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CLEET Certification Test Phase 1
Which of the following is one of the powers given to the council on law enforcement education and training? - ANSWER To prescribe the minimum curriculum requirements for the training of applicants.
How old must you be before applying for an armed security guard license? - ANSWER 21
How old must you be before applying for a security guard (unarmed) or special event license? - ANSWER 18
Which of the following is one of the qualifications with which license applicants must comply? ANSWER The applicant shall be of good moral character.
May application information be released to a licensing authority of another jurisdiction? ANSWER Yes.
May application information be released to the public for the purpose of verifying the current licensure status of any applicant or licensee? ANSWER Yes
Who is mandated to undertake the psychological assessment? - ANSWER Applicants for the armed security guard license.
Within how many months from your test date can the council reuse the results before you need to be re-tested? - ANSWER Up to 6 months.
A security guard licensed to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment and authorized by the employer on a specific post is. - ANSWER An armed security guard
Which of the following defines a security agency? - ANSWER A person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of security guard services or armed security guards for hire
If you are employed as a private watchman to protect property you would be considered a: - ANSWER Security guard
How many types of licenses are available? - ANSWER 12
Which of the following persons is not affected by the Oklahoma security guard and private investigator act? - ANSWER A full time certified peace officer of this state.
Which of the following persons is affected by the Oklahoma security guard and private investigator act? ANSWER A person, firm, corporation or other private legal entity in the business of furnishing another person as a security guard or armed security guard for hire.
Which license below has the highest origination fee? - ANSWER Security agency.
How long is the security guard license valid? - ANSWER For 3 years, and shall be renewable for additional 3 year terms.
For how long is the conditional license valid? - ANSWER During the first six months of the regular license period and shall not be renewable.
How many special event licenses may be issued to one person in any calendar year? - ANSWER No more than two.
Which of the following can be displayed on a security guard badge or uniform? - ANSWER Security officer.
Which of the following can be displayed on a security vehicle? - ANSWER Guard.
Which of the following is a criterion for reasonable suspicion? - ANSWER The demeanor of the person.
Making your second patrol, at 10:45 pm, you observe that the door to the client's personnel office is not closed completely. You recall that this particular door usually must be pulled hard to close, but you cannot remember if the door was complete closed during your first patrol. You close the door, make sure it is locked, then complete your patrol. As you are walking toward your desk, you see someone approaching you from the opposite end of the hallway. The person turns out to be an employee at your client's facility who frequently works late. The employee greets you as normal, and walks toward the exit. Do you have reasonable suspicion to stop the subject and investigate? - ANSWER Yes, based on the time of day (or night.)
At 3:40 one afternoon while working, you observe that the exterior door in the storage room is open a bit. You know that door opens into an alley, and it is never used. Even though the door is designated as an "emergency exit," the alarm did not sound whenever that door was opened. You look out into the alley and see two small boxes, a few feet from the door, stacked between a trash dumpster and the wall of the building. The top box appears to be unopened, since the strapping tape is not cut. While you are standing by the door, an employee comes around the corner with a new, unopened set of hand tools under one arm. Why would you have reasonable suspicion to stop the individual and investigate? - ANSWER Based upon the person's proximity and what the person is carrying.
A person with a backpack approaches your post, can you ask them to open the backpack and look inside? - ANSWER Yes, provided you are in your legal position and do not touch the backpack or anything in the backpack.
If your employer post a written notice that handheld packages or containers may be searched as employees leave the worksite, and the employees agree to the notice, what may a security guard legally do to inspect such items? - ANSWER You may ask each person to please open the package or container, but you cannot touch the items.
As a security guard or private investigator, can you have a warrant to search a vehicle? ANSWER No.
Your arrest powers are those of a: ANSWER Private citizen.
Which of the following cases would be outside of the arrest authority of a security guard or private investigator? ANSWER When a misdemeanor has been committed, and probable cause exists that the person arrested committed it.
A private citizen must inform the person being arrested of the? - ANSWER Cause of the arrest.
Which of the following would represent constructive arrest? - ANSWER Using no physical force or weapons to arrest the person.
Which of the following is an element of arrest? - ANSWER Searching for weapons to protect the arrested party.
Which of the following cases might represent a lawful search? - ANSWER Searching for weapons to protect the arrested party.
Which of the following circumstances would probably not quality for a simple frisk? - ANSWER If the person looks like someone who would commit a crime.
What conditions must be met to support the use of deadly force? - ANSWER Seeing the ability, intent and action to harm a person.
Which of the following situations is most likely to be considered justifiable deadly force? ANSWER A security guard enters a tool storeroom and finds an unauthorized person rummaging around among the tools. She advises him he has no permission to be in this part of the premises, and must leave. The man replies, "I don't think so", grasps a large
sledge hammer, and raises it above his head while advancing upon her. She backs away and realizes that the door automatically closed behind her and that she does not have an easy path for retreat. She draws her gun and tells him to stop. When he does not stop, she fires.
What are the responsibilities of the security guard during or after an incident or offense? - ANSWER Observe and report.
What can happen to you if you are convicted of impersonating a police officer? - ANSWER All of the above. You can be fined, you can be imprisoned, you can lose your license.
Who do security guards represent? - ANSWER Their employer and their employer's clients.
Public relations skills help you to effectively perform those duties which involve - ANSWER Other people.
Which of the following is a true statement regarding a security guard's relationship to the public or client employees? - ANSWER Security officers carry out the client's rules, policies and procedures.
Which of the following actions shows good public relations? - ANSWER Application of all rules, policies, and procedures without displaying personal opinion or disagreement.
Is rolling up a long sleeved shirt an acceptable adjustment to a uniform if not authorized? - ANSWER No.
Maintaining a good physical appearance means; - ANSWER Being well groomed.
Maintaining a professional work area means: - ANSWER Keeping desks and counters clean and organized.
How should you respond to people who try to use their friendship with you? - ANSWER Be fair.
Which of the following words does NOT describe a guideline for communicating with people? - ANSWER Aggressive.
How should you speak to communicate across language barriers? - ANSWER Clearly and slowly.
Which of the following words does NOT represent a guideline for communicating across language barriers? - ANSWER Shout.
How can you maintain your professionalism when communicating with the media? - ANSWER Be pleasant at all times.
What is the correct response to a request to answer questions from the media? ANSWER Refer media representatives to your supervisor.
Besides being sympathetic when you make an appearance in court you should also be: ANSWER Yourself.
What is one way of maintaining your credibility during an appearance in court? ANSWER Project a professional image.
When terminating an emergency call, should you hang up the telephone first? ANSWER No.
If you answer the telephone and the person the caller wants may not be reached, what do you do? ANSWER Give the reason why the person may not be reached.
When reporting an emergency by telephone, you do should do the following -ANSWER Follow all directions from the emergency dispatcher
You would use a radio at: ANSWER A bit more than a normal speaking conversational level.
Which of the following is usually included in the job of assisting the public? - ANSWER Directing visitors/employees to various areas on the premises.
Which of the following statements best describes what the role of the security guard when attempting to calm a dispute? - ANSWER You are an outsider to the argument.
Two customers at your employers store get your attention because of their tone of voice and because you can hear them from some distance away. As you approach the customers, you decide that they are in fact, arguing over something. Other customers are staring at the two people who are arguing. What should be your first response? - ANSWER Calmly explain that the dispute is disturbing others.
You have been employed as a security guard at the Happy Valley Apartments complex. On an evening, at 6:45 pm, while at your post, you received a telephone call from a resident of the complex regarding a very loud argument in building C, apartment 7. As you approach the apartment, you can hear the argument clearly. The husband answers the door after you have knocked twice. When the door finally opens, you can see past the husband's shoulder into the kitchen, and notice that the woman inside is visibly shaken and is crying. - ANSWER Gently but firmly advise the participants to resolve their argument quietly.
Which of the following are guidelines for communicating with people? - ANSWER Remain calm, never lose your cool towards a person.
Which of the following is a guideline for communicating across language barriers? - ANSWER Be patient and respect the other persons attempts to communicate with you.
Which of the following is an example of empathy? - ANSWER Elizabeth tries to put herself in the other persons shoes.
Which of the following statements about tact is true? - ANSWER You should use tact with
customers and clients, but it is not helpful with coworkers.
Which of the following is an example of using positive language? - ANSWER "This lot is for employees only, but you can park in the visitor lot just around the corner."
Which of the following is a principle for applying first aid? ANSWER A person should not provide first aid to a victim who does not consent to the aid.
Which of the following is a principle for applying first aid? ANSWER A person should only apply first aid that one has been trained for.
Which of the following is the correct action in response to an accident or emergency? ANSWER Seek immediate help.
What color is usually painted on industrial first aid kits? - ANSWER Federal safety green.
Which of the following below would NOT be a guideline to help reduce the transmission of disease when providing first aid? - ANSWER Removing protective clothing and equipment.
Which of the following is a correct treatment for a severe cut? - ANSWER Put a dressing over the cut and apply pressure.
Which of the following is a correct treatment for a small cut? - ANSWER Wash the cut.
Which sign or symptom below might indicate an early stage of traumatic shock? - ANSWER Pale, bluish skin.
Which sign or symptom below might indicate a late stage of traumatic shock? - ANSWER Attitude of not caring.
Which of the following is a symptom of a first degree burn? - ANSWER Mild swelling.
Which of the following is a symptom of a second degree burn? - ANSWER Blistering.
Which of the following is a symptom of a third degree burn? - ANSWER Charred or white appearance of the burned area.
Which of the following is the brachial artery? - ANSWER Right above the bend of the arm.
Which of the following symptoms might indicate heat exhaustion? - ANSWER Normal body temperature.
Which of the following could be a symptom of heat stroke? ANSWER Flushed l, red, hot and dry skin.
Which of the following may prevent heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke? ANSWER Drink plenty of fluids.
What should you do if a person who is choking is coughing powerfully? ANSWER Let the person try to cough up whatever he or she is choking on.
You should give abdominal thrusts to a chocking person if that person: - ANSWER Can't speak, cough strongly, or breathe.
What do you do when a choking person is too large to deliver abdominal thrust or is obviously pregnant? - ANSWER Give chest thrusts.
As you deliver first aid for a chocking victim you should : - ANSWER Have someone else call the emergency number.
If a seizure victim has fluid in his or her mouth, you should do the following: ANSWER Roll the victim onto his or her side.
You are caring for a victim who is experiencing a seizure. Which of the following actions should you take? ANSWER You should not try to hold the victim down or restrain him or her in any manner.
How would you protect a victim's head during a seizure? - ANSWER A thin cushion should be placed under the victim's head.
If someone is having a seizure, you should: - ANSWER Clear the area around them of anything that might cause injury.
Which of the following is a way communicable diseases are spread? - ANSWER All of the above. Through the air, fecal/oral route, direct contact
How could you minimize the possibility of infection from blood borne pathogens on the job? - ANSWER Avoid contact with another person's blood and contaminated objects.
What class of fire is involved when a filing cabinet of old invoices is burning? - ANSWER Class A
What class of fire when smoke is coming from the motor of an exhaust fan? - ANSWER Class C
What class of fire is involved when metal studs are burning near a reinforcement? - ANSWER Class D
What class of fire when you notice a fire in the carburetor of a gasoline powered service vehicle? - ANSWER Class B
What class of fire is involved when smoke is coming from a barrel filled with rags? - ANSWER Class A
Which class of fire is involved when you observe smoldering insulation around a shorted electrical outlet? - ANSWER Class C
Which class of fire is involved when someone drops a lighted cigarette into a can of paint thinner? - ANSWER Class B
Which class of fire is involved when a coffee pot hot plate is left unattended and ignites papers which fall from a bulletin board? - ANSWER Class A
Which of the following is an example of a class C fire? - ANSWER A panel of exposed electrical circuits is burning.
What extinguisher symbol would you look for to fight a class A fire? - ANSWER A green triangle.
Gases, liquids and solids are examples of? - ANSWER Fuel sources.
What does the fire triangle show? - ANSWER The basic elements requires for smoldering to occur.
Which of the following could be a heat source? ANSWER Electrical energy.
What are the elements of the fire triangle? ANSWER Oxygen, heat, fuel
Which one of the following represents a means of extinguishing a fire? ANSWER Breaking the chain reaction.
Which one of the following methods would you least likely expect to extinguish a fire that involves self oxidizing materials? ANSWER Blanketing.
For which of the following fire scenarios would you employ a pump tank extinguisher? ANSWER When burning is occurring with waste paper in a metal trash can.
Which pictorial symbol would you look for on a fire extinguisher as you can respond to a burning storeroom where breaker panels, paint, and reams of copy paper are located? - ANSWER A trash can symbol, a gasoline symbol, and an electrical outlet symbol, none of which are crossed out.
Which of the following sequences of steps for using a fire extinguisher is correct? - ANSWER Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
Where do you aim the nozzle or hose of a fire extinguisher? ANSWER At the base of the fire.
What do you do first when taking action because of a fire? ANSWER Call the fire department.
If you can't maintain an unobstructed escape route to which the fire cannot spread, you should - ANSWER Leave the area immediately and close off the area.
Could you report a fire using a pull box alarm switch? ANSWER Yes.
What is the role of a security guard during or after an incident or offense? - ANSWER Observe and report
Which of the following statements is true about the relationship of the security guard to
the public or client employees? - ANSWER Security officers enforce the client's rules, policies, and procedures.
Which of the following actions demonstrates good public relation? - ANSWER Enforcing all rules, policies and procedures without giving personal opinions or disagreement.
Is rolling up a long sleeve shirt an acceptable adaptation to a uniform (if not authorized)
Maintaining a good physical appearance means? - ANSWER Being well-groomed
Maintaining a professional work area means? - ANSWER Keeping desks and counters clean and organized
How do you respond to individuals who attempt to use their friendship with people? - ANSWER Be fair
How do you speak in order to communicate across language barriers? - ANSWER Clearly slowly
Which of the following words is not a word that represents a guideline to communicate across language barriers? - ANSWER Shout
How can you remain professional while communicating with the media? - ANSWER Being pleasant at all times
What do you do if you are asked to answer questions from the media? - ANSWER Refer media representatives to your supervisor
Apart from being sympathetic when appearing in court, you should also? - ANSWER Be yourself
One way of sustaining your credibility in court is through? - ANSWER Projecting a professional image
Who should hang up the phone last? - ANSWER You
If you answer the telephone and the person caller wants may not be reached? - ANSWER Explain the reason the person may not be reached.
When reporting an emergency over the telephone you should? - ANSWER Follow all directions given by the emergency dispatcher
At what level should you speak when using a radio? - ANSWER Just above a normal conversational level
Which statement accurately describes the role of the security guard in quieting a dispute? - ANSWER You are an outsider to the argument.
During an argument inside of a store what should you do? - ANSWER Calmly explain that they are disturbing others.
Gently but firmly advise the participants to resolve their argument quietly.
A security guard licensed to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment and authorized by the employer on a specific post is? - ANSWER An armed security guard
Which of the following defines a "security agency" - ANSWER A person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of furnishing another person security guard services or armed security guards for hire
If you are employed as a private watchman to protect property, you would be considered: - ANSWER A security guard
How many types of license are available - ANSWER 9 or higher
Which of the following persons is not affected by the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act? - ANSWER A full-time certified peace officer of the state.
Which of the following individuals is impacted by the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act? ANSWER A person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of furnishing another person as a security guard or armed security guard hire.
Which of the following is one of the powers given to the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training? - ANSWER To prescribe the minimum curriculum requirements for training applicants.
Definition of an Armed Security Guard - ANSWER A guard licensed to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment and authorized by the employer on a specific post.
Security Agency means any person, firm, corporation or other private legal entity in the business of security guard services or armed security guards for hire.
Definition of a Security Guard unarmed ANSWER An individual contracting with or employed by a security agency, private business or person to prevent trespass, theft, misappropriation, wrongful concealment of merchandise, goods money or other tangible items, or employed as a bodyguard or as a private watchman to protect persons or property.
Persons not effected by the OK Security Guard and Private Investigator Act - ANSWER A full time certified Peace Officer of the United States, this state or any political subdivision of either
Class A
Ordinary Combustibles - ANSWER Ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth
Class B
Flammable Liquids - ANSWER Flammable liquids such as grease, gasoline, paints, and oil.
Class C
Electrical Equipment - ANSWER Energized electrical equipment such as motors, switched, computers, breaker panels.
Class D
Combustible Metals - ANSWER Combustible metals such as titanium and magnesium.
Fire Triangle - ANSWER A triangle that represents the basic elements needed for a fire
Oxygen Heat Fuel
What is Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical used for? - ANSWER Used to extinguish Class A, Class B, and Class C fires.
What are the rules to follow when administering first aid? - ANSWER Do not administer first aid if the victim refuses to give consent.
Administer first aid that is within the scope of your training.
What are the steps to take in the event of accidents and emergencies? - ANSWER Try to remain clam.
Seek help immediately.
Industrial first aid kits are typically painted what? - ANSWER Federal Safety Green with
a cross.
State guidelines to help prevent the spread of disease when administering first aid - ANSWER Wear protective clothing and equipment.
Avoid contact with all body fluids.
Do not eat or drink while administering first aid.
Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes while administering first aid.
Wash your hands afterwards with soap and hot water.
What do you do if the cut is minor? - ANSWER Clean the cut
What to do if the cut is severe? - ANSWER Put a dressing over the cut and apply pressure
What are the Early Stages of traumatic shock - ANSWER Pale or bluish skin that is cool to the touch
What are the Late stages of traumatic shock - ANSWER An attitude of not caring
Symptoms of a First-Degree Burn - ANSWER Redness and discoloration
Mild swelling
Mild pain
Symptoms of a Second-Degree Burn - ANSWER Wet appearance of burned area
Symptoms of a Third-Degree Burn - ANSWER Charred or white appearance of the burned area
Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion - ANSWER Normal body temperature
Symptoms of a Heat Stroke - ANSWER Flushed (red, hot and dry skin
A measure to prevent heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke? - ANSWER Drink plenty of fluids
How would you provide first aid for objects or chemicals in the eye(s) that do not cut or penetrate the eye(s)(if within the limits of your training)? - ANSWER Flush the eye(s) with water or eye wash solution.
Someone takes a spoonful of cleaning solution what should you do? - ANSWER Call a poison control center or located emergency number immediately.
After a storm you are patrolling and see someone who was pickin up laying on the ground you also see a powerline is down. What should you do? - ANSWER Wait for the fire department or power company
What might indicate a scalp injury? - ANSWER Heavy bleeding
What might indicate a concussion? - ANSWER Confusion
What might indicate a skull fracture? - ANSWER Bleeding from the eyes, ears, or nose
Nausea, vomiting, and headache may be symptoms of a? - ANSWER Concussion
What may show fracture? - ANSWER Obvious deformity
What shows a sprain? - ANSWER There are signs of abnormal or false motion.
What is the sign that maybe indicating that a person will pass out? - ANSWER Pale appearance
What symptom listed is NOT a symptom associated with a heart attack? - ANSWER Blurred Vision
What is a proper method for controlling a nosebleed? - ANSWER Have the victim sit with head slightly back
If fluid is present in a victim's mouth during a seizure what should you do? - ANSWER Roll the victim onto his on her side.
When responding to a victim who is having a seizure what should you not do? - ANSWER Attempt to hold or restrain the victim in any way
To protect a victim's head during a seizure you should? - ANSWER Place a thin cushion under the victim's head
What should you do first in response to a telephone/communicated bomb threat? - ANSWER Ask the caller detailed questions
If your actions are judged illegal you could be? - ANSWER Prosecuted, imprisoned, and sued
What two condition must be present before you should consider making an arrest? - ANSWER An extraordinary situation, and authorization by supervisor or policy
What should you do if a person involved in an incident threatens you or leaves the area?
May you request a person to present ID - ANSWER Yes
When can you inspect items taken into or from the employer's or client's premises? - ANSWER If allowed by police and if consistent with your orders
If you are threatened physically by someone who refuses to allow an inspection of items being taken from the client's premises what should you do? - ANSWER Report the incident from a secure position
What should you do if confronted with an imminent and provoking threat of physical harm? - ANSWER Back away to a safe position
Which of the following would not be a good way to avoid a violent altercation? - ANSWER Confront the individual
Under what circumstance would you attempt to search for a reported bomb? - ANSWER Only at the request of the proper authorities and if your post orders allow
What should you do if a person is coughing forcefully? - ANSWER Let the person try to cough up whatever he or she is choking on.
If a person cannot speak, cough forcefully, or breathe what do you do? - ANSWER Give the person abdominal thrust
If a person is too large to give abdominal thrusts or is obviously pregnant - ANSWER Give chest thrusts
While giving first aid to the choking victim you should? -ANSWER Have another person call the emergency number.
For communicable diseases to be transmitted it must be? - ANSWER Through the air
Fecal-oral route
Direct contact
How to lessen the chance of infection? - ANSWER Avoid contact with another person's blood including objects that may been contaminated with blood.
What is a warning sign of potential workplace violence? - ANSWER Fascination with weapons and acts of violence
What is workplace violence? - ANSWER any act or threat or intimidation,
behavior that causes workers to fear for their safety
violence against people or property
What should you do when dealing with a potentially violent individual? - ANSWER Maintain a safe distance (three to six feet) from the person.
What should you avoid doing when approaching a potentially violent individual? - ANSWER Talk fast, loud, or accusingly
What could indicate forced entry? - ANSWER Doors, windows, and gates open
What could indicate unauthorized entry/activity? - ANSWER Blank spaces in "sign-out" column log
What type of theft is an employee least likely to commit? - ANSWER External theft
What is the difference between internal theft and pilferage? - ANSWER Value of the item(s) taken
Persistent complaints about missing or misplaced items are a possible signs of theft? - ANSWER True
One or more persons loitering around a break area is a possible sign of theft? - ANSWER False
What could be a possible sign of theft? - ANSWER Signs of tampering with storage containers
What is meant by reducing the opportunity to steal? - ANSWER Identifying items that are vulnerable to theft
What is the sequence to follow in investigating security incidents? - ANSWER Detect, Contain, Protect, Report
Can other security guards be unauthorized persons at the scene of an incident? - ANSWER Yes
How do you obtain eyewitness evidence at the crime scene of an incident? - ANSWER Discreetly
Working with a security incident's scene of: Which of the following evidence first needs to be protected? - ANS The most important evidence
In order to take up an accident, what is usually the very first thing that is done? - ANS Call for assistance, remaining with victim until the assistance arrives.
While responding to equipment malfunction or failure, which one should you do first? - ANS Inform appropriate personnel
What are some of the responses to a fight or disturbance that you would do sooner than
the others? - ANSWER Control the situation
What response to a fight or disturbance would you take later than the others? - ANSWER Prepare an incident report
How would you respond to a bomb threat? - ANSWER Handle each threat as real
Front Security Desk? - ANSWER Post is very common in corporate is often located in the main lobby. Is a high profile post.
Private Office? - ANSWER This post office house communication equipment, closed circuit- TV monitor or other security equipment.
What is a potential terrorist target? - ANSWER International Airport
A dirty bomb uses an atomic reaction to create a massive explosive? - ANSWER False
Personnel Gate - ANSWER Is normally located at an industrial location. This post is utilized to inspect identification and handhelditems. (ID Cards)
Common fixed post duties - ANSWER Controlling access
checking personnel identification, checking vehicle identification, direct visitors, maintaining sign in
Answering the telephone
Monitoring alarms
Monitoring cameras
List CRITERIA for effective written reports? - ANSWER Clear Concise Correct Complete
In basic field note taking you should? - ANSWER Write in chronological order.
What is a dirty bomb? - ANSWER a bomb that uses conventional explosives to scatter radioactive material over a wide area
Field notes are? - ANSWER A personal record system.
What do you need to make sure of when you ask someone to hand you their ID (if post allows) - ANSWER Handle the ID only, not the wallet or purse.
Never allow persons to simply "flash" their ID at you.
What are the steps in denying access? - ANSWER 1. State your post orders
What round should you pay close attention to the condition of your patrol? - ANSWER Your first round.
Steps while patrolling - ANSWER Make your patrol route different, if permitted
Always carry a flashlight
What is one of the powers given to the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training? ANSWER To determine the minimum curriculum for training applicants
What is the minimum age to apply for an Armed Security Guard license? ANSWER At least 21 years old
Which of the following is a qualification that license applicants must meet? ANSWER Be of good moral character
May information be disclosed to a licensing authority in another jurisdiction? - ANSWER Yes
May applicants information be made available to the public to confirm the current license status of any applicant or license? - ANSWER Yes
Who is required to undergo a psychological assessment? - ANSWER Persons applying for the Armed Security Guard license.
For how many months from the date of your psychological evaluation can the Council use the results before you must be reexamined? - ANSWER Up to six (6) months
Which of the following licenses has the highest original fee? - ANSWER Security Agency
For how long is the Security Guard License valid? - ANSWER For a period of three (3) years, and may be renewed for additional three-year terms
How long is the Conditional License valid? - ANSWER Six months, and may not be renewed
How many Special Event Licenses may be issued to one person in any calendar year? - ANSWER Not more than two (2)
Which of the following may be worn on a security guard badge or uniform? - ANSWER Security Officer
Which of the following may be displayed on a security vehicle? - ANSWER Guard
Which of the following is a rule to follow when attempting to administer first aid? - ANSWER Do not provide first aid if the victim refuses to give consent