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TEST BANK For Public / Community Health And
Nursing Practice: Caring For Populations, 2nd
Edition, Christine L. Savage
___ is the synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice - ANSWER Community/Public Health Nursing Community/Public Health Nursing has the major goal to preserve the health of the community and surrounding ___ - ANSWER populations Community/Public Health Nursing focuses on health promotion, prevention, and health ___ - ANSWER maintenance Community/Public Health Nursing is associated with health and identification of populations at ___ rather than an episodic response to patient demand - ANSWER risk public health is described as the art and science of what 3 things - ANSWER - preventing disease
- prolonging life
- promoting health through organized community efforts to benefit each citizen ___ is defined as the costs of caring for the sick which account for the majority of escalating health care dollars, which
increased from 5.7% of the gross domestic product in 1965 to 17.8% in 2015 - ANSWER Health Care Reform Community/public health nurses are in a position to assist the U.S. health care system to transition from being disease- oriented to a ___ system - ANSWER health-oriented the mission of ___ is social justice, which entitles all people to basic necessities such as adequate income and health protection and accepts collective burdens to make this possible. - ANSWER public health ___ is the total amount spent on healthcare by a country. - ANSWER Health Expenditures despite high hospital and physician expenditures, U.S. health indicators such as life expectancy and infant mortality rate remain considerably ___ the health indicators of many other countries - ANSWER below the health status of the population within the US varies markedly across the areas of the country and among groups. For example, the economically disadvantaged and many cultural and ethnic groups have ___ overall health status compared with middle-class caucasians - ANSWER poorer the decline in the percentage of nurses employed in hospitals and the subsequent increase in nurses employed community
setting suggest a shift in focus from illness and institutional based care to ____ and ____ care - ANSWER - health promotion
- preventive the major goal of community/public health nursing is to preserve the health of the community and surrounding populations by focusing on health promotion and health maintenance of ___, ___, and ___ within a community - ANSWER Individual, families, and groups the mission of public health is ___, which entitles all people the basic necessities such as adequate income and health protection and accepts collective burdens to make it possible - ANSWER social justic public health assumes that it is ___ responsibility to meet the basic need of the people. thus there is a greater need for public funding of prevention efforts to enhance the health of our population - ANSWER Societies ___ is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity - ANSWER health ___ is positive interaction among groups within the community, with an emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention - ANSWER Social Health
- food banks
- violence prevention programs these are examples of ___ - ANSWER social health ___ is a collection of people who interact with one another and whose common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity and belonging. more local - ANSWER community ___ is a community-wide effort to monitor and promote the welfare of the population. much broader - ANSWER public health ___ is a set of disease prevention and health promotion objectives for Americans to meet during the second decade of the new millennium. - ANSWER Healthy People 2020 what are 5 determinants for the health outcomes of Healthy People 2020 - ANSWER - physical environment
- social environment
- individual behavior
- health services
- biology and genetics
community is seen as a group or collection of individuals interacting in social units and sharing common ___, ___, values, and goals - ANSWER - intrest
- characteristics ___ is defined or formed by natural and/or man-made boundaries and include cities, counties, states and nations. - ANSWER geopolitical community ___ is a type of community that is formed because its members have a common interest, experience or a feeling of belonging - ANSWER phenomenological community ___ is when individuals coming together because of a common problem - ANSWER community of solution
- schools, colleges, and universities
- churches, synagogues, and mosques
- social networks these are examples of a ___ - ANSWER phenomenological community the Sierra Club whose members lobby for the preservation of natural resource lands is an examples of ___ - ANSWER community of soultion
___ is a group of people with common personal or environmental characteristics - ANSWER population ___ are subgroups or subpopulations that have some common characteristics or concerns - ANSWER aggregates
- residents of a small town represent a ___
- all elders in a rural region represent a ___
- pregnant teens within a school district represent a ___ - ANSWER - community
- population
- aggregates what are the 3 core public health functions - ANSWER - assessment
- policy development
- assurance the ___ core public health function is the regular collection, analysis, and information sharing about health conditions, risks, and resources in a community - ANSWER assessment the ___ core public health function is the use of information gathered during assessment to develop local and state health policies and to direct resources toward those policies - ANSWER policy development
the ___ core public health function is what focuses on the availability of necessary heath services throughout the community. It includes maintaining the ability of both public health agencies and private providers to manage day-to-day operations and the capacity to respond to critical situations and emergencies - ANSWER assurance
- Monitor health status to identify public/community health problems.
- Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community.
- Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems these are done during which core public health function - ANSWER assessment
- inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.
- Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems.
- Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts.
- Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems. these are done during which core public health function - ANSWER policy devlopment
- Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety.
- Link people to needed personal health services and ensure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.
- Ensure a competent public health and personal health care workforce.
- Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services.
- Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems. these are done during which core policy health function - ANSWER assurance the core public health function of assurance is done through ___ / dedicated money - ANSWER grants assurance is looking to see if the ___ can be carried out correctly - ANSWER policy the ___ puts things into action with the core public health functions - ANSWER Policy Development a ___ nurse may identify areas for further investigation and intervention through an understanding of health, disease, and mortality pattern - ANSWER public health
the term ___ extends the realm of public health to include organized health efforts at the community level through both government and private efforts - ANSWER Community Health the local-level structures provide direct service to communities through what two avenues - ANSWER - community health services
- personal health care services ___ is what protect the public from hazards such as polluted water and air, tainted food, and unsafe housing - ANSWER community health services ___ is what gives immunization and family planning services, well infant care, and STD treatment - ANSWER personal health care services contrasting with "medical care" which focuses on disease management and "cure," public health efforts focus on health ___ and disease ___ - ANSWER - promotion
- prevention ___ activities enhance resources directed at improving well- being - ANSWER health promotion ___ activities protect people from disease and the effects of disease - ANSWER disease prevention
What are the three levels of prevention? - ANSWER primary, secondary, tertiary ___ is the prevention of problems before they occur - ANSWER primary prevention
- good nutrition
- provision of adequate shelter
- encouraging regular exercise these are examples of ___ - ANSWER primary prevention ___ refers to early detection and prompt intervention during the period of early disease pathogenesis - ANSWER secondary prevention ___ prevention is implemented after a problem has begun, but before signs and symptoms appear, and targets those populations that have risk factors - ANSWER secondary
- mammography
- blood pressure screenings
- scoliosis screening these are examples of ___ - ANSWER secondary prevention
___ targets populations that have experienced disease or injury and focuses on limitation of disability and rehabilitation - ANSWER tertiary prevention
- teaching how to preform insulin injections and disease management to a patient with diabetes
- referral of a patient with spinal cord injury for occupational and physical therapy
- leading a support group for grieving parents these are examples of ___ - ANSWER Tertiary prevention educate students on the practice of sexual abstinence or "safer sex" by using barrier methods this is an example of which level of prevention - ANSWER primary prevention screening for STD's this is an example of what level of prevention - ANSWER secondary prevention provide education on management of HIV infection, advocacy, case management, and other interventions fro those who are HIV positive
this is an example of what level of prevention - ANSWER tertiary prevention dietary teaching during pregnancy is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER primary HIV testing is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER secondary dietary instructions and monitoring for family with over weight members is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER teritary birthing classes for pregnant teenaged mothers is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER primary vision screening of first grade class is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER secondary swim therapy for physically disabled elders at a senior center is an example of ___ prevention - ANSWER tertiary the concepts of prevention and population focused care figure prominently in a conceptual orientation to nursing practice is referred to as ___ - ANSWER Thinking upstream when thinking upstream you are addressing the problem at the ___ - ANSWER beginning
___ refers to addressing something that has already occurred - ANSWER Thinking downstream spending additional dollars for cure in the form of health care services does little to improve the health of the population, whereas spending money on ___ does a great deal to improve health - ANSWER prevention ___ focus on population as a whole and the effect of community health status (resources) on the health of clients, families, populations and communities - ANSWER public health nursing practice ___ focus on health of clients, families, populations and the effect on the health of the community as a whole - ANSWER community health nursing practice ___ focus on clients and families where they live, work, and go to school; care is setting-specific and the emphasis is on acute and chronic care - ANSWER community based nursing practice ___ expands the definition of health - beyond simply opposing the negative concepts of disease and death - by integrating mental and physical health concepts - ANSWER health related quality of life
public health nursing is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of ___ - ANSWER population ___ uses knowledge from nursing, as well as social and public health sciences, to promote and protect the health of populations - ANSWER public health nursing public health nursing is population focused, with the goals of promoting health and preventing disease and disability for ___ - ANSWER all people ___ is the synthesis of nursing practice and public health to promote and preserve the health of populations
- Care is directed to individuals, families, groups.
- Contributes to health of the total population - ANSWER community health nursing The terms Public Health Nursing and Community Health Nursing are used ___ in Nies and McEwen textbook - ANSWER interchangeably ___ is the application of the nursing process in caring for individuals, families and groups where they live, work or go to school or as they move through the health care system
- Setting-specific
- Emphasis is on acute and chronic care - ANSWER community based nursing
- Nurses practice disease prevention and health promotion
- Practice is collaborative
- Practice is based on research and theory
- Applies the nursing process to the care of... --Individuals --Aggregates --Families --The community these are responsibilities of a ___ and ___ nurse - ANSWER community and public heath
- Home health
- Referral to a specialist, like a diabetic educator
- Routine annual physical exam
- Communicable disease monitoring
- Advocate for a clean and safe environment
- Direct care of the ill, infirm, suffering, & disabled
- Referral and advocacy
- Teaching
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Enforcement
- Environmental management these are responsibilities of a ___ nurse - ANSWER community health
- Focuses on the entire population
- Is based on assessment of the population's health status
- Considers the broad determinants of health
- Emphasizes all levels of prevention
- Intervenes with communities, systems, individuals, and families these are findings of ___ - ANSWER population-focused nursing ___ is nursing practice that concentrates upon specific groups of people, focusing on health promotion and disease prevention, regardless of geographic location - ANSWER population-focused nursing public health nurses must also work with the community to identify and implement programs that meet health needs and to evaluate ___ of programs after implementation - ANSWER effectiveness ___ are involved in many different types of activities which include maintaining records of workers exposed to physical or chemical risk, monitoring compliance with OSHA standards, teaching classes on health issues, etc - ANSWER occupation health nurses ___ is a framework for public health nursing practice that is population-based, contains three levels of practice (individual, community, and system), identifies and defines seventeen public health interventions, and is related to the core public
health functions and essential services - ANSWER the public health intervention wheel what are the 3 levels of practice with the PHN intervention wheel - ANSWER - community
- system
- individual/family the PHN intervention wheel identifies ___ public health interventions grouped into five wedges by color - ANSWER 17 what are the 5 interventions that are apart of the purple section - ANSWER - surveillance
- disease and other health event investigation
- outreach
- screening
- case finding ___ describes and monitors health events through ongoing and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health data for the purpose of planning, implementing and evaluating public health interventions. - ANSWER surveillance ___ systematically gathers and analyzes data regarding threats to the health of populations, ascertains the source of the threat, identifies cases and others at risk, and determines
control measures. - ANSWER Disease and other health event investigation ___ locates populations-of-interest or populations-at-risk and provides information about the nature of the concern, what can be done about it, and how services can be obtained. - ANSWER outreach ___ identifies individuals with unrecognized health risk factors or asymptomatic disease conditions in populations - ANSWER screening ___ locates individuals and families with identified risk factors and connects them with resources - ANSWER case finding what are the 3 interventions for the green section - ANSWER
- referral and follow up
- case management
- delegation function ___ assists individuals, families, groups, organizations, and/or communities to identify and access necessary resources to prevent or resolve problems or concerns. - ANSWER Referral and follow-up ___ optimizes self-care capabilities of individuals and families and the capacity of systems and communities to coordinate and provide services - ANSWER case management
___ is a direct care tasks a registered professional nurse carries out under the authority of a health care practitioner as allowed by law. - ANSWER delegated functions what are the 3 interventions of the blue section - ANSWER - health teaching
- counseling
- consultation ___ communicates facts, ideas, and skills that change knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and practices of individuals, families, systems, and/or communities. - ANSWER health teaching ___ establishes an interpersonal relationship with a community, a system, family or individual intended to increase or enhance their capacity for self-care and coping. - ANSWER counseling ___ seeks information and generates optional solutions to perceived problems or issues through interactive problem solving with a community, system, family or individual. The community, system, family or individual selects and acts on the option best meeting the circumstances - ANSWER consultation
what are the 3 interventions of the red section - ANSWER - collaboration
- coalition building
- community organizing ___ commits two or more persons or organizations to achieve a common goal through enhancing the capacity of one or more of the members to promote and protect health - ANSWER collaboration ___ promotes and develops alliances among organizations or constituencies for a common purpose. It builds linkages, solves problems, and/or enhances local leadership to address health concerns. - ANSWER coalition building ___ helps community groups to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals they collectively have set - ANSWER community organizing what are the 3 interventions of the yellow section - ANSWER
- social marketing
- policy development and enforcement ___ is to pleads someone's cause or act on someone's behalf, with a focus on developing the community, system, individual
or family's capacity to plead their own cause or act on their own behalf - ANSWER Advocacy ___ uses commercial marketing principles and technologies for programs designed to influence the knowledge, attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and practices of the population of interest - ANSWER social marketing ___ is what places health issues on decision-makers' agendas, acquires a plan of resolution, and determines needed resources, resulting in laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and policies. Policy enforcement compels others to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and policies. - ANSWER policy development and enforcement Populations are not homogeneous; must address the needs of special ___ - ANSWER subpopulations High-risk and ___ subpopulations must be identified early in the care delivery cycle - ANSWER vulnerable Nonusers of services often become ___ users; essential to develop outreach strategies - ANSWER high-cost ___ and ___ of all health care services are linked together across the health care continuum - ANSWER Quality and cost
___ is the process of assisting others to discover or uncover their own inherent abilities, strengths, vigor wholeness & spirit.
- ANSWER Empowerment Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. Depends on the presence of ___ - ANSWER hope Nurses empower by fostering ___ and removing ___ - ANSWER
- barriers a challenge for community nurses is to promote the health of ___ populations - ANSWER all