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CDASA Final Examination with Complete Questions and Answers Latest Update 2024 Test, Exams of Humanities

CDASA Final Examination with Complete Questions and Answers Latest Update 2024 Test

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CDASA Final Examination with Complete Questions and

Answers Latest Update 2024 Test

  1. Analytic Design - ANS Integrated process for developing relevant insight the intelligence question. The process is used for all types of analysis including exploratory or alternative analysis
  2. What are the 3 sub categories under Framing in Analytic Design? - ANS Client requirement, Question Crafting, scoping
  3. Client Requirement- Which category does it belong in analytic design and definition - ANS Framing- Ensure proposed question aligns with client information needs or gaps. Understands clients roles and decisions through liaisons, published sources, and senior analytic management
  4. Question Crafting-Which category does it belong in analytic design and definition - ANS Framing- Refine the language and structure of the question to mitigate bias and guide objective analysis. Good question doesn't presume an answer, allowing for multiple answers
  5. Scoping- which analytic design Category and definition - ANS Framing- Develop critical subquestions that provide relevant context for the question and encourage inclusive thinking by using tools such as decomposition, categorical thinking. Determine the order of analysis for subquestions and what topics need to be researched.
  6. What comes after Framing in Analytic Design - ANS The formation of a primary intelligence question (provisional)
  7. Authority bias - ANS The tendency to attribute greater accuracy to the opinion of an authority figure (unrelated to its content) and be more influenced by that opinion.
  8. primacy effect - ANS tendency to remember information at the beginning of a body of information better than the information that follows
  9. herd instinct - ANS a common tendency to adopt the opinions and follow the behaviors of the majority to feel safer and to avoid conflict.
  10. What are the three sub categories under knowledge review? - ANS 1. Available knowledge
  11. collection posture,
  12. critical gaps
  1. Available knowledge- which analytic design category and what is definition? - ANS Knowledge review- Use the primary question and subquestions to guide review of current and relevant information. Review published and unpublished products to determine what information is already available to address question
  2. Collection Posture- which analytic design group belongs to and definition - ANS Knowledge review- Determine if all available sources are optimized to collect info relevant to the question (review incoming reporting)
  3. Critical gaps- which analytic design group and definition - ANS Knowledge review- Compare available information to the primary question/subquestions to determine where information gaps exist (where accessible, relevant info is not available)
  4. confirmation bias - ANS a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence
  5. What are the five IC Analytic Standards - ANS Objectivity, independent of political consideration, timely, based on all sources of information, implements analytic tradecraft standards
  6. anchoring bias - ANS tendency to rely too heavily, or anchor, on a past reference or one trait or piece of info when making decisions
  7. What are the four SATS included in test? - ANS Idea Generation, argument mapping, key assumptions check, Four ways of seeing
  8. Key assumptions Check SAT - ANS A deliberate approach to identifying and evaluating the impact of assumptions that could, if proven wrong, change an assessment. It identifies the weaknesses in the foundations of an argument for an analytic assessment
  9. four ways of seeing SAT - ANS A matrix technique that generates ideas on the perspective of actors relevant to an intelligence question. It captures analyst knowledge and beliefs on how actors that influence an intel question perceive themselves and each other.
  10. Which act established the DNI? - ANS Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
  11. What is the difference between PIRs, EEIs, CCIRS, and FFIR? - ANS Commander designates Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) which together with Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIRs) constitute the Commander's Critical Requirements (CCIRs).
  1. EEI= those information requirements that are most critical or that would answer a PIR
  2. Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI&S) - ANS Advisor to SecDef and DepSecDef regarding intelligence, counterintelligence, Security, sensitive activities. Reports Directly to SecDef and exercises authority, direction, and control over following DoD components: DIA, NGA, NRO, NSA, DCSA
  3. Exercises SecDef's authority, direction, and control over DoD agencies and DoD field activities that are defense intelligence, CI, security, exercise, planning, policy, and strategic oversight over DoD intelligence, CI,
  4. Base rate fallacy - ANS Ignore relevant statistical info in favor of case specific informations Cognitive error whereby too little weight is placed on the base, or original rate, of possibility. Erroneously judging the likelihood of a situation by not taking into account all relevant data or info.
  5. Stereotype example of where a person would work
  6. Argument Mapping SAT - ANS Visualize strength of argument. Externalizes and visualizes the components of an argument and the connections used to build it in order to critique its basis and strength.creates a tree with judgment/assessment on top and reasoning and evidence below
  7. Who chairs the Military Intelligence Board? - ANS Director, DIA
  8. What is the JIOC (joint intelligence operations center) - ANS Focal point for CCMD's intelligence planning, collection management, analysis, and production effort, and is organized in a manner best suited to satisfy Commander's intelligence requirements
  9. What does the National Joint Operations and intelligence Center do (NJOIC)? - ANS NJOIC is an integrated Joint Staff J-2/J-3/J-5 element that continuously monitors the global situation and provides CJCS and SecDef a DOD planning and crisis capability
  10. Describe Joint Staff, J-2 responsibilities - ANS Under the authority, direction, and control of CJCS and is resourced by DIA. It provides all- source intelligence and intelligence staff support to SecDef, CJCS, other Joint Staff Directorates, CCMD's, and the Services.
  11. Additionally, joint staff j-2 represents and advocates for CCMD intelligence interests to the Joint Staff, the Office of the Secretary of the Defense (OSD), and ODNI. It also serves as single focal point for intelligence support to national and theater decision makers during crisis situations, and managing worldwide defense warning system.
  1. How does intelligence support Intelligence planning? - ANS By Providing intelligence products, including DIA's Dynamic Threat Assessments (DTA) and campaign intelligence estimates (xCIE) , and the development of tailored products from the CCMD's JIPOE process that culminate in the production and maintenance of an intelligence estimate.
  2. What are the 3 sub categories under resource picture? - ANS Technology& tools, people, time
  3. Technology & Tools- which analytic design category does it fall under and definition? - ANS Resource picture- Determine if available analytic software and tools can improve the effectiveness or the timeframe of analysis. Discuss primary question and subquestions with technology experts for suggestions on new or different tools for analysis
  4. People- which analytical design category and definition? - ANS Resource picture- Use the primary question, subquestions , and critical gaps to determine the subject matter expertise needed for effective analysis. Consider the people that can be committed to analysis inside the organization and community and then leverage outreach or allied partners.
  5. JIPOE process is compromised of what four steps? - ANS 1: Define the operating environment 2: Describe the impact of the operating environment 3: Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors 4: Determine adversary/actor course of action The process culminates with the production of an intelligence estimate. (CCMD)
  6. what are the components of Methodology building in analytic design? - ANS Knowledge development plans, Project timeline and milestones, analytic approach and methodology
  7. What are the components of Evaluate Analysis in analytic design? - ANS 1. Analysis of alternatives,
  8. confidence section,
  9. assess/evaluate analytic finding
  10. impact of remaining gaps and assumptions
  11. Discipline specific Methods-Analytic technique - ANS Analytic approaches developed and validated for use in specific areas of military analysis
  12. Project timeline and Milestones- Which analytic design category and definition? - ANS Methodology building- Use backplan from resource picture to determine when activities like analysis, drafting, and editing needed for the completion date
  1. Time- which analytic design category and definition - ANS Resource Picture- backplan from the due or desired finish date to determine the time available for collection, analysis, and production. Consider negotiating with client and/or senior analytic to change suspense or question if timeframes not adequate for analysis
  3. GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) - ANS Exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features, and geographically referenced activities on or about the earth.
  4. Consists of imagery, imagery intelligence (IMINT),and geospatial information
  5. What comes after Methodology Building in analytic design? - ANS The Final Primary Intelligence Question
  6. What are the components of Knowledge Development in Analytic Design? - ANS
    1. Collection
  7. Outreach
  8. Research
  9. Collection- which analytic design category and definition? - ANS Knowledge Development- execute the collection plan from methodology building to bring in new relevant information for analysis. Ensure plan is developed collaboratively with collection managers to optimize all source collection.
  10. How many IC agencies in total? - ANS 18
  11. Who's considered the Director of Defense Intelligence? - ANS USDI&S
  12. What are some of the DNI's responsibilities? - ANS The DNI serves as the head of the IC, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program(NIP) and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security. The President appoints the DNI with the advice and consent of the Senate.
  13. DNI establishes objectives, priorities, and guidance for the IC; and
  14. manages and directs the tasking of, collection,analysis, foreign liaison, and standards for setting policy for protection of intelligence sources and methods.
  15. Analytic Design Z chart order? - ANS 1. Framing
  16. Primary intelligence Question (provisional)
  17. Knowledge Review
  18. Resource Picture
  1. Methodology Building
  2. Primary intelligence question (final)
  3. Knowledge Development
    1. Perform Analysis
  4. Evaluate Analysis
  5. IMINT - ANS Technical, geographic, and intelligence information derived through the interpretation or analysis of imagery and collateral materials.
  6. Idea Generation SAT - ANS Bin of techniques that introduce creativity into analysis. Designed to broaden thinking on a question or issue, and then refine those ideas down to those for which further analysis would be beneficial.
  7. recency effect - ANS tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information, weighing recent events more than earlier events
  8. Where can idea generation SAT be used in analytic design? - ANS Can be used throughout analytic design, particularly in framing/issue development, knowledge review, building methodology, and evaluate analysis
  9. What are the components of Perform analysis in analytic design? - ANS 1. Discipline specific technique,
  10. Targeted technique,
  11. Sensemaking
  12. HUMINT - ANS Intelligence collected from human sources. Interrogation operations, source operations, debriefings
  13. optimism bias - ANS The systematic tendency to be over optimistic about the outcome of planned actions
  14. Sensemaking- which component of analytic design and definition? - ANS Perform Analysis- Assess knowledge base for meaningful connections and patterns relevant to intelligence question
  15. Mind Mapping - ANS Idea Generation- Creates a visualization of ideas connected to a main topic in a tree style diagram. Primary topic goes in the center, and through brainstorming, concepts and ideas that develop or explain it are added
  16. Projection Bias - ANS When we assume others share the same beliefs we do
  17. Fundamental attribution Error - ANS The tendency for people to overestimate the role of personal traits and underestimate the role of situational factors when exposing others' behavior.
  1. What are the techniques under idea generation SAT? - ANS 1. Mind Mapping
  2. Domain Heuristics
  3. Starbursting
  4. Driver identification
  5. Indicator/signposts
  6. Intelligence Task Force (ITF) - ANS When a crisis situation continues to escalate or SecDef orders a significant military response to the crisis, Joint Staff J-2 may decide to form an ITF to provide increased capabilities for focused all-source intelligence support.
  7. Congruence bias - ANS The tendency to test hypotheses exclusively through direct testing out initial hypothesis, instead of testing possible alternative hypotheses.
  8. Research- which analytic design category and definition? - ANS Knowledge Development- Determine which critical gaps can be addressed by research from analyst.
  9. Analytic approach and methodology- which analytic design component and definition? - ANS Methodology building- ensure core techniques are integrated into sense making to maintain analytic rigor.
  10. Targeted Technique- Which analytic design category and definition? - ANS Perform Analysis- Execute other analytic techniques or methods including structured and quantitative analysis selected in methodology building by to deepen insight.
  11. 8 Categories of intelligence products? - ANS 1. Warning intelligence
  12. Current intelligence
  13. General military intelligence
  14. Target intelligence
  15. Scientific and technical intelligence
  16. Counterintelligence
  17. Estimative intelligence
  18. Identity intelligence
  19. Impact of remaining gaps and assumptions- which analytic design category and definition? - ANS Evaluate analysis- use argument mapping or logical reasoning to determine if filling critical gaps or changing assumptions would change the judgment.
  20. What are cognitive biases? - ANS Mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies.
  21. New information is ____ to existing images - ANS Assimilated
  1. Mind sets tend to be quick to form but _____ to change - ANS Resistant
  2. We tend to perceive what we expect to ________ - ANS Perceive