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A comprehensive practice test for cepsci, covering stormwater management and erosion control regulations. It includes 111 questions and answers, focusing on topics such as the clean water act, npdes permits, stormwater pollution prevention plans (swppps), and various best management practices (bmps) for erosion control. Valuable for students and professionals seeking to understand and apply these regulations in real-world scenarios.
Typology: Exams
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1972 clean water act - Answer- Administered by the US environmental protection agency (EPA) Created the NPDES 1987 - Answer- Amendment to CWA CALLED WATER QUALITY ACT NPDES in south carolina - Answer- South Carolina is NPDES delegated state. NPDES regulations are administered by - Answer- SCDHEC CGP authorizes - Answer- stormwater discharges from construction sites Who must obtain NPDES coverage - Answer- land disturbing activities greater than or equal to 1 acre
contractors - Answer- must on Contractor Certification- D- 0437 On-Site SWPPP - Answer- SCDHEC CGP, NOI, NPDES coverage approval letter, Contractor Certifications, Local Approvals, USACE approvals, Critical area permit(coast) OS_SWPPP - Answer- a copy of signed and certified SWPPP, NOI, and CGP coverage letter from DHEC must be retained at site or electronically accessible minor modification to ON-SWPPP - Answer- minor modifications made directly in the field,do not need approval by DHEC- additional BMP's, removal of disturbed areas major modifications to OS-SWPPP - Answer- must be made by qualified individual and submitted to DHEC or appropriate delegated entity for approval Phased plan requirement > 5 - Answer- include a phased stormwater management plan which identifies all BMP's and grading work conducted during a specific portion of the sites construction sequence. Each phase identified on at least one separate plan sheet. Phased plan requirement < 10 but > 5 acres - Answer- at least two separate plan phases are required - initial land disturbance phase - stabilization phase Phased plan requirement ≥ 10 acres - Answer- at least 3 separate plan phases are required - initial land disturbance phase - construction phase - stabilization phase All compliance inspection must include invesg. of, at a minimum of 5 of the following - Answer- 1. areas of site disturbed by construction activity and areas used for storage of materials exposed to precipitation
4.Weaher information and description of any discharges occurring at time of inspection.
Surface roughening DESCRIPTION - Answer- horizontal depressions, steps or grooves that run parallel to contour of land surface roughening methods - Answer- - tracking
TRMs are composed of - Answer- synthetic materials-permanent-critical area use ECB's/ TRMs installation - Answer- prepare seedbed by loosening op 2-3 inches of soil
Polyacrylamide (PAM) - Answer- used as non toxic chemical temporary tackifier for controlling soil erosion and as a flocculant to aid sedimentation 3 types of PAM - Answer- dry/powder polyacrylamides liquid polyacrylamides solid/block polyacrylamides Sediment control BMP's - Answer- sediment tube ditch check stabilized construction entrance filter fabric inlet protection block and gravel inlet protection hardware fabric and stone inlet protection pre-fabricated inlet protection water surface withdrawal - Answer- when discharging from sediment basins, utilize outlet structures that only withdraw water from near the waters surface within the basin, unless infeasible what are the additional requirements for sediment basins - Answer- surface water withdrawal ( skimmers or stop log risers) Clean out stake ( 1/2 of sediment storage volume) Public safety addressed, (as applicable) safety fences and signs, vector control(mosquitoes) sediment forebays (as applicable)
Porous baffles (as applicable) 3 row minimum/ may NOT use silt fence Sediment forebay benefits - Answer- reduce runoff velocities improve sediment trapping promotes sedimentation away from outlet structure ease of maintenance sediment forebay requiremnts - Answer- install in all sediment basins sized based off of total sediment storage. earthen berms, riprap berms, and excavations. Porous baffles requirements - Answer- minimum of 3 row place between basins inlets and outlets DO NOT USE SILT FENCE Porous baffles beneifts - Answer- reduce runoff velocities improve sediment trapping promotes sedimentation away from outlet structure skimmers shallow pit - Answer- provides an area for sediment to accumulate under skimmer skimmers rock pad - Answer- prevents skimmer from becoming stuck in accumulated sediment skimmer rope - Answer- aids in maintenance of skimmer without having to enter basin. Route rope through trash rack and attach to embankment
sediment basin DESCRIPTION - Answer- structure designed to capture sediment from storm water runoff before it leaves construction site AND basin dewatering achieved through riser and pipe leading to outlet on downstream side of embankment. Sediment basin INSTALLATION - Answer- basins should be constructed before any grading takes place within drainage area. Basins with earthen embankments should be outfitted with dewatering pipe and riser set just above sediment removal cutoff level. multipurpose basin description - Answer- Permanent detention basins designed for use as temporary sediment basins during construction phase of project. Sediment dam Trap - Answer- formed by excavating pond or by placing earthen embankment across low area or drainage swale sediment dam trap outlet or spillway is - Answer- constructed using no.5 washed stone and class B riprap aggregate. sediment dam trap installation - Answer- allow stone to extend downstream past toe of embankment. Upstream side of outlet should be lined with uniform 6 inch thick layer of no.5 stone. Mark sediment cleanout level of dam with stake at 1/2 sediment storage volume. Seed and mulch all disturbed areas. All areas of sediment dam should be seeded except for - Answer- Bottom of basin
Sedient dam trap inspection/ maintenance - Answer- trapped sediment should be removed when it reaches 50 % capacity. Trapped sediment should generally be placed and stabilized on site Placement of removed sediment should be placed upstream of a sediment control structure. Rock sediment dike description - Answer- semi circular temp. sediment control structures constructed across drainage ditches, swales, low areas or other areas that receive concentrated flow and have flow exits over a wide area instead of in concentrated location. Silt fence description - Answer- used a temporary perimeter controls around sites where there will be soil disturbance and consist of posts with geotextile fabric stretched across posts (non-reinforced) preferably with wire support fence. Silt fence installation - Answer- post spacing will be max of 6 feet on center. Attach fabric to metal posts with ties,. lower edge of fence is vertically trenched and covered by compacted backfill. Place fence perpendicular to flow direction. install silt fence at proper distance - Answer- from toe of steep slopes to provide sediment storage and access for maintenance and cleanout. silt fence inspection and maintenanace - Answer- check if runoff has eroded channel beneath fence, or where fence has sagged or collapsed from runoff overtopping fence silt fence sediment must be removed - Answer- when it reaches approximately 1/3 height of fence, within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved rock ditch check description - Answer- small temporary or permanent rock fill dam constructed across drainage ditch, swale, or channel to lower speed of concentrated flows.
rock ditch check installation - Answer- rock must be placed by hand or mechanical placement(no dumping of rock) so center of check is lower than edges. rock ditch check installation spacing - Answer- maximum spacing between dams should be such that toe of upstream check is at same elevation as top of downstream check Sediment tube ditch check description - Answer- elongated tubes of compacted geotextiles, curled excelsior wood, natural coconut fiber or hardwood mulch. Sediment tubes may be installed - Answer- in drainage conveyance swales as ditch checks to help reduce effects soil erosion and retain sediment Ditch check installation - Answer- Check dams should NEVER be places in blues line streams Stabilized construction entrance description - Answer- A stabilized construction entrance is temporary stone stabilized pad located at points of vehicular ingress and egress on construction site to reduce amount of mud, dirt, and rocks transported onto public roads tsabilzed construction entrance installation - Answer- minimum of entrance should be 24 feet wide by 100 feet long. edges tapered out towards road. Consist of 2 to 3" D50 aggregate with minimum thickness 6" Filter fabric inlet protection decription - Answer- inlet protection for small storm water flows (0.5 cfs or less) with low velocities and where inlet drains relatively flat area (SLOPES NO GREATER THAN 5%) filter fabric inlet protection inspection/maintenance - Answer- if fabric clogs, replace it! sediment should be removed when it reaches 1/3 height of fence
block and gravel inlet protection description - Answer- block and gravel filter can be used where heavy flows and higher velocities are expected and where overflow capacity is necessary to prevent excessive ponding around structure. hardware fabric and stone inlet protection decripition - Answer- supported wire material with filter stone can be used where concentrated flows may be expected. Wire mesh and gravel protection is used when flows exceed 0.5 cfs and when construction traffic will occur over inlet. pre fabricated inlet protection description - Answer- structures designed to keep silt, sediment, and construction debris from entering pipe systems through open inlet structures. 5quesions every inspector should address for each site visit - Answer- 1. Does this project have an approved permit.
phase of construction check construction entrance Required certification forms for each permitted project - Answer- pre construction conference certification (d- 0436 contractor certification form (d-0437) OS-SWPPP LOGS - Answer- - CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LOG