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Certified Crop Advisor Exam Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

Certified Crop Advisor Exam Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 What is not an essential nutrient for plants? Na/sodium Which of the following plant nutrients is a cation in soils? potassium/K+ Which of the following is a macronutrient? Cu, S, Mg, B Sulfur Which element regulates stomatal openings in plants? Potassium, K Which nutrient is most immobile in soil? phosphate What is the chemical uptake form of nitrogen? NO3- What is the chemical uptake form of phosphorous? H2PO4- What is the chemical uptake form of potassium? k+ At which growth stage are nutrients in the greatest demand? vegatative Which of the following in a micronutrient? Cu, Ca, Mg, S Cu, Copper At which growth stage would you expect the highest demand for soil nutrients? mid-veg

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Certified Crop Advisor Exam Questions with

100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated

What is not an essential nutrient for plants? Na/sodium Which of the following plant nutrients is a cation in soils? potassium/K+ Which of the following is a macronutrient? Cu, S, Mg, B Sulfur Which element regulates stomatal openings in plants? Potassium, K Which nutrient is most immobile in soil? phosphate What is the chemical uptake form of nitrogen? NO3- What is the chemical uptake form of phosphorous? H2PO4- What is the chemical uptake form of potassium? k+

At which growth stage are nutrients in the greatest demand? vegatative Which of the following in a micronutrient? Cu, Ca, Mg, S Cu, Copper At which growth stage would you expect the highest demand for soil nutrients? mid-veg What is the least available source of nutrients? soil minerals If a nutrient is released into the soil during decomposition of an organic material what has occurred? mineralization When a plant nutrient is absorbed with water that is moving to and into the plant root, the nutrient uptake process is called ________. mass flow A major way calcium is supplied to plants is by _________. cation exchange Which of the following is more mobile in a flooded soil than in an upland soil? manganese

Which of the following structures would likely have the lowest soil fertility? sand Which of the following nutrient uptake mechanism is most important after a rainfall event? mass flow Which of the following is not needed for rapid nitrification to occur? nitrate Conditions which favor volatile losses of nitrogen? high temperature Denitrification is the conversion of ___________ gaseous forms like denitrogen and oxides of nitrogen? nitrate Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is the process where atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia in the root nodules of? legumes A condition which favors symbiotic nitrogen fixation is? low soil nitrate Immobilization of inorganic N during decomposition will be most likely if the material decomposing has a C:N ratio of...? 35

In which of the following cases would you expect the greatest nitrogen mineralization? amended with bio-solid Which of the following forms of K is most available to plants? solution Which of the following situations would you most likely expect potassium deficiency? 20% clay, pH 8.3, double cropped split application of nitrogen compared to one pass of the same rate provide what advantage? reduce leaching loss If a legume is grown in rotation with a grain crop, the nitrogen fertilizer rate for the grain crop will be ___________ as compared to a monoculture of the grain crop. reduced The keys to reducing the amounts of fertilizer nitrogen entering ground and surface waters are to _______ crop uptake and to _____ loss pathways such as leaching and runoff. maximize, minimize Which of the following is responsible for decreased P availability at high soil PH?

calcium phosphate precipitates Which of the following is the best measure of plant available P in a soil? soil test P Extensive use of which of the following soil amendments is most likely to induce K deficiency? aglime Potassium fixed by soil minerals is _________ available to crops? slowly soil sampling is a non-uniform field should be by the ____ method grid The depth of sampling no-till soils as compared to conventionally tilled soils is _______? shallower nutrient concentrations __________ change with depth? usually At which of the following soil test levels would you expect the greatest crop response? low

Which of the following concepts of fertilizer recommendations increases soil fertility level most slowly? crop sufficiency If a soil contains 100 lb/P/acre it contains _______ ppm P? 50 Fertilizer recommendations obtained from a plant tissue analysis are ________ used to make a foliar fertilizer recommendation during that crop year? sometimes _________ is the plant nutrient concentration below which crop growth rate declines significantly. critical value Which is the best sample pretreatment for a tissue sample proper to submitting the sample? partially air dry in a paper bag Which of the following would not usually be a good source of N? irrigation water Which of the following N sources have the least % nitrogen? ammonium sulfate Which of the following P sources is a liquid? ammonium polyphosphate

What is the most common form of a potassium fertilizer? KCl Which of the following Ca sources should not be used as a lime source? gypsum If a fertilizer is a 13-13-13 on an oxide basis, what is the analysis on an elemental basis? 13-5.7-10. How many lbs of 10-20-10 should be applied to an acre if the fertilizer recommendation is 26 lbs of P? 300 How many lbs of 10-20-10 should be applied to an acre if the fertilizer recommendation is 60 lbs of P205? 300 The portion of a fertilizer that easily dissolves in water is ______? water soluble Most of the P in biosolids is phosphate If a manure contains 1.9% P on a dry basis and is 60% solids, what is the "as is" (wet basis) P concentration? 1.1%, 1.9*.60=1.

_______ is the common method used to apply fertilizers to pasture? top dress As soil pH decreases, ____ increases. hydrogen ion concentration Which of the kind of acidity is most important in determining lime rate? residual At which of the following soil PHs would phosphorous be most available for plant uptake?

Which of the following is more avaliable at a Ph of 7 than a Ph of 5. molybdenum which of the following actually neutralizes soil acidity when lime is applied? CO3- Which of the following is not used in determining a lime rec? exchangeable sodium % Lime passing through which of the following mesh sizes would be of the greatest benefit in neutralizing soil acidity? 60

ECCE is the product of Effectiveness and ____________. calcium carbonate equivalence If the ECCE of a liming material is 65 and the lime recommendation for a state is based on a material with an ECCE of 80, how should lime rate be adjusted for the material with an ECCE of 65? 1.2 times rec Production history or level of management is a good way to determine __________. yield goals Which of the following loss pathways is of most concern for loss of nitrate N? leaching Which of the following loss pathways is of most concern for loss of phosphate from a recently tilled soil? erosion If P based recommendations are used for manure applications, ___________. supplemental N will be needed for a crop Which of the following is commonly used to make a P based rec? P Index

The P index is used to determine whether or not a manure or biosolids application should be ________? P & N based Which of the following is not part of a nutrient mngmt plan? improve atmospheric conditions A comprehensive nutrient management plan should discuss? P movement to surface water Which of the following material reduces P availability in manures? alum Nutrient balances consider ________? all nutrient additions, all nutrient losses, adjustments of nutrient additions? The final step in a nutrient management plan is ____________. evaluation & adjustments Decreasing the amount of P in animal feed ___________ the amount of P applied to the environment? reduces Which of the following is negatively charged? anion

Cations are held on the CEC by ___________ charges on clay and organic matter. negative Which of the following clays contribute most to CEC if the same amount of each clay is present? montmorillonite Potassium fixation occurs when which of the following clays is present in soil? illite If a soil has an EC of 0.6 siemens per meter and contains 20 percent sodium on the CEC, it is a ______ soil. a. saline b. sodic c. saline-sodic d. acid saline-sodic What is the textural class of soil that is 10 percent clay and 35 percent sand? silt loam Which of the following increases as a soils clay content increases? surface area

Which of the soil textures listed below has the highest porosity and lowest bulk density? clay The maximum value for plant available water is? The difference between field capacity and wilting point Which of the following textural classes has the largest potential available water? silt loam Which kind of soil structure would be typical for a good seed bed? granular Soil structure modifies the physical properties of soil texture Good structure in the subsoil improves _____________? root elongation Soil micros cause _____________ in soil structure when crop residues are added to soil? increases A horizon that contained illuviated clay is the _____ horizon? B

In a typical row crop production system most of the organic matter originated from? Crop Residues The stable form of soil organic matter is called humus When organic materials decompose most of the C end up as CO Which of the following is not an example of a contribution of soil organic matter to soil properties? increased molybdenum availability Soil organic matter is a source of _____ for crops? N In order to increase soil organic matter levels, ________ must be reduced or elimated? tillage What favors soil microbial activity? increase in soil water content, increased temps Which of the following organic materials would be expected to mineralize the most N? dairy manure

Which type of erosion removes a thin layer of soil? a. splash b. sheet c. rill d. gully sheet Which of the following is a kind of wind erosion that forms dust storms? suspension Any factor that _________ runoff & _________ surface protection, increases erosion. increases, decreases Which of the following factors does not affect wind erosion? slope length The amount if soil that can be lost by erosion while crop production maintains economically for the long term is_____________? soil loss tolerance In most situations surface soil __________ will be lower after water erosion occurs? organic matter content Which of the following would be an acceptable conservation practice for a steep slope?

terracing Maintaining surface residues on a soil will ________ surface soil warming in the Spring. retard Soil erosion potential is highest in which of the following? clean till Subsurface compaction from tillage usually starts __________. slightly below the depth of tillage Seedling emergence is hindered by: surface crusting Maintaining crop residues on the surface and ______ reduce surface compaction. light tillage __________ decreases odor and NH3 losses from biosolids? injection Which of the following increases soil water storage? precipitation Which of the following has the greatest impact on fillteration? surface soil texture Runoff decreases as ______ increases. surface residue

Which of the following anions is most likely to leach? NO3- Which of the following pesticides would have the highest probability to move to groundwater? soluble, persistent Rapid water movement downward in large pores after a rain is called __________. preferential flow Soils with ______ soil structure will have the best internal drainage. blocky Organic solutes tend to move more slowly in soils as soil ________ content increases. organic matter A day when there is _____ probability of precipitation would be best for pesticide application to minimize pesticide losses in runoff. less P is transported by __________ from fields. runoff P transport from a field can be reduced by ___________. buffer strips

Water moving horizontally in a field is called _______________. lateral flow max plant available water field capacity - wilting point Max ET generally occurs when atmospheric demand peaks Which of the following must exist for ET to occur? relative humidity gradient Stomates regulate water losses from leaves by varying the ________ to water vapor movement from the leaf to the atmosphere. resistance to Excessive soil moisture usually _____________ nutrient uptake. decreases Limited soil moisture usually __________ nutrient uptake. decreases Irrigation method where water is applied at low volume. drip __________ are raised soil areas used to improve drainage.

beds Which of the following characteristic of a poorly drained soil. anaerobic Which of the following pollutants in water is not generally attributed to agriculture. mercury Over application of P is often the result of using _______ fertilizer. animal manures Well water contamination from surface water can be prevented by using a casing Which of the following can cause eutrophication of surface water? P 3 multiple choice options A ____________ is specifically designed to improve ground water quality before ground water can move to a stream. Tree planting A quarantine is an example of which pest management strategy? prevention

In IPM the economic injury level is the level in which the _______ of treatment equals the ___________ of treatment. cost = economic benefit When using proper pest monitoring procedures ______________. treatment is based on pest level and economics In developing a sampling scheme for a pest, _____ does not need to be considered. who does the sampling 3 multiple choice options Which of the following causes disease to occur in a pest reducing the pest population? pathogen _______ is an important way pests are transported to host plants? wind Which of the following is not a side of the disease triangle antigen 3 multiple choice options Which of the following pathogens usually survives only in living tissue? virus

3 multiple choice options when a pest invades the plant between plant cells, it is called? intercellular _________ is a major way insects feed on plants. piercing/sucking Crop damage from insects can occur when ________ coincides with crop growth. insect activity Insects that pass through the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in their life cycle have complete metamorphosis Which of the following helps weeds survive and be competitive? high growth rate, high seeding rate Which of the following is often the most important factor limiting weed competition when the crop outgrows the weed? light Which of the following is not particularly useful in predicting a diseases outbreak? field history 3 multiple choice options

Which is the most insect specific method of sampling for insects? trap 3 multiple choice options If insects are clumped in specific parts of the field, ______ samples should be taken. random soil for nematode analysis should be ______ before shipping kept cool What can be used to predict future pest populations? forecasting models Which pathogens cause discolored mosaics on plants? viruses Which pest is pictured? minute pirate bug Which pest is pictured? aphid

What is commonly used to ID broadleaf weed seedlings? cotyledons What is commonly used to ID grass weed seedlings? ligules Produces seed every 2 years. biennial What can be found in air levels that can damage crops? PAN The economic threshold is the level of pest injury when pest control will prevent ___________ from being reached? economic injury level Natural enemies of pest can help __________ pest populations? decrease Cropping history of a field can be used to identify pest ________. hosts If a plant can exclude or overcome a disease it is considered? a. diverse

b. susceptible c. resistant d. tolerant resistant A limitation of GM crops is _________. a. short stature b. high fertilizer needs c. lack of tolerance to wet soils d. lack of marketability in some countries lack of marketability _____ are used to maintain natural enemies of insect pests. refuges Which of the following is important in many disease mgmt programs? crop rotation 3 multiple choice options Which of the following is least likely to be used to control a pest? subsoiling Time during the season where the field should be kept free of weeds. critical weed free period

Biological control agents that work best are ___________. not indigenous to the crop or area 3 multiple choice options Crop sensitivity to a pesticide can vary with ____. a. persistence b. resistance c. soil humidity d. crop growth stage crop growth stage Which of the following DOES NOT encourage pesticide resistance to develop? alternating different MOAs _________ pesticides exert their pesticidal action when placed on a plant. contact 3 multiple choice options Which of the following increases the possibility of genetic resistance developing in a pest? single gene inheritance of resistance Which of the following increases the potential for a non target crop injury? aerial application

Which of the following is most important in herbicide carry over. degradation 3 multiple choice options Herbicides are usually most effective on...? Fast growing plants 3 multiple choice options IF a non-target crop has an albino appearance, it may have been sprayed with? HPPD/pigment inhibitor It is important to consider _________ when applying herbicides to resistant crops. drift Which of the following insecticides are most persistent in the soil? pyrethroids Which insecticide targets insect eggs? ovicidal _____ fungicides are absorbed by the plant and distributed internally to prevent disease infection or kill the pathogen without harming the plant? systemic