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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the contractors license exam. It covers various topics including foundation construction, framing, roofing, insulation, and concrete work. A valuable resource for individuals preparing for the contractors license exam, offering insights into common exam questions and their correct answers.
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A concrete masonry foundation wall extends below grade and will require large coating using Portland cement mortar. What is the minimum allowable thickness? - Correct Answers ✅✅3/8 inch How long will it take to excavate a trench that is 8 foot deep by 4 feet wide by 100 feet long? The hourly production rate is 40 BCY and the operator has average ability with an efficiency factor of 75% - Correct Answers ✅✅4 hour what is the minimum slope for a swale if it is located within 10 feet of a foundation and and is used as part of the method for diverting water from the foundation - Correct Answers ✅✅2% A foundation drain shall extend past the outside edge of the footing at least how far? - Correct Answers ✅✅12 inches 750 feet of pipe is being laid at 0.5% slope. On a topographic map that has a 6 inch contour intervals, approximately how many intervals will be depicted on the Mao from one of the pipe to the other? - Correct Answers ✅✅6 contour intervals A topographic map is being used to determine cut and fill requirements. The contour intervals is 2 feet. Across a distance of 200
feet there are 10 contours. What is the slope of the grade? - Correct Answers ✅✅10: Before excavating for a new building, how should subsoil conditions be determined? - Correct Answers ✅✅Conducting test borings Which is the first step that needs to be taken prior to starting any excavation work? - Correct Answers ✅✅contacting the local utility companies What are batter boards? - Correct Answers ✅✅Stakes and ledger boards marking building All of the following are benefits of platform construction as compared to ballon construction Except - Correct Answers ✅✅easier installation of plumbing and wiring Which of the following describes the tendency of lumber to shrink when it dries? - Correct Answers ✅✅more in width than length Where is temporary horizontal bracing attached when erecting trusses?
What is the MAXIMUM spacing for double floor joists that are operated to allow installation of piping? - Correct Answers ✅✅4 feet on center Wall framing is being constructed one floor at a time. What type of wood framing method is being used? - Correct Answers ✅✅Platform How MUST rafters be framed to each other? - Correct Answers ✅✅With a gusset plate A third stairway stringer should be used when the stair with exceeds how many inches? - Correct Answers ✅✅ 30 Which is true about deck stairs? - Correct Answers ✅✅they should be sloped for drainage A simple set of cleat stairs will be installed in a basement. The distance between the basement floor and the first floor is 8 feet. How many will be REQUIRED for these stairs? - Correct Answers ✅✅ 13 What is NOT required in exterior nonbearing walls? - Correct Answers ✅✅Load-bearing headers
Which of the following is required for 1 3 feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet long floor opening near the center of a wood-framed span? - Correct Answers ✅✅single header and double trimmer What is the MINIMUM lap of rabbeted horizontal lap siding? - Correct Answers ✅✅1/2 inch Using which of the following would cause the GREATEST increase in the insulation value when re-siding with aluminum? - Correct Answers ✅✅perforated reflector foil When MUST class A, B, C roof covering be installed? - Correct Answers ✅✅When the edge of the roof is less than 3 feet fro the property line What is the MAXIMUM dimension of the ventilation coverings for under-floor space? - Correct Answers ✅✅1/4 inch What is the MAXIMUM distance between a ventilating opening in a under-floor space and each corner of the building? - Correct Answers ✅✅3 feet
Why are the nailing holes in aluminums and vinyl siding elongated? - Correct Answers ✅✅in case of expansion and contraction Which is true about the placement of flexile insulation batts located in floor joists above an unheated crawl space? - Correct Answers ✅✅They should be well supported between joists What is the required minimum thickness of perforated sheet metal plates used to cover crawl space ventilation openings? - Correct Answers ✅✅0.070 inches When MUST a saddle be installed on a chimney? - Correct Answers ✅✅When the chimney is treated than 30 inches wide What is the MINIMUM roof slope REQUIRED for modified bitumen roofing? - Correct Answers ✅✅1/4 inch in 12 For roofing work, what is the minimum distance that materials and equipment can be stored from a roof edge without a guardrail being required - Correct Answers ✅✅6 feet
Debris materials that are dropped more than 20 feet to a container outside a structure must be which of the following - Correct Answers ✅✅dropped than 50 pounds in weight what is the maximum allowable slope for an excavation in Type B soil? - Correct Answers ✅✅45 degress what is the minimum required overlap for scaffold platforms that are overlapped to create a long platform? - Correct Answers ✅✅12 inches Scaffolds MUST remain a MINIMUM of how many feet from 50-kV power line? - Correct Answers ✅✅10 feet What is the Minimum illumination for general construction are lighting?
What is the MINIMUM vertical reinforcement spacing for a reinforced concrete foundation wall that is 7 feet high and 10 inches thick on type SP soil? - Correct Answers ✅✅56 inches on center Increasing the slump of concrete does which of the following? - Correct Answers ✅✅increases its wetness what is the minimum thickness allowed for concrete slab on ground floors? - Correct Answers ✅✅3.5 niches what is the MINIMUM compressive strength for concrete used in a foundation wall that will be exposed to weather? - Correct Answers ✅✅2,500psi what is the diameter of number 5 rebar? - Correct Answers ✅✅5/ inch what is the minimum required for the compressive strength of concrete used in a garage floor in a severe exposure area? - Correct Answers ✅✅3,500 psi
In general, what is the MINIMUM concrete covering steel reinforcement in a footing? - Correct Answers ✅✅3.0 inches The amount of water per sack of s=cement is what controls all EXCEPT - Correct Answers ✅✅set up speed What is the maximum slump that concrete should if it is to be used for floor slabs - Correct Answers ✅✅4 inches What is the required minimum length drywall screw for installing 1/ inch gypsum board to wood studs? - Correct Answers ✅✅1 1/8 inches What is the reason for storing wood flooring in the home where it is to be installed? - Correct Answers ✅✅to permit acclimation Plastic veneer used on the exterior can be installed up to which maximum height above grade? - Correct Answers ✅✅50 feet What is the MAXIMUM recommended spacing for 5/8 inch drywall installed on a wall at high angles to framing members? - Correct Answers ✅✅24 inches
What is recommended minimum distance from the bottom of the ceiling framing to the top of the ceiling grid system in suspense ceilings? - Correct Answers ✅✅3 inches Sliding doors are to be installed in a dwelling unit. What is the maximum allowable height for the threshold? - Correct Answers ✅✅3/4 inch Which window type consists of an upper and a Lowe sash that slide vertically in the side jambs? - Correct Answers ✅✅Double-hung Foam siding backer board must be separated from the interior of the building by at least how many inches? - Correct Answers ✅✅2 inches What Is the maximum height required for a nonabsorbent wall surface above bathtub? - Correct Answers ✅✅6 feet What is the maximum allowable length for float glass jalousies? - Correct Answers ✅✅48 inches How is the "hand" of door determined? - Correct Answers ✅✅by the location of the hinges when the door is viewed from the inside
what is required to be installed in a pair of French doors? - Correct Answers ✅✅an astragal stop what is the MINIMU height for a stairway handrail? - Correct Answers ✅✅34 inches An owner hires a construction manager for a project. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to subcontractors? - Correct Answers ✅✅The subcontractors are prime contractors What is the MINIMUM clearance that combustible insulation MUST have from recessed lighting fixtures, fan motors, and other heat- producing devices - Correct Answers ✅✅3 inches A positive drainage slope away from a house foundation of 5 % is equal to which of the following - Correct Answers ✅✅6 inch drop in 10 feet A 140 foot wide paved area is to be sloped 1/8 inch per foot. The elevation at the highest point is to be 87.2 feet at the center. What is the elevation at the lowest point at the perimeter? - Correct Answers ✅✅86.50 feet
A contractor is about to sign an agreement with representative of a corporation. Which should the contractor do? - Correct Answers ✅✅verify that the representative has the authority to bind the corporation which of the following is considered ethical behavior? - Correct Answers ✅✅failing to disclose one subcontractor's bid to another A contractor plans to use materials or methods other than those standards in the industry. The contractor should do which of the following - Correct Answers ✅✅specially state this in the agreement The following is from the restrictive covenants on a customer's lot. 1. No detached single-family dwelling unit or any part thereof shall be erected nearer than 25 feet to any front lot line or side street lot line. 2. No building shall be erected nearer than 10 feet to any interior side lot line. How close can a home be placed to the front of the lot? - Correct Answers ✅✅25 feet what are the three primary elements of a contract? - Correct Answers ✅✅offer, acceptance, and consideration
Which type of mortar should be used for masonry that is installed below grade? - Correct Answers ✅✅Type M What is the MINIMUM thickness (nominal) for an 8 foot high hollow masonry foundation wall that is 4 feet below finish grade on the exterior? - Correct Answers ✅✅8 inches What is the MAXIMUM distance horizontal reinforcement can be placed from the top of a masonry partition wall? - Correct Answers ✅✅16 inches Dampproofing on below-grade masonry foundation walls shall extend from the top of the footing to which of the following? - Correct Answers ✅✅the finished grade In Seismic Design Category C, what is the MAXIMUM spacing for vertical reinforcement in masonry shear walls? - Correct Answers ✅✅10 feet What is the minimum requirement for the placement of each tie in a block wall used with wood framing? - Correct Answers ✅✅2 2/3 sure feet
On a project, labor cost is $4,000; materials are $9,500; equipment rentals are $1,200; superintendent's annual salary is $36,000; office rent is $800 per month; and office utilities are $375 per month. What is the total project overhead for this project that had these costs and lasted 3 months? - Correct Answers ✅✅less than $12, What does a comprehensive general liability insurance policy protect a company against? - Correct Answers ✅✅The accident at the job site that damages the neighbor's house which of the following statements about sole proprietorship is TRUE? - Correct Answers ✅✅the business, or any part of it, can be sold, altered, or exchanged at will who oversees compliance with Material Safety Data Sheets - Correct Answers ✅✅OSHA