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Project Management: Terms, Concepts, and Motivation Theories, Quizzes of Project Management

Project ManagementTeam DynamicsHuman Resource ManagementMotivation Theory

Definitions and explanations for various terms, concepts, and motivation theories in the context of project management. Topics include project management, organizational planning, resource leveling, intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation, maslow's hierarchy, herzberg's worker motivation, mcgregor's theories, mcclelland's acquired-needs theory, types of power, tuckman's team development model, project communications management, information distribution, performance reporting, and handling conflict.

What you will learn

  • What is organizational planning and what processes does it involve?
  • What are the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
  • What is Project HRM and what processes does it include?

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 04/17/2018

darci-perdue17 🇨🇦



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Download Project Management: Terms, Concepts, and Motivation Theories and more Quizzes Project Management in PDF only on Docsity!

What is Project


Making the most effective use of the people involved with a project.Processes include: HR planning: ID and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships Acquiring the project team: getting the needed personnel assigned to and working on the project Developing the project team: building individual and group skills to enhance project performance Managing the project team: tracking team member performance, motivating team members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, coordinating changes to help enhance performance TERM 2

Organizational Planning


Involves ID, documenting, and assigning project roles,

responsibilities, and reporting relationshipsOutputs and

processes include:- project organizational chart-

responsibility matrix- resource histogram


Resource Leveling


Examining a project for an unbalanced use of resources (eg.

people) over time, and resolving over-allocations or

conflictsPurpose is to create a smoother distribution of

resource usage and reduce over-allocation* May result in

resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks or adding



Resource Histogram


A column chart that shows the number of resources required

for or assigned to a project over time


Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

DEFINITION 5 Extrinsic: behaviour that is driven by external rewards like money, praise, or grades.Drawbacks: when you withdraw the reward, the motivation disappears you get diminishing returns - reward stays at same level, motivation drops off hurts intrinsic - removes their innate desire to do it on their own Intrinsic: behaviour driver by internal rewards; satisfying

Maslow's Hierarchy

5. Self-Actualization - be and do what you were born to

do 5. Esteem - need a stable, firmly based, high level of self

respect 3. Social - love, affection, belongingness 2. Safety -

need for security 1. Physiological - food, water, oxygen


Herzberg Worker Motivation


Motivational factors: achievement, recognition, the work

itself, responsibility, advancement and growth, which

product job satisfaction Hygiene factors: cause

dissatisfaction if not present, but do not motivate workers to

do more. Ex - larger salaries, more supervision, more

attractive work environment


McGregor's Theories


Theory X: assumes workers dislike and avoid work, so

managers must use coercion, threats, and various control

schemes to get workers to meet objectives Theory Y:

assumes individuals consider work as natural or play or rest

and enjoy the satisfaction of esteem and self-actualization


McClelland's Acquired-Needs Theory

DEFINITION 9 Achievement (nAch): people with a higher need for achievement like challenging projects w/ goals and lots of feedback Affiliation (nAff): people w/ high need for affiliation desire harmonious relationships and need to feel accepted by others Power (nPow): people w/ a need for power desire either personal power (not good) or institutional power (good for org). Provide institutional power seekers with mgmt opportunities TERM 10

Types of Power


Coercive: Punishment, threats Legitimate: Authority-based

Expert: Knowing your stuff Reward: Incentives Referent:

Personal charisma