Download Social Factors of Crime: Definitions and Concepts and more Quizzes Criminology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 social factors of crime DEFINITION 1 claims of authority figures(pope, pear jam, US department of justice) pressure from powerful organizations(American Medical association, mothers agianst drunk driving group) expert testimonies(polititions, judges, policeman) fear mass media TERM 2 Culture of fear DEFINITION 2 going to war(war on drugs,terrorism, crime) get tough(anti crime legislation, 3 strike laws, patriot act, homeland security) governmentsurveillanceand security(medal detectors, traffic cameras, public transportation) fear of personal victimization(murder/rape, bad halloween candy etc.) TERM 3 Crime in the media DEFINITION 3 moral panics(fergussion bias(hook and hold, show what the people want to see ) fear of crime(1/3 tv shows i related to crime) TERM 4 crime as a social probelm DEFINITION 4 crime is a violation of conduct norms crime s a social harm and analogous social injury crime as a violation of rights crime as a form of deviance crime as a violation of global conduct norms TERM 5 what is crime? DEFINITION 5 in criminal law, crime is an action or omission that is prohibited by law, that is voluntary, and that coincides with a defendants mental statecrime can be seen as a violation of conduct, norms, as social harm, as a violation of human and animal rights, and as a form of deviance. TERM 6 conduct norms DEFINITION 6 rules of behavior that embody the values of some powerful group in society. TERM 7 analogous social injury DEFINITION 7 legally permissible and preventable acts or conditions caused by individuals or social institutions where consequence are similar to those of illegal acts. TERM 8 human rights DEFINITION 8 natural and inalienable rights accorded to all human beings, such as the right to life, liberty and happiness. they may also include rights essential to a dignified human existence, such as freedom of movement, free speech, and a good education, employment and so on. TERM 9 sociological perspective of law DEFINITION 9 the ideas and institutions f law man vary greatly from one culture to anotherlaw is above all else a social phenomenon created by members of society under specific historic conditions. TERM 10 the state DEFINITION 10 the central political institution of a given society. TERM 21 the legal term which refers to the culpability or criminal intent of an offender is... DEFINITION 21 mens rea TERM 22 which of the following can be considered an example of informal social control? (government surceillance, police, employer enforcemnt of codes of conduct, religious doctrine) DEFINITION 22 religious doctrine TERM 23 what determines an issue to be a problem? DEFINITION 23 society TERM 24 predictions of the 1970 national commission of crime DEFINITION 24 high rise appartment buildings and residential compounds protected by private guards and security universal gun ownership creation of anti-crime fortresses vehicles equipped with specialty security features ghetto slums in inter cities will be completely out of police controlnot prediction: ghetto slum neighborhoods completely under police control TERM 25 the enactment of legislation that outlaws certain types of behavior, allows the surveillance and policing of that behavior and if detected, carries out the punishment for that behavior is the process of what? DEFINITION 25 criminalization TERM 26 which type of crime is least likely to be reported by news media? DEFINITION 26 white collar crimes TERM 27 true of false? within the same society perceptions of deviance do not often vary by class, gender race and rage. DEFINITION 27 false TERM 28 what are necessary components for "moral panics"? DEFINITION 28 vulnerable victims, folk devils, potential army of enraged individuals and moral-majority representation