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A comprehensive set of multiple-choice questions and answers covering the cleet phase 1 exam for aspiring security guards and private investigators in oklahoma. It covers essential topics such as fire safety, field note-taking, standard descriptions of people and vehicles, security guard responsibilities, arrest procedures, legal searches, deadly force, and oklahoma security guard and private investigator act regulations. This resource is valuable for individuals preparing for the cleet phase 1 exam, offering insights into the key concepts and knowledge required for successful licensing.
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Which of the following could be a heat source? ANSWER Electrical energy What are the elements of the "fire triangle"? ANSWER Oxygen, heat, fuel Which one of the following is a means of fire extinction? ANSWER Breaking the chain reaction Which of the following methods would you least expect to extinguish a fire involving self-oxidizing materials? ANSWER Blanketing For which fire situation would you use a pump tank extinguisher? ANSWER When the wastepaper in a metal trash can is burning You find that a pile of empty cardboard boxes is burning. After you have seen the extinguisher, which one would you select for this fire? ANSWER Multi-purpose dry chemical Which of the following listed steps, in order, is correct? ANSWER Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep (P.A.S.S.) Where would you direct the nozzle of hose? ANSWER The nozzle of a hose is to be aimed at the base of a fire. First thing on arriving at a fire? ANSWER Ensure that everyone has left or is leaving the building If unable to keep an unobstructed route of escape to which fire cannot spread? ANSWER Leave and close off the area Could you report a fire using a pullbox alarm switch? ANSWER Yes Which of the following is one of the purposes of field notes? ANSWER To record events How could your field notes help with an investigation conducted by an investigative agency? ANSWER They often provide background information Which of the following would help you to write in a dark area or at night? ANSWER Flashlight
Which is less likely to be a component of your standard equipment to write field notes? ANSWER Full- sized notebook In which order should you record your field note? - ANSWER According to the sequence of the occurrences Why should you keep the density of the notes low? ANSWER Because crowded information can be misunderstood Which of the following would be a bad practice when writing field notes? - ANSWER Only record significant events What are the criteria for good field notes? - ANSWER Clear, concise, correct, complete (four C's) What is the first item on the standard description of a person? - ANSWER Name (if known) Which of the following descriptions is in proper order? ANSWER Between 5 1/2 and 6 feet tall, 140- 150 pounds, shoulder-length straight brown hair, green eyes What is the bottom line in a standard description of a person? ANSWER Clothing Which of the following is in proper order? ANSWER A black, 1995 Ford Ranger pickup What is the first point in the standard description of a vehicle? - ANSWER Color A security guard licensed to carry a firearm in the course and scope of employment and authorized by the employer on a specific post is: - ANSWER an Armed Security Guard Which of the following defines a "Security Agency"? - ANSWER A person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of furnishing another person security guard services or armed security guards for hire What form of written report restricts the information that you, as a first responder or emergency medical dispatcher, may record? - ANSWER Pre-printed form What form of written report allows you to determine the information to record? - ANSWER Narrative form What does the question "What?" in a written report relate to? - ANSWER Describing the incident/event
Which of the following questions does the following passage of written report answer? At 2145, I observed Reynaldo Ortega (machine shop supervisor) to leave the Production area in the direction of the Administration area.- - ANSWER When, who, what, where The questions which are answered from this passage of a written report are:
Which one of the following would be beyond the scope of arrest authority of the security guard or private investigator? ANSWER When a misdemeanor has been committed, and probably cause exists that the person arrested committed it A private citizen must inform the person being arrested - ANSWER of the cause of arrest Which of the following would represent "constructive arrest"? - ANSWER Using no physical force or weapons to arrest the person Which of the following is an element of arrest? - ANSWER Explaining the intent and purpose to the person being arrested Which of the following could be a legal search? ANS Searching for a weapon to protect the arresting party Which of the following would NOT likely be a valid condition for a "patdown" search? ANS If he looks like a person that would commit a crime. What three elements must occur to justify deadly force? ANS The ability, intent, and action to threaten a person Which of the following scenarios is most likely to be considered justifiable homicide? ANSWER A security guard enters a tool storeroom and observes an unauthorized person rummaging through the tools. She advises him that he is not authorized to be in this area and that he should leave. The man responds "I don't think so;" and picks up a large sledgehammer, raises it over his head as he advances towards her. She continues to back away, realizing too late the door shut automatically behind her, leaving her no way out. She draws her gun on him, telling him to stop; when he doesn't stop, she fires. If you are employed as a private watchman to protect property, you would be considered: - ANSWER A Security Guard How many types of licenses are available? - ANSWER 8 Which of the following persons is not affected by the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act? - ANSWER A full-time certified peace officer of this state Which of the following persons are affected by the Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act? - ANSWER A person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of furnishing another person as a security guard or armed security guard for hire
Which of the following is one of the powers given to CLEET? - ANSWER To determine the minimum required curriculum for applicant training How old do you have to be before you can apply for an armed security guard license? - ANSWER 21 years old How old do you have to be before you can apply for a security guard (unarmed) or special event license? - ANSWER 18 years old Which of the following is a requirement that applicants for licensure must satisfy? ANSWER be of good moral character To which of the following may applicant information be released? - ANSWER To a licensing authority in another jurisdiction To which of the following may applicant information be released? - ANSWER To the public to verify the current licensure status of any applicant or licensee Who must undergo a psychological examination? - ANSWER applicants for the Armed Security Guard license How many months from the date of your examination can CLEET use the results before you must be re-examined? - ANSWER Up to 6 months Which of the following licenses has the highest original fee? - ANSWER Security Agency For how long is the Security Guard license valid? - ANSWER 3 years and may be renewed for 3 year terms For how long is the Conditional License valid? - ANSWER 6 months and may not be renewed How many special event licenses may be issued to one person in a calendar year? - ANSWER No more than 2 Which of the following can be worn on a security guard badge or uniform? - ANSWER Security Officer Which can be worn on a security vehicle? - ANSWER Guard Which of the following is a principle of first aid? - ANSWER Do not provide first aid if the victim refuses consent
Which of the following is a principle of first aid? - ANSWER Contact your supervisor immediately Which of the following is a correct response to an accident or emergency? - ANSWER Call for help immediately What color is usually painted on industrial first aid kits? - ANSWER Federal Safety Green Which of the following guidelines would not help reduce disease transmission when providing first aid?
attention at once A coworker had an upset stomach and went to the employee lounge to lie down. The coworker picked up what she thought was a bottle of medicine from the cabinet, which stored medicine, cleaning solution, and other supplies. She took a spoonful and quickly found that it wasn't medicine at all: Someone had washed and refilled an old medicine bottle with cleaning solution. You get to the lounge and do which of the following? - ANSWER Call immediately about possible poisoning using the poison control number or your local emergency number should you remove contaminated clothing from a person whose skin has contacted a poisonous or chemical substance? - ANSWER Yes You are working at the site. You are approached by an employee of the client company. He is an employee of the grounds maintenance department who accidentally sprayed pesticide on his right arm and hand. You take him to a restroom. No one else is in the restroom. You quickly help the employee remove his shirt and immediately flush the area on his arm with water. You then tell him to wait while you go to call the local emergency number. What did you do wrong? ANSWER Left the person alone A storm came through town and caused damage to your client's facility. Several employees were outside cleaning up when you began your tour of duty. As you make your rounds, you notice one employee who had been picking up tree limbs. She is lying on the ground now. As you get closer, you notice there is a downed power line nearby. What do you do? - ANSWER Wait for the fire department or power company Which of the following may indicate a scalp injury? ANSWER Heavy bleeding Which of the following may indicate a concussion? ANSWER Confusion Which of the following may indicate a skull fracture? ANSWER Bleeding from the eyes, ears, or nose Nausea, vomiting, and headache may be symptoms of: ANSWER a concussion Which of the following may indicate a fracture? ANSWER Obvious deformity Which of the following would not indicate a sprain? - ANSWER Signs of abnormal or false motion Which of the following could be a sign that a person is a bout to faint? - ANSWER Pale appearance Which of the following would not be a sign of a heart attack? - ANSWER Shortness of breath If someone is coughing forcefully: - ANSWER Let the person try to cough up whatever he or she is choking on
Give a person abdominal thrusts if: - ANSWER the person cannot speak, cough forcefully, or breath If a person is too large to give abdominal thrusts or is obviously pregnant: - ANSWER give chest thrusts While you are giving first aid to a victim who is choking: - ANSWER have someone else call the emergency number Which of the following is the correct way to treat a nosebleed? - ANSWER Apply an ice pack to the bridge of the nose A seizure victim has fluid in his/her mouth. You should: - ANSWER Roll the victim on to his/her side When responding to a victim who is seizing: - ANSWER do not try to hold or restrain the victim in any manner To protect the head of a victim who is seizing: - ANSWER Place a thin cushion under the victims head When a person is seizing: - ANSWER Remove objects that may cause injury Which of the following is a route of transmission for a communicable disease? - ANSWER All of the above (Air, fecal-oral,direct) How you can minimize the possibility of infection from blood born pathogen on the job? - ANSWER Avoid contact with other person's blood and items that may be contaminated Which of the following might be a warning sign of workplace violence? - ANSWER Fascination with weapons and actual violence Workplace violence includes: - ANSWER All of the above (threats, acts causing fear, violence) Which of the following should you do when dealing with a potentially violent individual? - ANSWER Maintain a safe distance (3-6 feet) Which of the following should you NOT do when dealing with a potentially violent individual? - ANSWER Speak quickly, loudly, or in an accusatory manner Which class of fire is involved in a fire involving a filing cabinet of old invoices? - ANSWER Class A Which class of fire is involved when an exhaust fan motor is smoking? - ANSWER Class C
Which class of fire is involved when metal studs are burning near a reinforcement weld?