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COANG - SNCO Promotion Test Exams 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified Upda, Exams of History of International Relations

COANG - SNCO Promotion Test Exams 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified Updated 2023

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Download COANG - SNCO Promotion Test Exams 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified Upda and more Exams History of International Relations in PDF only on Docsity! COANG - SNCO Promotion Test Exams 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers Verified Updated 2023 1. What are the Air Force ethical values? - ✔✔️H️onesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Accountability, Fairness, Caring, Respect, Promise-Keeping, Responsible Citizenship, Pursuit of Excellence. enlistment, core values, profession of arms, warrior ethos 8. Which of the following is defined as "a life-cycle approach to developing innovative Airmen prepared to accomplish the Air Force mission and lead in a rapidly evolving global environment while attempting to meet both personal and professional needs"? - ✔✔️E️nlisted Force Development 9. As a leader in the Air Force, you must know the standards and enforce them. What are the six standards to be familiar with? - ✔✔️M️ission, Oath, Way of Life, Chain of Command, Conduct, and Professional Relationships 10. What are the 5 qualities that leaders must demonstrate to be effective counselors? - ✔✔️R️espect for Airman, Self-Awareness, Cultural Awareness, Empathy, Credibility 11. What is the definition of Organizational Climate? - ✔✔️T️he way in which members in a unit perceive and characterize their unit environment. 12. Support and logic are the tools used to build __________ and __________with your audience? - ✔✔️C️redibility, Trust 13. What are the four domains of Comprehensive Airmen Fitness that 18. What are the 3 levels Air Force Leadership? - ✔✔️T️actical, Operational, Strategic 19. A SNCO translates Leadership's directions into what? - ✔✔️E️xecutable tasks and responsibilities for their teams 20. What are the four hallmarks of the Airmanship mindset? - ✔✔️O️ath of enlistment, USAF core values, profession of arms, warrior ethos 21. ________________ is a life-cycle approach to developing innovative Airmen prepared to accomplish the Air Force mission and lead in a rapidly evolving global environment while attempting to meet both personal and professional needs - ✔✔️E️nlisted Force Development 22. What are the three critical types of Courage in the Profession of Arms? - ✔✔️P️ersonal, Physical, and Moral 23. What is an example of an activity with a member junior in rank, grade, or position that may adversely impact morale? - ✔✔️G️ambling 24. Why are military customs and courtesies important to Air Force members? - ✔✔️M️orale, esprit de corps, discipline and mission effectiveness. 25. When the United States Flag is displayed from a staff, on stage with a speaker, what position should it be - ✔✔️V️ision, decision-making, adaptability 30. What are the 3 character traits of effective leaders? - ✔✔️C️harisma, Compassion and Courage 31. Which of the following are considered Leader Counseling Skills? - ✔✔️A️ctive Listening, Responding, and Questioning 32. The development of full range leadership is essential for a successful organization. According to the Full Range Leadership Development Model, what is the most effective form of leadership behaviors? - ✔✔️T️ransformational Leadership 33. An Airman Comprehensive Assessment is what type of communication between a rater and ratee? - ✔✔️F️ormal 34. What is the first hallmark of effective communication? - ✔✔️F️ocused 35. What part of your speech captures your audience's attention, establishes rapport, announces your purpose, sets the stage and tone of your message. - ✔✔️I️ntroduction 36. While walking in uniform, when are personal electronic devices allowed to be used? - ✔✔️L️imited to personal sacrifice. You must strive to be resilient in what four areas? - ✔✔️P️hysically, Mentally, Emotionally, & Spiritually 42. How is diversity defined in reference to strengthening our force and ensuring our long term viability? - ✔✔️F️ly, fight, and win in air, space and cyberspace 43. Which of the following is one of the five elements of dress and personal appearance? - ✔✔️S️ecurity 44. Which of the following situations between a supervisor and subordinate presents the most risk of becoming unprofessional, or being perceived in an unprofessional manner? - ✔✔️D️aily or weekly activities with one subordinate 45. What are the three distinct Air Force Leadership Levels? - ✔✔️T️actical Expertise, Operational Competence, Strategic Vision 46. According to the Air Force Handbook 1, a senior NCO's primary purpose is _____________? - ✔✔️M️ission accomplishment 47. What are the four qualities of leadership? - ✔✔️P️ositive Attitude, Values, Character, Credibility 48. What are the three character traits of effective leadership? - ✔✔️C️harisma, Compassion, Courage 54. What are the proper Commands in sequence for the Formation of a Flight? - ✔✔️F️all In, Dress Right Dress, Ready Front 55. The enlisted force structure is comprised of three distinct and separate tiers, each correlating to increased levels of education, training, and experience, which build increasing levels of proficiency. What are the 3 tiers in the enlisted force structure - ✔✔️J️unior Enlisted Airmen, Senior Noncommissioned Officers, Noncommissioned officers 56. What are the three P's that support of the Military Ethics concept of ordering? - ✔✔️P️rinciple, Purpose, and People 57. To assist in our decision making dealing with military ethics, we incorporate the three R's. What are the three R's? - ✔✔️R️ules, Results, and Realities 58. What are the three characteristics of an Airman's Warrior Ethos? - ✔✔️V️alor, Courage, Sacrifice 59. What are the three critical types of courage in the profession of arms? - ✔✔️P️ersonal, Physical, and Moral 60. The Air Force employs six distinctive capabilities to achieve what three objectives? - ✔✔️S️trategic, operational, and tactical objectives be a good way to earn and foster trust? - ✔✔️D️iscourage cliques or divisions within the team 66. What trait conforms to acceptable principles of right and wrong that govern our profession? - ✔✔️E️thical Behavior 67. What are the three key steps to writing an effective bullet statement? - ✔✔️E️xtract the Facts, Build the Structure, & Streamline the Final Product 68. What are the five major components of fitness? - ✔✔️C️ardiorespiratory (Aerobic), Body Composition, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility 69. What acronym did the Air Force develop to help people remember the key steps to facilitate personal engagement in suicide prevention? - ✔✔️A️CE 70. We are in daily contact with many types of stressors. For the most part, we can categorize them into two major areas: What are the two major categories? - ✔✔️O️rganizational and Extra-Organizational 71. Conflict can arise because of individual differences. What three differences may possibly facilitate behaviors that could cause conflict? - ✔✔️V️alues, Perception, Personality 76. According to Dr. James H. Toner, what are the three O's military ethics are rooted in? - ✔✔️O️wing, Ordering, Oughting 77. To assist in our decision making process with military ethics in mind, we incorporate the three R's. What are the three R's? - ✔✔️R️ules, Results, and Realities 78. What are the three Warrior Ethos? - ✔✔️V️alor, Courage, Sacrifice 79. What is the advice to leaders from AF Handbook 1? - ✔✔️G️et out from behind your desk 80. The Air Force employs six distinctive capabilities. The first three are Air and Space Superiority, Global Attack, and Rapid Global Mobility. What are the other three capabilities? - ✔✔️P️recision Engagement, Information Superiority and Agile Combat Support 81. Life in the military incorporates a perpetual requirement for continued training and education. Effective Leaders must accept the responsibility of being _____________________ and should influence others by example. - ✔✔️M️aster Student and Master Teacher 82. According to the Air Force Handbook, A leaders responsibility in learning and development of Airman includes which of the following? - increased levels of education, training, and experience, which build increasing levels of proficiency. What are the 3 tiers in the enlisted force structure - ✔✔️J️unior Enlisted Airmen, Noncommissioned Officer, Senior Noncommissioned Officer 88. Which of the following is one of the Leadership Qualities? - ✔✔️P️ositive Attitude 89. To be an effective leader, one must empower their people. What does it mean to empower someone? - ✔✔️T️o energize people and give responsibility, ownership and control 90. Effective leaders approach every Airman as an individual and understand that every situation requires a different approach to counseling. What are the three approaches to counseling? - ✔✔️N️ondirective, Directive, Combined 91. The unit physical training program success depends on many people, to include who? - ✔✔️U️nit Commander, UFPM and individuals 92. Which of the following are individual stress management methods? - ✔✔️R️elaxation, Exercise and good nutrition, Overload avoidance 93. Which stage in the Organization Change Process will leaders encounter first? - ✔✔️U️nfreezing ✔✔️M️embers, while in uniform, will not stand or walk with hands in the pockets except to insert or retrieve an item. 100.Air Force members will not wear any uniform combination or any uniform items in the following situations except. - ✔✔️C️ivilian social function 101.Which organizational competency category does "vision, decision- making, and adaptability" fall under? - ✔✔️S️trategic Thinking 102.Within the People/Team institutional competencies there is, Leading People and Fostering Collaborative Relationships. What are the three sub-competencies of Leading People? - ✔✔️D️evelop and Inspires Others, Takes Care of People, & Diversity 103. Which organizational competency category does "vision, decision- making, and adaptability" fall under? - ✔✔️S️trategic Thinking