Download Chap. 8 | POLS 1101 - American Government and more Quizzes Local Government Studies in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 The main goal of the group Rock the Vote is to DEFINITION 1 draw young voters into participating politically TERM 2 What percentage of eligible voters participated in the 2004 presidential election DEFINITION 2 59 percent TERM 3 Since the 1960's, the percentage of Americans exercising their right to vote has DEFINITION 3 decreased TERM 4 The main problem with voting as a form of political participation is DEFINITION 4 The citizens cannot communicate very much information by only casting a ballot TERM 5 Which of the following is not a nonelectoral form of political activity DEFINITION 5 Protests and riots lobbying litigation TERM 6 What is the main difference between voting and lobbying DEFINITION 6 Unlike voting, lobbying involves an attempt to directly influence a government official TERM 7 When the auto industry produce an advertising campaign against bill passed to raise fuel standards was engaged in DEFINITION 7 Public relations TERM 8 Litigation can be a form of participation in which people DEFINITION 8 file lawsuits in order to change public policies TERM 9 non electoral forms of participation usually require more ______ than voting DEFINITION 9 time money effort TERM 10 Which of the following is the most accessible form of political activity DEFINITION 10 voting TERM 21 The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s used all of the following methods of participation except DEFINITION 21 the power bloc of southern african american voters TERM 22 What bloc of voters has recently been called the sleeping giant DEFINITION 22 Latinos TERM 23 Forty percent of all asian americans live in DEFINITION 23 California TERM 24 Over the past decade, polls have revealed that Asian American Voters are moving DEFINITION 24 toward the democratic party TERM 25 The political power of Asian Americans has recently been hindered bc of the DEFINITION 25 diversity of national backgrounds and culture TERM 26 Which of the following best describes the goal of the emily list organization DEFINITION 26 to raise money for democratic women candidates interested in running for office TERM 27 Which statement is correct DEFINITION 27 religion has played an important role in organizing political participation TERM 28 churches and religious groups have been influential in all of the following except DEFINITION 28 health care reforms TERM 29 evangelical protestants are more likely to be associated with DEFINITION 29 Republican Party TERM 30 What was the supreme court case that ruled prayers in public schools were unconstitutional DEFINITION 30 Engel vs Vitale TERM 31 the power of the christian coalition in the 1990s was due to DEFINITION 31 its success in mobilizing a large grassroots base TERM 32 Which of the following groups have had the highest levels of political participation DEFINITION 32 senior citizens TERM 33 the proportion of slightly long people voting has _____ since 1971 DEFINITION 33 decreased TERM 34 which of the following is NOT a key factor in indicating one's level of participation DEFINITION 34 geographic region TERM 35 Which of the following characteristics does NOT constitute ones socioeconomic status DEFINITION 35 level of political participation TERM 46 what is the most reasonable explanation for why about 70 percent of the Latino population in the United States voted for Democrats during the 2006 congressional elections DEFINITION 46 the disagreed with republican immigration policies TERM 47 what has been one of the most pressing questions concerning socioeconomics status DEFINITION 47 why has the level of participations not increased as a result of the rising level of education among americans TERM 48 A political institution can best be defined as DEFINITION 48 any organization that connects people to politics TERM 49 checkbook democracy arises when DEFINITION 49 there is a decline in political participation fund raising becomes the most important task for political organizations participation levels take on an unequal economic bias TERM 50 One problem arising from wealthy Americans choosing to abstain from participating in public institutions such as schools is that DEFINITION 50 important groups of americans no longer have a stake in the public sector