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This study guide provides definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts relevant to cosmetology instruction. It covers a wide range of topics, including classroom management, learning styles, student motivation, and assessment techniques. The guide is designed to help aspiring cosmetology instructors prepare for their licensing exams and gain a comprehensive understanding of the field.
Typology: Exams
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80/20 - CORRECT ANSWERS 80% are average performers where as 20% are in the top of your profession by; showing up, being on time, and being ready to work. AACS/CEA - CORRECT ANSWERS American Association of Cosmetology Schools/Cosmetology Educators of America ACTIVE LISTENING - CORRECT ANSWERS Be with the speaker, don't interrupt, repeat, gain agreement. ADD/ADHD - CORRECT ANSWERS Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADVISORY COUNCIL - CORRECT ANSWERS Composed of school owners and directors, educators and employers, graduates, representatives from state, regulatory oversight agencies. Identifies and prioritizes subject matter and skills that need to be taught. ANECDOTES - CORRECT ANSWERS Describes a specific point to help get the learners focus directed toward the objectives of the lesson. ANTICIPATORY SET - CORRECT ANSWERS The process of getting the students ready to learn. ASSERTIVENESS - CORRECT ANSWERS The degree of boldness or confidence one has in dealing with others. AUTHORITY - CORRECT ANSWERS An individual cited or appealed to as an expert or to influence thought, opinion, or behavior.
CLASSROOM ARRANGEMENTS - CORRECT ANSWERS Helps to determine educator control, sightlines with and among students, and overall student participation. COMPASSION - CORRECT ANSWERS The deep feeling of sharing or feeling the pain or suffering of another, sympathy. CONFERENCES - CORRECT ANSWERS Private, nonthreatening, face to face talk to bring about change, not to intimidate or control behavior. CONSISTENCY - CORRECT ANSWERS Behaving the same way on repeated occasions when the circumstances are the same or similar. COURSE OBJECTIVE - CORRECT ANSWERS AKA: Program objective - specifies the learning outcomes of the program of study. COURSE OF STUDY - CORRECT ANSWERS AKA: Program of study - Properly developed program will result in an orderly and systematic process of education. CRITICISM - CORRECT ANSWERS Be open to constructive criticism, be humble, put yourself in the other person's shoes, apologize if necessary and don't whine, cry, or blame others. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT - CORRECT ANSWERS The process of developing a set of courses constituting an area of specialization as prescribed by the state regulatory agency. DEDUCTIVE REASONING - CORRECT ANSWERS The process of reaching a probable conclusion by employing logical reasoning.
DEMOGRAPHICS - CORRECT ANSWERS Average income, cost of services, age, ethnicity, etc. within a specified area. DEMONSTRATION - CORRECT ANSWERS Perform at an appropriate speed ensuring the students do not miss any key points or steps. DEPT. OF EDUCATION - CORRECT ANSWERS Sets forth specific regulations governing student hours and financial aid disbursement. DISABLED LEARNER - CORRECT ANSWERS Is responsible for providing documentation of their disability and making a formal request for accommodations. DYSLEXIA - CORRECT ANSWERS A specific learning disability that is an impairment in the brain's ability to translate written images received by the eyes into meaningful language. ELIGIBLE STUDENT - CORRECT ANSWERS A student above the age of 18 enrolled in a post secondary school. ENERGIZER - CORRECT ANSWERS An activity lasting one to three minutes to provide for a physical or mental break to bring new life into the class. ENTHUSIASM - CORRECT ANSWERS Goes hand in hand with energy. ETHICAL STANDARDS - CORRECT ANSWERS Educators should model and teach these daily in their interactions with students. EVENTS - CORRECT ANSWERS Basic elements of time; key to managing time is controlling these.
EXTERNAL MOTIVATORS - CORRECT ANSWERS Examples are; pep talks, incentives, exciting presentations, guest speakers, etc. INTERNAL MOTIVATORS - CORRECT ANSWERS Your inner drive that keeps you moving toward your goals. EYE CONTACT - CORRECT ANSWERS A low-profile intervention that requires little effort on the part of the educator for controlling a minor misconduct. FACILITATE - CORRECT ANSWERS To bring about learning. FATIGUE - CORRECT ANSWERS The medical profession has agreed in large part, that this is of mental origin rather than a result of a physical ailment. FERPA - CORRECT ANSWERS Family Educational Right to Privacy Act FIELD TRIPS - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide students with an opportunity for active learning and a broader real world experience. FOILS/DISTRACTORS - CORRECT ANSWERS The possible answers to a multiple choice question. FRATERNIZE - CORRECT ANSWERS An educator must establish a formal distance and never do this with their students outside the classroom. FUN - CORRECT ANSWERS The more a student has, the more a student learns.
GESTURES - CORRECT ANSWERS Adds meaning to words. GRADING - CORRECT ANSWERS Evaluate learner achievement and build learner confidence. HIGH-ORDER QUESTIONING - CORRECT ANSWERS Open-ended, requiring the learner to have knowledge and comprehension. HOWARD GARDNER - CORRECT ANSWERS Identified 9 intelligences; his theory addresses how we are smart as opposed to how smart we are. ICE BREAKER - CORRECT ANSWERS Allows new students to bond with continuing students. LEARNING BARRIERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Barriers that prevent students from learning; apprehension, fear, anxiety, learner recall, rapid response, lack of learner motivation, educator behaviors. LEARNING STYLE - CORRECT ANSWERS An individual's preferred method of thinking, understanding, and processing information. LESSON PLAN - CORRECT ANSWERS This will serve as a roadmap to be followed for each day's classes. LOW/HIGH PROFILE INTERVENTION - CORRECT ANSWERS Ways of controlling or eliminating a students misbehavior. LOW-ORDER QUESTIONING - CORRECT ANSWERS Recall type, provide for assessment of factual knowledge.
MIND MAPPING - CORRECT ANSWERS Creates a free-flowing, graphic organizing system to outline information. MISSION STATEMENT - CORRECT ANSWERS A philosophy to live by. MNEMONICS - CORRECT ANSWERS Any aid to assist the learner's memory. MULTIPLE CHOICE - CORRECT ANSWERS Reduce the amount of guessing by the student, objective in scoring, difficulty can be controlled by how similar the possible answers are. NATURAL COLORS - CORRECT ANSWERS Data is retained at a much higher rate than black and white. ORIENTATION - CORRECT ANSWERS Should be performed on or before the first day of school to ensure the student's success in the program. OUTCOME EVALUATION - CORRECT ANSWERS Grading that determines what the student knows after having been taught certain material or skills. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION - CORRECT ANSWERS The process of assigning grades after testing has occurred. POWER TESTS - CORRECT ANSWERS Tests with an objective format that can be completed by at least 80% of the students within one hour. PRAISE - CORRECT ANSWERS A expression of approval; single most important action an educator can take to prevent student withdrawal.
REINFORCEMENT - CORRECT ANSWERS Must be positive and can include words, phrases, or gestures. RELATIONSHIPS - CORRECT ANSWERS The state of affairs existing between those who have an aspect or quality that connects them as being, belonging, or working together. RETENTION TIME - CORRECT ANSWERS A learner can listen with retention for twenty minutes. SENSES - CORRECT ANSWERS The more that are addressed during the presentation the greater opportunity for understanding by the learner. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS - CORRECT ANSWERS Accommodations that are made for learners having disabilities that will remove barriers allowing them participation in and access to all aspects of society. STEPS OF LEARNING - CORRECT ANSWERS Desire, information, assimilation, repetition. STRESS - CORRECT ANSWERS The inability to cope with a threat, real or imagined, that results in a series of responses and adaptations by our minds and bodies. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL - CORRECT ANSWERS Schools are expected to graduate a reasonable percentage of the students who enroll and provide assistance to ensure graduates obtain their license. STUDENTS NEEDS - CORRECT ANSWERS Must be met before learning can take place.
SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS - CORRECT ANSWERS Essay type questions that can be interpreted differently by the educator and can result in lack of consistency when grading. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS - CORRECT ANSWERS Questions that have a definite answer. STEM - CORRECT ANSWERS The question part of the multiple choice question. SYNERGY - CORRECT ANSWERS Happens when one plus one equals three. TEAMWORK - CORRECT ANSWERS A cooperative effort by a group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal. TESTING - CORRECT ANSWERS Various methods used to assess a student's knowledge. THEORY/PRACTICE STRUCTURE - CORRECT ANSWERS Outlines the theory of a subject then demonstrates how it works in practice. TIME - CORRECT ANSWERS Everyone has the same amount. The key to managing it is controlling events. TRANSITIONS - CORRECT ANSWERS Techniques used by the educator to connect all the parts of the lessons. VISUAL AID PREPARATION - CORRECT ANSWERS Must be prepared ahead of time and could add power and impact to the presentation. VISUAL AID - CORRECT ANSWERS An instructional tool that presents information visually.
WEIGHTING - CORRECT ANSWERS The process of determining the importance of each content area that has been selected to test. WINDOW PANING - CORRECT ANSWERS Process of transferring key elements in a lesson into the squares or panes of a matrix. WRITTEN CONTRACT - CORRECT ANSWERS Adds meaning to an agreement made between the educator and student. ZONE TEACHING - CORRECT ANSWERS A method of supervising salon students by first checking for student and client safety, client comfort, and practical teaching.