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Ch. 2. Medical Terminology Systems | HSC - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: HSC - Medical Terminology; Subject: Health Sciences; University: York Technical College; Term: Forever 1989;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 06/10/2012

jdbly11 🇺🇸



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Download Ch. 2. Medical Terminology Systems | HSC - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 gastritis DEFINITION 1 inflammation of the stomach TERM 2 hematemesis DEFINITION 2 vomiting of blood TERM 3 arthritis DEFINITION 3 inflammation ofa joint TERM 4 gastrodynia DEFINITION 4 pain in the stomach TERM 5 hematology DEFINITION 5 study of blood TERM 6 athrocentesis DEFINITION 6 surgical puncture of a joint TERM 7 grastroenteritis DEFINITION 7 inflammation of stomach and intestine TERM 8 osteoarthritis meaning DEFINITION 8 inflammation of bone and joint TERM 9 encephalomeningitis DEFINITION 9 inflammation of brain and meninges TERM 10 Suffix DEFINITION 10 SUFFIX