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Phonetics Terminology: Acoustic, Articulatory, and Auditory Properties of Speech Sounds, Quizzes of Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Definitions for various terms related to the field of phonetics, including acoustic, articulatory, and auditory properties of speech sounds. Topics covered include consonants and vowels, their places and manners of articulation, and various modifications such as nasalization and lengthening. Also discussed are suprasegmental features like intonation and prosody.

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Download Phonetics Terminology: Acoustic, Articulatory, and Auditory Properties of Speech Sounds and more Quizzes Introduction to Cultural Anthropology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 acoustic phonetics DEFINITION 1 the branch of phonetics that studies the physical properties of sounds and the nature of the sound waves that they produce TERM 2 affricate DEFINITION 2 the combination of a stop followed by a fricative. TERM 3 allophone DEFINITION 3 a variant form of a phoneme; a member of a group of sounds that together form a single phoneme. Predictable distribution. e.g. [p] (as in pin) and [p] (as in spin) TERM 4 alveolar DEFINITION 4 a sound modified with the tip of the tongue and the alveolar ridge TERM 5 alveopalatal DEFINITION 5 a sound modified with the tip of the tongue and the hard palate TERM 6 American Usage System DEFINITION 6 a set of phonetic symbols that can easily be typed; developed by Kenneth Pike and used by many American linguistic anthropologists TERM 7 approximant DEFINITION 7 a sound in which there is only a small amount of obstruction in the airflow TERM 8 articulated DEFINITION 8 for sounds, characterized by being modified in the vocal tract TERM 9 articulatory phonetics DEFINITION 9 the branch of phonetics that studies how speech sounds are produced TERM 10 auditory phonetics DEFINITION 10 the branch of phonetics that studies how sounds are perceived TERM 21 glottis DEFINITION 21 the space between the vocal cords TERM 22 ideophone DEFINITION 22 sounds or words that call to mind and imitate other sounds in a language, like the English sounds "bam" or "pow" TERM 23 implosive DEFINITION 23 a voiced stop in which the air is released inward rather than outward TERM 24 interdental DEFINITION 24 a sound modified with the tip of the tongue between the teeth TERM 25 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) DEFINITION 25 a system of phonetic transcription TERM 26 labiodental DEFINITION 26 a sound modified with the lower lip against the upper teeth TERM 27 larynx DEFINITION 27 the location of the vocal cords, which modify the air, creating sound waves TERM 28 lengthening DEFINITION 28 in phonetics, holding a sound for a longer time TERM 29 manner DEFINITION 29 how air is modified in speech TERM 30 minimal pair DEFINITION 30 a pair of words in which a difference in sound makes a difference in meaning. in English: pig and dig or tin and bin TERM 31 nasal DEFINITION 31 a sound in which air resonates and escapes through the nasal cavity TERM 32 nasalization DEFINITION 32 in phonetics, letting a sound travel through the nasal cavity instead of the mouth TERM 33 palatal DEFINITION 33 a sound modified with the middle of the tongue and the hard palate (roof of the mouth) TERM 34 paralanguage DEFINITION 34 The sounds that accompany speech but are not directly part of language. Refers to how something is said rather than what is said. Includes prosody, vocal segregates, and ideophones. TERM 35 pharyngeal DEFINITION 35 a sound modified in the pharynx TERM 46 plosive/stop DEFINITION 46 a sound in which the air is stopped momentarily TERM 47 prosody DEFINITION 47 a gneral term covering intonation, loudness, tempo, rhythm, pausing, and other paralinguistic features TERM 48 retroflex DEFINITION 48 a sound modified with the tip of the tongue and the hard palate TERM 49 rounded DEFINITION 49 a vowel produced with lips in a round shape TERM 50 segments DEFINITION 50 the basic consonants and vowels of a language TERM 51 speech substitute DEFINITION 51 a system of communication in which sound signals substitute for spoken words or parts of words (e.g. drum, whistle) TERM 52 supralaryngeal vocal tract DEFINITION 52 the area above the vocal cords where sound waves take on distinctive shapes and become recognizable speech sounds TERM 53 suprasegmental DEFINITION 53 an additional modification (e.g., nasalization, lengthening, and alteration of pitch) that can be applied to basic consonants and vowels of a language. TERM 54 tap DEFINITION 54 a sound made with one quick tap of the tongue TERM 55 trill DEFINITION 55 a sound made with many fast taps of the tongue TERM 56 uvula DEFINITION 56 the small soft bit of flesh hanging down at the back of the mouth TERM 57 velar DEFINITION 57 a sound modified with the back of the tongue and the velum TERM 58 uvular DEFINITION 58 a sound modified with the back of the tongue and the uvula TERM 59 velum DEFINITION 59 the area between the hard palate and the uvula TERM 60 vocal cords DEFINITION 60 a set of muscles inside the larynx that can be opened or closed to modify the air stream on its way out of the lungs