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A collection of questions and answers related to various criminology theories, covering topics such as life course approach, general theory of crime, social control theory, strain theory, and labeling theory. It offers insights into the factors influencing criminal behavior, the role of social structures, and the impact of labeling on individuals. Useful for students studying criminology or criminal justice, providing a basic understanding of key concepts and theories.
Typology: Exams
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According to the principles of the life course approach, there are certain factors that influence a person's transitions in various stages of life. Which of the following would be factors that influence a person during adolescence? - ANSWER school and peer relations
The ability of parents to be supportive of their children and effectively control them is called ________ - ANSWER parental efficacy
Which of the following is not a criticism of the General Theory of Crime? - ANSWER the GTC does not explain neighborhood and community differences
Even though most of their peers engage in a wide variety of antisocial activities, ________ never break the law; their conventional behavior makes them deviant because offending is the norm. - ANSWER abstainers
Which theory explains gender differences in the crime rate as a function of class and gender conflict? - ANSWER power-control theory
Which concept that suggests that life events have a significant influence on future behavior? - ANSWER state dependence
Which theory suggests that criminal behavior is learned through the interaction with other people? - ANSWER NOT differential reinforcement
Which theory suggests that the law and criminal justice system are used by capitalists to dominate the lower class? - ANSWER NOT structured theory
Racial profiling is an example of ________. - ANSWER NOT biased law enforcement
are kids who get into minor scrapes as youth but whose misbehavior ends when they enter adulthood. - ANSWER Adolescent-limited offenders
The view that disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime is called - ANSWER NOT social disorganization theory
Which theory would support the notion that if a child is on a sports team, taking piano lessons, and never misses school, they would be unlikely to engage in delinquency? - ANSWER social control theory
is the view that socially defined goals (such as wealth and power) are universally mandated, but access to legitimate means (such as education and job opportunities) is stratified by class and status. - ANSWER Anomie theory
Which theorists are responsible for the General Theory of Crime? - ANSWER Gottfredson and Hirschi
The _____ system used in schools to determine who is capable of going to college contributes to the stigmatization of students. - ANSWER NOT aptitude
is the tendency of prior social problems to produce future ones that accumulate and undermine success. - ANSWER Cumulative disadvantage
According to social process theories, family relationships have - ANSWER a major impact on criminal behavior
Programs which are designed to strengthen the bond between parent and child are based on which theory? - ANSWER control theory
The social reaction theory (labeling theory) would suggest that if a child commits a nonviolent first offense, __ - ANSWER diversion programs should be used to keep the child out of the formal system
Shaw and McKay's statistical analysis confirmed that even though crime rates changed, the highest rates were always in which zones? - ANSWER Zones I and II
Which hypothesis states that, as the number of minority group members in a community increases, the more punitive the police become? - ANSWER racial threat hypothesis
The view that lower-class youths, whose legitimate opportunities are limited, join gangs and pursue criminal careers as alternative means to achieve universal success goals is known as _ - ANSWER differential opportunity
The cumulative nature of labeling may lead some offenders to become
Which philosopher is credited with beginning the work on critical criminology? - ANSWER NOT Richard Quinney
is the view that a stable, unchanging feature, characteristic, property, or condition, such as defective intelligence or impulsive personality, makes some people prone to crime. - ANSWER Propensity theory
Which approach views crime as a function of relative deprivation under capitalism? - ANSWER left realism
Exposure to opposing norms, attitudes, and definitions or right and wrong, may lead to __ - ANSWER culture conflict
The power-control theory presents the idea that crime rates are a function of two factors: ___ - ANSWER NOT economic class and the education level of the parents
In his theory of ______, Howard Becker argued that stigma producing events led to criminal careers. - ANSWER NOT stigmatization
The separate section of critical criminology that focuses on war crimes and crimes against humanity is ___ - ANSWER NOT international criminology
The branch of social structure theory that sees crime as a function of the conflict between people's goals and the means available to obtain them is ________. - ANSWER strain theory
The view that kids who begin engaging in antisocial behaviors at a very early age are the ones most at risk for a criminal career is known as ________. - ANSWER early onset
is the view that there are multiple independent paths to a criminal career and that there are different types and classes of offenders. - ANSWER Trajectory theory
Which theory holds to the tenet that getting married helps people stay out of trouble? - ANSWER age-graded theory
A child steals a chocolate bar from a store and justifies if by saying that the store will not even notice it missing. This is an example of _______ - ANSWER denial of injury
Which two theorists proposed that criminologists should devote time and effort to understanding basic questions about the evolution of criminal careers? - ANSWER Loeber and Le Blanc
deterrence is an approach in which community organization efforts eliminate crime before police involvement becomes necessary. - ANSWER Preemptive
America is a society stratified by social status and level. What is the basis of this grouping? - ANSWER Economic class and wealth
In a family where both parents work at similar status jobs, girls - ANSWER commit equal amounts of crime as their brothers
Which one of the following is NOT one of Loeber's pathways to crime? - ANSWER authority challenged
There is a strong relationship between age and crime. Researchers have found that ____________. - ANSWER most people will age out of crime
Overall, studies of crime have reached which conclusion? - ANSWER NOT The UCR is the most accurate measure of crime data
The major premise of the _______ theory is that criminals and delinquents often suffer brain impairment. - ANSWER neurological
What is one reason that comparing crimes across different countries is difficult? - ANSWER Legal definitions of crimes differ across countries.
Sociological criminology is which of the following? - ANSWER an approach to criminology, based on the work of Émile Durkheim, that focuses on the relationship between social factors and crime
Why might criminologists become involved in sociolegal studies? - ANSWER to investigate the history of legal thought in an effort to understand how criminal acts (such as theft, rape, and murder) evolved into their present form
Which of the following social goals set by the government is least likely to be achieved by outlawing certain behaviors? - ANSWER increased revenues
A local mall has decided to install CCTV surveillance cameras in various locations on its property. What type of impact on crime might this strategy have? - ANSWER Reduction in burglaries
The "Ferguson Effect" is a theory related to changes in arrests rates following the shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. If this theory is correct, _____ - ANSWER police officers will be less likely to make arrests and enforce the laws.
is the view that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which the potential offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act. - ANSWER Rational choice theory
Hormone-related studies have found that - ANSWER PMS causes some women to be more prone to hostility
Children are especially susceptible to being victimized. Stress accrued in childhood can _______ - ANSWER follow victims along their life course
is the branch of social science that uses the scientific method of the natural sciences, and suggests that human behavior is a product of social, biological, psychological, or economic forces which can be empirically measured. - ANSWER Positivism
Which two methods of collecting information are the primary sources of crime data? - ANSWER surveys and official records
Which theory supports the belief that IQ scores are influenced by environmental factors? - ANSWER nurture theory
Which socialization characteristic is common in girls and may result in the lower crime rate associated with that gender? - ANSWER superior verbal ability of girls
Common law crimes and statutory crimes are also referred to as which of the following? - ANSWER NOT probate and legislative
Positivism had an effect on rational choice thought that permeated the opinions of early criminologists, in that it changed the focus of crime from personal choice and decision making to _____________ and __________. - ANSWER social and personal factors
How does the NCVS compare to the UCR? - ANSWER The NCVS is a more accurate measure of crime which occurs in the United States.
Which of the following do criminologists see as playing a critical role in the criminal process? - ANSWER NOT offenders
Which of the following is a true statement regarding offenders' criminal careers? - ANSWER Most offenders commit one criminal act and then discontinue that behavior.
Crime being offender-specific is the view that ____________. - ANSWER NOT an offender reacts selectively to the characteristics of a criminal act
Ryan King and Gretchen Sutto, in their study on hate crimes, found that three characteristics exist in triggering hate crime. Which of the statements below is NOT one of the characteristics they found? - ANSWER a preference for resolving grievances through a rough-and- ready brand of self-help
A developmentally inappropriate lack of attention, along with impulsivity and restlessness, is evident in children with ________. - ANSWER ADHD
Contemporary trait theorists suggest that _________________. - ANSWER each offender is physically and mentally unique
Some early studies concluded that victims influence criminal behavior by playing an active role in a criminal incident by ______________. - ANSWER provoking an assault that ended in ther death
drive(s) some people into committing crime. - ANSWER NOT Anger and frustration
Why were the early theories presented by Cesare Lombroso and his contemporaries considered invalid? - ANSWER the research methods were questionable
Sometimes, wrongfully convicted individuals are exonerated. In one study, more than half of original victims describe a wrongful conviction as being similar to ________________. - ANSWER revictimization
A teenage female who lives in an urban area, likes to stay out late at night, uses recreational drugs, and hangs out with young men may be more susceptible to crime based on principles of _________________. - ANSWER lifestyle theory
A youth who engages in violent behavior after playing violent video games and idolizing the characters in those games is an example of which type of behavior? - ANSWER modeling
Serious violent victimizations occur more frequently during what season? - ANSWER summer
The study of the psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) explanation of personality originated with which researcher? - ANSWER Sigmund Freud
To be truly ethical, criminological research must have ________ to research participants rather, than simply doing them no harm. - ANSWER social value
Which demographic of the population is least likely to be a crime victim? - ANSWER elderly
Approximately what percentage of violent crimes are cleared by arrest each year? - ANSWER NOT 20%
What is meant by the "cycle of violence"? - ANSWER Victims of crime, especially victims of childhood abuse, are more likely to commit crimes themselves.
is the principle that crime can be prevented or displaced by modifying the physical environment to reduce the opportunity that individuals have to commit crime. - ANSWER defensible space
is the view that disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime. - ANSWER Social structure theory
A method of crime prevention that seeks to eliminate or reduce
particular crimes in specific settings is known as - ANSWER situational crime prevention