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Commun LcaTion ENG. Vpa707
(3 Hours) So -Marks : 100
Oh : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory, Se : ol!
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions. are?
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. =
(4) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
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1. (a) State and explain Shanon-Hartely Theorem. 5
(b) Explain eye pattern with a neat sketch. 5
(c) State and explain Keppler's laws. 5
(cd) Explain the terms, ‘Cell Splitting' and ‘frequency reuse’. 5
2, (a) Draw and explain orthogonal QPSK transmitter and receiver. 10
(b) Draw the block diagram of a satellite earth station and explain the working. 10
3, (a) Compare the following :— 10
(i) ISl and ICI
(ii} Systematic and Non-systematic Codes
(b) State and prove the Sampling Theorem for low pass signal. 10
4, (a) Explain the following terms :— 10
(i) Entropy
{ii} Information rate
(iii) Channel Capacity
(b) Consider a telegraph source having two symbols dot and dash. The dot duration 10
is 0-2 sec. and the dash duration is 3 times the dot duration. The probability of dots
occuring is twice that of dash and time between symbols is 0-2 seconds. Calculate
information rate of the telegraph source.
5. (a) Explain Syndrome decoding for Cyclic codes. 10
(b) Find out the generator matrix for a systematic (7, 4) cyclic code, if 10
Gip) = pS+p+
Also find the parity check matrix.
6. (a) Explain the various losses that occur in optical fibers. 10
(b) Explain the working of a 2 Cavity Klytron with the help of a neat sketch. 10
7. Write short notes on any three :— 20
(a) Duobinary encoder
(b) MTSO
(c) PIN Photodiode
(d) Station Keeping.