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Cohn SOCI 205 Midterm Exam Review With 100% Correct Answers 2023, Exams of Advanced Education

Cohn SOCI 205 Midterm Exam Review With 100% Correct Answers 2023 Hypodermic model of information - Correct Answer-When people are given information they will believe it and transform their own views Why do people not change their ideals when presented with new info? - Correct Answer--Dont pay attention - Already informed - tend to stick to old ideas - people pick info sources that support their ideas - selectively interpret info Dartmouth Football Game and what it shows about selective decision making - Correct Answer-Highly contested play to end the game. One side saw a dirty play and the other side say a fair play. This shows how people rewrite the facts to fit their ideas Elihu Katz came up with the idea of..... - Correct Answer-Opinion Leaders Opinion Leaders - Correct Answer

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Download Cohn SOCI 205 Midterm Exam Review With 100% Correct Answers 2023 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Cohn SOCI 205 Midterm Exam Review With 100% Correct Answers 2023 Hypodermic model of information - Correct Answer-When people are given information they will believe it and transform their own views Why do people not change their ideals when presented with new info? - Correct Answer--Dont pay attention - Already informed - tend to stick to old ideas - people pick info sources that support their ideas - selectively interpret info Dartmouth Football Game and what it shows about selective decision making - Correct Answer-Highly contested play to end the game. One side saw a dirty play and the other side say a fair play. This shows how people rewrite the facts to fit their ideas Elihu Katz came up with the idea of..... - Correct Answer-Opinion Leaders Opinion Leaders - Correct Answer-Most people aren't experts on everything but there are certain experts within your group of friends. That opinion leader will shape your opinion on an idea because you trust them. Usually a higher status and connected to more people Two step model of communication - Correct Answer-1. you get the info 2. you check with the opinion leader Biases - Correct Answer-1. find info that match what you previously thought (Cognitive dissonance theory) 2. like info that lets you be like successful people (role modeling) 3. People get info fast and then stop researching Ways to guarantee that you change someone's opinion - Correct Answer-1. subject should be something they are ignorant toward 2. opinion leader has to know nothing about it 3. trap in a place where they must listen 4. your idea is close to something they already believe. 5. show that other people are doing it 6. get to them FIRST Goffman - Correct Answer-It is important to fit society's version of normal otherwise you will be outcasted. He believed being normal was a conscious effort Sociology is... - Correct Answer-a science that tests to see if theories fit the evidence Sherif and the Autokinetic Effect - Correct Answer-Took people in a room with a partner and made it completely dark except for a small light. The actor took a story and the non actors followed that story. Milgram - Correct Answer-electric shock experiment. Yale University had an actor being shocked and the person got money if they listened to the doctor and kept shocking. 1/3 of subjects went all the way to 450 volts. They didn't feel responsible because Yale would take care of the legal matters. Festinger, Schacter, and Back - Correct Answer-Married student housing. 1. individual yards were pretty much one way or another(80%) 2. more friendly yard had a high concentration of the same idea 3. high traffic rooms went with eh majority, low traffic didn't 4. students in majority had lots of friends 5. students in minority had ties outside of the community Dense Social Network - Correct Answer-very conformist, everyone is almost identical Sparse - Correct Answer-connections are few and weak. A lot of deviation ad individuality Sciometric star - Correct Answer-One person is connected to all of the people and they are very influential/ conformist Sociometric Isolate - Correct Answer-Most people are connected but this person is out to the side with only loose ties. May be someone disturbed, distrusted, or feared because they are very deviant Weak tie - Correct Answer-They are weak ties that connect two strong groups. But, fundamental to human life because they are what bring in new ideas according to Mark Granovetter Structural holes - Correct Answer-Ronal Burt says these people are beer influential because they have the power to be the strong connection between two groups. They get very spoiled Christianity only went _______ - Correct Answer-West Models of Conversion (Paul on the road to Tarsis) - Correct Answer-Virgin Mary comes and tells you why you are on Earth. Suddenly not lost know course to your life now Features of the models of Conversion - Correct Answer-Intense supernatural experience, dramatic change in belief, dramatic change in behavior diad family tribe nation global Big systems are better than small because of - Correct Answer-more resources more talent more division of labor Social Stratification and a simple example - Correct Answer-inequality essential to getting things done religon, communication, kinship, technology Legitimation - Correct Answer-When you accept the power of common above you as legitimate and justified Meritocracy - Correct Answer-Legitimation is a problem when people with merit aren't the ones chosen for a position Parson's solution to the problem of legitimation - Correct Answer-free public education but you have to take an exam and the top scores get in Parsons wouldn't approve of US people doing what? - Correct Answer-Saying that high ranking officials arrest the best people for their job Differentiation - Correct Answer-society has one force to deal with all the problems Government is good if... - Correct Answer-it follows the religion and culture of the people and there is no red tape Our modern wealth is based on... - Correct Answer-trust that the money you are getting is worth something Universalism - Correct Answer-treating everyone the same no matter what Particularism - Correct Answer-when certain people are treated different this can be good or bad Forces and relations of production - Correct Answer-Force- the short term issues in an economy Relations- the long term structure of capitalism Most times the short term undercuts the long term Capitalism - Correct Answer-One class own the means of production (Bourgeoisie) and one class owns the labor force (proletariat) Examples of means of production - Correct Answer-money, raw material, tools Lumpenproletariat - Correct Answer-doesn't work for capitalism but is down in social class (Ex. will work for food) petty bourgeoisie - Correct Answer-smaller scale Bour that own a small business instead of a large company Feudalism - Correct Answer-get poor to work because you own them. Variation of slavery. There is no free market of labor Socialism - Correct Answer-no private ownership of means of production. Collective decisions In oder for an economic system to be successful it... - Correct Answer-has to be reproducible Marx view on how surplus value will lead to revolutions - Correct Answer-surplus value --> basically lie and fool the workers so they don't feel ripped off --> someone will eventually find the truth --> workers uprise and overthrow capitalism Commodity Fetishism - Correct Answer-won't turn radical because people love their goods. Marx thinks that this would go away as soon as a depression starts and capitalism will fail The process by which economies fail - Correct Answer-overproduce more than workers can buy --> less profit/workers get paid less --> buy even less --> collapse Communist Manifesto - Correct Answer-All capitalist economies will fail. The upper class run economy, government, culture, and media will be overthrown. Doesn't work because the workers are conservative not liberal and there are ethnic divisions Eighteenth Brumaire - Correct Answer-1848 France- revolution but the working class did not unite and upper class fought within themselves Wave II - Correct Answer-Marx didn't see large corporations forming in to monopolies. This led to employees being treated well and unions were formed in order to protect them Wave III - Correct Answer-Capitalism survives by going global. Manufacture where wages are cheap. Then world problems become capitalist problems Wave IV - Correct Answer-raw material starts to run out and banks are more influential than ever causing conflict between what bankers and the people want Republican Marxism - Correct Answer-cut taxes, smaller government, hostile to government James O' Connor - Correct Answer-Fiscal Crisis of the state that described working class struggles as less relevant and the middle class as the dominant threat with a revolt against taxes The three sections of the economy that do not get along all the time - Correct Answer- Monopoly- mega corps with high profit and wages Competitive- tiny business owners that live paycheck to paycheck State- receive government paycheck (pretty large area) Government does what - Correct Answer-things that individual capitalists would never of themselves Vital Functions of the government - Correct Answer-Construction of infrastructure ( what the economy needs to grow) Physical: roads, airports, ports, water system Human: creating an educated labor force HUGE FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT - Correct Answer-Military AND taxation- the mechanism that funds infrastructure Not everyone wants to pay taxes... - Correct Answer-people lobby against them and most large operations use deductions in order to not pay taxes Cohn's opinion on the tea party - Correct Answer-they will control the government in or lifetime and there will be a slow decline of the government/economy not a huge revolution Weberian Bureaucracy - Correct Answer-the most effective organization on the planet because it has set rules and levels 4 Components of WB - Correct Answer-Hierarchy Written Rules Written Record Keeping Recruitment, Promotion, payment by merit How WB works - Correct Answer-ensures employees can't hide wrong doings and have punishment for poor performance Innovations from WB - Correct Answer--Formal job interview/ references -Accounting/ elaborate records -Once companies had data they could understand profit and cost more - Rise of modern accounting -Rise of Market analysis