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Ch. 8 - Emotion & Motivation | PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology, Quizzes of Psychology

Class: PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology; Subject: Psychology; University: Michigan State University; Term: Spring 2014;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 02/21/2014

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Download Ch. 8 - Emotion & Motivation | PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 emotion DEFINITION 1 a positive or negative experience associated with a pattern of physiological activity TERM 2 you can measure emotions by ___ DEFINITION 2 self-reportsphysiological measures (how much one's sweating, how fast heart's beating) TERM 3 high arousal has to do with ___ DEFINITION 3 sympathetic nervous system TERM 4 low arousal has to do with __ DEFINITION 4 parasympathetic nervous system TERM 5 you perform better on difficult tasks with ___ DEFINITION 5 low arousal / less excitement TERM 6 you perform better on easy tasks with ___ DEFINITION 6 higher arousal TERM 7 the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion DEFINITION 7 you experience physiological sympathetic reaction and fear at the same time TERM 8 the James-Lange theory of emotion DEFINITION 8 you experience a specific psychological state and then experience fear TERM 9 the Two-Factor theory of emotion DEFINITION 9 general physiological arousal then experience fearmaking a cognitive assessment of the situation before experiencing fear TERM 10 kluver bucy syndrome DEFINITION 10 temporal lobe removal (to get to amygdala) leads to lack of fear response and hypersexuality TERM 21 facial feedback hypothesis DEFINITION 21 expression causes the emotional experience they signify TERM 22 another name for a voluntary smile is? DEFINITION 22 Pan Am smile TERM 23 a duchenne smile is ___ DEFINITION 23 a full, spontaneous smile, with crinkle in the eyes TERM 24 polygraph DEFINITION 24 lie detection methodrecords blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and skin conduction rateaccuracy rate isn't so good TERM 25 methods of lie detection DEFINITION 25 polygraphfMRIthermal camera TERM 26 thermal camera DEFINITION 26 blood rush to facesame accuracy as polygraph, not good TERM 27 fMRI DEFINITION 27 brain areas active when telling lies and truths are differenthigh error rate TERM 28 motivation DEFINITION 28 the purpose for, or cause of, an action TERM 29 instinct DEFINITION 29 an unlearned behavior with a fixed pattern found throughout a species TERM 30 drive reduction theory DEFINITION 30 a drive is an internal state generated by departures from physiological optimalityneed (water) -> drive (thirst) -> drive-reducing behavior (drinking) TERM 31 homeostasis DEFINITION 31 maintenance of optimum level of biological conditions within an organism (like a thermostat) TERM 32 maslow's hierarchy of needs DEFINITION 32 physiological needssafety and securitybelongingness and loveesteemself-actualization TERM 33 hunger is a ___ that makes fuel available to the body DEFINITION 33 homeostatic drive TERM 34 metabolism DEFINITION 34 rate at which energy is used by the body TERM 35 emotions can be described by their location on the two dimensions of ____ DEFINITION 35 arousal and valence TERM 46 your body gets used to a certain weight and naturally goes back to its __ DEFINITION 46 set point TERM 47 obesity DEFINITION 47 the excessive accumulation of body fat TERM 48 BMI DEFINITION 48 body mass index greater than 30 TERM 49 orexigenic signal DEFINITION 49 hunger on TERM 50 anorexigenic signal DEFINITION 50 hunger off TERM 51 ghrelin DEFINITION 51 orexigenic hormonehunger on TERM 52 leptin DEFINITION 52 anorexigenic hormonehunger off TERM 53 lateral hypothalamus DEFINITION 53 critical for initiating eating(top of the hypothalamus) TERM 54 damage to the lateral hypothalamus DEFINITION 54 causes starvation TERM 55 stimulating the lateral hypothalamus DEFINITION 55 causes one to eat TERM 56 ventromedial hypothalamus DEFINITION 56 critical for regulating when to stop eating(giant rat next to it's sibiling) TERM 57 anorexia nervosa DEFINITION 57 an intense fear of being fat which causes severe food restriction TERM 58 sex drive is lead by DEFINITION 58 testosterone in both males and females TERM 59 human sexual response cycle DEFINITION 59 stages of physiological arousal during sex TERM 60 the human sexual response cycle has how many stages? DEFINITION 60 4excitementplateauorgasmresolution