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Chapter 4-6 Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

Chapter 4-6 Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care Exam Questions and Answers

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Chapter 4-6 Hartman's Nursing Assistant

Care Exam Questions and Answers

homeostasis - Answer-condition in which all of the body's system are working at their bests anterior or ventral - Answer-front of the body or body part Medial - Answer-Toward the midline of the body largest organ and system in the body is - Answer-skin natural protective covering or integument is - Answer-skin The skin is a: - Answer-sense organ:feels heat cold pain touch and pressure arthritis may be the result of - Answer-again injury or an autoimmune illness osteoporosis - Answer-disease that causes bones to lose density cause them to become porous and brittle, causing them to break easily

partial weight-bearing ( PWB) - Answer-a resident is able to support some body weight on one or both legs non-weight-bearing ( NWB( - Answer-resident is unable to touch the floor or support any body weight on one or both legs what side do you dress first - Answer-weaker skeleton or framework of the human body has - Answer-206 bones two bones meet at a - Answer-joint Muscles are connected to - Answer-bones by tendons to prevent blood clots apply special stocking one type is - Answer-compression stocking and anti embolic stockings the medical term for stroke is a - Answer-cerebrovascular accident CVA dysphagia - Answer-difficulty swallowing never refer to the weaker side as the - Answer-bad side use term weaker or involved to refer to side paralysis when helping with transfers or walking always - Answer-use a gait belt for saftey dress the weaker side - Answer-first

undress the stronger side - Answer-first causes a section of the brain to degenerate - Answer-Parkinson disease what affect the muscle causing them to get stiff, stooped posture and a shuffling gait or walk also cause pill rolling - Answer-Parkinson disease what make it hard to perform ADL - Answer-tremors or shaking a person with parkinson may have a what expression - Answer-mask like facial expressions assist residents to change positions at least spinal cord patient - Answer-every two hours to prevent pressure injuries what are the body major sense organs, they are part of the central nervous system, receives impulses from the environment. they relay these impulses to the nerves - Answer-eyes ears nose tongue, fig and skin glaucoma is treated with - Answer-eye drops and other medication and sometimes with surgery circulatory system - Answer-is made up of the heart blood vessels and blood hypertension (high blood pressure) is when a person blood pressure is higher than⁶ - Answer-130/80 or higher respiration - Answer-taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide,

inspiration - Answer-breathing in (inhalation) expiration - Answer-process of exhaling air out of lungs COPD causes trouble with breathing especially when - Answer-getting air out of the lungs it helps residents with copd to - Answer-sit up right and lean forward slightly one reason why the female bladder is more likely to become infected by bacteria - Answer-female urethra is shorter than males urethra Normal changes of aging - Answer-the ability of kidneys to filter blood decrease, bladder muscle tone weakens, bladder hold less urine, bladder may not empty completely UTI are more common - Answer-in women constipation - Answer-inability to eliminate stool, or infrequent, difficult, and often painful elimination of hard, dry stool Signs of diabetes - Answer--excessive thirst, or hunger

  • frequent urination proper foot care is vitally for people with - Answer-diabetes who should not trim or clip toe nails - Answer-NA

bed cradle helps - Answer-keep cover from resting on the feet logrolling - Answer-sit up with legs hanging over the side of the bed in order to regain balance and stabilize blood pressure residents with infection in mouth should - Answer-eat food with low acid confusion - Answer-the inability to think clearly Causes of confusion - Answer-UTI, Low Blood Sugar, Dehydration, Fever, Lack of Oxygen, Infections, Brain Tumor communication with someone with alzheimer disease - Answer-speak slowly using a lower tone of voice repeat yourself use simple words or short sentences check body language sundowning - Answer-becoming restless and agitated in the later afternoon, evening, or night rummaging - Answer-going through drawers, closets or personal items that belong to oneself hoarding - Answer-collecting and putting things away in a guarded way validating - Answer-giving value to or improving aspirations - Answer-inhalation of food, fluid, or foreign materials into lungs Sims' - Answer-body position in which a person is lying on his left side with the upper knee flexed and raised toward the chest