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d. When the failure tolerance of the tissue exceeds the applied load ANS When theapplied load exceeds the failure tolerance of the tissue
4. a 25-year old male produces a relative VO2 max of 25 mL/kg/min on a treadmill test. What should the kinesiologist conclude? a. This person's CV fitness is very high for his cohort b. This person's CV fitness is average... c. This person's CV fitness is very low... d. It is difficult to assess cardiovascular fitness from his VO2 max score ANS Thisperson's CV fitness is low 5. Mr. Ron, 44 years old, presents to the clinic with a physician's referral for weight management and pre-anthroscopic knee surgery strengthening. Mr. Ron is 103.6kg with 30% BF, on a 168 cm frame and a weekend athlete. What should the kinesiologist do? a. Tell him to lose some weight before surgery and drop calories by 1,000 perday b. Explain that weight will be an issue post-surgery and discuss lifestyle modification c. Suggest that he start a high-intensity plyometric program
d. Focus on a pre-surgery rehabilitation plan for his knee ANS Explain that weightwill be an issue post-surgery and discuss lifestyle modification
6. Why is HR higher, both at rest and during exercise, in children? a. Children typically have a lower stroke volume than adults b. Children have lower peripheral resistance than adults c. Children have an increased ability to sweat d. Children have an increased vascular stiffness ANS a. Children typically have alower SV than adults 7. What action does the serratus anterior have on the scapula? a. It depresses and retracts
b. It retracts and rotates to depress the glenoid cavity c. It depresses and rotates the scapula downward d. It protracts and holds the scapula against the thoracic wall ANS d. It protracts andholds the scapula against the thoracic wall
8. The kinesiologist is starting a training program with low-altitude athletes at a high altitude. What effect does high-altitude exposure have on the heart during exercise during similar intensity exercise at sea level? a. Increased cardiac output (CO), decreased myocardial oxygen (MO) require- ments b. Decreased CO, increased MO requirements c. Decreased CO, decreased MO requirements d. Increased CO, decreased MO ANS d. Increased CO, decreased MO 9. Which task will be most limiting for a person with a supraspinatus injury? a. Abduction b. Flexion
c. Extension d. Horizontal adduction ANS a. Abduction
10. What are the primary ergonomic risk factors for musculoskeletal disor- ders? a. Postures, vibration, and work methods b. Force, repetition and postures c. Repetition, force, and vibration d. Work methods, vibration, and temperatire ANS b. Force, repetition and postures 11. For a healthy individual, how is blood pressure affected during exercise with a progressive increase of intensity? a. systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures increase b. systole inc., diastole dec., mean arterial --- c. systolic and mean arterial +, diastolic ---, d. syst and diastol +, mean arterial --- ANS c. Systolic and mean arterial pressureincrease, diastolic pressure stays the same 12. A worker is required to perform precises work tasks, such as writing or drawing, from a standing position. Which working height is considered most
desirable to perform these tasks? a. Above-elbow height b. at-elbow height c. slightly-below elbow height d. significantly-below elbow height ANS a. Above-elbow height
13. Which movement is most likely to become limited following damage to the gracilis muscle?
a. Hip abd. b. Hip ext. rot. c. Hip add. d. Knee extension ANS c. Adduction
14. Which of the following signs and symptoms are expected for an individual with MS? a. Diiffuse non-articular pain, multiple tender points and sleep disturbance b. Pain during joint use, cartilage destruction and gait problems c. Heat sensitivity, bladder dysfunction and cognitive defecits d. Prolonged morning stiffness, joint swelling and muscle weakness. ANS c. Heatsensitivity, bladder dysfunction, and cognitive defecits 15. What is the appropriate order for the three phases of the healing process? a. endurance, proliferation, flexibility b. flexibility, inflammation, remodelling, c. inflammation, proliferation, remodelling d. proliferation, strength, remodelling ANS c. Inflammation, proliferation, remodelling 16. Which is the following is a characteristic of the androgenic-anabolic steroids? a. They are nearly identical to male sex hormones b. They improve aerobic capacity in untrained athletes c. They decrease the rate of bone maturation d. They have similar effects to female sex hormones
ANS a. They are nearly identicalto male sex hormones
17. What is the mechanism of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprain a. knee hyperextension with rotation b. falling onto a flexed knee c. Impact to the medial side of the knee d. degenerative disorder ANS a. knee hyperextension with rotation 18. Which of the following signs and symptoms of anxiety would the kinesiol- ogist observe while working with a client during injury rehabilitation? a. decreased negativity and unrealistic expectations b. a sudden increase in motivation c. increased school or work performance d. social withdrawal and abruptness with others ANS d. Social withdrawal andabruptness with others 19. Which of the following intervention strategies is contraindicated as a treatment for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis? a. aquatic exercise b. static stretching
c. strength training d. jogging ANS d. jogging
20. What type of performance outcome should the kinesiologist expect froma client when introducing a more complex exercise? a. Improved confidence b. decrease in speed c. increase in accuracy d. decrease in time ANS b. decrease in speed 21. When counselling sedentary clients on behavioural modification, during what stage of change are they at most risk for relapse? a. precontemplation b. contemplation c. preparation d. action ANS d. action 22. What is a key idea of the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change? a. Individuals move through the stages of behavioural change at a constantrate b. Individuals use behavioural change strategies only during the intial stages c. Individuals move back and forth along the stage continuum d. Individuals only progress forward through the stages ANS c. Individuals moveback and forth along the stage continuum 23. Which of the following would be appropriate exercise prescription ad-
vice to provide a client who has osteoarthritis of the knee joint, pain with weight-bearing activity and atrophy of the quadriceps muscle? a. focus on aerobic conditiong b. avoid quadriceps strengthening c. focus on aquatic exercises d. avoid isometric contractions ANS c. Focus on aqautic exercises
24. Which of the following would cause an increase in BP with aging? a. Increased arterial compliance and decreased arterial stiffness b. dec. arterial compliance and increased arterial stiffness c. dec. in both arterial compliance and stiffness d. inc. in both arterial compliance and stiffness ANS b. Decreased arterial compli-ance and increased arterial stiffness 25. Which of the following injuries is least likely to occur because of the strong static and dynamic structures of the knee? a. Meniscus tears b. Complete discolation
c. partial tears of ligaments d. patella subluxation ANS b. complete dislocation
26. The kinesiologist is employed with a youth competitive figure skating team for development of an off-ice training program. John, a skater, informs the kinesiologist that his pairs partner, Susie, has not been eating much lately, andhe is concerned about her decreased energy for practice and the upcoming competition. What step should the kinesiologist take? a. Have Susie complete a food diary to monitor food intake until competition b. Refer Susie to a physician, dietitian, and psychologist c. Discuss the issue with the coach, Susie, and John d. Change Susie's training program to be less demanding ANS b. Refer Susie to aphysician, dietitian, and psychologist 27. An electrician has been referred to the kinesiologist for anterior shoulder pain with shoulder adduction at 90 degrees of flexion. The client shows posi- tive signs for Hawkins-Kennedy test. What injury does the client show positive signs for? a. subscapularis tear b. primary frozen shoulder c. shoulder impingement d. distal biceps tendon rupture ANS c. shoulder impingement 28. A basketball player presents to the kinesiologist after sustaining an injury. The ankle was forced into inversion while plantar flexed upon landing on an
opponent's foot. Which ligament is most likely injured? a. calcaneofibular b. anterior fibular c. tobiocalcaneal d. anterior talofibular ANS d. Anterior talofibular
29. The kinesiologist is taking a case history from a client with significant low back pain and learns that the client is having difficulty with bowel and bladder control. How should the kinesiologist proceed? a. Assess pelvic alignment b. strengthen multifidus muscles c. strengthen transversus abdominus mm. d. refer client to urgent care ANS d. Refer client to urgent care 30. Joseph presents to the kinesiologist with an elevated level of LDL choles- terol. What advice is most appropriate for Joseph? a. decrease omega-3 intake b. Increase water intake
c. increase BCAA intake d. Decrease animal fat intake ANS d. Decrease animal fat intake
31. During a training session, an athlete reports an unexplained weight loss of 3.6 kg over the previous 2 weeks, with no change in training level or caloric intake. What should the kinesiologist do? a. Increase the athlete's caloric intake and reassess in 2 weeks b. Have the athlete track caloric intake for an additional 2 weeks c. Refer the athlete to a registered dietitian d. Refer the athlete to a physician ANS d. Refer the athlete to a physician 32. Which of the following is used to control heart rate and treat hypertension? a. Ca+ channel blockers b. Beta blockers c. Antiarrythmics d. Anticoagulants ANS b. Beta blockers 33. While supervising clients in a rehabilitation clinic, the kinesiologist is called into an office by a colleague to attend to a matter. What should the kine- siologist do prior to leaving the rehabilitation room to ensure best practice? a. Leave the room and check in with the clients upon return b. Have the clients stop their exercises for the current visit c. Assign someone qualified to supervise the clients d. Instruct the clients to complete self-direted exercises in the kinesiologist's
absence ANS c. Assign someone qualified to supervise the clients
34. What should the kinesiologist do regarding documentation when workingin a private studio as a personal trainer? a. Obtain consent to work with a certified personal trainer b. Ensure that clients keep a personal journal of their program c. Have clients fill out a PAR-Q prior to each session d. Maintain an accurate record of the clients' sessions ANS d. Maintain an accuraterecord of the clients' sessions 35. While the kinesiologist is conducting a weight training session with a youth soccer team, one athlete invites his younger siblings to wait in an areaof the facilities where they will be unsupervised. What should the kinesiologistdo? a. Allow them to remain there if they promise not to use the equipment b. Ask them to remain in the waiting area until the session is over c. Allow them to use the equipment that has the least risk of injury d. Have the athlete check in on his siblings during rest periods ANS b. Ask them toremain in the waiting area until the session is over
36. Anna, a kinesiologist, is a fitness coach for a grade 9 high school basket-ball team. During a game, one of the players sustains two hits to the head butthe plays were not stopped. Unsure of the severity, the coach wants the athleteto continue playing and pretends not to have seen the injury. What should Anna do if she is the most qualified practitioner on the bench? a. Insist that the athlete sit out for the remaining time b. Allow the coach to decide if he wants the athlete to remain on the court c. Ask the athlete if she is able to continue playing d. Inquire if there is a physiotherapist among the spectators to assess the athlete ANS a. Insist that the athlete sit out for the remaining time 37. How many kcal would a 200+ kg man utilize in a minute if exercising at 4 METs? a. 14 b. 10. c. 17. d. 10 ANS a. 14 38. What precautions should be taken when exercising in cold environments? a. Modify activity based on a wind chill temperature b. Prevent hypothermia by retaining all layers throughout activity c. Hydrate with warm fluids post exercise d. Avoid exercise in temperatures below zero degrees C. ANS a. Modify activitybased on a wind chill temperature
39. Which of the following physiological responses is expected for pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women during acute exercise? a. SV is higher; HR is the same b. SV is lower; BP will increase c. BP may increase; submaximal o2 uptake will decrease d. BP may remain the same; submaximal o2 uptake will be higher ANS d. BP mayremain the same; submaximal O2 uptake will increase 40. What does the sensitivity of a cardiac stress test refer to? a. Clients without an abnormality with a negative test b. Clients with a positive test who have an abnormality c. Clients with a negative test who do not have an abnormality d. Clients with known abnormality with a positive test ANS d. Clients with knownabnormality with a positive test 41. What is a common gait characteristic in children under 2 years old? a. Initial contact with foot flat b. Increased single limb stance
c. Decreased co-activitation of muscles d. Narrow base of support ANS a. Initial contact with foot flat
42. What tool improvement should be provided to a hand-held drill operator who has developed symptoms of stenosing tenosynovitis (trigger finger)? a. Provide a drill with a two-finger-width trigger b. Provide a drill with a thumb trigger c. Provide a drill with a pistol grip d. Provide a drill with an inline grip ANS a. Provide a drill with a two-finger-width trigger 43. What physiological effect would a client taking betablockers experience during submaximal exercise? a. Reduced blood pressure b. Increased blood pressure c. No effects on heart rate d. Increased HR response ANS a. Reduced blood pressure 44. Mr. Charles, 83 years old, performed a 6 - minute walk test (MWT) to assesshis cardiorespiratory fitness. He was able to walk for the full 6 minutes. He walked 328 m of the estimated 409 m, which represents 80% predicted fitnessfor his age. What intensity range should be used to prescribe his exercise? a. 20 - 30% HRR b. 60 - 85% HRR c. 40 - 59% HRR d. 65 - 70% HRR
ANS c. 40 - 59% HRR
45. Mr. Peterson, 38 years old, faints after exercising on the treadmill. He has no history of fainting. What should the kinesiologist recommend to Mr. Peterson? a. Go to the emergency room b. Have his blood pressure taken c. Sit down and rest d. Continue to exercise ANS a. Go to the emergency room 46. A kinesiologist has developed a rehabilitation program for Mr. Sanderson after discharge from a local physiotherapist. Mr. Sanderson has missed 4 consecutive weeks of appointments with the kinesiologist. How should the kinesiologist proceed upon his return? a. Explain to him that the scheduled time slot will not open up for another 3 weeks b. Continue with the training plan as if he never missed a session c. Assess him and make modifications to his treatment plan d. Suspend the training plan and refer him back to a physiotherapist ANS c. Assesshim and make modifications to his tx plan
47. Ms. Blackson's job requires lifting 11 kg at work. When reviewing Ms. Blackson's file, the treating kinesiologist observes that a recent physician's report, dated 2 weeks ago at the time of injury, stated "no lifting over 4.5 kg." Considering Ms. Blackson's goal to return to work,what is an important next step? a. Contact the physician and ask if the restriction is permanent b. Eliminate lifting tasks in the exercise program c. Contact the employer to request a Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE) d. Contact the employer to determine if permanent modified duties are avail- able ANS a. Contact the physician and ask if the restriction is permanent 48. Mr. Samuelson suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. Upon assessment, what would the kinesiologist expect to find in his affected arm during active motionas compared to his unaffected arm? a. Peak joint torque (PJT) is decreased, time to reach PJT is increased b. PJT is increased, and time to reach PJT is increased c. PJT is increased, and time to reach PJT is decreased d. PJT is decreased, and time to reach PJT is decreased ANS a. Peak joint torque(PJT) is decreased, and time to reach PJT is increased 49. What statement is the kinesiologist most likely to hear from a female client who is intrinsically motivated toward physical activity? a. "I participate in physical activity to reap the health benefits" b. "I participate in physical activity because physical activity is in line with my values"
c. "I participate in physical activity out of choice for my well-being." d. "I participate in physical activity because it's enjoyable" ANS d. "I participate inphysical activity because it's enjoyable"
50. Which combination of assessments could be used to estimate a client's body fat percentage? a. One-rep max and skin fold calipers b. Bioelectrical impedance and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry c. Dual-energy X-ray energy absorptiometry and Bruce Protocol d. Hydrostatic weighing and goniometer ANS b. Bioelectrical impedance and X-rayabsorptiometry 51. Based on the Standards for Professional Practice, how long must a child client's record be kept within a clinic? a. 10 years following the client's 18th birthday b. Until the day the client becomes 18 c. A total of 10 years after the last encounter
d. A total of 8 years after the last encounter ANS a. 10 years following the client's 18thbirthday
52. What is an example of a conflict of interest? a. A consulting ergonomist refers workers to a kinesiologist clinic without disclosing that he has partial ownership b. A consulting ergonomist provides recommendations for ergonomic equip- ment that his company sells (make more wrong) c. A kinesiologist refers a client to a fellow physiotherapist who is a former colleague of the kinesiologist d. A kinesiologist refers to a client to a facility next door to the kinesiologist ANS a.A consulting ergonomist refers workers to a kinesiologist clinic without disclosing that he has partial ownership 53. A kinesiologist has decided to start offering ergonomic services in ad- dition to clinical kinesiology services. What should the kinesiologist do to ensure she is competent? a. Read the latest issue of Applied Ergonomics Journal b. Take an ergonomics course offered by an accredited institution c. Meet with a professional ergonomist to review the latest trends in ergonom-ics d. Purchase ergonomic analysis software ANS b. Take an ergonomics course offeredby an accredited institution 54. Based on the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change, a person who irregularly exercises is at what stage of change? a. Contemplation b. Precontemplation
c. Preparation d. Action ANS c. Preparation
55. What is spondylolisthesis? a. Increased extension of the upper cervical spine b. A forward displacement of a vertebrae in the lumbar spine c. Excessive rounding of the thoracic spine d. A lateral curve of the spine ANS b. A forward displacement of a vertebrae in thelumbar spine 56. When comparing two stress tests at the same workload, before and after 10 weeks of cardiovascular training, which physiological change would be expected? a. A lower cardiac output b. An increase in oxygen consumption
c. An increase in SV d. Higher blood lactate levels ANS c. An increase in stroke volume
57. Which of the following are examples of foods containing soluble fibre recommended to decrease elevated blood lipid concentrations? a. Fruits, beans, and oats b. Dairy foods c. Meat products d. Fish and eggs ANS a. Fruits, beans, and oats 58. What should happen to aerobic capacity as an individual ages, with no change in activity level? a. It decreases linearly b. It increases linearly c. It remains the same d. It may increase or decrease ANS a. It decreases linearly 59. Which of the following symptoms are expected for an individual with osteoarthritis? a. Diffuse non-articular pain, multiple tender points and sleep disturbance b. Pain during joint use, cartilage destruction and antalgic gait c. Heat sensitivity, bladder dysfunction, and cognitive defects d. Prolonged morning stiffness, joint swelling, and muscle weakness ANS b. Painduring joint use, cartilage destruction, and antalgic gait
60. Why is exercise prescribed for a person with type- 2 diabetes? a. muscle contraction decreases insulin sensitivity, thus helping to manage high blood glucose b. Muscle contraction does not affect insulin sensitivity and thus does not influence blood glucose c. Muscle contraction increases levels of circulating insulin, thus helping to manage high blood glucose levels d. Muscle contractions have an insulin-like effect which helps to manage high blood glucose ANS d. Muscle contractions have an insulin-like effect which helps to manage high blood glucose 61. During the early stages of rehabilitation, what is the best reason for using electrical stimulation currents for neuromusclar control? a. To increase range of motion b. To decrease swelling c. To control pain d. To avoid reinjury ANS a. To avoid reinjury 62. What type of characteristics would be associated with type IIx muscle fibres?
a. Small motor neuron size, high resistance to fatigue and low glycolytic capacity b. Large motor neuron size, low resistance to fatigue and high glycolytic capacity c. Large motor neuron size, high resistance to fatigue, and low glycolytic capacity d. Small motor neuron size, high resistance to fatigue and high glycolytic capacity ANS b. Large motor neuron size, low resistance to fatigue, and high glycolytic capacity
63. Which energy system is primarily responsible for energy production in an individual running for 30 minutes? a. ATP-CP b. Non-oxidative c. Oxidative d. Lactate ANS c. Oxidative 64. Which of the following is a micronutrient that plays a key role in energy production? a. Carbohydrates b. Vitamin B2 c. Vitamin K d. Fat ANS b. Vitamin B2