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Generally, aware that first step to managing cultural diversity is to recognize and - ANSWERnot to fear it When a peace officer continues to apply physical force in excess of the force permitted by law or agency policies and procedures to a person who has been rendered incapable of resisting arrest, the officer will have used - ANSWERexcessive force
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Generally, aware that first step to managing cultural diversity is to recognize and - ANSWERnot to fear it When a peace officer continues to apply physical force in excess of the force permitted by law or agency policies and procedures to a person who has been rendered incapable of resisting arrest, the officer will have used - ANSWERexcessive force Chain of custody - ANSWERthe written record of all individuals who maintained control or had access to any physical evidence A Code of Conduct put forward by society, some other group, religion, or by an individual regarding his/her own behavior is the definition of - ANSWERmorality When applying gauze or hemostatic dressing you must - ANSWERpack the gauze into the wound What is the leading cause of most serious law enforcement crashes - ANSWERexcessive speed The 3 primary factors that influence criminal jurisdiction in Indian Country are - ANSWERimpact of sovereign status, plenary powers of congress, US supreme court interpretations Four components of loaded cartridge are - ANSWERcase, primer, powder, bullet A tourniquet should not be left on for longer than - ANSWER2 hours When operating a vehicle at high speeds, peripheral vision - ANSWERnarrows In order to justify a Terry frisk or pat-down, an officer must be - ANSWERable to articulate facts that add up to reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and is a danger to the officer or others A shooters trigger finger is also known as the - ANSWERprimary safety
Parking 15 feet behind an unknown risk traffic stop with a 3-foot onset will give the officer a small areas of protection known as the - ANSWERsafety zone Acronym RADAR stands for - ANSWERradio detecting and ranging When the body is placed in a position which interferes with muscular or mechanical elements of respiration, it is known as - ANSWERpositional asphyxia Which is of the following is a requirement of a custodial interrogation of a child or youthful offender under 16 years of age - ANSWERparent or guardian, attorney or adult relative must be present and be advised of the rights of the child or youthful offender under 16 Oklahoma law requires that the parent or guardian of a minor issued a citation be notified of the violation by delivering a copy of the violation to them within - ANSWER3 days In reference to a revised report being completed, the date of the report should be in reflection of the
According to Graham v. Connor, officers must utilize force in accordance with the - ANSWERreasonable officer standard Fingerprint that only becomes visible under careful examination by adding light, or lighting the surface from a different angle, or after powder of chemicals have been added is called a - ANSWERlatent print Ethics is about putting principles into action, Consistency between what we say we value and what our actions say we value is a matter of - ANSWERintegrity Precise sight alignment is the proper relationship between the - ANSWEReye, front sight, and rear sight All firearms should be treated as if they are: - ANSWERloaded To ensure officer safety, each officer will perform a search incident to arrest to on all prisoners, checking for - ANSWERweapons and contraband When should you test the accuracy of your radar - ANSWERat the beginning of each shift The proper positioning of your vehicle on an unknown traffic stop, the area directly between the two vehicles is known as the - ANSWERdanger zone An affidavit for a search warrant must describe the place to be searched - ANSWERso precisely that the location of the place to be searched may be determined solely by reference to the description contained in the warrant In the case of State of OK v. Woods gives LEOs the right to withdraw and hold blood from an - ANSWERunconscious person No person shall stop, stand or part within BLANK of a fire hydrant, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law traffic control devices or directions from a police officer - ANSWER15 feet
What is the name of the crime for which the elements are taking of personal properly of another without consent with intent to deprive the owner of its benefit - ANSWERlarceny Officers should understand the types of corners that are common in highway design. These corners are classified into 3 types - ANSWERconstant radius, decreasing radius, and increasing radius The agency takes with ensuring compliance with the OK Alcoholic Beverages Act is the - ANSWERABLE commission In a criminal case the state must prove the defendants guilt beyond a - ANSWERreasonable doubt OK law requires LE agencies to forward written reports of collisions resulting in injury to a person to DPS on a standard form provided by the department within - ANSWER30 days from the date of collision If it is determined that a traffic related death was in fact a suicide or deliberate act, the report is treated as an - ANSWERincident report An adult is lawfully in custody for the commission of a felony and escapes. Under these facts, the escape may be charged as a - ANSWERfelony Proceeding to trial without relying on the victims testimony is commonly known as? - ANSWERevidence based prosecution A Code of values that guides our choices and actions determines the purpose and course of our lives is the definition of - ANSWERethics Human trafficking is the exploitation by Blank of vulnerable people for forced labor domestic servitude, and commercial sex operation - ANSWERforce, fraud, or coercion Which organization has plenary power over Indian nations - ANSWERcongress Traffic radar uses? - ANSWERradio waves
In OK, lethality assessments protocol is required by statute on - ANSWERDV cases involving intimate partners When transferring a BLANK remove the magazine, unload the chamber, lock the slide open, and present it grip first with the muzzle pointing to the ground - ANSWERsemi-automatic pistol A true BLANK is the geographical high point on the inside of a turn - ANSWERapex Most appropriate location when applying a tourniquet is - ANSWERas high as possible on the injured extremity First step in clearing a semi-automatic phase 1 malfunction is to - ANSWERtap the magazine A Code of values that guides our choices and actions determines the purpose and course of our lives is the definition of - ANSWERethics Human trafficking is the exploitation by Blank of vulnerable people for forced labor domestic servitude, and commercial sex operation - ANSWERforce, fraud, or coercion Which organization has plenary power over Indian nations - ANSWERcongress Community Relations and LE rest almost exclusively with the - ANSWERindividual officer What is the KEY CONCEPT in custody and control - ANSWERcontrol State crimes committed in Indian county, where both the victim and the offender are non-indian, and Blank has exclusive jurisdiction - ANSWERstate The greatest number, over 50% of LE collisions occur at - ANSWERintersections OK Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs gets its Statutory Authority for OK drug laws form OK State Statue Title - ANSWER
Blank is defined as articulable facts which, when taken together would lead a reasonable and prudent person to believe that a crime is being or has been committed and that the individual arrested probably committed the crime - ANSWERprobable cause According to Title 47, an authorized emergency vehicle must have an audible signal and a - ANSWERvisual signal The authority for setting the qualifications and standards for persons administering chemical testes lies with the - ANSWERBoard for Test and Alcohol Influence Hours for daytime search warrant to be served are - ANSWER6am - 10pm During the a building search, fatal funnel refers to a - ANSWERnarrow passageway that exposes an officer The angle cosign effect is always in favor of target in - ANSWERstationary mode Which patrol technique places more offers on the street covering greater areas in a minimum amount of time - ANSWERmotorized It appears a suspect touched a surface in a crime scene, but the fingerprints are not readily visible. The officer should - ANSWERchange eye level or angle and illuminate area from different angle In the US Supreme Court case of Matt v. Ohio, the court ruled the exclusionary rule applied - ANSWERto state courts Priorities an officer must establish upon arrival of a collision scene. They include rendering aid to injured persons, traffic control, and - ANSWERpreservation of evidence Only the Blank can determine who should have access to a POs firearm - ANSWERthe officer Spinning the wheels Blanks friction, thereby slowing the rate of acceleration - ANSWERreduces
The best method of applying gauze to a bleeding site is - ANSWER3 min of direct pressure after packing the wound A service handgun can be properly maintained by - ANSWERthroughly cleaning non more than 24hrs after firing the weapon LE personal commit critical, unethical acts each day. BLANK occur when officers rationalize and justify not doing things they are responsible for doing - ANSWERActs of omission Under which circumstance is a SO required to have the words SEX OFFENDER on their OK drivers license? - ANSWERaggravated and habitual offenders 2 main types of municipal courts in OK - ANSWERMunicipal Courts of Record & Municipal Courts Not of Record Who has access to your police report? - ANSWERAnyone may obtain a copy under the Open Records Act 3 steps in hand-gun retention disarm system - ANSWERsecure, position, release Blank is the wrongful taking and carrying away of personal property in possession of another by means of force or fear - ANSWERRobbery In attempting to resolve rear-wheel skid - ANSWERremove foot from accelerator and steer into skid The Vienna Convention requires that a foreign national who is arrested is given an opportunity to have - ANSWERtheir consulate contacted Tension pneumothorax is caused when - ANSWERair enters the chest, causing the lungs to collapse The simplest, most effective protection against possible injury or death of an officer during a motor vehicle collision is - ANSWERproperly fastened seatbelt in conjunction with airbag The times it is acceptable to chew gum, tobacco and eat in a crime scene is - ANSWERnever
Requirement that searches and seizures be reasonable is addressed in the - ANSWER4th amendment Anticipating, recognizing, and appraising crime risks, and then initiating some actions to remove or reduce risks is the foundations of - ANSWERcrime prevention Statistically, the most dangerous part of the arrest process when the subject will most likely attack or resist the officer is during the: - ANSWERhandcuffing procedure Which class of person will not be permitted to testify as a "lay" or "non-expert" witness? - ANSWERpersons who have no knowledge of the facts of the case While collecting a piece of evidence at crime scene, you sneeze. You are concerned you may have contaminated the evidence. What should you do? - ANSWERdocument what happened in your report and package normally Refusing gratuities, refusing to participate in a cover-up, refusing to participate in ethnic or gender- based humor are examples of - ANSWERmoral courage Minimum distance to position your patrol car behind a violator's vehicle in an unknown traffic stop is
Whether at home, on duty, or training, a PO faces blank of civil or criminal liability as the result of mishandling or misuse of a firearm - ANSWERhigh degree One of the best things an officer can do when faced with a person in the throws of excited delirium is to - ANSWERcall for backup and attempt to de-escalate the situation Once transmitted, a radar beam is infinite unless it is - ANSWERreflected, refracted, or absorbed The police-citizen role is of prime importance for - ANSWERcrime reduction Which patrol technique should be utilized when trying to obtain closer examination of residential/business door locks within your area of patrol? - ANSWERfoot Victims of DV or sexual assault will assess the officers - ANSWERbody language, demeanor and verbal language for reaction and understanding Licensees are required to notify DPS of a change of address within - ANSWER10 days When an officer is taken to the ground, they should - ANSWERgain a position of advantage, disengage, and go to higher level of force if necessary