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is necessary in the profession of arms to make difficult decisions associated with war. - ANS-Moral courage __________ is the quality of displaying fairness and impartiality - ANSJustice __________ lie(s) at the heart of the Marine Corps' ethos - ANS-Core values and traditions Accountability is ________ - ANS-The reckoning wherein the leader answers for their actions and accepts the consequences, good or bad As an integral part of our leadership philosophy, __________ is the base upon which future leaders are tempered. - ANS-Followership Background, experience, personal goals, and spirit are important areas of the __________ element of leadership - ANS-Troop Establishes trust through demonstrated good character and applied principles of leadership - ANS-Professional rela

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__________ is necessary in the profession of arms to make difficult decisions associated with war. - ANS-Moral courage __________ is the quality of displaying fairness and impartiality - ANS- Justice __________ lie(s) at the heart of the Marine Corps' ethos - ANS-Core values and traditions Accountability is ________ - ANS-The reckoning wherein the leader answers for their actions and accepts the consequences, good or bad As an integral part of our leadership philosophy, __________ is the base upon which future leaders are tempered. - ANS-Followership Background, experience, personal goals, and spirit are important areas of the __________ element of leadership - ANS-Troop Establishes trust through demonstrated good character and applied principles of leadership - ANS-Professional relations he Blue Book identifies the NCO as a technical expert, instructor, and ________. - ANS-Enforcer of military regulations Identify the features of the NCO sword - ANS-A) Pommel B) Grip C) Quillon D) Ricasso In 1778, it was acceptable for NCOs to abuse and haze their soldiers as a form of training to defeat the British empire - ANS-False

In developing the quality to inspire, we look for __________. - ANS- Personal examples of high moral standards reflecting virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination In setting the example, you can only choose _________ - ANS-What kind of example to set In the 17th and 18th centuries, England used American colonists as British Royal Marines. - ANS-True Marine Corps leadership development begins by teaching __________ - ANS-Followership Match each letter to the proper term on the sword diagram - ANS-A) Frog Stud B) Drag C) Tip Match each Marine NCO's name with the appropriate statement of impact. - ANS-First person awarded the Medal of Honor by President Dwight D. Eisenhower-- Duane Dewey The youngest living Medal of Honor recipient-- Kyle Carpenter First Marine awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq-- Jason Dunham First aviation Marine awarded the Medal of Honor-- Robert Robinson First Marine awarded the Medal of Honor-- John Mackie Match the foundation of leadership with its associated impact - ANS- Critical to holding ourself and others accountable--Leadership Traits Establishes trust through demonstrated good character and applied principles of leadership--Professional relations Secret to building great leadership-- Followership Command responsible for establishing environment to allow subordinates to apply these--Leadership principles

Match the Marine NCO with their contribution to the United States Marine Corps - ANS-First African-American to serve as Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps-- SgtMaj Alford McMichael First African-American to serve as an infantry battalion Sergeant Major-

  • SgtMaj Edgar Huff Only enlisted Marine to receive two Medals of Honor for separate actions-- SgtMaj Dan Daly First Marine to serve as Sergeant Major of Women Marines--SgtMaj Bertha Peters Billep Match: - ANS-Delegating: Leader's goals, objectives, and restrictions must be clear to subordinates who makes the decisions Participating: Leader presents the problem, gets input from subordination, and makes the decision Telling: Depends in large part on subordination level of experience and initiative Selling: Leader allows the subordinate to know why and what went into making a decision Personal examples of high moral standards reflecting virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination are qualities we seek to ________. - ANS- Develop the ability to inspire others. Personal values should align with __________ to help maintain the right balance in the profession of arms - ANS-Organizational values Roman Legion noncommissioned officers were responsible for which of the following? Select all that apply - ANS-Supervising camp set-up Regulating guard duties Enforcing personal hygiene The __________ style of leadership allows the subordinate to know why and what went into the decision-making process - ANS-Selling

The ability to read and write in a tolerable manner was a special trait looked for in NCOs in 1778 - ANS-True The command "Carry, SWORD" can only be given from the halt while at ________. Select all that apply - ANS-Order sword Present arms The enemy of initiative is __________ - ANS-Over-Supervision The four indicators of leadership in any size unit are morale, __________, __________, and __________. Select all that apply - ANS-Discipline Esprit de corps Proficiency The key to achieving discipline is through ________. - ANS- Establishing and maintaining standards The leadership qualities that enable a Marine to assume progressively greater responsibilities are __________ - ANS-Inspiration, technical proficiency, and moral responsibility The Marine Corps motto _______ was replaced by Semper Fidelis in

    • ANS-By land, by sea The Marine Corps was reestablished in __________ with the impending threat of war with France - ANS-July 11, 1798 The responsibility for maintaining the customary and traditional standards of conduct between subordinates and seniors lies with the ________. - ANS-Senior The set of beliefs that characterize a culture are its __________. - ANS- Ethos

The tenets of justice include __________. Select all that apply - ANS- Not playing favorites Spreading work evenly Sharing rewards equally The term corporal is derived from ________. - ANS-15th century Italy The three elements of leadership are __________. - ANS-Self, troops, and situation The use of noncommissioned officers can be traced back to ________ - ANS-The Roman Legion To establish __________ in a relationship, leaders must have good character and learn to apply the principles of leadership - ANS-Trust Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, your ability to communicate, and your own values are areas of what element of leadership? - ANS-Self Von Steuben states that the order and discipline of the regiment depends so much upon the behavior of whom? - ANS-NCOs What is the oldest weapon in continuous use today? - ANS-NCO sword When boarding a naval vessel between the hours of 0800 and sunset, Marines should step to the top of the gangway and ________ - ANS- Face aft, salute the national ensign, turn and face the officer of the day, salute, and request permission to come aboard. When given the command "Present, SWORD" on the preparatory command "Present," raise the right hand to a position level and ________ in front of the neck. - ANS-6 inches

Which form of decision-making gathers all possible fact weighing options to maximize the outcome? - ANS-Analytical Which indicator of leadership is an individual's state of mind within the unit? - ANS-Morale Which leadership principle can be used to determine when closer supervision may be necessary and when to back off?v - ANS-Know your Marines and look out for their welfare Which leadership principle requires you to master your MOS and your institutional role as a leader? - ANS-Be technically and tactically proficient Which modern military rank originated as capo de squadra? - ANS- Corporal Which of the following are included in the observance of the Marine Corps birthday? Select all that apply. - ANS-The reading of Gen. John A. Lejeune's birthday message Cake-cutting ceremony Troop formation Which of the following is an example of the Marine Corps' ethos? Select all that apply. - ANS-Marines exist to fight and win wars. Every Marine is a rifleman. Marines take care of their own. With a low education rate in 1778, the ability to __________ was still an important trait required to be an NCO - ANS-Read and write in a tolerable manner. Within how many paces is it appropriate to render a salute? - ANS- 6 - 30 paces

Your strengths, beliefs, and behaviors have the ability to either build or erode the morale of your unit - ANS-True