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This study guide provides a comprehensive list of 208 terms related to medicare coding and billing, including definitions, examples, and explanations. Topics covered include advance beneficiary notification (abn), current procedural terminology (cpt), international classification of diseases (icd-9-cm), health insurance portability and accountability act (hipaa), and more. The guide is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals seeking to improve their understanding of medicare billing and coding practices.
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When should an ABN be signed? - Correct answer When a service is not expected to be covered by Medicare. What are NCD's interpreted at the MAC level considered? - Correct answer LCD What is medical billing? - Correct answer Translating medical documentation into codes. What part of Medicare should be billed for the pain medication by the pharmacy? - Correct answer Part D The amount on an ABN should be within how much of the cost to the patient? - Correct answer $100 or 25% of cost. An entity that processes nonstandard health information they receive from another entity into a standard is considered what? - Correct answer Clearinghouse. What is PHI? - Correct answer Personal Health Information. Intentional billing of services not provided is considered? - Correct answer Fraud. What OIG document should a provider reveiw for potential problem areas that will receive special scrutiny in the upcoming year? - Correct answer OIG Work Plan. Each year in October. What is ABN? - Correct answer Advance Beneficiary Notification What is AMA? - Correct answer American Medical Association. What is CPC? - Correct answer Current Procedural Terminology. What was done into codes. What is ICD-9-CM? - Correct answer International Classification of Disease, 9th Clinical Modification. Why was done in codes. What is HIPAA? - Correct answer Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
What is CMS? - Correct answer Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Basic guidelines for private prctice and rules. a-,an- - Correct answer Without, lack of, absent, deficient Ab-,abs- - Correct answer From, away Ad- - Correct answer Near, toward -algia,-algesia - Correct answer Pain Ambi- - Correct answer Both Angio - Correct answer Vessle (blood or lymph) Ano - Correct answer Anus Ante- - Correct answer Before Anti- - Correct answer Against Arterio - Correct answer Artery Arthro - Correct answer Joint Asthenia - Correct answer Weakness. Auto- - Correct answer Self Bi- - Correct answer Two, twice Brady- - Correct answer Slow Broncho - Correct answer Bronchus Cardio - Correct answer Heart -cele - Correct answer Tumor, swelling, hernia, sac -centesis - Correct answer Puncture Cephalo - Correct answer Head Chole - Correct answer Gall Cholecysto - Correct answer Gall bladder
Choledocho - Correct answer Common bile duct Chondro - Correct answer Cartilage -cide - Correct answer Kill Circum - Correct answer Around -cise - Correct answer Cut Colo - Correct answer Colon Colpo - Correct answer Vagina Contra - Correct answer Against Costo - Correct answer Rib Cranio - Correct answer Skull Cyano - Correct answer Blue Cysto - Correct answer Urinary bladder De- - Correct answer Down, from Denti - Correct answer Tooth Dermo, dermato - Correct answer Skin Di- - Correct answer Two Dia- - Correct answer Through, between, across, apart Dis- - Correct answer Apart Dys- - Correct answer Painful, difficult, disordered Ecto- - Correct answer Outer, or on the outside -ectomy - Correct answer Surgical removal -emesis - Correct answer Vomiting -emia - Correct answer Blood
En- - Correct answer In, inside Encephalo - Correct answer Brain Endo - Correct answer Within inner, on the inside Entero - Correct answer Intestine Epi- - Correct answer Above, over Erythro - Correct answer Red -esthesia - Correct answer Sensation Ex- - Correct answer Out Febr - Correct answer Fever Fibro - Correct answer Connective tissue Gastro - Correct answer Stomach -gene,-genic - Correct answer Production, origin Glosso - Correct answer Tongue Gluco, glyco - Correct answer Sugar, sweet -gram - Correct answer Record -graph - Correct answer Machine -graphy - Correct answer Practice, process Gyne - Correct answer Woman Hema, hemato, hemo - Correct answer Blood Hemi- - Correct answer Half Hepa, hepato - Correct answer Liver Herni - Correct answer Rupture Histo - Correct answer Tissue
Hydro - Correct answer Water Hyster - Correct answer Uterus -iasis - Correct answer Condition of Ictero - Correct answer Jaundice Ileo - Correct answer Ileum (part of small intestine) Ilio - Correct answer Illium (bone) Inter- - Correct answer Between Intra- - Correct answer Within -itis - Correct answer Inflammation Laparo - Correct answer Abdomen -lepsy - Correct answer Seizure, convulse Leuko - Correct answer White Lipo - Correct answer Fat Lith - Correct answer Stone, calculus -lysis - Correct answer Loosen, dissolve Macro- - Correct answer Large, long Mal- - Correct answer Bad, poor, disordered -mania - Correct answer Insanity Mast - Correct answer Breast Mega- - Correct answer Large Men - Correct answer Month Meso- - Correct answer Middle -meter - Correct answer Measure
Metro - Correct answer Uterus Micro - Correct answer Small Mono- - Correct answer Single, one Muco - Correct answer Mucous membrane Myelo - Correct answer Spinal cord, bone marrow Myo - Correct answer Muscle Narco - Correct answer Sleep Naso - Correct answer Nose Necro - Correct answer Death Neo- - Correct answer New Nephro - Correct answer Kidney Neuro - Correct answer Nerve Non- - Correct answer No, not Oculo - Correct answer Eye -ology - Correct answer Study of -oma - Correct answer Tumor Oophor - Correct answer Ovary Ophthalmo - Correct answer Eye -opia - Correct answer Vision Orchi - Correct answer Testicle -rrhaphy - Correct answer To repair a defect, suture Ortho- - Correct answer Straight -oscopy - Correct answer Look into, see
-osis - Correct answer Condition of Osteo - Correct answer Bone -ostomy - Correct answer Surgical opening Oto - Correct answer Ear -otomy - Correct answer Incision, to cut into Para- - Correct answer Along side Path - Correct answer Disease Ped (latin) - Correct answer Foot Ped (greek) - Correct answer Child -penia - Correct answer Two few peri- - Correct answer Around, covering -pexy - Correct answer to sew up in position, fixation pharyngo - Correct answer Throat phlebo - Correct answer Vein -phobia - Correct answer Fear, dread -plasty - Correct answer Shape, mold, repair, operative revision, plastic repair plegia - Correct answer Paralysis -pnea - Correct answer Breathing Pneum - Correct answer Air, lungs Poly- - Correct answer Much,many Post- - Correct answer After Procto - Correct answer Rectum Pre- - Correct answer Before
-ptosis - Correct answer Falling Pyelo - Correct answer Pelvis of kidney Pyo - Correct answer Pus Pyro - Correct answer Heat, temperature Renal - Correct answer Kidney Retro- - Correct answer Behind, backward -rrhage - Correct answer Hemorrhage, flow Salpingo - Correct answer Oviduct Semi- - Correct answer Half Septic - Correct answer Poison, infection Stomato - Correct answer Mouth Sub- - Correct answer Under Super- - Correct answer Above -therapy - Correct answer Treatment -thermy - Correct answer Heat Thoraco - Correct answer Chest Thrombo - Correct answer Clot Thyro - Correct answer Thyroid gland Trans- - Correct answer Across Uro - Correct answer Urine -uria, -uric - Correct answer Condition of, presence in urine Uni - Correct answer One Vaso - Correct answer Blood vessel
Where is the great saphenous vein located? - Correct answer Leg. What is the function of the pancreas? - Correct answer Supplies digestive enzymes. Sebaceous glands are part of which anatomical system? - Correct answer Integumentary. What causes refraction function in eye? - Correct answer Lens. Myocardium is thickest arount which chamber of the heart? - Correct answer Left ventricle. Tunica vaginalis is part of which system? - Correct answer Male reproductive. Compete this series: Incus, stapes,? - Correct answer Malleus. Hemiplegia is a disorder caused by a defect in which anatomical system? - Correct answer Nervous. What is the result of a ureteral blockage? - Correct answer Urine will not be able to flow from the kidney to the bladder. Renal calculus is? - Correct answer Nephrolithiasis. What is Part A? - Correct answer Medicares's Hospital Insurance; covers hospital/facility care. What is Part B? - Correct answer Medicare's Supplemental Medical Insurance; covers physician services and durable medical equipment that are not paid for under Part A. What is Part C? - Correct answer Medicare's Advantage is a set of health care options from which beneficiaries choose health care providers. What is Part D? - Correct answer Medicare's prescription drug program. What is WHO? - Correct answer World Health Organization. A group that deals with health care issues on a global basis. Volume 1 of ICD-9-CM contains what? - Correct answer Tabular List: Diagonosis codes organized in order by code. Volume 2 of ICD-9-CM contains what? - Correct answer Index to Diseases: Diagnosis codes organized in an alphabetic index.
Volume 3 of ICD-9-VM contains what? - Correct answer Alphabetic Index and Tabular Index of Procedures: Procedures performed in the inpatient setting. Acute - Correct answer A condition with a rapid onset with a short course. Chronic - Correct answer A condition that develops slowly and lasts a long period of time. Closed Fracture - Correct answer A fractured bone that does not pierce the skin. E Codes - Correct answer Codes reported to indentify how an injury occurred and the location when it occurred. Never sequenced first. First Degree Burn - Correct answer Superficial burns through only the epidermis. Late Effect - Correct answer An inactive, residual effect or condition produced after the acute portion of an injury or illness has passed. Open Fracture - Correct answer A fracture bone that pierces the skin. Second Degree Burn - Correct answer A partial-thickness burn involving the epidermis and the dermis. Specticemia - Correct answer A systemic disease that is associated with microorganisms or toxins in the blood. These toxins are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other organisms. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) - Correct answer Sytemic response to infection, burns, trauma, or cancer. Severe Sepsis - Correct answer Sepis with associated acute organ dysfunction. Sepsis - Correct answer Whole body inflammatory state. It generally refers to SIRS that is due to an infection. Third Degree Burn - Correct answer A full-thickness burns that involve the epidermis, dermis, and varying levels of the subcutaneous and underlying structures. V codes - Correct answer Codes used to describe circumstances or condition that could influence patient care.