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CMST Exam 1: Communication Competence Model, Ethics, and Speech Preparation, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of key concepts in communication studies, focusing on the communication competence model, ethical communication, and effective speech preparation. It includes multiple-choice questions and answers, covering topics such as communication ethics, competition, speech anxiety, and persuasive communication. Valuable for students studying communication, public speaking, or related fields.

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Available from 12/20/2024

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CMST Exam 1

What is the theme of the course? - correct answer ✔✔What does it mean to be an ethical communicator? According to Carter, integrity requires following the rules - correct answer ✔✔False A "prescription that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred or prohibited in a given context" is a/an - correct answer ✔✔Rule Commitment is part of the communication competence model. It refers to - correct answer ✔✔a passion for excellence; accepting nothing less than the best that you can be and dedicating yourself to achieving that excellence The essence of hypercompetitiveness is a winning-is-everything attitude. - correct answer ✔✔True The relationship dimension of messages is the information communicated. - correct answer ✔✔False Competition is an interactive not a solitary undertaking. - correct answer ✔✔True Conditions that determine whether competition creates a constructive rather than a destructive climate are: - correct answer ✔✔the competition is among relative equals competing fairly is encouraged The single inescapable fact that defines competition is that the system of rewards is structured to benefit the victorious. - correct answer ✔✔True What five main elements comprise the Communication Competence Model? - correct answer ✔✔ethics, skills, commitment, sensitivity, knowledge

Appropriateness in communication is determined by explicit and implicit rules. - correct answer ✔✔True More communication is always better communication. - correct answer ✔✔False When you organize your speech on the basis of a sequential time pattern, this is which of the following organizational patterns? - correct answer ✔✔chronological pattern The reliability of Internet information can be evaluated in which of the following ways? - correct answer ✔✔Be suspicious of any author of a Web document whose credentials are not cited Be especially concerned about source bias if the Web site is a .com address Be suspicious if no source is identified for the article According to Rothwell, a specific purpose statement - correct answer ✔✔uses simple, clear language indicates what the speaker hopes to accomplish with the speech encompasses the central idea begins with an infinitive phrase Division is a criterion for effective outlining that requires a minimum of two subpoints for dividing any main point. - correct answer ✔✔True The communication orientation is - correct answer ✔✔an effective method of managing speech anxiety that counteracts a performance orientation Which of the following is/are true regarding contrary audiences? - correct answer ✔✔Contrary audiences are initially hostile to the speaker's position on issues. The best approach to addressing speech anxiety is to work hard to eliminate the fight-or-flight response.

  • correct answer ✔✔False Making mental coping statements during your speech can assist your thought processes and help control speech anxiety. - correct answer ✔✔True

Sally plans to develop a speech on how to register to vote. In organizing her speech to clarify the steps to complete this process, Sally should organize her speech: - correct answer ✔✔chronologically There is no relationship between procrastination and anxiety. - correct answer ✔✔False According to Rothwell (and President Woodrow Wilson) giving a long speech takes less effort than giving a short speech. - correct answer ✔✔True Implied comparison of two seemingly dissimilar things is a/an - correct answer ✔✔metaphor simile "He looked like a deer with head lice" is an example of - correct answer ✔✔mixed metaphor Which of the following are guidelines for using humor competently? - correct answer ✔✔use relevant humor don't force humor use self-deprecating humor Ways to gain and maintain attention during your speech include which of the following? - correct answer ✔✔Make a novel appeal Appeal to the vital concerns of your audience Oral and written style are virtually the same, so writing your speech word for word and reading it to your audience is an effective way to present a speech. - correct answer ✔✔False Samuel Johnson wrote: "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." This quotation from Johnson is an example of: - correct answer ✔✔antithesis Any kind of startling statement or behavior that grabs the attention of an audience is appropriate for a speech. - correct answer ✔✔False

Types of informative speeches include - correct answer ✔✔reports demonstrations narratives Research shows that full sentence headlines on PowerPoint slides improve listeners' knowledge and comprehension when compared to using sentence fragments or phrases. - correct answer ✔✔True When using a PowerPoint presentation, the speaker should list all of the major points so that the audience can follow along. - correct answer ✔✔False All of the following statements regarding attitudes and behavior are true EXCEPT - correct answer ✔✔Attitudes formed by indirect experience are consistently related to actual behavior. "Easy availability of high calorie snack foods in schools is the primary cause of childhood obesity" is a proposition of - correct answer ✔✔fact According to research, attitudes that are formed from direct (personal) experience usually conform more closely to actual behavior. - correct answer ✔✔True Social judgment theory states that listeners with high ego involvement will likely change their attitudes and behaviors. - correct answer ✔✔False A learned predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably toward some object is a/an - correct answer ✔✔attitude Which of the following is not a part of ethos according to Aristotle? - correct answer ✔✔sentiment A proposition is: - correct answer ✔✔the primary, overriding claim for a persuasive speech Implicitly or explicitly presenting a claim and providing support for that claim with reasoning and evidence is a/an - correct answer ✔✔argument

Research on the persuasive effects of the quantity and quality of arguments used to support a proposal reveals that - correct answer ✔✔those most affected by the proposal were influenced more by good quality than by high quantity of arguments those least affected by the proposal were influenced more by high quantity than by good quality of arguments In Toulmin's structure of argument, a word or phrase that indicates the level of likelihood of a claim is the - correct answer ✔✔qualifier Two-sided persuasion is more effective at changing attitudes than one-sided persuasion. - correct answer ✔✔True According to "Steps to Preparing and Effective Speech" which of the following are goals for any type of speech? - correct answer ✔✔understanding retention Most speeches have only one general purpose. - correct answer ✔✔False According to Carter, integrity is the same as honesty. - correct answer ✔✔False Competition is defined as mutually inclusive goal attainment. - correct answer ✔✔False Sensitivity is part of the communication competence model. It refers to - correct answer ✔✔being mindful about your communication and that of others. According to the research on competition the following can be concluded - correct answer ✔✔competition can incite hostile communication Trying to win recognition at work as the best communicator is an example of - correct answer ✔✔competition

Which of the following statements regarding competition and cooperation is/are TRUE? - correct answer ✔✔Competition is not a solitary undertaking; it is interactive. Research reveals that some problems that occur between individuals in relationships are not solvable. - correct answer ✔✔True As competitiveness increases, empathy decreases. - correct answer ✔✔True Cooperative communication is - correct answer ✔✔a process Cooperative communication is never contentious or disharmonious. - correct answer ✔✔False According to Rothwell, a specific purpose statement - correct answer ✔✔is a concise, precise infinitive phrase composed of simple, clear language that encompasses both the general purpose and the central idea of a speech and indicates what the speaker hopes to accomplish To conduct an effective research interview, you should - correct answer ✔✔have a specific plan of action for the interview avoid leading questions Aristotle identifies which element of speechmaking as determining the end and object of a speech? - correct answer ✔✔audience There are four methods of delivery. Which one is not a method mentioned in the text? - correct answer ✔✔existential speaking As you become more experienced as a public speaker you can expect - correct answer ✔✔to manage your anxiety effectively if proper steps are taken In general a speaker's anxiety will diminish during the course of delivering the speech. - correct answer ✔✔True

Completeness as a criterion for an effective speech outline means - correct answer ✔✔using only complete sentences throughout the first draft of the outline You should plan and practice in advance the gestures in your speech. - correct answer ✔✔False Antithesis is the repetition of the same sound, usually a consonant sound, starting several words in a sentence. - correct answer ✔✔False The credibility of evidence used to support claims is determined by its - correct answer ✔✔reliability validity When used appropriately, humor is an effective way to gain attention. - correct answer ✔✔True The conclusion to your speech should be approximately ______ of your total speech. - correct answer ✔✔5% Believing something to be true because everyone else believes it to be true is the essence of: - correct answer ✔✔ad populum fallacy Rothwell recommends all of the following as primary criteria, or standards, in evaluating reasoning and evidence EXCEPT: - correct answer ✔✔intensity There are virtually no differences between oral and written style. That is, a speech is essentially an essay read aloud to an audience. - correct answer ✔✔False As a speaker you can create credibility primarily by - correct answer ✔✔revealing that you have expertise relevant to the purpose statement developing your purpose with supporting materials When the outrageous, shocking, graphic, and gruesome event galvanizes our attention and distorts our perception of the facts, this is called the vividness effect. - correct answer ✔✔True

Your text notes that there is a clear line that distinguishes between an informative and a persuasive speech. - correct answer ✔✔False "The average price of a gallon of milk is $3.50, according to the New York Times" is a complete source citation in a speech. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following are examples of a report? - correct answer ✔✔a scientist providing recent findings of a research study Demonstrations and lectures are the same type of informative speech. - correct answer ✔✔False According to Toulmin, an argument includes which of the following? - correct answer ✔✔warrant data claim The essential difference between persuasion and coercion is the perception of degree of threat. - correct answer ✔✔False Resistance to counter persuasion (attacks from an opposing side) can be induced by forewarning an audience that an attempt to change their attitudes and behavior will occur. - correct answer ✔✔True According to research by Sherif, persuasive messages that fall within a person's latitude of rejection almost always produce a change in attitude. - correct answer ✔✔False Trustworthiness is always a more important dimension of credibility than competence or dynamism. - correct answer ✔✔False In humans attitudes and behaviors are remarkably consistent. - correct answer ✔✔False Some of the short cuts used in the peripheral route to persuasion include all of the following EXCEPT - correct answer ✔✔evaluating counterarguments

If you don't have much time emotional appeals are a good substitute for logic and evidence in a speech.

  • correct answer ✔✔False What are the best ways a speaker can identify with an audience? - correct answer ✔✔create substantive similarity The goal of most persuasive speaking is to change audience members' attitudes. - correct answer ✔✔False An effective thesis statement usually takes the form of a question. - correct answer ✔✔False A declarative sentence that is a summary of what you want your audience to remember about your speech is: - correct answer ✔✔thesis statement