Download ENGR 212- Dynamics: A University Course in Engineering Mechanics and more Lab Reports Dynamics in PDF only on Docsity! ENGR 212- Dynamics 2001-2002 Catalog Data: ENGR 212. (3 credits). Kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, and work-energy and impulse-momentum relationships applied to engineering systems. PREREQ: ENGR 211; PH 211: sophomore standing in engineering. Lec/lab. Prerequisites by Topic: 1. Math: Trigonometry; Algebra and Geometry of vectors; Differential and Integral Calculus. 2. Physics: Units of measurement, Newton's law of motion for a particle. 3. Engineering: Statics. Textbook: Hibbler, R.C., Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics, Prentice Hall, ninth edition, 2001. Course Learning Objectives: By the completion of this course, students are expected to... 1. Identify and apply kinematic and dynamic equations for a particle in cartesian, cylindrical, and path coordinates. 2. Identify and apply methods of work-energy and impulse-momentum to a particle. 3. Compute the principle moments of inertia for composite bodies and integrable shapes. 4. Apply the parallel axis theorem to determine moments of inertia of a body about a specified axis. 5. Apply relative motion concepts using translating and rotating reference frames for 2-D systems. 6. Apply Newton's equations to solve problems involving rigid bodies in plane motion. Topics: 1. Kinematics of a particle, including rectangular Cartesian and plane polar coordinates and tangential & normal components of velocity and acceleration. (2 weeks) 2. Kinematics of a rigid body in plane motion. (2 weeks) 3. Newton's laws for a particle and for a system of particles. (2 weeks) 4. Moment relationships for a rigid body in plane motion. (3 weeks) 5. Work and kinetic energy. (1 week) Schedule: Lecture: Laboratory: Prepared by M. F. Costello Date: November 2001 ENGR 212- Dynamics Course Learning Objectives Mapped to ABET Goals ABET Requirements Course Learning Objectives A bi lit y to a pp ly m at h, s ci en ce , a nd e ng in ee ri ng . A bi lit y to d es ig n an d co nd uc t e xp er im en ts , a s w el l a s to an al yz e an d in te rp re t d at a. A bi lit y to d es ig n a sy st em , c om po ne nt , o r pr oc es s to m ee t d es ir ed n ee ds . A bi lit y to f un ct io n on m ul tid is ci pl in ar y te am s. A bi lit y to id en tif y, f or m ul at e, a nd s ol ve e ng in ee ri ng p ro bl em s. U nd er st an di ng o f pr of es si on al a nd e th ic al r es po ns ib ili ty . A bi lit y to c om m un ic at e ef fe ct iv el y. B ro ad e du ca tio n ne ce ss ar y to u nd er st an d th e im pa ct o f en gi ne er in g so lu tio ns in a gl ob al a nd s oc ie ta l c on te xt . R ec og ni tio n of th e ne ed f or , a nd a n ab ili ty to e ng ag e in , l if e- lo ng le ar ni ng . K no w le dg e of c on te m po ra ry is su es . A bi lit y to u se th e te ch ni qu es , s ki lls , a nd m od er n en gi ne er in g to ol s ne ce ss ar y fo r en gi ne er in g pr ac tic e. A bi lit y to a pp ly a dv an ce d m at he m at ic s th ro ug h m ul tiv ar ia te c al cu lu s an d di ff er en tia l e qu at io ns . Fa m ili ar ity w ith s ta tis tic s an d lin ea r al ge br a. K no w le dg e of c he m is tr y an d ca lc ul us -b as ed p hy si cs w ith d ep th in a t l ea st o ne . A bi lit y to w or k pr of es si on al ly in th e th er m al s ys te m s ar ea in cl ud in g th e de si gn a nd r ea liz at io n of s uc h sy st em s. A bi lit y to w or k pr of es si on al ly in th e m ec ha ni ca l s ys te m s ar ea in cl ud in g th e de si gn a nd r ea liz at io n of s uc h sy st em s. St ud en t S el f A ss es sm en t o f C ap ab ili ty (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) Objective 1 S L S L L S Objective 2 S L S L L S Objective 3 S L S L L S Objective 4 S L S L L S Objective 5 S L S L L S Objective 6 S L S L L S SUMMARY S L S L L S S = Substantial correspondence L = Limited correspondence P = Potential for correspondence (instructor dependent) Prepared by M. F. Costello Date: November 2001