Download CGSC - H100 - 29C QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 and more Study Guides, Projects, Research History in PDF only on Docsity! CGSC - H100 - 29C QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE 100% VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 Maurice of Nassau Dutch - Focus on drill and discipline; created drill manuals; decreased depth of formation to increase rate of fire Dutch Wars of Independence against Spain Maurice of Nassau - War Dutch Wars of Independence against Spain Gustavus Adolphus Further reduced ranks to increase rate of fire; used cavalry as shock force; used premade cartridges; national standing army with mix of conscripts and mercenaries; increased the numbers of officers and Soldiers because of smaller unit size (allowed for increased Mission Command) 30 Years War Frederick the Great Prussian Strict discipline, corporal punishment; use of interior lines/central position; progressive, sequential training Unable to apply Mission Command or foraging techniques due to high desertion rate and average quality of soldiers. Limited C2. Limited war War of Austrian Succession, 7 Years war, Polish Wars, Wars of Bavarian Succession Napoleon French French Revolution, Italian Wars, Napoleonic Wars. -Levee en Masse -Mass mobilization -Total war -Shift from coercive compliance to normative compliance -Division/Corps system; -Use of multiple avenues of approach and foraging to speed up movement -more merit based promotions -use of rapid maneuver and forcing enemy to commit to large battles Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Prussian Napoleonic Wars Reformed Prussian Army after devastating defeat at Jena in 1806; transformed army to one based on universal service; limited corporal punishment; stopped relying of mercenaries; development of Landwehr (Army Reserves); emphasis on officer education Jomini Swiss Napoleonic Wars (first for French, then Russia) War is rational and subject to unchanging rules; influenced US Army principles of war; no significant discussion of politics or grand strategy; focused on deployment of forces. Strategy decides where to act, logistics brings the troops there, Grand tactics decides the manner of execution and employment of the troops. Principles: Objective, Offense, Mass, Maneuver Clausewitz Prussian Napoleonic Wars The Trinity (military, People, government); War as an act of force to compel an enemy to do one's will; unchanging nature of war/ever changing character; importance of politics; center of gravity; "war is a continuation of political intercourse, carried on with other means" Moltke the Elder Prussian Chief of Staff Austro and Franco-Prussian War 3) Military Tradition 4) Financial System/Credit 5) Innovation War Before Napoleon: Society -Kings - Lords - Knights -Serfs; land paid for with military service -Mercenaries were generally the best units; Soldiers were from lowest wrung of society Why wasn't war decisive before Napoleon -Several exemptions to military service -Training was expensive -High desertion rates -Lack of organization and staff for good logistics French Revolution •1792-1815 •Unleashed passion of people •Soldiers fought for fatherland; increased trust; allowed for greater level of mission command than before with the use of skirmishers and foraging •All of society was involved in the war effort; allowed for the creation of massive armies (Levee en Masse) •Almost all officers had been noble; most of them were kicked out; allowed for a more merit based system •Shift from limited to more total warfare Napoleonic Warfare -Promotions based on merit and bravery -BDE / DIV / CORPS organization -Foraging to solve logistics problems (better leaders allowed greater control of troops) -Tactics: Skirmishers / Improved tactical formations -Massed guns -Powerful reserves Napoleonic Campaigns •1808-1814-Spain, Britain •1809-Austria •1812-Russia •1813-Austria, Prussia, Russia •1814-Austria, Prussia, Russia •1815-Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia Napoleon Campaign Lessons: Spain -Counter insurgency; not enough troops to protect logistics; guerillas used terrain and speed to their advantage; British support from Portuguese bases helped to sustain the fight Napoleon Campaign Lessons: Russia -Long lines of logistics; vast openness of Russia allowed the military to conduct a massive delay of French forces prior to winter; Russians burned all supplies and Moscow to prevent French use; winter and Russian attacks destroyed Napoleon's army during his retreat Reacting to Napoleon - Scharnhorst and Gneisenau-Reformed Prussian Army after devastating defeat at Jena in 1806 - Transformed army to one based on universal service; limited corporal punishment - Stopped relying of mercenaries - Development of Landwehr (Army Reserves) - Emphasis on officer education -Writings of Jomini and Clausewitz Jomini - Main Points • Saw war as rational and subject to unchanging rules • Focused on deployment of forces • Main ideas include interior/exterior lines, decisive points, concentration of strength against weakness, importance of the offensive, surprise, and the decisive role of logistics • Influenced US Army principles of war • No significant discussion of politics • Four principles-Objective, Offensive, Mass, Maneuver Clausewitz - Main Points • War-act of force to compel enemy to do our will • The Trinity (People - Government - Military) • Theory vs. Reality • Center of Gravity -Identify enemy's main sources of power, preferably to a single source -Generally the enemy's army •Nature of War Unchanging -Fog, fear, fatigue, friction •Character of War is always changing -Conduct of war depends on political objective Prussian RMA •New Technology-Needle gun and Railroad •Molkte the Elder - Franco Prussian War - Prussian Chief of Staff - Given Prussia's relatively small size, he understood the need for wars to be short and decisive - Railroads increased speed of troop deployments and increased the spread of soldiers, limiting control - allowed for more control at lower levels; required increased PME WWI - Players Allies - France, Great Britain, USSR, USA, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, Montenegro, Romania, Greece, Japan Central Powers - German Empire, Austro-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria Schlieffen Plan - Germany's plan to win the Great War - Defeat France within 6 weeks, and transition to eastern front with Russia Schlieffen Plan - Assumptions 1) Belgium will not resist much 2) Russian mobilization will take a long time, delaying their attack 3) French will be unable to rapidly maneuver forces from Alsace-Lorraine 4) German right wing will maintain high speed of advance WWI - RMAs -Chemical Weapons -Aircraft -Tanks -Strategic Bombing -Aircraft Carrier -Combined Arms Tactics -Submarine warfare -Amphibious warfare -Indirect Fire German Changes During Interwar Period •Germany - von Seeckt's findings •Decentralize C2 to lowest levels •Maneuver matters •Offensive mindset •Officers and NCOs take initiative and use judgement •Officers and NCOs know doctrine and train •Invented Blitzkrieg (Book: Achtung Panzer- Guderian)