a drug or biologic is filed when the sponsor considers there is sufficient info to meet the regulatory requirement for approval. FDA regulates scientific studies that are designed to ___ ___ to support the ___ and ____ of investigational drugs (human and animal), biological products and medical devices. - CORRECT ANSWER >>develop evidence / safety and effectiveness US CFR GCP: Laws and regulations are intended to ensure integrity of clinical data and which product approvals are based and to ___ - CORRECT ANSWER >>help protect the rights, safety and welfare of human subjects. CFR 21 Part 11 is in regard to____ - CORRECT ANSWER
Electronic records, electronic signatures
CFR 21 Part 50 is in regard to ___ - CORRECT ANSWER
Informed Consent CFR 21 Part 54 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER Financial Disclosure CFR 21 Part 56 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) CFR 21 Part 312 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER Investigational New Drug Application (IND) CFR 21 Part 314 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER New Drug Application (NDA) CFR 21 Part 812 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) CFR 21 Part 814 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER Premarket Approval of Medical Devices (PMAMD)
CFR 45 Part 46 is in regard to___ - CORRECT ANSWER
Federal Research 45 CFR 46 Part A Common Rule - CORRECT ANSWER >>HHS regulations for PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS in research ICH E series covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Efficacy Guidelines ICH E2A covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Clinical Safety Data Management ICH E3 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Clinical Study Reporting ICH E6 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Good Clinical Practice (GCP) ICH E7 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Geriatric Populations ICH E8 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>General Considerations for Clinical Trials
ICH E9 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Statistical Principles ICH E11 covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Pediatric Populations ICH Q series covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Quality Guidelines ICH S series covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Safety Guidelines ICH M series covers: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Multidisciplinary Guidelines ICH E6 GCP definition - CORRECT ANSWER >>International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) E6(R2) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects ICH E6 GCP Countries - CORRECT ANSWER >>E6 GCP guidance provides unified standard for the EU, Japan and the US to facilitate mutual acceptance of clinical tata by regulatory authorities in those jurisdictions.
Guidance developed with consideration of the current good clinical practices of the European Union, Japan, and the United States, as well as those of Australia, Canada, the Nordic countries, and the World Health Organization. ICH E6 (R2) Good Clinical Practice: Integrated Addendum to ICH E6 (R1) - CORRECT ANSWER >>ICH E6(R2) integrated addendum affects the full clinical trial cycle and research enterprise. Focus is on increasing human subject protections and data integrity through better study design and conduct. Most changes affect the sponsor. Origin from the Declaration of Helsinki. ICH E6 (R2) GCP: Integrated Addendum to ICH E6 (R1) - Focus of Revisions - CORRECT ANSWER >>Using a risk management approach in designing studies. Promoting the use of risk-based and centralized monitoring in managing studies. Addressing the reporting and follow-up of significant noncompliance (including conducting a root cause analysis, and creating a corrective and preventive action plan (CAPA) ALCOA-C stands for: - CORRECT ANSWER >>attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original, accurate, and complete
Nuremberg Code (1947) - CORRECT ANSWER >>Was developed as a result of the trial regarding "medical experiments" conducted by German physicians and administrators during WWII in thousands of prisoners without their consent. Nuremberg Code's 10 principles: - CORRECT ANSWER
Focuses on the research subject where Informed Consent is the core.
Belmont Report (1974) / Practice vs. Research - CORRECT ANSWER >>Practice refers to interventions that are designed solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client that has a reasonable expectation of success. The purpose of medical or behavioral practice is to provide diagnosis, preventive treatment or therapy to particular individuals. Research designates an activity designed to test an hypothesis, permit conclusions to be drawn, and develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Research is usually described in a formal protocol that sets forth an objective and a set of procedures designed to reach that objective. Belmont Report Ethical Principles - CORRECT ANSWER
Respect for persons: Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents capable of deliberation about personal goals. Beneficence: Do no harm, maximize benefits and minimize harms Justice: Fairness in distribution of burdens and benefits FDA 1572 is the - CORRECT ANSWER >>Statement of Investigator Commitment
Sponsor Responsibilities - CORRECT ANSWER >>Ensure proper monitoring, creates monitoring plans, submits safety reports, submits annual study reports to the IND / IDE, 21 CFR 54 is in regard to - CORRECT ANSWER >>Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators "Clinical Investigator" means: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Only a listed or identified investigator or subinvestigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of research subjects - having a significant role in the study. This definition also includes the spouse and each dependent child of such an investigator or subinvestigator. Form FDA 3454 is in regard to: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Clinical investigators who have no disclosable financial interests in or arrangements with the sponsor of the covered clinical study Form FDA 3455 is in regard to: - CORRECT ANSWER
Financial Disclosure of the PIs, Sub-Is etc. [The named individual (PI, Sub-I etc.) has participated in financial arrangements or holds financial interests that are requires to be
disclosed as follows..." The form should include an attachment with detailed information about the financial interests and arrangements and a description of the steps taken to minimize potential for bias.] Who is responsible for registering trials and submitting results? - CORRECT ANSWER >>Sponsor of the trial or, the PI if designated by sponsor, grantee, contractor or awardee so long as the PI is responsible for conducting the trial has access to and control over the data from the trial, has the right to publish results of trial and ability to meet all requirements for the submission of the trial info. What is the purpose of study monitoring? - CORRECT ANSWER
- Ensure rights and wellbeing of human subjects are protected;
ANSWER >>1. investigators name and site location
How long must the Investigators report financial disclosures? - CORRECT ANSWER >>Trial lifecycle PLUS 1 year after the trial ends. Any ____ _____ of any sponsor of the covered study if the sponsor is a publicly held company and the __________ exceeds $________ in value. - CORRECT ANSWER >>equity interest, interest, $50k Drug Development: General Principles of IND Submission are CFR._ - CORRECT ANSWER >>21 CFR 312. Initial IND focuses on (3 items): - CORRECT ANSWER >>1. General investigational plan
Articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease AND articles intended to affect the structure or any function of the body is the definition of _____
A decision on NDAs is supposed to be within ____ months after submission. - CORRECT ANSWER >>12 months "Expanded Access" is also sometimes referred to as_____________ __________. - CORRECT ANSWER
Compassionate use Expanded access is for a patient with: - CORRECT ANSWER An immediate life-threatening condition or serious disease or condition to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug or device) when there is no comparable or satisfactory alternative options available. This phase uses normal volunteers, tightly controlled in an inpatient setting with very small numbers of subjects. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Phase 1 This phase is an initial demonstration of efficacy in subjects with a condition, and used to obtain short term safety data, multicenter, well controlled, relatively small number of enrollees. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Phase 2
This phase confirms short term efficacy and safety, establishes long term efficacy and safety, assesses overall therapeutic value, supports final labeling content, several hundred to several thousand subjects. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Phase 3 This phase is post market. Addresses FDA requirement for additional information not in the NDA, continues assessment of overall therapeutic value. Surveillance for less common AEs. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Phase 4 Medical Devices are regulated by FDA under CFR_ - CORRECT ANSWER >>21 CFR 812
"Medical Device" The general purpose of the device or it's function. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Intended use. The disease or condition the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure or mitigate including a description of the patient population for which the device is intended. - CORRECT ANSWER Indications for use. Act that established the FDAs jurisdiction over cosmetics and medical devices. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938) First major amendment specifically for devices. Establishes the three regulatory classes for medical devices based on degree of
control necessary to assure various types of devices are safe and effective. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Medical Device Amendments (1976) What is 21 CFR Part 803 - CORRECT ANSWER >>Medical Device Reporting What is 21 CFR Part 812 - CORRECT ANSWER
Investigational Device Exemption (counterpart to IND requirements 21 CFR 312) What is 21 CFR Part 820 - CORRECT ANSWER >>Quality system Regulations (counterpart to GMP requirements) What is 21 DFR Part 814 - CORRECT ANSWER >>Premarket Approval of Medical Devices (counterpart to NDA requirements 21 CFR 314) What is 21 CFR Part 860 - CORRECT ANSWER >>Medical Device Classification Procedures
What Device class has lowest risk: clinical trials generally not required - CORRECT ANSWER >>Class I Ex: Elastic bandages, exam gloves, hand-held surgical instruments What Device class is Moderate risk: usually required 510(k) filing, might require PMA, generally requires some clinical data - CORRECT ANSWER >>Class II Ex: Powered wheelchairs, infusion pumps, surgical drapes What Device class is Highest risk: PMA usually required, clinical trials absolutely necessary - CORRECT ANSWER >>Class III Class III devices have insufficient information to assure safety and effectiveness solely through general or special controls. Ex: replacement heart valves, silicone gel-filled breast implants, implanted cerebella stimulators, implantable pacemaker pulse generators The mechanism the sponsor uses to submit documents to the FDA for a device. - CORRECT ANSWER >>IDE - Investigational Device Exemption
An approved IDE permits a device to be shipped lawfully for the purpose of conducting investigations of the device w/o complying with other requirements of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that would apply to devices in commercial distribution. T/F - CORRECT ANSWER >>True What is "SR" in regard to device development. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Significant Risk. Determination is based on risk of the device to the subject as it will be used in the study. What is "NSR" in regard to device development. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Non Significant Risk Determination is based on risk of the device to the subject a it will be used in the study. Any device study that does not meet SR criteria. A ___ ____ study that is defined as a study of a device that presents a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a subject. - CORRECT ANSWER >>SR Device Study is an implant, • is used in supporting or sustaining human life, • is of substantial importance in diagnosing, curing, mitigating or
treating disease, or otherwise prevents impairment of human health, or • otherwise presents a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a subject. • Misdiagnosis and/or error in treatment caused by inaccurate test results would be considered a significant risk Who makes the initial determination if a study is SR or NSR? - CORRECT ANSWER >>The sponsor. If NSR, the sponsor submits device description, rationale for determining NSR status, and protocol to the investigator who provides to the IRB If IRB concurs, the sponsor sends device description, rationale for determining NSR status, IRB concurrence and protocol to the FDA If either the sponsor or IRB consider the device to be SR, the sponsor consults CDRH about submitting an IDE FDA can override the determination by either sponsor or IRB; FDA determination of SR or NSR is final Sponsor's NSR abbreviated requirements: - CORRECT ANSWER >>• Label device
plan or application (including a supplementary plan or application), or
10 WORKING days Sponsor must withdraw IRB approval within ______ of an unanticipated adverse device effect. - CORRECT ANSWER >>5 working days Sponsor must withdraw FDA approval within _____ of an unanticipated adverse device effect. - CORRECT ANSWER >>5 working days Sponsor must update current list of investigators for device trials _________ - CORRECT ANSWER >>Every 6 months
The legally marketed device(s) to which equivalence is drawn is known as the: - CORRECT ANSWER >>Predicate device(s). A device recently cleared under 510(k) is usually used as a predicate device. However, any legally U.S. marketed device may be used as a predicate. _______________ _______________is established with respect to: intended use, design, energy used or delivered, materials, performance, safety, effectiveness, labeling, biocompatibility, standards, and other applicable characteristics. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Substantial equivalence (SE) A claim of substantial equivalence does not mean the device(s) must be identical. If FDA concurs with the Sponsor determination of "substantially equivalent", the FDA notifies the Sponsor that the device is ____________ for marketing. - CORRECT ANSWER
________________ ______________ is the FDA process of scientific and regulatory review to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Class III medical devices. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Premarket approval (PMA) Implementing tracking systems, Reporting device malfunctions, Reporting serious injuries or deaths, Registering establishments where devices are produced or distributed are all a part of __________ ___________. - CORRECT ANSWER
Postmarket Surveillance _____________ ______________ ____________ one of the postmarket surveillance tools the FDA uses to monitor device performance, detect potential device-related safety issues, and contribute to benefit-risk assessments of these products. - CORRECT ANSWER >>Medical Device Reporting (MDR) Manufacturers, device user facilities, and importers are required to submit certain types of reports for adverse events and product problems to the FDA about medical devices. They are ______________ ______________. - CORRECT ANSWER Mandatory reporters