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Chapter 17 | PSYC 100 - INTRO PSYCHOLOGY, Quizzes of Psychology

Class: PSYC 100 - INTRO PSYCHOLOGY; Subject: Psychology; University: University of Maryland; Term: Fall 2011;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 12/06/2011

rebeccawagman 🇺🇸



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Download Chapter 17 | PSYC 100 - INTRO PSYCHOLOGY and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Psychoanalysis DEFINITION 1 developed by Freudfour steps: - free association - dream analysis - transference - countertransference TERM 2 Ego Psychology DEFINITION 2 Heinz Hartman and Anna FreudEgo psychology is a school of psychoanalysis rooted in Sigmund Freud's structural id-ego- superego model of the mind. TERM 3 Object Relations Therapy DEFINITION 3 developed by Klein TERM 4 Client-Centered Therapy DEFINITION 4 a type of humanistic therapy developed by Carl Rogers5 steps: - Relfection -Empathy - Positive Regard - Acceptance - Non-Interpretive TERM 5 Gestalt Therapy DEFINITION 5 Developed by Perlstypes: - the whole person - perception TERM 6 Types of Therapy DEFINITION 6 - individual- group- family (originated by Karen Horney)- marital/couples- child TERM 7 Sloane Study DEFINITION 7 focused on anxiety disorders80% improved TERM 8 NIMH Study DEFINITION 8 depression50% improved TERM 9 M.L. Smith Meta- analysis DEFINITION 9 475 studies80% improve TERM 10 Benzodiazepenes DEFINITION 10 tranquilizers that cause minor side effects and dependenceexamples:- diazepam (Valium) TERM 21 Crisis Hotline DEFINITION 21 which is a 24-hour telephoneservice offering advice and comfort to callers with psychological problems and concerns TERM 22 Therapy DEFINITION 22 is a systematic attempt by a trained professional toeliminate or reduce a patients symptoms or to improve the individuals psychological orbehavioral functioning and sense of well- being TERM 23 Psychotherapy DEFINITION 23 refers to the establishmentof a helping relationship between a patient (or client) and a trained professional, who appliespsychologicalprinciples to the treatment of emotional or behavioral problems TERM 24 Biomedical Therapy DEFINITION 24 refers to the use of physiological interventions (such as drugs and surgery) in an effortto treat the symptoms of emotional or behavioral problems TERM 25 Insight Therapy DEFINITION 25 the idea is to help the patient become more aware of unconscious motives thatare producing abnormal behavior and thereby help her to understand and modify the behavior TERM 26 Psychoanalysis DEFINITION 26 Sigmund Freud's theorysometimescalled orthodox psychoanalysis. Its basic therapeutic techniques include free association, dreaminterpretation, and the analysis of transference TERM 27 Free Association DEFINITION 27 the patient is encouraged to relax and say whatevercomes to mind TERM 28 Dream Analysis DEFINITION 28 a way of interpreting eachdream to determine its significance for the unconscious functioning of the patient TERM 29 Transference DEFINITION 29 or shifting onto him of thepatients childhood emotional reactions to her parents TERM 30 Ego Psychology DEFINITION 30 This modification of Freudian theory deemphasizesthe role and power of the irrational id in favor of that of the rational egoThough ego psychologists still rely on most of the same basic Freudian therapeutic techniques,they emphasize the constructive aspects of ego functioning, stress the present over the past, andactively attempt to help the patient develop or modify social skills and deal with the world ofimmediate reality TERM 31 Object Relations Theory DEFINITION 31 In original Freudian theory, anobject is anything that can satisfy a particular drive.The object relations approach developed primarily because analysts realized that theproblems most often causing patients to seek therapy are those involving their relationships with other people TERM 32 Humanistic Therapies DEFINITION 32 developed in reaction to the inadequacies some psychologists saw inthe psychoanalytic approach. Humanistic therapists begin with the premise that each humanbeing is a unique individual with great potential for psychological growth and development. TERM 33 Client-Centered Therapy DEFINITION 33 developed by Carl RogersHis basicprinciple is that the social values (conditions of worth) imposed on the individual by society underlieself-actualization, which can therefore interfere with the innately motivated actualization of thetotal person or organism TERM 34 Gestalt Therapy DEFINITION 34 developed by Frederick PerlsThe latter emphasizes that we act not on the basisof external reality but rather in accord with our perceptions of that reality. We actively organizethe stimuli that make up the world into meaningful patterns or wholes (gestalts) that are basedon our expectations and needs TERM 35 What are the major psychodymanic approaches? DEFINITION 35 Orthodox psychoanalysis, egopsychology, and object relations theory TERM 46 Group Psychotherapy DEFINITION 46 involves a systematic, therapeutic interaction among several people witha trained therapist as the group leader TERM 47 Encounter Groups DEFINITION 47 the focus is on intensive group experiences aimed at increasing self-awareness,improving interpersonal interactions, and realizing the personal potentials of group members forchange. Behavioral groups target specific behaviors and use social and other reinforcements tochange those behaviors TERM 48 Cognitive-Behavioral Groups DEFINITION 48 focus onhaving group members help each other restructure negative cognitions TERM 49 Behavioral Groups DEFINITION 49 target specific behaviors and use social and other reinforcements tochange those behaviors TERM 50 Marathon Group DEFINITION 50 in which sessionscontinue over a relatively long time, ranging from 24 hours to several days. Such an approachhas been used in drug rehabilitation programs. It helps the therapist get to know the clientsrapidly and also helps break down defenses so clients can begin to develop trust. TERM 51 Family Therapy DEFINITION 51 deals with problems involving family structure and family interaction patterns. TERM 52 Conjoint Family Therapy DEFINITION 52 an approached developed byVirginia Satir(1967), one of the foremost innovators in family therapywhich emphasizes improving interactions, communications, and relationships amongfamily members. The intent is to provide each member with a family system that better meets needs. TERM 53 Structured Family Therapy DEFINITION 53 developed bySalvador Minuchins (1974)It is based onsystems theoryan approach that emphasizes the influence of the larger context, or system, on theindividual and his reciprocal influence on that context. Systems include the family and society as awhole. TERM 54 What are some applications of group therapy? DEFINITION 54 In substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder,bulimia, sexual abuse, and PTSD in veteran TERM 55 Hello-Goodbye Effect DEFINITION 55 because clients tend to come into therapysaying they are feeling miserable (the hello) and leave saying they feel better (thegoodbye). TERM 56 Spontaneous Remission DEFINITION 56 Spontaneous healing, also called spontaneous remission or spontaneous regression, means an unexpected improvement or cure from a disease which usually is taking a different course. appears to occur in as many as 3060 percent of all patients TERM 57 Meta-analysis DEFINITION 57 a statistical method that permits a reviewer to combine the results of many separatestudies, has been used to evaluate psychotherapy. TERM 58 NIMH DEFINITION 58 National Institutes of Mental Health TERM 59 Dose-Response Relationship DEFINITION 59 Improvementincreases with the number of therapy sessions TERM 60 Eclectic Therapy DEFINITION 60 the use of two or moretypes of therapy TERM 71 Antonio De Egas Moniz DEFINITION 71 1949 he shared a Nobel Prize for his surgical technique, calledprefrontal lobotomy. TERM 72 Prefrontal Lobotomy DEFINITION 72 It involves drilling a hole in each side of the head and inserting a surgicalinstrument to cut the neurological connections between the frontal cortex and the lower regions ofthe brain, including the thalamus and hypothalamusThe rationale was that thefrontal cortex increases emotional responses originating in the subcortical areas and that cutting theconnections should therefore have a calming effect TERM 73 psychopharmacology DEFINITION 73 the use of psychiatric drugs TERM 74 Anti-Anxiety Agents DEFINITION 74 act primarily to reduce the effects of stress and make the individual feel morerelaxed. The principal drugs in current use are the benzodiazepenes (Ashton, 1994). They includediazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), and alprazolam (Xanax) TERM 75 Anti psychotic Agents DEFINITION 75 or neuroleptics. These drugs not only calm thepatient but actually reduce the intensity of major schizophrenic symptoms, including hallucinationsand delusions. Under optimal conditions, they make the patient feel better, behave more normally,and become more receptive to psychotherapy TERM 76 Haloperidol DEFINITION 76 These drugs act to reducepsychotic symptoms by blocking the action of the neurotransmitter dopamine at receptor sites inthe brain TERM 77 tardive dyskinesia (TD) DEFINITION 77 which is marked byinvoluntary thrusting of the tongue, facial tics, and uncontrollable movements of the body. It candevelop after a few months but more often after several years of usage and is thought to be causedby brain damage resulting from depletion of the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine TERM 78 Clozapine (Clozaril) DEFINITION 78 reducespsychotic symptoms even in those who have been resistant to other treatmentsMoreover, it is often effective in treating both the negative symptoms (like social incompetenceand disinterest) and the positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, irritability) of schizophrenia,where the older drugs treat only the latter TERM 79 Antidepressants DEFINITION 79 are themonoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and the tricyclics. Both increase the concentrations of important brain chemicals, particularly serotonin and norepinephrine, resulting in a reduction in depressivesymptoms TERM 80 MAO Inhibitors DEFINITION 80 include tranylcypromine (Parnate), and phenelzine(Nardil). The most widely used tricyclics are imipramine (Tofranil), nortriptyline (Aventyl), andamitriptyline (Elavil). TERM 81 Antimanic Drugs DEFINITION 81 Lithium has also been successfully used intreating some depressed patients and some bipolar patients in the depressive phase of their disorderand appears to reduce suicide rates TERM 82 Who developed ECT? DEFINITION 82 Cerletti and Bini TERM 83 What was ECT originally developed to treat? DEFINITION 83 schizophrenia TERM 84 What are the major types of phychiatric drugs? DEFINITION 84 Antianxiety agents (anxiolytics),antipsychotic agents (neuroleptics),antidepressants, andantimanic drug TERM 85 Anti Anxiety Agents DEFINITION 85 What do the anxiolytics do? Reduce muscle tension, sedateGive some examples of anxiolytic drugsand classes. Benzodiazepenesdiazepam (Valium) Azapironesbuspirone (BusSpar)Which disorders do these drugs treat? Anxiety disorders, sometimesdepressionWhat problems do they present? Dependence