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A comprehensive practice test for cepsci, covering key concepts related to environmental protection and stormwater management. It includes 111 questions and answers, focusing on topics such as the clean water act, npdes regulations, stormwater pollution prevention plans (swppps), and best management practices (bmps). The test is designed to assess understanding of regulations, procedures, and practical applications in the field.
Typology: Exams
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1972 clean water act - Correct answer-Administered by the US environmental protection agency (EPA)Created the NPDES
1987 - Correct answer-Amendment to CWA CALLED WATER QUALITY ACT NPDES in south carolina - Correct answer-South Carolina is NPDES delegated state. NPDES regulations are administered by - Correct answer-SCDHEC CGP authorizes - Correct answer-stormwater discharges from construction sites Who must obtain NPDES coverage - Correct answer-land disturbing activities greater than or equal to 1acre -land disturbance less than 1 ac within 1/2 miles of water body in SC costal zone NPDES permits are issued to - Correct answer-operator-person or company for a particular discharge
primary permittee - Correct answer--has day to day operational control to ensure compliance withSWPP -typically the owner or developer After 1937, the WPA denied employment to aliens, a decision that greatly affected Mexican Americans. By 1932, what percentage of American workers were unemployed? 25 By 1935, Roosevelt's severest critics were demanding more radical reforms Despite the New Deal, ________ were the country's most impoverished citizens. Native Americans primary permittee responsibilites - Correct answer-submit NOI, Preparation of the C_SWPPP Secondary permittee - Correct answer-individual lot owner or residential builder that conducts landdisturbing activity limited to an individual lot or group of lots as part of approved LCP of development
contractors - Correct answer-must on Contractor Certification- D- On-Site SWPPP - Correct answer-SCDHEC CGP, NOI, NPDES coverage approval letter, ContractorCertifications, Local Approvals, USACE approvals, Critical area permit(coast)
OS_SWPPP - Correct answer-a copy of signed and certified SWPPP, NOI, and CGP coverage letter fromDHEC must be retained at site or electronically accessible
minor modification to ON-SWPPP - Correct answer-minor modifications made directly in the field,do notneed approval by DHEC- additional BMP's, removal of disturbed areas
major modifications to OS-SWPPP - Correct answer-must be made by qualified individual and submittedto DHEC or appropriate delegated entity for approval
Phased plan requirement > 5 - Correct answer-include a phased stormwater management plan whichidentifies all BMP's and grading work conducted during a specific portion of the sites construction sequence. Each phase identified on at least one separate plan sheet. Phased plan requirement < 10 but > 5 acres - Correct answer-at least two separate plan phases arerequired - initial land disturbance phase - stabilization phase
Phased plan requirement ≥ 10 acresinitial land disturbance phase - construction phase - stabilization phase - Correct answer-at least 3 separate plan phases are required -
All compliance inspection must include invesg. of, at a minimum of 5 of the following - Correct answer-1.areas of site disturbed by construction activity and areas used for storage of materials exposed to precipitation
Inspection frequency for sites that have reached temporary stablization - Correct answer-Once everymonth
Linear site inspection - Correct answer-linear activites may limit access to disturbed areas, in such casesrepresentative inspections may be performed
representative inspections (linear site inspection) - Correct answer-personnel must investigate BMP'salong the site for 0.25 miles above and below each access point where the site intersects with -roadway
permittees must record rainfall events of - Correct answer-0.5 inches or greater where should rainfall records be kept - Correct answer-maintained in rain log located as part of the OS-SWPPP
Inspection reports of rainfall must be - Correct answer-reported on each weekly inspection report andmaintained in rain log
For each compliance inspecton a report must be completed and include at a mininum - Correct answer-1. Inspection date
if inspection indicates a BMP has been used inappropriately or incorrectly, the permittee must addressreplacement or modification within - Correct answer-48 hours
pipe slope drain - Correct answer-PSD's are used when it is necessary for water to flow down slopewithout causing erosion, especially before slope has been stabilized or before permanent drainage structures are installed. Runoff Diversion Measures INSTALLATION - Correct answer-Prior to swale excavation or dike building,clear and grub all trees, brush, stumps, and other objects in path of diversion structure.
Runoff Diverson measures DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-Diversion dikes and berms (ridges ofcompacted soil) are used to divert upslope clean water runoff from crossing areas where there is high risk of erosion or Temporary silt ditches or swales ( excavated depressions) are used to preventsediment laden runoff from leaving site before being treated by sediment control BMP
Runoff Diversion inspection/maintenance - Correct answer--inspect dikes and silt ditches after specifiedintervals and rainfall events -Repair damage from construction traffic and act. before end of each working day-maintain dikes and ditches at original height or depth -to remain effective, earth dikes must be compacted at all times Temporary stream crossing DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-A temp stream crossing is typically a bridgeor culvert erected to provide safe and stable way for construction vehicle traffic to cross a running watercourse.-TYPICALLY ONLY USED FOR DOT PROJECTS BECAUSE THEY REQUIRE EXTRA PERMITTING(DHEC AND OR CORPS OF ENGINEERS) Construction De-watering DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-removing storm water or ground water frombore pits, trenches, and other excavations. Usually involves pumping of water to sediment basin, sediment trap, or geotextile filter bag. De-watering inspection/maintenace - Correct answer-ongoing inspection is necessary in order to detectany malfunctions or operation of equipment. -Discharge areas should be inspected when other practices are inspected. Buffer zones - Correct answer-Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters duringconstruction activities.
Buffers Maintenance - Correct answer-proper maintenance begins with flagging of the buffer andincludes proper inspection and maintenance of all BMPs discharging to the buffer zone.
Silt fence cannot be used for - Correct answer-velocity control
Erosion prevention BMPs - Correct answer--final stabilization -Riprap for channel stabilization-outlet protection -Dust control-Polyacrylamide (PAM)
Surface roughening DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-horizontal depressions, steps or grooves that runparallel to contour of land
surface roughening methods - Correct answer--tracking-stair-step grading -grooving Tracking Installation - Correct answer-should be performed ASAP after vegetation is removed aftergrading activities have ceased. Moving equipment up and down slope.
Surface roughening inspection/maintenance - Correct answer-after specified intervals and rainfallevents
SCDOT sedding specs - Correct answer-terrific resource for vegetated ground cover and associatedmulches SC-M-810-2(04-11) -removes guess work -provides essential info on -seed type- scheduling
seed selection is based on - Correct answer--specific application -time of year-availability of seed
mulching DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-temp practice where materials such as grass, hay, wood chips,straw or compost are placed on exposed or recently planted soil surfaces.
Mulching general install - Correct answer-loose hay or straw should be anchored by applying tackifier orstapling netting over top.
Mulching materials that dont need anchoring - Correct answer-heavy enough to stay in place (bark orwood chips) applied on flat slopes
Wood chip inspection - Correct answer-wood chips applied to bare ground should be spread to 2 inchminimum depth.
wood chips used in conjunction with seeding oil should be - Correct answer-disked into soil Erosion control blankets DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-(ECBs) temporary BMPs that hold seed and soilin place, degrading over time period of 1-3 years.
Turf reinforcement mats DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-(TRMs) PERMANENT erosion BMPs often usedin areas of concentrated flows.
TRMs are composed of - Correct answer-synthetic materials-permanent-critical area use ECB's/ TRMs installation - Correct answer-prepare seedbed by loosening op 2-3 inches of soil-ALWAYS install to manufacturers specifications.
Final stabilization DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-- permanent seeding and planting of grasses
Final stabilization - Correct answer-an uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70% ofnative background vegetative cover has been established
Rip Rap Channel DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-a permanent, erosion resistant channel lining of large,loose, angular stone with non-woven geotextile filter fabric or granular underlining to prevent soil movement into or through rip-rap outlet protection description - Correct answer-protects immediate area around pipe and culvert outletsfrom scour and deterioration by dissipating flow energy
outlet protection includes - Correct answer-TRM's riprap, grouted riprap, concrete, gabion baskets, orother structural measures
Outlet protecton inspection - Correct answer-non woven geotextile filter fabric should be place under allriprap outlet installations, ensure adequate length of outlet protection measure to provide sufficient protection. Dust control description - Correct answer-reduce movement from disturbed soil surfaces. Methodsinclude, project phasing, vegetative cover, mulch, sprinkling water, spray on adhesives, barriers and covers.
Polyacrylamide (PAM) - Correct answer-used as non toxic chemical temporary tackifier for controllingsoil erosion and as a flocculant to aid sedimentation
3 types of PAM - Correct answer-dry/powder polyacrylamides liquid polyacrylamidessolid/block polyacrylamides
Sediment control BMP's - Correct answer-sediment tube ditch check stabilized construction entrancefilter fabric inlet protection block and gravel inlet protectionhardware fabric and stone inlet protection pre-fabricated inlet protection water surface withdrawal - Correct answer-when discharging from sediment basins, utilize outletstructures that only withdraw water from near the waters surface within the basin, unless infeasible
what are the additional requirements for sediment basins - Correct answer-surface water withdrawal (skimmers or stop log risers)
Clean out stake ( 1/2 of sediment storage volume) Public safety addressed, (as applicable)safety fences and signs, vector control(mosquitoes)
sediment forebays (as applicable) Porous baffles (as applicable) 3 row minimum/ may NOT use silt fence
Sediment forebay benefits - Correct answer-reduce runoff velocitiesimprove sediment trapping promotes sedimentation away from outlet structureease of maintenance
sediment forebay requiremnts - Correct answer-install in all sediment basins sized based off of total sediment storage.earthen berms, riprap berms, and excavations.
Porous baffles requirements - Correct answer-minimum of 3 row place between basins inlets and outletsDO NOT USE SILT FENCE
Porous baffles beneifts - Correct answer-reduce runoff velocities improve sediment trappingpromotes sedimentation away from outlet structure
skimmers shallow pit - Correct answer-provides an area for sediment to accumulate under skimmer skimmers rock pad - Correct answer-prevents skimmer from becoming stuck in accumulated sediment skimmer rope - Correct answer-aids in maintenance of skimmer without having to enter basin. Routerope through trash rack and attach to embankment
sediment basin DESCRIPTION - Correct answer-structure designed to capture sediment from stormwater runoff before it leaves construction site AND basin dewatering achieved through riser and pipe leading to outlet on downstream side of embankment.
Sediment basin INSTALLATION - Correct answer-basins should be constructed before any grading takesplace within drainage area.
Basins with earthen embankments should be outfitted with dewatering pipe and riser set just abovesediment removal cutoff level.
multipurpose basin description - Correct answer-Permanent detention basins designed for use astemporary sediment basins during construction phase of project.
Sediment dam Trap - Correct answer-formed by excavating pond or by placing earthen embankmentacross low area or drainage swale
sediment dam trap outlet or spillway is - Correct answer-constructed using no.5 washed stone and classB riprap aggregate.
sediment dam trap installation - Correct answer-allow stone to extend downstream past toe ofembankment.
Upstream side of outlet should be lined with uniform 6 inch thick layer of no.5 stone. Mark sediment cleanout level of dam with stake at 1/2 sediment storage volume. Seed and mulch all disturbed areas. All areas of sediment dam should be seeded except for - Correct answer-Bottom of basin Sedient dam trap inspection/ maintenance - Correct answer-trapped sediment should be removed whenit reaches 50 % capacity.
Trapped sediment should generally be placed and stabilized on site
Placement of removed sediment should be placed upstream of a sediment control structure. Rock sediment dike description - Correct answer-semi circular temp. sediment control structuresconstructed across drainage ditches, swales, low areas or other areas that receive concentrated flow and have flow exits over a wide area instead of in concentrated location. Silt fence description - Correct answer-used a temporary perimeter controls around sites where therewill be soil disturbance and consist of posts with geotextile fabric stretched across posts (non- reinforced) preferably with wire support fence. Silt fence installation - Correct answer-post spacing will be max of 6 feet on center. Attach fabric tometal posts with ties,. lower edge of fence is vertically trenched and covered by compacted backfill. Place fence perpendicular to flow direction. install silt fence at proper distance - Correct answer-from toe of steep slopes to provide sedimentstorage and access for maintenance and cleanout.
silt fence inspection and maintenanace - Correct answer-check if runoff has eroded channel beneathfence, or where fence has sagged or collapsed from runoff overtopping fence
silt fence sediment must be removed - Correct answer-when it reaches approximately 1/3 height offence, within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved
rock ditch check description - Correct answer-small temporary or permanent rock fill dam constructedacross drainage ditch, swale, or channel to lower speed of concentrated flows.
rock ditch check installation - Correct answer-rock must be placed by hand or mechanical placement(nodumping of rock) so center of check is lower than edges.
rock ditch check installation spacing - Correct answer-maximum spacing between dams should be suchthat toe of upstream check is at same elevation as top of downstream check
Sediment tube ditch check description - Correct answer-elongated tubes of compacted geotextiles,curled excelsior wood, natural coconut fiber or hardwood mulch.
Sediment tubes may be installed - Correct answer-in drainage conveyance swales as ditch checks to helpreduce effects soil erosion and retain sediment
Ditch check installation - Correct answer-Check dams should NEVER be places in blues line streams Stabilized construction entrance description - Correct answer-A stabilized construction entrance istemporary stone stabilized pad located at points of vehicular ingress and egress on construction site to reduce amount of mud, dirt, and rocks transported onto public roads tsabilzed construction entrance installation - Correct answer-minimum of entrance should be 24 feetwide by 100 feet long. edges tapered out towards road. Consist of 2 to 3" D50 aggregate with minimum thickness 6" Filter fabric inlet protection decription - Correct answer-inlet protection for small storm water flows (0.5cfs or less) with low velocities and where inlet drains relatively flat area (SLOPES NO GREATER THAN 5%)
filter fabric inlet protection inspection/maintenance - Correct answer-if fabric clogs, replace it! sedimentshould be removed when it reaches 1/3 height of fence
block and gravel inlet protection description - Correct answer-block and gravel filter can be used whereheavy flows and higher velocities are expected and where overflow capacity is necessary to prevent excessive ponding around structure. hardware fabric and stone inlet protection decripition - Correct answer-supported wire material withfilter stone can be used where concentrated flows may be expected. Wire mesh and gravel protection is used when flows exceed 0.5 cfs and when construction traffic willoccur over inlet.
pre fabricated inlet protection description - Correct answer-structures designed to keep silt, sediment,and construction debris from entering pipe systems through open inlet structures.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisers believed that a __________ of production would restorepurchasing power to farmers. reduction Hoover believed that unemployment relief should come from private charities. Hoover's response to the Depression could best be described as restrained and cautious How did Americans respond to the bull market climate on the eve of the great crash in 1929? wild optimism about the continued growth of the stock market led Americans to engage in speculativeinvesting practices How did FDR's attitude toward planned deficits affect the success of the New Deal's efforts to rescuethe economy? He tried to avoid planned deficits, seeking a balanced budget when he ought to have spent more. How did Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" movement of 1935 reflect on the U.S. government's efforts to address the Great Depression? it suggested that a large number of people felt that they were not benefiting from the New Deal How did agencies created during the Hundred Days affect the Great Depression? Their main effect was to end economic stagnation by getting many people back to work. How did the Great Depression affect Americans psychologically? Unemployment and poverty undermined people's sense of self worth and caused many to despair. How did the New Deal affect American industrial workers? It provided the means for them to organize and bargain for benefits. How did the Roosevelt administration finally deal with the problem of agricultural overproduction? It set production limits for leading crops and paid farmers subsidies. How did the consumer-goods revolution contribute to the great crash of 1929? Because of the availability of durable goods that didn't need to be regularly replaced, production outpaced demand, which led to wide-scale layoffs.
5quesions every inspector should address for each site visit - Correct answer-1. Does this project havean approved permit.
inspector on site evaluation - Correct answer-ensure that BMPs are being properly maintained, includingcleanout repairs.
intial field visit - Correct answer-mark plans noting areas of special concern.Locate BMP's and designed structures- highlight each structure note topographynote existing off site conditions
field inspection - Correct answer-observe surrounding- note weather conditions, date, time,precipitation since last inspection. phase of construction check construction entrance Required certification forms for each permitted project - Correct answer-pre construction conferencecertification (d- contractor certification form (d-0437) OS-SWPPP LOGS - Correct answer-- CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LOG- SWPPP modification log
scheduled inspection forms - Correct answer-THERE IS NO REQUIRED FORM FOR SCHEDULED SITEINSPECTIONS
scheduled inspection reports - Correct answer-include info when bmps perform as designed esp afterlarge rain event, NOTE any offsite conditions on initial inspection.