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What is the definition of community development? the act or process of engaging community members to proactively understand and enhance the economic, social, political, environmental, cultural, physical, and educational aspects of a community through the adoption of vision statements, goals, objectives, and implementation plans What is the definition of economic development? the mobilization of community development resources to create financial growth and stability in the area through metrics like job creation, business growth and attraction, high wages, and increased capital. What is the relationship between community development and economic development? Community development facilitates economic development Please list the ten step process of community development in order.
- begin the process
- Engage the community
- form an organizational structure
- develop a strategic/vision/action plan
- seek feedback from community
- publicize the plan
- implement the plan
- evaluate the effort
- celebrate success
- create an ongoing process What is the role of the community developer?
- know and understand your community
- build and maintain relationships
- provide learning and development
- facilitate and promote community engagement
- organize and manage resources
- develop and support collaborative working
- evaluate and inform practice
- understand the ethics and values of the practice What is the definition of asset mapping? a data collection technique that emphasizes the community's strengths rather than focusing on short- comings, disadvantages, or problems to be solved What is the difference between asset-based development and needs-based development? asset-based looks at strengths while needs-based targets a specific problem to be addressed Name the primary steps to utilize in asset mapping
- determine what the assessment will focus on
- gather pre-existing data
- gather new data through:
- public sessions and forums
- focus groups
- interviews
- direct observation
- surveys
- develop an executive summary detailing the findings and also the methods used What is the purpose of carrying out a community assessment? It keeps leaders aware of community issues, strengths, trends, etc., and also allows them to determine goals and objectives for a community plan How should a community be define in terms of an assessment? a spatial entity such as a neighborhood or municipality What is the definition of leakage? Money spent in other cities or localities due to people having to drive there to shop for goods and services What does SWOT stand for? strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats Please name the types of capital human, physical, and social Please define human capital the human resources in an area including workers, helpers, volunteers, and their skills and knowledge Please define physical capital the build and natural environment including infrastructure, natural resources, businesses, and institutions Please define social capital relationships and networks that facilitate processes and resources Please define strategic planning the process of developing a blueprint or road map for achieving a community's vision Please define a vision or strategic visioning
an overall goal or place that the community desires to reach using the strategic plan Please list the roles and responsibilities of a strategic planning steering committee
- determining the steps and timeline for the plan and process
- securing resources (funding)
- creating and implementing a communications plan to share information about the plan and its process, and encourage involvement What is the role or purpose of a facilitator in terms of strategic planning? they are an outside or third-party person who can help with the process, they have experience and leadership, and they can look at things from a bird's eye view and through an unbiased lens Please list the four models of volunteer involvement
- service delivery
- support role
- member/acitivst
- co-worker Please list the volunteer management process
- assess needs and define roles,
- recruit and motivate volunteers,
- develop the volunteers and event,
- retention or separation of volunteers for future events Please describe Rehnborg's volunteer involvement framework Based on time or commitment level, episodic involvement is short term and usually a one-time thing or is used to learn a new skill or role, while ongoing volunteering consists of recurring involvement such as board members, religious positions, etc. Please describe the characteristics of the member/activist model of volunteer involvement All positions are held by volunteers, their purpose in the organization is self-defined, teamwork and personal leadership is needed, there are no paid staff, and the organization is governed by member activists
Please describe the six functions that volunteering fulfills
- Values motive: issues that volunteers care about
- Understanding motive: provides volunteers with new experiences and opportunities to grow/learn
- Social motive: reinforce social connections and affirm efforts in the eyes of others
- Career motives: something to put on resume/college applications
- Protective motive: combats negative feelings or alleviates guilt
- Enhancement motive: generates positive feelings, self-esteem, efficacy Please define shift-share analysis it explains which industries are competitive in an area by comparing expected growth and actual job growth against national growth Please list the four comparative components of shift-share analysis
- industrial mix effect
- national growth effect
- expected change
- regional competitiveness effect Please define entrepreneurial ecosystems a set of interdependent actors and factors coordinated in such a way that they enable productive entrepreneurship within a particular territory What is the purpose of fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems? they provide a framework that makes available the resources necessary for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses Please list the elements of entrepreneurial ecosystems
- human capital
- finance
- markets
- policies
- support
Please list and define the four pillars of venture ecosystem building
- talent: talented workforce, also includes mentors and leaders
- culture - embraces entrepreneurial culture (risk-taking, opportunitstic)
- community engagement - common interests, goals, attitudes
- capital - financial capital - venture, angel investors, government finance, etc. Please list some best practices for developing a culture of entrepreneurship
- hire entrepreneurs
- be a learning organization
- empowering your team
- encouraging sharing
- prioritizing diversity Please describe the systematic approach to site selection: the traditional method, involves consultants or the company themselves sending out RFIs to states and narrowing down the search from there, going through the typical project process Please describe the ad-hoc approach to site selection: typically smaller companies reaching out to the local community or state to let them know about their growth and plans for expansion, usually not as competitive of a project What is the definition of business retention and expansion? it is a program designed to strengthen the connection between companies and the community while encouraging each business to continue to grow What is the three-legged stool in terms of job creation or business growth?
- retaining and expanding businesses
- recruiting new ones
- entrepreneurship and small business support and growth What is the most effective method for collecting information in terms of BR&E? surveying
Please list the steps to begin a BR&E program
- recruit a BR&E professional/someone on staff who is dedicated to BR&E as their job description
- identify key stakeholders and community champions
- determine a vision/mission
- promote the program
- determine the structure of the program
- divide the work
- come to a consensus on the program
- establish follow-up protocols
- tell your story What is development finance? a tool to help make a project or deal more successful and in turn create a benefit for the long-term health of a community Please list the five key principles of development finance
- must be able to repay any debt
- must be able to lay out how you will use the funds, the timeline, etc.
- should be able to identify multiple sources of funding for a project
- should embrace alternatives or plan for undesired outcomes
- must remove barriers to capital for community Please list the categories of development finance tools
- Bedrock tools: bond financing
- targeted tools: TIF, special districts
- Investment tools: tax credits/abatements, OZs, FTZs, etc.
- Capital lending: RLFs, CDFIs, SBA loans, etc. Please list the three key elements to assembling a local development finance team:
- partnerships
- expertise - utilize people in community already doing the work
- coordination/communication
Please define creative economies: economic systems where the value is based on imaginative qualities rather than the traditional resources of land, labor, and capital Please describe the leader-centric approach to leadership it places the leader in official positions of authority and at the top of an organizational structure please describe the collective approach to leadership it focuses on the interconnections and interdependence of all members Please list and define the seven elements of complexity in when it comes to leadership
-. stasis - assumes that the future is fundamentally an extension of the present
- emergence - identities and actions emerge within the system
- feedback loops - when a change in one system has secondary effects
- disruptors - a form of emergence that perturb the system
- organizing principles - broad conditions that can assist with the integration or avoidance of complexity polarities - organizing principles or core beliefs oppose each other, but both are important
- stillness - places of pause within the community; waiting on decisions Agile leaders can.. pivot and react quick to changes and decision-making needs Inclusive leaders value the differences and perspectives of their subordinates, integrating their needs, thoughts, and ideas Please name the seven p's of marketing
- Product
- Place
- Promotion
- Price
- Process
- People
- Physical evidence
Please list the five steps to establishing a community brand
- uncover your reputation
- define your audience
- clarify beliefs and purpose
- define the path forward
- build your brand Please list the different types or methods of marketing
- digital
- direct response
- events
- inbound marketing (using all methods but with a targeted audience or list)
- PR
- print
- signage
- socials
- word of mouth/relationships Please list the methods of evaluating community progress
- establish goals/mission/vision
- determine benchmarks and timelines
- assign target champions
- align targets with budget
- monitoring and tracking
- measuring
- reporting results and progress Please list the pillars of a workforce pipeline
- primary education
- secondary education
- postsecondary education Please list the benefits using funding under the WIOA act?
- states will have a four-year strategic development plan, increased accountability, improved promot1on of work-based training, increased investment in vulnerable populations, and strengthened workforce development boards Please list the benefits of using funding of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act?
- increased support of training programs
- increased development of training at academic institutions
- increased CTE promotion/graduates
- increased flexibility for services
- supports investment
- increased employment opportunities for special populations Please list some best practices for developing a workforce plan
- identifying partners and data
- hosting strategy sessions
- developing an asset map
- identifying needs of local employers
- working with border communities/region
- developing an action plan for addressing skills gaps
- establishing an annual evaluation plan
- communicating results, the plan, and evaluation mechanisms
- using data to guide on all aspects
- awareness/education campaign to build knowledge