Download Counseling Psychology Multiple Choice Questions and more Exams Career Counseling in PDF only on Docsity! 1 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers Wellness is the state of: a. physical well being b. spiritual well being c. psychological well being d. all of the above 1. The individual self model of wellness is based on psychological theory a. Freud b. Adler c. Roger d. Ellis 2. A person who loves to travel to new destinations and once there, enjoys exploring cultural epicenters and new types of food probably has a high score on the factor of the Five Factor Model a. adventurous b. openness c. agreeableness d. intellecutal 3. is NOT one of the five factors in the Five Factor Model a. conscientiousness b. neuroticism c. introversion d. agreeableness 4. A counselor collaborates with clients to set goals in the stage of counseling. a. initial b. action c. termination d. all of the above 5. is NOT a minimal encourager a. "Hmm" b. "I'm with you" all of the above Adler openness introversion action Tell me more about that 2 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers c. "Tell me more about that" d. "I've got you" 6. "You say you want to get better grades, but you have not completed any homework in the last week" is an example of a. a reflection b. a confrontation c. giving feedback d. a paraphrase 7. Summaries are used by counselors to a. begin sessions b. end sessions c. highlight important themes d. all of the above 8. Repeating a client's statement back to them in differ- ent words is called a. paraphrasing b. reflecting c. summarizing d. attending 9. The operates according to the reality principle a. id b. ego c. superego d. none of the above 10. Images and tendencies that are inherent in all human beings are contained in the a. preconscious b. unconscious c. collective unconscious d. subconscious 11. This Adlerian technique can help reduce the desir- ability of unhealthy client behaviors a. asking the question confrontation all of the above paraphrasing ego collective uncon- scious splitting in the client's soup 5 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers 17. The theory most concerned with irrational thought is a. Gestalt b. reality c. REBT d. CT 18. All of the following behavior techniques are most commonly used with children EXCEPT a. token economy b. contingency contract c. behavioral rehearsal d. response cost 19. Reinforcing clients' accomplishment of successive approximations or a desired behavior is known as a. maintenance b. shaping c. overcorrection d. extinction 20. In the WDEP system of reality therapy, the P stands for a. practice b. purpose c. power d. plan 21. The theory most concerned with irrational thoughts is a. Gestalt b. reality c. REBT d. CT 22. The core condition of counseling known as uncondi- tional positive regard is also referred to as all of the following EXCEPT a. respect b. empathy 6 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers REBT behavioral re- hearsal shaping plan REBT empathy 7 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers c. acceptance d. prizing 23. Logotherapy is an approach that helps clients a. work through anxiety b. come to terms with death c. find meaning in their lives d. accept their personal freedom 24. A counselor who suggests that a depressed client spend at least 2 hours a day being depressed is using a. paradoxical intention b. reverse psychology c. logotherapy d. confrontation 25. Humanistic counselors are a. directive b. problem focused c. person focused d. all of the above 26. According to Rollo May, healthy people a. should not experience anxiety b. should experience moderate levels of anxiety c. should experience high levels of anxiety because it is motivational d. None of the above 27. A client comes to counseling and admits that she has a problem with alcohol abuse but does not seem committed to making any changes. The client is most likely a a. visitor b. complainant c. customer d. none of the above 28. Therapeutic letter are written by a. clients 10 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers based primarily on outsider labels society How long have you been sad Milan systemic family counseling self-deprecating oldest and youngest 11 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers b. oldest and another oldest c. youngest and other youngest d. middle and another middle 35. A counselor encourages a couple to argue in the counseling session about how to discipline their chil- dren, a fight that frequently occurs outside of the session. This technique is a. family sculpting b. an enactment c. an ordeal d. unbalancing 36. A counselor tells a family that it should not try to change too soon. The counselor is using a. ritual b. pretend technique c. positive connotation d. paradox 37. All of the following words describe the adapted child ego state EXCEPT a. complaint b. reserved c. creative d. docile 38. Which of the following four options represents the least complementary transaction a. parent to child b. adult to natural child c. adult to adult d. child to child 39. A professional counselor uses techniques from a va- riety of theories but does not actually embrace all the theories from which these interventions come. This is an example of a. technical eclecticism b. traditional integration enactment paradox creative adult to natural child technical eclecti- cism 12 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers c. theoretical integration d. syncetism 40. The two I's in BASIC ID stand for a. interpersonal relationships and imagination b. imagery and interpersonal relationships c. insight and imagination d. interests and imagery 41. A multimodal counselor who approaches clients from their preferred domain/modality, is using the tech- nique known as a. connecting b. firing sequence c. positive strokes d. bridging 42. The American Counseling Association was originally named a. American Association of Counseling and Devlop- ment b. American Personnel and Guidance Association c. National Vocational Guidance Association d. American Counseling Association imagery and inter- personal relation- ships bridging National Vocation- al Guidance Asso- ciation 43. When working with an 8-year-old child in a non school assent from the setting, it is ethically necessary to obtain a. assent from the child and informed consent from the parent b. informed consent from only the child c. informed consent from only the parent d. informed consent from the child and paretn 44. When counseling minors, the legal right to confiden- tiality belongs to a. the child b. counselor c. parents or legal guardians d. both child and parents child and informed consent form the parent parents 15 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers 51. The is not a founding member of ACA. a. Counseling Association for Humanistic Education and Development (CAHED) b. American School Counselor Association (ASCA) c. National Career Development Association (NCDA) d. Association for Counselor Education and Supervi- sion (ACES) 52. The most recently established division of the ACA is a. Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC) b. Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ) c. Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans- gender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) d. Association for Multicultural Counseling and De- velopment (AMCD) 53. NECA and NCDA are both professional associations devoted to the specialization of a. career counseling b. rehab counseling c. college counseling d. marriage and family counseling 54. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Value sin Counseling (ASERVIC) began as an associ- ation for counselors who were a. Jewish b. Protestant c. Catholic d. Baptist 55. Members of IAAOC are committed to helping clients who a. are dealing with addition b. have engaged in criminal acts as adults c. are juvenile delinquents d. all of above American School Counselor Associ- ation (ASCA) Association for Creativity in Coun- seling (ACC) career Catholic all above 16 / 44 CPCE Multiple Choice Questions with Answers 56. 17 / 44 A counselor who receives both a subpoena and a court order must a. assert privilege b. request that the clients' attorney immediately filed a motion to quash c. provide the court with the appropriate info or be held in contempt of court d. only comply with the court order 57. Libel is all of the following EXCEPT a. the intentional spreading of falsehoods through spoken word b. the intentional spreading of falsehoods through writing c. a type of defamation d. addressed by tort law 58. An ethical principle that encourages counselors to actively promote the welfare of their clients is known as a. justice b. beneficence c. autonomy d. fidelity 59. The ACA Code of Ethics prohibits sexual/romantic relationships between counselors and clients a. for 2 years after b. for 5 years after c. only until the counseling relationship has been terminated d. none 60. When internet counselors are unable to use encryp- tion software, they are ethically required to a. refrained from providing internet services b. be careful with info they store in computer c. use code words to identify clients d. tell clients about risks involved in online comm. 20 / 44 66. The faith that focuses on karma and the deity Bra- hamn is a. Buddhism b. Taoism c. Islam d. Hinduism 67. Situation poverty is due to a. being poor for generations b. lacking resources due to an extenuating circum- stance c. being poor due to a geographical location d. lackgin money because of poor investments 68. What socioeconomic class recognition in the US en- compasses people who are able to meet current ex- penses, plus plan for the future, but are not necessar- ily wealthy? a. upper class b. middle class c. working class d. underclass 69. The view that one's own culture is superior to another culture is called a. classism b. ethnocentrism c. racism d. colorism 70. Which law protects children with disabilities concern- ing public education? a. ADA of 1990 b. IDEA of 2004 c. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 d. Buckley Amendment 71. Teritary oppression is a. internalized oppression b. not helping another who is being oppressed Hinduism due to a lack of resources in a cir- cumstance middle class ethnocentrism IDEA of 2004 internalized op- pression 21 / 44 c. committing covert acts of oppression d. benefitting from oppression 72. A resilience characteristic is a. not espousing upbeat attitudes and world views b. having a supportive social network c. living in an unsafe community d. not being able to bounce back 73. White privilege includes all of the following except a. seeing one's race represented often in the media b. being able to obtain work easily c. being free from much oppression based on race d. being discriminated against due to being in the majority 74. is NOT likely associated with privilege a. power b. control c. advantage d. minority status 75. Working for the collective good of society refers to which tenet of social justice a. equity b. harmony c. access d. participation 76. Which identity development model include En- counter, Immerision-Emersion, and Internalization as some of its statuses a. McCarn and Fassinger's lesbian/gay identity devel- opment model b. Cross's Nigrescence model c. Hardiman's White racial identity development mod- el d. Helm's White racial identity development model having a support- ive social network being discriminat- ed against due to being in the major- ity minority status harmony Cross's Nigres- cence model 77. regressive 22 / 44 A racial interaction in which an individual of a lower racial identity status holds more social power over an individual would be considered a(n) a. parallel interaction b. progressive interaction c. autonomous interaction d. regressive interaction 78. Which of the following best describes the develop- mental issues of feminist identity development mod- els? a. women must relinquish the gender privilege b. men are to actively commit to support networks that include women c. women are to accept traditional gender roles for men and women d. women grow psychologically as they address sex- ism 79. One of the most popular sexual identity development models that was often used in developing other iden- tity development models was developed by a. Troiden b. Coleman c. Cass d. Weinberg 80. Mary becomes angry with God after the death of a close friend, and she questions herself as a spiritual person. What spiritual identity development status is Mary most likely in? a. recognition b. awakening c. pre-awakening d. integration 81. comprise the smallest percentage of the US populaiton a. Native Americans b. Arab 25 / 44 Asians Asian Mexicans Asian honeymoon adolescents 26 / 44 a. international students b. elderly c. transgenders d. adolescents 88. Intersexed is defined as an individual who a. is two spirited b. lives as the opposite sex without biological inter- vention c. alters their biology d. possesses both female and male genitalia 89. Some of the unique issues affecting clients are grief, loss, physical challenges, and terminal illness a. adolescent b. elderly c. transgender d. international 90. Counselors should advocate for a. reparative therapy b. acceptance of sexual minorities c. pain therapy d. conversion therapy 91. A is an intense generally short-term, time of distress in which a person's normal stress manage- ment skills are inadequate. a. trauma b. crisis c. conflict d. neglect 92. All of the following are considered forms of child abuse except a. neglect b. physical abuse c. sexual abuse d. separation possesses both female and male genitalia elderly acceptance of sexual minorities crisis seperation 27 / 44 93. Behavior that is used to gain authority over one's relationship with an intimate partner a. neglect b. trauma c. sexual exploitation d. intimate partner violence 94. The use of an uninvolved person to help with conflict resolution is a. mediation b. facilitation c. negotiation d. litigation 95. Agression can take the form of each of the following EXCEPT a. verbal abuse b. hate crime c. bullying d. alchocolism 96. The social influence model espouses that a coun- selor should have for maximum influence a. equity b. creativity c. spontaneity d. credibility 97. 2 forms of feminism are women of color feminism and black feminism. What is the difference? a. None b. Women of color fem embraces all women regard- less of color, and Black fem. focuses mainly on the oppression of African American women c. Women of color feminism embraces all women ex- cept Caucasians, black fem was the main movement in the 1980s and focused on career d. women of color fem focuses on the oppression of African American women, and black fem embraces all women, regardless of color 30 / 44 103. 31 / 44 According to eh NCDA Code of Ethics, which of the following behaviors is condsidered unacceptable when using the internet a. providing services to a client who doesn't share identity b. c. d. 104. The allow employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave when they are unable to perform their job, need to care for a sick family member, or need to provide care to a child a. Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA) of 1938 b. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 d. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 105. developed computerized vocational systems such as CVIS, DISCOVER, and VISIONS a. John Holland b. Frank Parsons c. John Krumboltz d. Joanne Harris-Bowlsbey 106. refers to the significance an individual places on the role of career in relationship to other life roles a. career salience b. role spillover c. career adaptability d. career adjustment 107. Expressed interests refers to a. the activities in which people engage b. interests that are verbally reported c. an individuals' knowledge of a specific topic and measured by objective tests d. activities individuals hurry to complete Family and Med- ical Leave Act of 1993 Joanne Har- ris- Bolwsbey career salience interests that are verbally reported 32 / 44 108. all 35 / 44 following work enviornments a. IRE b. ECS c. IAR d. IES 114. For a person wth the Myers-Briggs typology INTP, indicates the dominant function a. T b. N c. P d. I 115. Gottfreson emphasize the role that play in making career decisions a. transition and crises b. gender and prestige c. self-concept and life roles d. accessibility and race 116. Super recognized that individuals can recycle through the various stages during their lifetime, reen- tering a stage that they have been through before. Which of the flowing scenarios is an example of re- cycling a. employee is promoted to vp of his company and has to learn new skills b. employee restores after 30 years of health care c. recent graduate enters workforce and begins work- ing in education d. employee loses her job in construction after 15 years and begins taking classes at local college in architecture 117. Hopson and Adam's model of adult transitions pro- poses that crises are usually a. voluntary and involuntary b. unanticipated and involuntary c. voluntary and anticipate d d. situational and unanticipa ted 36 / 44 T gender and pres- tige construction to ar- chitecture unanticipated and involuntary 37 / 44 118. Early in their theory's formulation, Ginzberg and col- leges proper that the career decision making process was a. irreversible b. influenced by gender and social class c. cyclic d. reversible 119. Which career theory emphasizes the role of behavior (actions) and cognitions in career decision making a. Roe's relational theory b. Gallats decision making model c. social learning theory d. Janis an dMann's conflict model of decision mak- ing 120. What parental style encourages autonomy while pro- viding love and support a. rejecting b. love acceptance c. overprotection d. casual acceptance 121. Kelly proposed that individuals develop that assist them in finding purpose at work, evaluation career decisions and taks, and developing a sense of identity through work a. career narratives b. task approach skills c. mentoring relationships d. vocational constructs 122. Which of the following is an example of an occupa- tional group, according to Roe a. professional and managerial b. business contact c. semiskilled d. social 40 / 44 tion/training Self Directed Search Career Thoughts interest scientist 41 / 44 128. According to the US Department of Labor's 2005 Oc- cupational Projections, occupations are expect- ed to decline a. construction and extraction b. office and admin support c. transportation and material moving d. farming, fishing, and forestry 129. refers to the number of people not actively seek- ing employment a. non labor force b. employment rate c. workforce d. unemployment rate 130. Using the Standard Occupational Classification Sys- tem, the 4th and 5th digits of the 6 digit code repre- sent the a. broad occupation b. detailed occupation c. minor group d. major group 131. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) provides occupational info on a. 1170 broad occupations b. 270 c. 110 d. 89- 132. is not a computer-assisted career guidance sys- tem a. System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI3) b. Choices c. DISCOVER d. Occupational Info Network (O*Net) farming non labor force broad occupation 270 O'NET 133. all 42 / 44 Career assistance can include a. mentoring b. career coaching c. career counseling d. all 134. In the middle phase of career counseling, the coun- selor a. establishes the therapeutic alliance b. review the client's progress and prepares the client for future challenges c. develops an action plan and provides interventions to address the clients' concerns d. nations info about the clients' significant work and life experiences action plan and in- terventions 135. perspectives maintain that career interventions etic used for the majority population are appropriate to use with minority populations a. etic b. emic c. culturally competent d. culturally sesitive 136. In career counseling, interventions a. are employed in the termination phase of counsel- ing b. can only be implement in groups c. can address issues related to career exploration, vocational decision making, and career transitions d. are not driven by one particular theoretical ap- proach 137. uses the power of the imagination to help clients gain insight into their vocational interests a. guided imagery b. career genogram c. vocational sort card d. therapeuti c journaling