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Medical Terminology and Office Procedures, Exams of Nursing

This description covers various medical terminologies, procedures, and concepts including blood tests, physician preferences, proofreading, payment, drug names, wound healing, anaphylactic shock, chest pain, burn treatment, hypoglycemia, verdict, appointment scheduling, abbreviations, contamination, bank activities, taxes, social security, spelling, surgical asepsis, adverse effects, medication administration, injection sites, physiatry, receptionist duties, dress code, mail classification, business letters, telephone calls, computer terms, HIPAA, coding workshops, fraud, vitamins, dietary recommendations, senses, blood donation, universal precautions, patient positions, breathing, drug classification, and abuse potential.

Typology: Exams


Available from 02/27/2024

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Download Medical Terminology and Office Procedures and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Certified Medical Assistant Practice Exam 181 Questions and Answers Reduction in cardiac output is known as - ✔c️ardiogenic shock. Hypotension is the pressure of the blood against the arteries and veins. Bioterrorism is specifically monitored by the - ✔C️DC. The Drug Enforcement Administration monitors controlled substances. A control sample is best described as a(n) sample with a known value. This is the best description. In a controlled experiment, an experimental sample is compared against a control sample, which is practically identical to - ✔t️he experimental sample except for the one aspect whose effect is being tested (the independent variable). The controlled sample is known. EDTA is an anticoagulant used in collection tubes with which color top? - ✔l️avender A lavendertop tube contains EDTA and is used for CBC, WBC differential, and platelet counts. The normal range for total cholesterol in adults is - ✔l️ess than 200. These are the normal ranges for hemoglobin (hgb). An ASO blood test is used to detect - ✔G️roup A streptococci. A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test is used to detect kidney function. The primary condition for which the patient is receiving care or treatment is the diagnosis. The primary condition for which the patient is receiving care or treatment is the diagnosis. Typically, a person with abnormal symptoms will consult a doctor, who will then obtain a history of the patient's illness and examine him or her for signs of - ✔d️isease. The doctor will determine likely diagnoses. In many cases, he or she will conduct more testing to confirm or clarify the diagnosis before providing treatment. Which of the following is NOT a term for the description of the illness given by the patient? - ✔p️rognosis This is related to the reason(s) a patient gives for seeking medical care. When establishing scheduling guidelines, which of the following should be considered first? - ✔p️hysician preferences The physician's preference is considered first in scheduling. According to the rules of sourceoriented record keeping, forms, notes, and memos should be kept in which order? - ✔.️ reverse chronological Chronological order is the reverse of how the chart should be arranged. Checking a letter for errors prior to sending it is known as - ✔p️roofreading. The medical assistant must proofread any document for errors prior to sending it. Which of the following displays information that is currently active? - ✔m️onitor A monitor displays current data. A small portable device used for backing up data is known as a - ✔f️lash drive. A flash drive, also known as a thumb drive, is a small device used transdermal patch is worn on the skin to administer the medication. When a patient is experiencing nausea and vomiting, what is the preferred route of medication administration? - ✔r️ectal Intravenous medication is used for nausea and vomiting; however, this is not the preferred route of administration. A physician orders 300 mg of a medication. The medication is available in 150 mg tablets. How many tablets should be taken? - ✔t️wo Two tablets would equal 300 mg of the medication. The correctgauge needle for a Mantoux test is - ✔2️7. A 25gauge needle is too large for an intradermal injection. wound in which the skin is still intact is called a(n) - ✔c️ontusion. An abrasion, also known as a scrape, is an open wound. Anaphylactic shock may occur after - ✔a️n allergic reaction. The allergic reaction may be caused by a medication, an insect bite, or an inhaled toxin. This is a medical emergency. Abdominal thrusts are used in which of the following situations? choking The Heimlich maneuver, which involves abdominal thrusts, is used - ✔o️n a person who is choking. Modern choking protocols involve several stages, including encouraging the victim to cough, back slaps, CPR, finger sweeping, and direct vision removal. Chest pain may be caused by all of the following conditions EXCEPT - ✔n️ausea. Gallbladder pain can cause chest pain, which is often mistaken for a heart attack. A seconddegree burn should be treated by - ✔i️mmersing the area in clean, cold water. answer. A seconddegree burn should be immersed in clean, cold water for pain relief. If the burns are bad, cold water should not be used as it might alter the patient's temperature. A medical assistant should treat hypoglycemia by - ✔a️dministering glucose. Orange juice cannot be given if the patient is unconscious or uncooperative. Which of the following is the correct treatment for a snake bite? - ✔I️mmobilize the area of the bite. The area should be moved as little as possible to delay absorption of the venom. Which of the following terms refers to a decision by a judge or jury? - ✔v️erdict A verdict is a decision made by a jury on matters or questions submitted to the jury by a judge. The ability of a witness to convince a judge or jury to believe him or her is called - ✔c️redibility. The burden of proof lies on the defendant, who must prove his or her innocence or lack of culpability. Which of the following ensures preventive maintenance for office equipment? - ✔s️ervice agreement A service agreement ensures that the service provider will provide the preventive maintenance needed to maintain the equipment. Which of the following is required to operate a fax machine? - ✔t️elephone line A telephone line is required to operate a fax machine. How should the office pay bills that need to be mailed? - ✔c️ompany check A company check is the preferred and safest manner in which to pay bills When the patient identifies himor herself on the phone, the medical assistant should immediately - ✔w️rite down the patient's name. The medical assistant should write down the patient's name first, not ask the reason for the call. Which of the following is the best way to respond to an angry caller? Express regret, but do not admit to the mistake or error just to appease the patient - ✔T️he best way to respond is to listen to the caller and express regret that he or she is upset. However, do not admit a mistake or error unless you personally made one, in which case you can take ownership of your mistake and apologize to the caller Which of the following communication forms allows only oneway transmission? - ✔p️ager A fax may be used as a twoway communication device. Which term describes the maximum amount an insurance carrier will pay for services? - ✔a️llowed charge Coverage is a service covered by the plan. Accounts are in balance when the patient ledgers equal the accounts receivable A check written on the payer's own check and verified by the bank is known as a - ✔c️ertified check. A certified check is guaranteed by the bank, and funds are debited from the payer's account as soon as the check is written. A certified check cannot bounce. check written by an unknown party to a payee who releases the check to the medical office for payment is called a(n) - ✔t️hirdparty check. A thirdparty check is a check written by an unknown party to a payee. The payee endorses the check to the medical office, which then becomes the holder in due course. Checks should be deposited promptly for all of the following reasons EXCEPT - ✔b️ank reconciliation. he check writer may issue a stoppayment order on the check, rendering the check useless. The standard payment period is - ✔3️0 days. Patients are expected to pay within 30 days. The collection ratio - ✔m️easures the effectiveness of the billing system. Payment collection is based on the collection ratio and accounts receivable ratio. Accounts payable includes - ✔t️axes. Interest on savings accounts is accounts receivable. Social Security is also known as - ✔F️ICA. FICA is the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, which governs Social Security. Workers' compensation premiums paid to the state are based on what? - ✔n️umber of hours worked by all covered employees Premiums are based on covered employees only. The price list for charges for services provided by the medical practice is called - ✔t️he fee schedule. Prevailing charges are the most frequently charged fees in an area by specialty physicians. The person named as the principal in an insurance contract is called the - ✔s️ubscriber. The beneficiary is the person named in the insurance policy to receive benefits. Which term is used when certification earned in one state is accepted in another state? - ✔r️eciprocity Reciprocity occurs when certification earned in one state is accepted by other states. periWhich of the following prefixes means outside? - ✔e️cto Perimeans around. All of the following words are misspelled EXCEPT - ✔o️sseous. Cranial is the correct spelling. Movement away from the midline of the body is called - ✔a️bduction. Abduction means to move away from the midline of the body. Which plane divides the body into upper and lower halves? - ✔t️ransverse The coronal plane divides the body into front and back planes. It is also known as the frontal plane. The dorsal cavity contains - ✔t️he brain and spinal cord. . The dorsal cavity contains the brain, spinal cord, and spinal fluid. Freud described the id as - ✔t️he unconscious. The superego is governed by one's own moral code. Creating a completely sterile environment without the presence of any microorganisms is known as - ✔s️urgical asepsis. Surgical asepsis, also known as sterile technique, refers to a sterile environment without the presence of any microorganisms. When the patient is lying face up with feet flat and knees bent, he or she is in which position? - ✔d️orsal recumbent The dorsal recumbent position is used for examination of the abdomen, vagina, or rectum, as well as to test reflexes. In the process of wound healing, the phase in which new tissue forms is called - ✔t️he proliferation phase. Radiation therapy is the use of radiation to treat diseases. Paralysis of the lower extremities is called - ✔p️araplegia. Paraplegia is the paralysis of the lower extremities, and is usually the result of spinal cord injury or a congenital condition such as spina bifida. The branch of medicine that specializes in rehabilitation is called - ✔p️hysiatry. Physical therapy is prescribed by a physician. It is not a branch of medicine. Hypothermia in an adult is recognized by a rectal temperature below - ✔9️5°. answer. A rectal temperature of 95° indicates hypothermia, a condition in which the temperature drops below that which is required for normal metabolism and bodily functions. The receptionist is an employee who works - ✔i️n the front desk area, greeting and logging in patients. The receptionist works in the front desk or reception area of the office, greeting and logging in patients. The most important job of the receptionist is - ✔m️aking a good first impression The receptionist's most important job is making a good first impression. An important component of the receptionist's job is opening the office. The receptionist should arrive at the office - ✔t️en to fifteen minutes before office hours begin. Arriving ten to fifteen minutes before office hours begin is usually adequate. All facilities have a dress code for employees that includes - ✔a️n identification badge. Neat, clean, comfortable shoes should be a normal component of professional dress but are not part of the dress code. Mail is classified according to all of the following EXCEPT - ✔s️urface area. Type of mail includes first class, priority, bound printed matter, media matter, express, and international. Mail content is initially the responsibility of the - ✔m️ailer. The United States Postal Service is not responsible for mail content. The slowest type of mail service is - ✔p️arcel post. Parcel post—used for small and large packages, thick envelopes, and tubes containing gifts and merchandise—can take anywhere from two to eight days for delivery. When arranging mail for the physician to open, how should you place it on the physician's desk? - ✔s️tacked neatly with the least important mail on the bottom and the most important mail on the top For any mail that the physician requests to open personally, the most important mail should be placed on top for the physician to see and open first. Business letters typically contain all of the following EXCEPT - ✔a️n enclosure. Business letters do not always contain enclosures. The body of the business letter begins how many lines below the salutation? - ✔t️wo lines The complimentary closing line is placed - ✔t️wo lines below the last line of the body of the letter. The complimentary closing line is placed two lines below the body Which of the following is an appropriate complimentary closing to a business letter? - ✔S️incerely "Yours truly" is very informal and is considered too personal for a formal closing. The identification line consists of - ✔t️he author's and typist's initials. The typed name of the writer or sender is located in the signature block. The felt side of the letterhead is located on - ✔t️he side of the letter where the watermark is readable. The watermark cannot be felt on the letterhead. Telephone calls are classified as all of the following EXCEPT - ✔o️n hold. On hold is not a classification that is used to describe phone calls. What is the name for the largest type of computer used mainly by sizeable organizations for functions like bulk data processing and financial transaction processing? - ✔m️ainframe The mainframe is the type of computer used in larger companies and institutions. An example of an input device is a - ✔k️eyboard. A keyboard usually inputs textual information, although it may have other functions as well. A CDROM is a(n) - ✔s️torage device. Which symbol(s) used in ICD9 coding indicate(s) a new entry? - ✔a️ bullet point A bullet point indicates a new entry. In the ICD9 appendices, which appendix is used for coding adverse drug reactions? - ✔A️ppendix C Appendix D is the Classification for Industrial Accidents. E codes are used to classify - ✔e️nvironmental or external causes of injury. Chronic diseases are covered under V codes. Which diagnostic coding system is used to code morbidity - ✔I️CD9 The ICD9 diagnostic coding system is used to code morbidity. The ICD9 was published in 1977. At that time, the system could be used for both morbidity as well as mortality. However, on January 1, 1999, the ICD10 was adopted for reporting mortality. Which of the following sections of the CPT codebook refers to surgery? - ✔1️004069990 Codes 9920199499 refer to evaluation and management. Which is the most important factor in coding? - ✔a️ccuracy Procedures that are not coded accurately will cause a delay in payment. HCPCS level II codes are used for which of the following? - ✔i️tems not listed in the CPT4 HCPCS level II codes are used for items not listed in the CPT4, such as supplies. The etiology of a condition is - ✔t️he causes or origin of the disorder. The word "etiology" is the science that deals with the causes or origin of the disease or disorder. Fraud is defined as - ✔a️n act of deception used to take advantage of another person or entity. Fraud is a deceptive act used to take advantage of another person or entity, usually for personal gain, although sometimes to harm another party. Recording financial transactions is called - ✔p️osting. Posting is the process of copying transactions from one record to another record. The pegboard system - ✔d️oesn't require a computer The pegboard system is no longer the most efficient form of bookkeeping. The defense mechanism where an unconscious motive that causes anxiety is converted into its opposite is called - ✔r️eaction formation. . Regression is a method to cope with stress in which an earlier development phase is sought. The latency period of Freud's psychosexual model of development occurs - ✔f️rom ages 5 and 6 through adolescence. The latency period is very specific. It initiates between ages five and six and continues through adolescence. A disorder in which one is preoccupied with one's health is called - ✔h️ypochondriasis. A phobia is an intense irrational fear of an object or a situation. The primary source of energy for the body is - ✔c️arbohydrates. Carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy for the body. All of the following are watersoluble vitamins EXCEPT - ✔v️itamin D. Vitamin B is a watersoluble vitamin responsible for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as blood formation. A dumping syndrome diet is suggested for patients who - ✔h️ave had gastric bypass surgery. . Patients who have Wilson's disease are placed on a restricted copper diet. Excessive amounts of fluoride in drinking water may cause - ✔d️iscoloration of the teeth. Excessive amounts of fluoride may cause discoloration of the teeth. The effects range from barely perceptible white specks to severe brown to brownish gray stains. A restrictedfat diet is prescribed for patients who have - ✔d️iseases of the pancreas. Patients who are morbidly obese are put on a lowcalorie diet. The sense of smell is known as - ✔o️lfaction. This is a potentially infectious body fluid. Handling blood and urine as if they are infectious is known as - ✔u️niversal precautions. answer. Universal precautions apply to blood, blood products, urine, semen, vaginal secretions, and other body fluids, excluding sweat Which of the following terms describes a cleaning product that reduces or eliminates infectious organisms? - ✔d️isinfectant An antiseptic is a cleaning product used on human tissues. Some antiseptics are germicides. Instruments used in an open procedure should be - ✔s️terilized. This is the correct answer. Instruments must be sterilized after use in an open procedure. The patient is placed in which position during a vaginal examination? - ✔l️ithotomy The lithotomy position is used for vaginal exams. The patient is laid on the back with knees bent, positioned above the hips, and spread apart. When a patient is lying flat on his or her back, he or she is said to be in what position? - ✔s️upine The supine position is face forward, palms forward, feet forward, and lying on the back. A surgical procedure that allows a patient to walk in and walk out of the facility the same day is called - ✔a️mbulatory surgery. Ambulatory surgery is the correct answer choice. A tonometer is used to diagnose - ✔g️laucoma. Nasal polyps can be diagnosed with a nasal speculum. Which of the following sutures is the largest in diameter? - ✔s️ize 0 Size 2-0 is a little smaller than a size 0 suture. A small clamp used for grasping a vessel to stop bleeding is called - ✔a️ hemostat. Thumb forceps pick up or hold tissue. You should wear gloves - ✔i️f the patient has nonintact skin and there may be contact with body fluids. Which of the following terms means "normal breathing"? - ✔e️upnea Eupnea is normal breathing, as is observed under resting conditions. Where is the pedal pulse found? - ✔t️he foot The popliteal pulse is found behind the knee. Which of the following is used to amplify sounds? - ✔s️tethoscope stethoscope is used to amplify sounds. It is often used to listen to heart sounds, intestines, and blood flow in arteries and veins. Which of the following is NOT a vital sign? - ✔w️eight Heart rate is another name for pulse rate, which is a vital sign. Determining the circumference of an infant's head is known as - ✔m️ensuration. To mensurate means to measure something, such as the circumference of an infant's head. Drugs that have a high abuse potential and no known medical use are classified as schedule - ✔I️. Schedule I drugs have no known medical usage and have a high abuse potential. Examples include heroin, LSD, marijuana, and methaqualone. The name of a drug that uses the anatomical or molecular formula is called the - ✔c️hemical name. The chemical name is the formula or the chemical composition of a drug. - ✔