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Comprehensive Nursing Exam Preparation Guide, Exams of Nursing

This comprehensive document covers a wide range of nursing topics and concepts, providing detailed information and answers to common nclex-style questions. It includes key details on various medical conditions, treatments, and nursing interventions, as well as important conversion factors, developmental milestones, and other essential nursing knowledge. Structured in a question-and-answer format, making it a valuable resource for nursing students and professionals preparing for exams, studying for classes, or seeking to expand their clinical expertise. With its extensive coverage of nursing fundamentals, pharmacology, pediatrics, obstetrics, and more, this document can serve as a comprehensive study guide, lecture notes, or reference material to support successful nursing education and practice.

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Available from 08/03/2024

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Download Comprehensive Nursing Exam Preparation Guide and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2024 EDITION/ RATED A+ / ALL BUNDLED TO BOOST AND EASE YOUR STUDY/ DOWNLOAD FOR A+ GRADE/ PROFESSOR VERIFIED APGAR - ANSWER Appearance (all pink, pink and blue, blue (pale) Pulse (>100, <100, absent) Grimace (cough, grimace, no response) Activity (flexed, flaccid, limp) Respirations (strong cry, weak cry, absent) Woman in labor (un-reassuring FHR) - ANSWER (late decels, decreased variability, fetal bradycardia, etc) Turn pt on Left side, give O2, stop pitocin, Increase IV fluids! Infant with Spina Bifida - ANSWER Prone so that sac does not rupture Prolapsed cord - ANSWER Knee to chest or Trendelenburg oxygen 8 to 10 L Cleft Lip - ANSWER position on back or in infant seat to prevent trauma to the suture line. while feeding hold in upright position. FHR patterns for OB - ANSWER Think VEAL CHOP! V-variable decels; C- cord compression caused E-early decels; H- head compression caused A-accels; O-okay, no problem L- late decels; P- placental insufficiency, can't fill what to check with pregnancy - ANSWER Never check the monitor or machine as a first action. Always assess the patient first. Ex.. listen to fetal heart tones with stethoscope. Position of the baby by fetal heart sounds - ANSWER Posterior --heard at sides Anterior---midline by unbilicus and side Breech- high up in the fundus near umbilicus Vertex- by the symphysis pubis. Heroin withdrawal neonate - ANSWER irritable, poor sucking lead poisoning - ANSWER test at 12 months of age pt with leukemia may have - ANSWER epistaxis due to low platelets when a pt comes in and is in active labor - ANSWER first action of nurse is to listen to fetal heart tones/rate NCLEX answer tips - ANSWER choose assessment first! (assess, collect, auscultate, monitor, palpate) only choose intervention in an emergency or stress situation. If the answer has an absolute, discard it. Give priority to the answers that deal with the patient's body, not machines, or equipment. 1 tsp - ANSWER 5 mL 1 oz - ANSWER 30 mL 1 cup - ANSWER 8 oz Toddler 18 months+ IM site - ANSWER Ventrogluteal IM site for children - ANSWER deltoid and gluteus maximus ECG - ANSWER no sleep the night before, meals allowed, no stimulants/tranquilizers for 24-48 hours before. may be asked to hyperventilate 3-4 min and watch a bright flashing light. watch for seizures after the procedure. Myelogram - ANSWER NPO for 4-6 hours. allergy hx phenothiazines, cns depressants and stimulants withheld 48 hours prior. Table moved to various positions during test. Post--neuro assessment q2-4 hours, water soluble HOB UP. oil soluble HOB down. oralanalgesics for HA. No po fluids. assess for distended bladder. Inspect site Liver biopsy - ANSWER administer Vitamin K, NPO morning of exam 6 hrs. Give sedative. Teach pt to expect to be asked to hold breath for 5-10 sec. supide position, lateral with upper arms elevated. Post-- position on RIGHT side. frequent VS. report severe ab pain STAT. no heavy lifting 1 wk Paracentesis - ANSWER semi fowler's or upright on edge of bed. Empty bladder. post VS--report elevated temp. watch for hypovolemia laparoscopy - ANSWER CO2 used to enhance visual. general anesthesia. foley. post--ambulate to decrease CO2 buildup PTB - ANSWER low grade afternoon fever pneumonia - ANSWER rusty sputum asthma - ANSWER wheezing on expiration emphysema - ANSWER barrel chest kawasaki syndrome - ANSWER strawberry tongue pernicious anemia - ANSWER red beefy tongue downs syndrome - ANSWER protruding tongue cholera - ANSWER rice watery stool malaria - ANSWER stepladder like fever--with chills typhoid - ANSWER rose spots on the abdomen diptheria - ANSWER pseudo membrane formation measles - ANSWER koplick's spots sle (systemic lupus) - ANSWER butterfly rash pyloric stenosis - ANSWER olive like mass Addison's - ANSWER bronze like skin pigmentation Cushing's - ANSWER moon face, buffalo hump hyperthyroidism/ grave's disease - ANSWER exophthalmos myasthenia gravis - ANSWER descending musle weakness gullian-barre syndrome - ANSWER ascending muscle weakness angina - ANSWER crushing, stabbing chest pain relieved by nitro MI - ANSWER crushing stabbing chest pain unrelieved by nitro cystic fibrosis - ANSWER salty skin DM - ANSWER polyuria, polydipsia,polyphagia DKA - ANSWER kussmal's breathing (deep rapid) Bladder CA - ANSWER painless hematuria BPH - ANSWER reduced size and force of urine retinal detachment - ANSWER floaters and flashes of light. curtain vision glaucoma - ANSWER painful vision loss. tunnel vision. halo retino blastoma - ANSWER cat's eye reflex increased ICP - ANSWER hypertension, bradypnea,, bradycarday (cushing's triad) shock - ANSWER Hypotension, tachypnea, tachycardia Lymes disease - ANSWER bullseye rash intraosseous infusion - ANSWER often used in peds when venous access can't be obtained. hand drilled through tibia where cryatalloids, colloids, blood products and meds are administered into the marrow. one med that CANNOT be administered IO is isoproterenol, a beta agonist. first sign of PE - ANSWER sudden chest pain followed by dyspnea and tachypnea Digitalis - ANSWER increases ventricular irritability ----could convert a rhythm to v-fib following cardioversion Cold stress and the newborn - ANSWER biggest concern resp. distress Parathyroid relies on - ANSWER vitamin D to work Glucagon increases the effects of? - ANSWER anticoagulants Sucking stab wound - ANSWER cover wound and tape on 3 sides to allow air to escape. If you cover and occlude it--it could turn into a closed pneumo or tension pneumo! chest tube pulled out? - ANSWER occlusive dressing PE - ANSWER Needs O2! DKA - ANSWER acetone and keytones increase! once treated expect postassium to drop! have K+ ready Hirschprung's - ANSWER diagnosed with rectal biopsy. S/S infant-failure to pass meconium and later the classic ribbon-like/foul smelling stools Intussusception - ANSWER Common in kids with CF. Obstruction may cause fecal emesis, current jelly stools. enema---resolution=bowel movements laboring mom's water breaks? - ANSWER first thing--worry about prolapsed cord! Toddlers need to express - ANSWER independence! Addison's - ANSWER causes sever hypotension! pancreatitis - ANSWER first pain relief, second cough and deep breathe CF chief concern? - ANSWER Respiratory problems a nurse makes a mistake? - ANSWER take it to him/her first then take up the chain nitrazine paper - ANSWER turns blue with alkaline amniotic fluid. turns pink with other fluids up stairs with crutches? down stairs with crutches? - ANSWER good leg first followed by crutches(good girls go to heaven) crutches with the injured leg followed by the good leg. dumping syndrome? - ANSWER use low fowler's to avoid. limit fluids TB drugs are - ANSWER hepatotoxic! clozapine, Clozaril - ANSWER antipsychotic anticholinergic clozapine s/e - ANSWER weight gain, hypotension, hyperglycemia, agranulocytosis dehydration - ANSWER -hypovolemia - elevated urine specific gravity flumazenil, Romazicon - ANSWER benzo overdose umbilical cord compression - ANSWER reposition side to side or knee-chest short cord - ANSWER discontinue pictocin TB - ANSWER A positive Mantoux test indicates pt developed an immune response to TB. Acid-fast bacilli smear and culture:(+suggests an active infection) the diagnosis is CONFIRM by a positive culture for M TB A chest x-ray may be ordered to detect active lesions in the lungs QuantiFERON-TB Gold: DIAGNOSTIC for infection, whether it is active or latent Battery - ANSWER performing procedure without consent Assault - ANSWER Threatening to give pt. medication putting another person in fear of a harmful or an offensive contact. Imprisonment - ANSWER Telling the client you cannot leave the hospital Defamation - ANSWER is a false communication or careless disregard for the truth that causes damage to someone's reputation. in writing(Libel) or Verbally(Slander) Sprain or Strain - ANSWER RICE Rest Ice Compress Elevate