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Chamberlain College of Nursing A&P 1 Final Exam Study Guide 2024-2025. Questions & Answers, Exams of Nursing

Chamberlain College of Nursing A&P 1 Final Exam Study Guide 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers. Graded A

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Download Chamberlain College of Nursing A&P 1 Final Exam Study Guide 2024-2025. Questions & Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Chamberlain College of Nursing A&P 1 Final Exam Study

Guide 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers.

Graded A

ABCDE - ANSAsymmetry Border Color Diameter Elevation acromial end of clavicle - ANS Acromion - ANS adherens junctions - ANS adipose connective tissue - ANSacts as a storage depot for fat AIIS - ANS Amphiarthroses - ANSslightly movable joint ex. pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs

Anaphase - ANS angular joint - ANShyper-extension, extension, flexion, lateral flexion, adduction, abduction, and circumduction apocrine sweat glands - ANSfound in axillary and anogenital areas appendicular skeleton - ANSbones of the shoulder, pelvis, and upper and lower extremities appocrine glands - ANSa sweat gland that secretes a viscous fluid into a hair follicle (as in the armpit or groin), is lined with a single layer of usually columnar cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm, and typically does not become active until puberty arrector pili muscle - ANS articulating bones of the asatabulum - ANSfemur Articulating bones of the elbow - ANShumerus, radius, ulna Articulating bones of the knee - ANSfemur, patella, fibula, tibia articulating bones of the pelvis - ANSischium, ilium, and pubis

articulating bones with scapula - ANSshoulder, humerus asatabulum - ANS ASIS - ANS atomic number - ANSthe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom axial skeleton - ANSPortion of the skeletal system that consists of the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column axial skeleton has how many bones - ANS80 bones backward movement of the knee - ANShyperextension basic structural unit of compact bone - ANSosteon Basic structural unit of the nervous system - ANSneuron blood slide (smear) - ANS Bone is made up of what? - ANScalcium build bone - ANSosteoblasts

bump on ankle - ANSlatral maliolous bursa - ANSfluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another C1 vertebrae - ANSatlas C2 vertebrae - ANSaxis calcaneus - ANS capitate carpal - ANS Carbohydrates - ANSBroken down to glucose to provide energy. cardiac tissue - ANS Carotene - ANSYellow to orange pigment that accumulates in the stratum corneum epidermal layer and in fatty tissue of the hypodermis cartilaginous joints - ANSallow only slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage

catalyst - ANSsubstance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction cell cycle - ANS cell division - ANSThe reproduction of cells cell is mitonically active - ANSis dividing Centrioles - ANS ceruminous glands - ANSmodified sweat glands, located in external ear canal, secretes cerumen (earwax) cervical vertebrae - ANS Coccyx - ANS Coles fracture - ANSa break in the distal portion of the radius comminuted fracture - ANSfracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed common characteristics of joints - ANSsmooth movement compact bone - ANS

compound fracture - ANSbone breaks through the skin Condyle - ANSrounded articular projection condyloid joint - ANS connective tissue - ANSprovides support for your body and connects all its parts connective tissue proper - ANSloose connective tissue and dense connective tissue coratid foramen - ANS corocoid process - ANS coronoid process - ANS Cuboid - ANS Cytosol - ANSintracellular fluid around organelles Desmosomes - ANS

Diarthroses - ANSfreely movable joint ex: hip, knee, shoulder, elbow Diffusion influenced by - ANSheat, concentration, molecular weight difusion is determined by - ANSSteepness of the concentration gradient, Temperature, Mass of diffusion substance,Surface area, Diffusion distance eccrine sweat glands - ANSrespond primarily to elevated body temperature elbow - ANSdiastatic synovial joint Endosteum - ANSmembranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone epigastric region - ANS epiphyseal cartilage - ANSThe cartilaginous region between the epiphysis and diaphysis of a growing bone ex: growth plate epiphyseal line/plate - ANS Epiphysis - ANSEnd of a long bone epithelial tissue - ANS

Eponychium (cuticle) - ANS ethmoid bone - ANS extracellular matrix - ANSThe chemical substances located between connective tissue cells facet - ANSsmooth, nearly flat articular surface faclitated diffusion - ANSMovement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels Factors Affecting Contact and Range of Motion at Synovial Joints - ANSStructure and shape of the articulating bones, Strength and tautness of the joint ligaments, Arrangement and tension of the muscles, Contact of soft parts, Hormones, Disuse Fibrosis - ANSreplacement of damaged cells with scar tissue fissure - ANSan opening; a groove; a split flat bones - ANSbones of the ribs, shoulder blades, pelvis, and skull follicle - ANS

Fontanels - ANSGaps between a baby's skull that slowly close up during the first 18 months of life Foreamen - ANSRound or oval opening through a bone forward movement of the knee - ANSextension Fossa - ANSshallow depression fovea capitis - ANSpit in the head of a femur free edge of nail - ANS Frontal Bone (anterior view) - ANS frontal plane - ANS function of synovial fluid - ANSlubrication, nutrient distribution, shock absorption Functions of the skeletal system - ANSsupport, storage of minerals and lipids, blood cell production, protection, leverage

Functions of the skin - ANSProtection, Thermoregulation, Cutaneous Sensation, Vitamin D synthesis, Blood Reservoir, Excretion and Absorption. (THE BABY PUKE CONTAINED EXTRA SPINACH) gap junctions - ANS gap junctions - ANSPoints that provide cytoplasmic channels from one cell to another with special membrane proteins. Also called communicating junctions. glenoid cavity - ANS gliding joint - ANSallows one bone to slide over another; found in wrist and ankles greater trochanter - ANS greenstick fracture - ANSbending and incomplete break of a bone; most often seen in children hair color is determined by - ANSamount and type of melanin halocrine glands - ANSaccumulate their secretory product in their cytosol and then the cell ruptures, releasing the secretion Hamate - ANS

head of femur - ANS Hemidesmosomes - ANS hinge joint - ANSJoint between bones (as at the elbow or knee) that permits motion in only one plane Homeostasis - ANSA tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level How many bones are in the human body? - ANS How many phalanges are in 1 hand/foot? - ANS how many vertebrae are there - ANS26; 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar, sacrum and coccyx hpertonic solution - ANSgreater concentration of solutes on the outside of the cell then on the inside of a cell Humerus articulates with - ANSscapula, radius, ulna hyline cartilage - ANSend of long bones

hyoid bone - ANSa U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue. hypogastric region - ANS hypotonic solution - ANSA solution in which the concentration of solutes is less than that of the cell that resides in the solution if the angle of the joint get bigger what type of motion? - ANSextension iliac crest - ANS ilium - ANS impacted fracture - ANSbroken bone ends are forced into each other inferior angle - ANS infraspinous fossa - ANS intermediate cuneiform bone - ANS interosseous joint - ANSsheet of dense fibrous connective tissue Ex: between radius and ulna

Interphase - ANS Intraepidermal macrophages (Langerhans cells) - ANSWhich epidermal cell has a role in immunity and disease resistance? irregular bones - ANSbones of the vertebrae and face ischium - ANS ischium - ANSsit down bone Isotonic - ANSwhen the concentration of two solutions is the same Joints between skull bones - ANSFibrous, Suture jugular foramen - ANS Keratinocytes - ANSproduce keratin - a tough fibrous protein that provides protection. kyphosis - ANSexcessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.

lacrimal bone - ANS Lanugo - ANSfine, soft hair, especially that which covers the body and limbs of a human fetus or newborn. lanula - ANS lateral border of scapula - ANS lateral cuneiform bone - ANS layers of epidermis - ANSstratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale Layers of skin - ANSepidermis, dermis, hypodermis left hypochondriac region - ANS left inguinal region - ANS left lumbar region - ANS lesser trochanter - ANS

long bones - ANSlonger than they are wide (ex: femur, humerus) longest and strongest bone in the body - ANSfemur longitudinal arch - ANSbegins at the wrist and runs the length of the metacarpal and phalanges for each digit medial and lateral position lordosis - ANSswayback lumbar vertebrae - ANS Lunate - ANS Lysosomes - ANS magnum foramen - ANS Mandible - ANSlower jaw manubrium - ANS marocrine - ANSpartial secretion

mass number - ANSthe sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus mature bone cells - ANSosteocytes mature connective tissue - ANSloose, dense, cartilage, bone, blood Maxilla - ANSupper jaw Meatus - ANSTubelike passageway within a bone medial border of scapula - ANS medial cuneiform bone - ANS medullary cavity - ANScavity within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow meiosis 1 - ANSreproduction process that halves the # of chromosomes and results in diploid cells Meiosis II - ANSthe second phase of meiosis consisting of chromatids separating, along with the two diploid cells splitting in two Melanocytes - ANSproduce melanin

mental foramen - ANS Mesoderm - ANSthe middle layer of an embryo in early development, between the endoderm and ectoderm. Metabolism - ANSThe sum of all chemical reactions Metaphase - ANS Metaphysis (long bone) - ANSArea where the epiphysis and diaphysis meet midsagittal plane - ANS Mitosis - ANScell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing the same number of chromosomes mucous membrane - ANSMembrane that secretes mucus that lubricates the surface of organs and keeps them moist. muscle tissue - ANS nail body (plate) - ANS

nail root - ANS Nasal - ANS Navicular - ANS neck of femur - ANS nerve cells - ANSneurons, astrocytes, and neuroglia Nucleus creates - ANSribosomes nutrient artery - ANSlarge artery that enters compact bone near the middle of the diaphysis occipital bone (skull) - ANS Osicles - ANStiny, 3 bones in the ear Osmosis - ANSDiffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Ossification (osteogenesis) - ANSprocess of bone formation Ossification takes place in 2 forms: - ANSintramembranous and endochondral

osteoprogenitor cells - ANSbone stem cells outer layer of the skull - ANSectoderm parasagittal plane - ANS parathyroid glands - ANSparathyroid hormone parietal bone of skull - ANS Patella - ANS pectoral girdle - ANSclavicle and scapula pelvic brim - ANS pelvic brim - ANSbetween false and true pelvis periosteal arteries - ANSpass through Volkmans' canals to a multitude of vessels that supply the outer compact bone region Periosteum - ANSA dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles.

pH 1 - ANSacidic pH 14 - ANSbasic (alkaline) pH 7 - ANSneutral phalange 1 - ANSthumb Phalange 5 - ANSpinky PIIS - ANS Pisiform - ANS pivot joint - ANSthe rounded or pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament plane joint - ANSside to side movement and back and forth Pott fracture-dislocation of ankle - ANS Prophase - ANS

protection of skin - ANSKeratin Lipids released by lamellar granules Sebum Acidic sweat Melanin Macrophages (Kids like skittles and M&M's) PSIS - ANS pubic symphysis - ANS Pubis - ANS red blood marrow - ANSproduces red blood cells Remodel bone - ANSosteoclasts Ribs 1-7 - ANSvertebrosternal or true ribs; articulate with sternum through costal cartilages Ribs 11 and 12 are called - ANSfloating ribs Ribs 8-10 - ANSfalse ribs

right hypochondriac region - ANS right inguinal region - ANS right lumbar region - ANS root hairs - ANS Rotation - ANSCIRCULAR MOVEMENT AROUND AN AXIS ex: lateral and medial rotation Rule of 9's - ANSHead and neck = 9% Upper Ex = 9% each Lower Ex = 9% each Front trunk = 18% Back trunk = 18% Sacrum - ANS saddle joint - ANSthumb salt will go - ANShigh to low

scaphoid bone - ANS scapular spine - ANS Scoliosis - ANSabnormal lateral curvature of the spine Sebaceous (oil) glands - ANSlubricates the hair and skin serous membrane - ANSMembrane that lines a cavity without an opening to the outside of the body shaft of a long bone - ANSdiaphysis Shaft of hair - ANS short bones - ANSbones of the wrist and ankles simple columnar epithelium - ANS simple diffusion - ANSmovement of a solute from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration skeletal tissue - ANS

Special Joint Movements - ANSelevation, depression, protraction, retraction, supination, pronation, inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion sphenoid bone - ANS spina bifida - ANSa congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord to protect it Spinous process of vertebra - ANS spongy bone - ANSLayer of bone tissue that has many small spaces and is found just inside the layer of compact bone. Squamous Smear - ANS squamous suture - ANSBetween parietal and temporal bones Stages of Mitosis - ANSinterphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase sternal end of clavicle - ANS Sternum - ANS sternum body - ANS

stratum lucidum - ANSonly in thick skin Sulcus - ANSa groove or furrow supraspinous fossa - ANS suture joint - ANSimmovable joint, such as between the bones of the skull symphysis - ANStwo bones joined by fibrocartilage ex: Pubic symphysis Synchondrosis - ANS-bones are bound by hyaline cartialge -Ex. rib attachment to sternum by costal cartilage synchondrosis joint - ANSBones are joined by Hyaline cartilage only ex: Epiphyseal plate syndesmoses joint - ANSMore dense fibrous CT than a suture ex: Gomphosis synovial joints - ANSfreely movable joints ex: hip, knee, shoulder syntharoses joints - ANSAllows no movement ex: Suture, gomphosis