Download CFRN Exam 71 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT and more Exams Business Economics in PDF only on Docsity! CFRN Exam 71 Questions with Verified Answers Normal Central Venous Pressure (CVP) - CORRECT ANSWER 2-6 mmHg Normal Cardiac Output (CO) - CORRECT ANSWER 4-8 L/min Normal Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) - CORRECT ANSWER PAS 15-25/PAD 8-12 Normal Pulmonary artery wedge pressure-PAWP - CORRECT ANSWER 8-12 Normal Cardiac Index (CI) - CORRECT ANSWER 2.5-4.2 L/min/m2 Normal Stroke Volume (SV) - CORRECT ANSWER 60-130 mL/beat Normal Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) - CORRECT ANSWER 800-1200 When will you develop barotitis/which law - CORRECT ANSWER Descent problem/Boyle's When will you develop barosinusitis/which law - CORRECT ANSWER Ascent problem/ Boyle's law When will you develop Baradontalgia/which law - CORRECT ANSWER Ascent problem/ Boyle's law When will you develop barobariatrauma/which law - CORRECT ANSWER Ascent problem/ Boyle's law What percentage of Nitrogen is in the air? - CORRECT ANSWER 78% How do you help prevent Barobariatrauma in obese patients? - CORRECT ANSWER Pre-oxygenate all obese patients with 100% o2 before lift over What happens in Charles Law? - CORRECT ANSWER Temperature & Volume Gases expand with heat & volume increases. Gases contract when cold and volume decrease. Gay-Lussac's Law ( Charles gay brother) - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to temperature and pressure. Think O2 tanks, in the sun the pressure and reading will be higher than they would be @ 5am when there's no sun or heat Henry's Law-Henry's Heineken - CORRECT ANSWER Oxygen & CO2 transported in the body based on partial pressure. . Bends Graham's Law- Grahams Grape jelly - CORRECT ANSWER Gases with a smaller mass will diffuse faster than gases with a larger mass. Factors with law-surface area, diffusion gradient, diffusion distance, molecular size, solubility Dalton's Law-Daltons gang - CORRECT ANSWER Partial pressure of all the gases in a given atmosphere. Torr- terminology - CORRECT ANSWER Measurement of pressure in mmhg What does the mnemonic DEATH stand for? - CORRECT ANSWER Drugs, Exhaustion, Alcohol, Tobacco, Hypoglycemia For every 33 feet in depth of water equals how much Atmosphere (ATM) of pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER 1- a diver at 66 ft experiences 3ATM- 2 of water pressure and 1 ATM at ground level How much does 1 ATM (atmosphere) weigh? - CORRECT ANSWER 760 torr Altitude zone- Physiologic zone - CORRECT ANSWER Sea level-10,000 Body functions well altitude zone- Deficient zone - CORRECT ANSWER 10,000-50,000 HR & RR increase to compensate altitude zone-space equivalent zone - CORRECT ANSWER 50,000-250,000 Low 2-3 DPG hoLds oxygen What are causes of right shift (low ph) - CORRECT ANSWER Raised acidosis Raised temp Raised 2-3 DPG Reduced oxygenation What patients would have a left shift on disassociation curve? - CORRECT ANSWER Pts who have had multiple blood transfusions What patients would have a right shift on the dissociation curve? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronic lung patients, copd, emphysema, smokers The emergency locator transmitter frequency is? - CORRECT ANSWER 121.5 For every 100 meters climb in altitude what can you expect? - CORRECT ANSWER A temperate drop of 1 degree Celsius At what altitude will you begin to experience deterioration in night vision? - CORRECT ANSWER 5000ft MSL After a hard landing what what is the proper shut down procedure? - CORRECT ANSWER Throttle, fuel, battery, rotor brake, oxygen Per FAA guidelines an aeromedical program can only fly - CORRECT ANSWER VFR in VMC Ph is a calculation of the presence of what? - CORRECT ANSWER Hydrogen ( per hydrogen) = acid Bohr effect - CORRECT ANSWER Promos the unloading of oxygen at the tissue level. Associated with a right shift Right shift you will have: - CORRECT ANSWER Raised temperature, Raised 2-3 DPG, Raised acidotic state, Reduced oxygenation state left shift you will have: - CORRECT ANSWER Hgb hoLds O2, Low temp, Low 2-3 DPG, aLkalosis, Lots of co How is the majority of CO2 transported? - CORRECT ANSWER As bicarbonate in the plasma For every change in PH of 0.1 you will see a change in K of what? - CORRECT ANSWER 0.6 in the opposite direction For every change in Co2 of 10 points your ph will do what? - CORRECT ANSWER .08 in the opposite direction You'll see metabolic acidosis in what kind of patient? - CORRECT ANSWER DKA How do you decrease CO2 - CORRECT ANSWER 1) increase rate ( minute ventilation) 2) verify maximum safe VT( keep Pplat <30-35 How do you increase CO2 - CORRECT ANSWER 1)Decrease rate 2) Decrease VT- no more than absolutely necessary(prevent de-recruitment) Acetylsalicylate poisoning would cause what kind of imbalance? - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory alkalosis ASA promotes hyperventilation directly Normal minute volume ( minute volume= Ve) - CORRECT ANSWER 4-8L/min What does Pulmonary S2 indicate? - CORRECT ANSWER PE High PIP = - CORRECT ANSWER Tight airways, asthma High Pplat causes - CORRECT ANSWER Barotrauma, check your volumes Standard adult tidal volume calculation should begin with: - CORRECT ANSWER 6- 10ml/kg What does consolidated infiltrates indicate? - CORRECT ANSWER Pneumonia