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COG170 Cogito Fundamentals Chapter 4 Data Lineage test with 100% correct answers.docx, Exams of Biology

COG170 Cogito Fundamentals Chapter 4 Data Lineage test with 100% correct answers.docx

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COG170 Cogito Fundamentals

Chapter 4 Data Lineage test with

100% correct answers

  1. Which of Epic's databases contains real-time data? a. Chronicles b. Clarity c. Caboodle - answer a. Chronicles
  2. Which of Epic's databases are relational databases? a. Chronicles b. Clarity c. Caboodle - answer b. Clarity c. Caboodle
  3. True or False. You can use the Record Viewer to look up the definition of a table in Clarity. - answer False. Use the Record Viewer to view data from a record in Chronicles. Use the Clarity Dictionary to look up the definition of a table in Clarity. All Epic data is stored in one of three databases: __________, _________________, or ______________ - answer Chronicles, Clarity and Caboodle. A _____________________ is an organized collection of data. The purpose of a _______________ defines its structure. Chronicles, Clarity and Caboodle each have different purposes, so each has a different structure, and each is separate from the others. In many reporting tools, databases are also called

__________________________. - answer database, database, data sources. __________ refers to the origin of data as they flow from one database to another. Epic data lineage starts with Chronicles. This is where end users put in data. - answer Data lineage

  • First, Epic users enter data into _________, usually through _____________________.
  • Then, every night, Clarity _____________________transfers data from Chronicles to Clarity.
  • Last, ________________transfers data from Clarity to Caboodle the same night as Clarity ETL. - answer Chronicles, Hyperspace. Clarity ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) Caboodle ETL ___________________ is designed to be efficient for daily healthcare operations. ______________meets this need by storing a patient's entire medical record in a single location, making retrieval of one patient's information very efficient. The structure of __________________ is tree-like. - answer Chronicles, Chronicles, Chronicles In the Record Viewer, what color is the section that lists item names and numbers? Yellow or Blue? - answer Blue In the Record Viewer, what color is the section that lists the values stored in items for the record currently open? Yellow or Blue? - answer Yellow Caboodle vs. Clarity When you can, write reports using ___________________rather than _________________. Use __________________if the information you're looking for is not in ___________________ -

answer Caboodle vs. Clarity - When you can, write reports using Caboodle rather than Clarity. Use Clarity if the information you're looking for is not yet in Caboodle Notice this item's contents are displayed in blue, and that the text is a hyperlink. This is called a __________ ______. - answer networked item. Chronicles is first divided into ___________. _________contain information about a broad subject. For example, the patient __________contains all patients' medical records in Epic. Other examples include master files for medications, procedures, orders, notes, & departments. - answer Master file, Master files, Master files Master files contain ______. ___________ contain information about individual entities within a master file. For example, a ___________ in the patient master file contains information about a single patient. A ___________ in the orders master file contains information about a single order. - answer Record Records Records contain __________. __________ contain information about points in time for a record. For example, the patient master file uses __________ for patient encounters. - answer Contact Individual data within a record or contact are stored in _______s. For example, the patient master file has an_______ that stores social security number and an _______that stores admission date. _______ that store multiple pieces of information at a time have multiple lines. For example, there is an _______ for diagnoses that has one line for each diagnosis entered. - answer Item _______ is designed to be efficient and flexible for reporting on large amounts of data over long

periods of time. _______ stores data in tables that look like a two dimensional grid with rows and columns. Each column holds a piece of information, similar to an item in Chronicles. Each row represents an entity that the data in the columns are about. For example, there is a table that has one row for every patient, and each column has information about patients. It is not specific to Epic's software. Since data are extracted nightly to _______, it does not contain today's data. - answer Clarity ___________ is similar to Clarity in that it is a relational database consisting of tables with rows and columns and is accessed using SQL. ___________ is designed to make reporting simpler and more efficient than it is in Clarity. For example, in Clarity, information about providers is stored in a table called CLARITY_SER, while ___________ stores the same information in a more intuitively named table, ProviderDim. Many columns in ProviderDim can provide information directly, while the equivalent columns in CLARITY_SER require additional work or processing time to make sense of. - answer Caboodle __________ is a data warehouse, which means it can hold data from multiple sources, in this case both Epic and non-Epic data. These are major advantages of __________ , but Clarity holds much more information than __________. Similar to Clarity, __________ does not contain today's data. Not all Epic data is in __________. More information is being added to it with every release, but some reports that can be written using Epic's other databases can't be written using __________. - answer Caboodle What is ETL - ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) - answer The process of copy down that Copies data from Epic's Chronicles, To Clarity to Caboodle. Clarity data is accessed using ____ or tools that use ____. ____ stands for Structured Query

Language. It is a coding language used to generate sets of data from relational databases - answer SQL Database How to Investigate Chronicles - Use ____ ______ to view the contents of items from a record in Chronicles - answer Record Viewer Database How to Investigate Caboodle - Use the ____ _______ to find Caboodle tables and columns an item or Clarity column is extracted to Record Viewer - answer Caboodle Dictionary Database How to Investigate Clarity Use the ______ ______ to find Clarity tables and columns an item is extracted to - answer Clarity Dictionary When data is first stored as an item in Chronicles, it has a number of characteristics that define how it is stored. As that data moves through other databases, the fundamental Chronicles item characteristics can have a large impact on how the data is stored in Clarity and Caboodle as well. The key characteristics are: - answer The key characteristics are: Item Number Data Type Add Type Response Type Networking Indexing Each item in a Chronicles master file has a unique item number. Although most item numbers do not carry meaning in different INIs, there are two items that do preserve their meaning across all master files: ___________ and _______________ - answer the "dot one" and the "dot two".

What is Item .1 - Record ID - answer Every record in Chronicles has a unique identifier held in item .1. A record ID is guaranteed to be unique within a master file, though not necessarily across master files. There may be a patient with the EPT Record ID 1000 and a provider with the SER Record ID 1000. What is Item .2 - Record Name - answer For master files where a name makes sense, item .2 stores the name of the record. Unlike its record ID, a record's name does not have to be unique. You might have several patients named "John Smith" in your system, and each store the name "John Smith" in item .2. However, each would have a different record ID in item .1, making them uniquely identifiable. Data Type - String - answer String Any combination of characters. The format of string items is often restricted in the user entry interface in Hyperspace. Data Type - Number - answer Number Any number - can be an integer, decimal or use scientific notation. Also, due to how M operates, any leading and trailing zeroes will be stripped. Data Type - Date A date without a time. - answer Date A date without a time. End users will generally enter dates in a standard format, such as "4/1/2009". However, in Chronicles the date is actually stored as the number of days since 12/31/1840. "4/1/2009" would actually be stored as "61452". This number is converted back into standard format for display. Data Type - Time A time without a date.. - answer Time A time without a date. End users will generally enter dates in a standard format, such as "12:00 pm". However, in Chronicles the time is actually stored as the number of seconds since midnight. "12: pm" would actually be stored as "43200". This number is converted back into standard format for display.

Data Type - Instant - answer Instant A date and a time stored in a single item. Instants are usually automatically generated by the system - for example, audit trail time stamps are generally stored as instants. In Chronicles, an instant is stored as the number of seconds since midnight on 12/31/1840. "12:00 pm on 4/1/2009" would actually be stored as "5309496000". This number is converted back into standard format for display. Data Type - Category - answer Category A pre-defined list of choices. For example, a field asking for a patient's sex might only accept "Male", "Female", and "Unknown" as answers. Each defined category in a category list has a value (also known as an ID), a name (also known as a title), and an abbreviation. For example, category value "1" might be named "Female" and abbreviated "F". End users will usually enter a category's name or abbreviation, but the category's value is actually stored in Chronicles. In Chronicles, you can use the____ _____ ______ to view the category list for an item by entering the INI and Item number of the category item. - answer Item Editor activity In the Item Editor, all other items that share the list will refer to the original item in the _______________ ___________ field. You can try this with HSB 35413. - answer Where found Particularly long category lists may not be displayed in full. In these cases, you will need to use the _________________activity to view the full list in Hyperspace. You can try this with I EPT 30. - answer Category List Maintenance What is an item's Add Type? - answer Add Type An item's add type determines how long data is valid on a contact. It indicates whether a different value for the item can be stored on each contact, or whether values are stored directly to the record. (think Weight vs birthday).

__________ items store data directly on a record, not a specific contact. The value of a _______ item should be considered true for all contacts on that record. For example, a patient's date of birth is a no-add item, and you can assume that no matter how many contacts the patient has, his date of birth is the same. If a No-Add item is changed, the old value is replaced. - answer No-Add ______________ items store values separately on each of a record's contacts. If a ______________ item is blank for a certain contact, it should be considered unknown. For example, if a patient's blood pressure is not collected during a certain visit to the doctor, you cannot assume that it has not changed since the last time the patient's blood pressure was taken. - answer Response Each Time (Overtime) ___________________ items store values separately on each contact, much like Response Each Time items. The only difference is that if a _________ item is not populated, the system _________ to the most recent contact in which the item had a value, and treats that value as valid. - answer Lookback (Overtime) Since both response each time and lookback items store data on the contact, these add types may collectively be referred to as ___________________________. - answer overtime add types. Overtime data is stored at the _____________ while No-Add data is stored at the ______________. - answer Overtime data is stored at the contact level, while No-Add data is stored at the record level. An add type of___________ means an item value is the same for all contacts within a record. The value of a ___________ item can be changed. When the value is modified it is changed for all contacts, not only the contact in which the change took place. - answer No-add

An item's ____________ determines how many lines of data an item can hold. For example, at any one time, a patient has only one date of birth, but she can have multiple symptoms, or a multi-line address. - answer Response Type _____________ Only one line of data can be stored per contact. Example DOB - answer Single Response Only one line of data can be stored per contact. ________________ lines of data can be stored per contact. These lines might be discrete pieces of data, such as multiple symptoms, or they might be multiple lines of a large block of text, such as an address. Example - Language - answer Multiple Response (Multiple) _______________ of data can be stored per contact, and each one of these lines is related to a line in another item. Example - Home / work Phone Number - answer Related Group (Multiple) You can identify when a networked item points to a contact if there is a _____________________ field indicated under the Network section in the Item Editor. - answer Contact pointer? Only some items are networked items. You can identify an item as networked if: (list three things) Each of these locations will also tell you the INI of the networked master file. - answer • The Item Information window for that item contains a "Network INI" field.

  • The item's definition in Item Editor contains a "Network" category.
  • The Record Viewer value for that item contains a hyperlink. Some Chronicles items are _____________, which means that they store information in a way that makes it faster to search through to find a particular item. - answer Indexing

Only_______can create indexes for Chronicles items. Indexing only affects searching Chronicles data. An indexed Chronicles item may or may not be indexed in Caboodle or Clarity. - answer Only Epic Only some items are indexed. You can identify an item as indexed if: (list three things) Each of these locations will also tell you the INI of the networked master file. - answer • The Item Information window for that item contains a "Indexed" field, set to true.

  • The item's definition in Item Editor contains a "Indexing" category.
  • Hovering over the item in the Record Viewer shows "Index: Y" in the help text. The Chronicles hierarchy contains the following levels. - answer Master File A master file, abbreviated with an INI, contains information about a single subject. Record A record contains information about individual entities within a master file. Contact A contact stores a snapshot of data at one point of time in a record. Item An item stores individual data within a record or contact. Line Lines are used for items that store multiple pieces of information. The SQL column title and SQL description fields within the Item Information window do not refer to Clarity or Caboodle columns. What do they refer to? - answer These fields refer to the KB_SQL columns used in the Clarity ETL process.

What is the difference between a record and a contact? - answer A record is a single entity. What kind of thing depends on the master file - a record in the patient master file is a patient, a record in the provider master file is a provider, etc. A contact represents a single set of data (usually representing a unique time period) on that record. What is the difference between a multiple response item and a response each time item? - answer These refer to different item characteristics. "Multiple response" refers to a particular Response Type. A multiple response item can hold multiple answers on one contact. "Response each time" refers to a particular Add Type. A response each time item can hold different answers on different contacts. True or False: A patient who has been seen twice at your facility should have two records in the Patient master file. - answer False - The patient should only have one record, but that record will have two contacts. Control left-click it. If that doesn't work, try using the Record Viewer. - answer Control left-click it. If that doesn't work, try using the Record Viewer.