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CIPP/E Certification
from IAPP Questions
& with 100% Correct
Answers 2023
- Adoption year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - ✔️✔️ 1948
- Who ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights -
[Date] ✔️✔️ General Assembly of United Nations
- What is Art. 12 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights about - ✔️✔️ Privacy of family, home & correspondence
- Protection of law against inferences to privacy
- What is Art. 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights about - ✔️✔️ Freedom of opinion & expression
- Any media, regardless of frontiers
- Which Art. of Universal Declaration of Human Rights solves conflicts between Art. 12 & Art. 19 - And how. - ✔️✔️ Art. 29(2) - Individual rights are NOT absolute, such as to protect freedom of others, morality, public order, etc.
- Adoption year of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) - ✔️✔️ Signed in Rome in 1950, In force in 1953
- Who ratified the European Convention on Human Rights - ✔️✔️ Council of Europe (CoE)
- How many member states in the Council of Europe - ✔️✔️ 47 member states, mostly in Europe, open to non European states
- Why is the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) such a powerful instrument - ✔️✔️ Because of the large scope of fundamental rights and freedom it protects
- What is Art. 8 of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) about - ✔️✔️ Right to respect private and family life and correspondence
- What is Art. 10 of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) about - ✔️✔️ Freedom of expression
- What is the judicial body enforcing the European Convention on Human
[Date] Rights - ✔️✔️ The European Court of Human Rights
- Other term for Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data - ✔️✔️ Convention 108
- OECD - ✔️✔️ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- In which year where the OECD Guidelines established - ✔️✔️ 1980
- Are the OECD Guidelines binding or not binding - ✔️✔️ not binding (i.e. Guidelines)
- How many member states in OECD and in which geographical scope - ✔️✔️ 34 member states, Worldwide
- Are OECD Guidelines different from Convention 108 - ✔️✔️ The
[Date] Guidelines and the Convention are very similar
- The Convention is BINDING, the Guidelines are NOT BINDING
- In which year was the Convention 108 established - ✔️✔️ 1981
- Why is the Convention 108 not called European Convention - ✔️✔️ because it is open to non- European states as well
- Three main parts of Convention 108 - ✔️✔️ 1. Law provisions (basic principles)
- Rules on trans-border data flows
- Mutual assistance / DPA
- What is the Art. 12 of Convention 108 about - ✔️✔️ Free flow of data between member states
- What is the "Additional Protocol" of Convention 108, signed in 2001, about - ✔️✔️ Concept of "Adequacy" of
[Date] some non-member states concerning trans-border data flows
- What is the timeline of Human Rights treaties (year, name, organization) - ✔️✔️ 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations
- 1950, European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), Council of Europe (CoE)
- 2000, Charter of Fundamental Rights, European Union (EU)
- 2009, EU Charter becomes binding after Treaty of Lisbon ratification
- What is the main difference between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the ECHR - ✔️✔️ The Charter mentions specifically Data Privacy
- What are the two main articles of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights which are similar to ECHR and what is the important article not in the
[Date] ECHR - ✔️✔️ Art. 7 Right to respect private family and life (= Art. 8 of ECHR)
- Art. 10 Right to freedom of expression (= Art. 10 of ECHR)
- Art. 8 is all about notice, purpose, consent, access, etc.
- When was the Treaty of Rome ratified - ✔️✔️ 1957
- What is the Treaty of Rome establishing - ✔️✔️ The European Economic Community (EEC)
- What is the Treaty of Maastricht establishing - ✔️✔️ The European Union (EU)
- When was the Treaty of Maastricht ratified - ✔️✔️ 1992
- What is the Treaty of Lisbon about (3 points) - ✔️✔️ Amends Treaty of Rome (EEC) and Treaty of Maastricht (EU)
- Establishes the Data Protection Supervisor Authority
- Renames Treaty of Rome (EEC) as the Treaty of Functioning of European Union (TFEU)
- What is the number of the EU Directive - ✔️✔️ 95/46/EC
- What is the number of the e- Privacy Directive - ✔️✔️ 2002/58/EC
- What is the number of the ISP Data Retention Directive - ✔️✔️ 2006/24/EC
- What is the number of the (@#! stupid & useless) amendment to the e-Privacy Directive - ✔️✔️ 2009/136/EC (or the @#! Cookie Law, designed by incompetent octogenarians that can't find a button on a mouse)
- What are the 7 institutions of the EU as per Treaty of Lisbon - ✔️✔️ 1. European Parliament (> 700 members) - Legislative
- European Council (28 heads of member states in 2014)
- Council of the EU / "The Council" (groups of 28 ministers by theme) - Legislative
- European Commission / "The Commission" (28 commissioners and +23000 useless and overpaid civil servants)
- The Court of Justice of the EU
- European Central Bank
- Court of Auditors
- Which institution is the legislative body of the EU - ✔️✔️ 1. The European Parliament
- The Council of the EU
- Which institution is the executive body of the EU - ✔️✔️ The European Commission
- Which EU institution can formally propose a law - ✔️✔️ The European Commission (which is both executive and has legislative initiative power)
- Which EU institution is composed of the heads of each member states - ✔️✔️ The European Council
- Which EU institution has the power to declare a non-EU country as "adequate" in terms of data protection - ✔️✔️ The European Commission
- What is the name of the Judiciary body of the EU - ✔️✔️ Court of Justice of the EU
- What Judiciary body is in charge of ensuring that the ECHR is applied
- ✔️✔️ European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
- What is the name of advisories published by the Art. 29 Working Party - ✔️✔️ Opinions
- What kind of body is the Art. 29 Working Party - ✔️✔️ An advisory board on data protection and privacy
- What is the composition of the Art. 29 Working Party - ✔️✔️ 1.
[Date] Representatives of the each member state DPA
- The European Data Protection Supervisor
- The European Commission
- What are special categories of data under 95/46/EC - ✔️✔️ Racial or Ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details concerning health or sex life
- How many members in the European Parliament - ✔️✔️ more than 700
- How many members in the European Council - ✔️✔️ 28 heads of member states (in 2014)
- How many members in the Council of the EU - ✔️✔️ SEVERAL groups of 28 ministers, organized by theme. Also called MEP (Member of the European Parliament)
- How many members in the entire European Commission - ✔️✔️ 28 commissioners and +23000 useless and overpaid civil servants
- What are the executive and legislative bodies of the EU - ✔️✔️ The European Commission is executive
- The European Parliament and the Council of the EU are legislative
- What is the main goal of Directive 2006/54/EC - ✔️✔️ To ensure the retention of traffic and location
[Date] metadata for serious crime and anti- terrorism purpose