Download Coalition Challenged Subsidies - Marketing - Lecture Slides and more Slides Marketing Management in PDF only on Docsity! 13 Dilemma for Public Health: Subsidies Problems: money to wealthy and large farms, upside down food pyramid, environmentally unsustainable, harm to international farmers, hindering trade agreements Economics: small role in retail price, but … - Low cost of corn/soybeans makes sugars and fats cheap for food processors to use, “adds value” without adding cost - Meat: about half of corn, soy to animal feed Tufts study: industrial animal producers $35 billion indirect subsidy due to feed grains 20 to 25 percent below production cost Are subsidies the problem, or a symptom/safety net? - Need price supports, storage of reserve commodities, reduced incentive to plant fencerow to fencerow Without subsidies, what happens to farmers/food production? 14 “Left-Right” Coalition Challenged Subsidies Coalition: environmentalists, deficit hawks, anti-poverty, international food security, taxpayer groups, religious organizations, those supporting free trade Fairness in Farm and Food Policy Amendment (Ron Kind, D-WI) Save $10 billion by reforming subsidy system - Revenue-based safety net, income limit $250,000 to receive subsidies, subsidy limit up to $250,000, gradually reduce automatic direct payments Put money (plus other funds) towards hunger, conservation, fruit/ vegetable producers, healthy food promotion, minority farmers, deficit reduction, school lunch overseas, etc. Opposition: agriculture; many progressive food/farm groups wanted to support but couldn’t Amendment failed July 2007 17 The Farm Bill Due to copyright restrictions, JHSPH OpenCourseWare is unable to display this image. 18 Nutrition Title: Healthy, Sustainable Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program ($500 million mandatory, five years) Pilot program to evaluate incentives for buying fresh fruits/ vegetables ($20 million mandatory) Farmers’ markets—large increase - Farmers’ Market Promotion Program ($33 million mandatory, five years) - Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program ($20.6 million per year mandatory) Community Food Projects ($5 million mandatory)—becomes permanent Healthy Urban Food Enterprise Development Center ($3 million mandatory) USDA “Food Desert” Study ($500,000 discretionary) 19 Nutrition Title: Food Security Food Stamp Program renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) ($7.8 billion new funds) - Benefits increased, indexed to inflation Expand infrastructure/capacity of food banks - Handle perishable food, procure local food Food bank purchase of commodities ($1.26 billion new)