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Qualified Personnel - Correct answer a person knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls who possesses the skills to assess conditions at the construction site that could impact storm water quality and to assess the effectiveness of any sediment and erosion control measures selected to control the quality of storm water discharges from the construction acitivities How must the inspector act? - Correct answer professional, impartial, courteous, consistent in every situation, honest and accurate with your response Why was the CWA enacted? - Correct answer To restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the U.S. Section 401 - Correct answer If you are involved in construction or industrial activities that may result in discharge of any pollutant you must obtain Water Quality Certification NPDES - Correct answer National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, est. 1972 Section 402 - Correct answer Stated that five categories of strormwater discharges were subjected to permitting Phase I facilities - Correct answer 1987 -those already covered under NPDES -those that engage in industrial activity -large (<250,000) municipal separate storm drain system -medium (>100,000, <250,000) municipal separate storm drain system -facilities that EPA determines to have stormwater discharges contributing to violation of water quality When did IGP and CGP roll out? - Correct answer 1992 Phase II dischargers - Correct answer -"light" industrial facilities -small construction sites (<5 acres) -small municipalities (<100,000 population) Section 404 - Correct answer established a permit program to regulate the discharge of dredged fill material into waters of the U.S. Stormwater is, as defined under EPA's NPDES rules,... - Correct answer stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff or drainage Waters of the U.S. - Correct answer -all waters that are/were used or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce -all interstate waters including wetlands -all other waters such as lakes, rivers, streams, mudflats, sand flats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds -all impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the U.S. -tributaries of waters -the territorial sea -wetlands adjacent to waters identified in this definition NOI must be filed by... - Correct answer "operator"- person that has day-to-day supervision and control of activities occurring at a site (may be owner/contractor) Who is exempt under Phase II? - Correct answer agriculture (only for crop production), O + G, and forestry What does Phase II rule require? - Correct answer Operators of Phase II construction sites to obtain an NPDES permit SWPPP must include this information regarding existing conditions of the site: - Correct answer -existing soil information -existing data concering the runoff quality at the site -location and extent of surface waters adjacent to/included within site -name and location of receiving water for runoff from the site Steps for developing a SWPPP: - Correct answer -collecting site information -developing a site plan design -describing construction activity -preparing pollution prevention site map Site map must include: - Correct answer -location of surface waters -location and steepness of slopes after grading -location of areas of soil disturbing activities or total area of site where soil will be disturbed -drainage patterns of site and location of points where stormwater will discharge from the site Phases of preparing a SWPPP: - Correct answer -site evaluation and design -project assessment that measures size of land disturbance -selection of BMPs -certifying SWPPP and submitting NOI EPA requires what in terms of a sediment basin? - Correct answer Requires that temporary/permanent sediment basin be installed in any drainage location where more than 10 acres in the upstream drainage area are disturbed at one time. Must provide at least 3600 cubic feet of storage for every acre of land that it drains. Stormwater management portion of the SWPPP must address... - Correct answer velocity dissipation at discharge locations. Inspections must occur... - Correct answer every seven days or within 24 hours of a storm of 0.5 inches or more in depth. Operator of the site must maintain records with this information: - Correct answer -the dates when major grading activities occur in a particular area -dates when construction activities cease in an area, temporarily or permanently -dates when an area is stabilized, temporarily or permanently A copy of the SWPPP must be kept... - Correct answer at the site from the time construction begins until the site is stabilized. Copies of the SWPPP, all other reports required by the permit, and the data used to complete the NOI must be kept for... - Correct answer three years after final site stabilization. Six minimum control measures: - Correct answer -public education and outreach (informing public of polluted stormwater impacts) -public participation (allow citizens to participate in program development-ex. is public hearings) -illicit discharge detection and elimination -construction site runoff (developing/implementing erosion and sediment control program for construction) -post-construction runoff control (developing/implementing a program to address discharges of post-construction stormwater) -pollution prevention/good housekeeping Industrial facilities required to obtain permit coverage for stormwater if: - Correct answer -point source stormwater discharge associated with an industrial or commercial activity from your property either directly to water of U.S. or to MS4 and either SIC code regulated or business engages in one or more of the industrial or commercial activities identified by the EPA Administrative orders - Correct answer EPA can impose fines and penalties without court action. Maximum penalty for a class I violation is $16,000 /day of violation with a total maximum of $37,500. Maximum penalty for a class II violation is $11,000/day of violation with a total maximum of $177,500. Civil penalties - Correct answer EPA can bring civil suits against any violators of the CWA without first issuing an administrative order. No Maximum limit money-wise. Criminal penalties - Correct answer Most severe enforcement action available to EPA. Fines and prison. Citizen suits - Correct answer Private citizens can initiate civil actions against alleged violators and against EPA for failure to perform any non-discretionary duty under CWA. A construction site must comply with all applicable regulations-- if local grading ordinances apply to the site and the site is greater than 5 acres, then it must comply with... - Correct answer local ordinances as well as the NPDES requirements for construction sites.