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12 hours - ANShow many hours of in-service must a CNA have per year? 12-20 - ANSnormal respirations per minute 2 years - ANSwhen does your CNA certification expire? 20 seconds - ANShow long must you wash your hands? 30 - ANSHow many cc in 1 oz? 6 o'clock - ANSwhere do you put the main dish on a blind resident's plate? 60-100 - ANSnormal pulse range 96.6-98.6 - ANSnormal temp range taken axillary 97.6-99.6 - ANSnormal temp range taken orally
98.6-100.6 - ANSnormal temp range taken tympanically abduction - ANSmoving a limb away from the body acute - ANSa current illness that has severe symptoms and may be as a result of sudden onset adduction - ANSmoving a limb toward the body advanced directive - ANSthe residents spoken or written instruction about future medical care and treatment angina pectoris - ANSchest pain apathy - ANSlack of interest apical pulse - ANSpulse located on left side of chest under the breast bone bedside table, over bed table, back of chair - ANSwhat are the three "Clean" areas of the room? brachial pulse - ANSpulse located at the bend of the elbow
braden scale - ANSstandardized risk assessment tool completed by the nurse to identify residents at risk of skin breakdown carotid pulse - ANSpulse located on either side of the neck causative agent - ANSa biological agent that causes a disease cerebrovascular accident - ANSstroke (CVA) chain of command - ANSthe line of authority in the facility which addresses to whom each employee/department reports cheyne stokes - ANSa pattern of breathing with gradual increase in depth and sometimes in rate, followed by a decrease resulting in apnea. Specific to death color, odor, character, amount - ANSwhat do you check for when collecting urine or stool? COCA color, swelling, cuts, splits - ANSwhat do you check for with nail care? CSCS confused, unconscious, disoriented, uses oxygen - ANSDo not take oral temperature if a resident is CUDO culture change - ANSa philosophy that focuses on providing "person-centered" care to residents and creating a positive work environment for healthcare workers
cyanotic - ANSblueish discoloration of the skin denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance - ANSWhat are the five stages of grieving? DABDA diastolic - ANSbottom number on blood pressure discoloration, bleeding, loose teeth, odor, sores, cracks - ANSWhat do you check for when doing oral care? DBLOSC disinfection - ANSchemicals used to decrease the spread of pathogens by destroying them dorsiflexion - ANSbending backwards elopement - ANSa resident exiting the facility whose whereabouts are unknown to the staff emesis - ANSvomit emphysema - ANSprogressive lung disease that causes shortness of breath. A symptom of COPD enema - ANSspecific amount of water flowed into colon to eliminate stool
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue - ANSwhat are the three layers of the skin starting from the outer layer? every 2 hours - ANShow often should you rotate a resident to prevent bed sores? five moments for hand washing - ANS foot of bed, seat of chair - ANSwhat are the two "dirty" areas of the room? fowler's position - ANShead of bed elevated 45-60 degrees Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - ANSchronic condition in which the liquid contents of the stomach back up the esophagus (GERD) gown, mask, gloves - ANSin what order do you don PPE? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - ANSlaw that requires health information to be kept secure and private healthcare associated infection - ANSinfection acquired in a hospital or other healthcare setting, also known as nosocomial infection hemiparesis - ANSweakness on one side of the body
hemiplagia - ANStotal paralysis on one side of the body hemorrhage - ANSexcessive loss of blood from a blood vessel hemorroids - ANSenlarged veins in the rectum hyperglycemia - ANShigh blood sugar hypoglycemia - ANSlow blood sugar illeostomy - ANSsection of the intestine is removed and the stool will be evacuated through a stoma and emptied into a bag adhered to the abdomen of the resident interdisciplinary team - ANSprofessionals from each discipline within the nursing facility who meet to discuss and plan the care of the resident jejunostomy tube - ANStube placed in the second part of the small intestines and used to provide nourishment Long term care - ANScare for persons who require 24 hour care and assistance lymphatic system - ANSremoves excess fluids and waste products from the tissues of the body
material safety data sheet - ANSall chemicals have a sheet that details the ingredients, dangers, emergency response to be taken, and safe handling procedures, as required by OSHA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus - ANSan antibiotic resistant infection often acquired in hospitals and other facilities; spread by direct physical contact mottling - ANSthe skin, especially on the hands and feet, appear blue and blotchy, caused by slow blood circulation myocardial infarction - ANSheart attack nasogastric tube - ANStube placed through nose to the stomach to provide nourishment nectar, honey, pudding - ANSwhat are the three liquid consistencies in order from least to most thick? occupational safety and health administration - ANSfederal government agency that protects workers from hazards on the job offload - ANSassisting a resident to stand up to completely remove pressure from the area ombundsman - ANSresident advocate who investigates complaints and assists to achieve agreement between parties, often defending the rights of residents
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - ANSlaw passed by federal government establishing minimum standards for nursing home care and for nursing assistant training pacemaker, oxygen, water - ANSwhere/when should you NOT use an electric razor? palliative care - ANScare that focuses on the comfort and dignity of the person rather than curing him or her paraplegia - ANSloss of function of lower body and legs pediculosis - ANSlice infection peripheral vascular disease - ANScondition in which the extremities do not have enough blood circulation due to fatty deposits in the vessels that harden over time peripherally inserted central catheter - ANSPICC catheter inserted into a vein for medication administration pillaging - ANStaking someone else's items projection - ANSseeing feelings in others that are really your own
pronation - ANSturning downward radial pulse - ANSpulse found on the wrist rate, rhythm, force - ANSwhat do you note while taking a pulse? redness, open area, warmth, excessive dryness, swelling - ANSwhat do you check for when performing TED hose care? ROWES redness, open areas, swelling - ANSwhat do you check for when using palm cones? ROS regression - ANSgoing back to an old immature behavior repression - ANSblocking painful thoughts or feelings from the mind semi-fowler's position - ANShead of bed elevated 30-45 degrees standard 14 - ANSlaw that lays out all the responsibilities of the CNA and what they are not allowed to do sterilization - ANSdestroys all microorganisms, not just pathogens supination - ANSturning upward
suppository - ANSmedication given rectally to cause a bowel movement systemic infection - ANSinfection that occurs when pathogens enter one's bloodstream and move throughout the body causing general symptoms systolic - ANStop number on blood pressure total parenteral nutrition - ANSfood is only given intravenously (TPN) Types of Abuse - ANSverbal, involuntary seclusion, physical, mental, neglect, misappropriation, sexual ulcerative colitis - ANSchronic inflammatory bowel disease ureters - ANScarry urine from kidneys to bladder vancomycin resistant enterococcus - ANSa strain of enterrococcus that cannot be controlled with antibiotics; it is spread through direct and indirect contact void - ANSurination warmth, redness, and pain, swelling - ANSbefore beginning a passive range of motion procedure, what do you check for? WRAPS
weak side - ANSwhich side do you stand on when ambulating a resident with a cane?