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CPCE Exam 75 Questions with Verified Answer 2023 CPCE - CORRECT ANSWER Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (160 questions; top score = 136) NCE - CORRECT ANSWER National Counselor Examination NBCC - CORRECT ANSWER National Board for Certified Counselors FERPA - CORRECT ANSWER Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) CACREP - CORRECT ANSWER Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination HIPAA - CORRECT ANSWER Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act CAPTA - CORRECT ANSWER Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act HMO - CORRECT ANSWER Health Maintenance Organization NACAC - CORRECT ANSWER National Association for College Admission Counseling CRC - CORRECT ANSWER Certified Rehabilitation Counselor CRCC - CORRECT ANSWER Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (1974) Mental Health Practitioner - CORRECT ANSWER Person trained to treat individuals with mental heath issues and mental illnesses Psychologist - CORRECT ANSWER Diagnoses and treats psychological, learning, and behavioral disorders in a variety of settings, including clinics, schools, hospitals, counseling centers, and private and group practice Psychiatrist - CORRECT ANSWER Medical doctor who works with clients with severe psychological disorders Psychoanalyst - CORRECT ANSWER Helps clients resolve psychological issues through psychoanalysis-intervention created by Freud-a long-term process that attempts to help clients remedy and alleviate their symptoms through exploring their unconscious conflicts Social Worker - CORRECT ANSWER Characterized by their commitment to pursuing social reform and social justice, and affecting public policy Psychiatric Nurse - CORRECT ANSWER Trained to deliver counseling services to patients with severe psychological disorders, develop nursing care programs, and (in many states) prescribe medication Marriage and Family Therapist - CORRECT ANSWER Approaches working with individuals, couples, and families from a systems theory perspective, helping clients to develop more effective patterns of interaction with significant others and family members PFA - CORRECT ANSWER Psychological first aid CCP - CORRECT ANSWER Crisis counseling program AASCB - CORRECT ANSWER American Association of State Counseling Boards (1986) ACCA - CORRECT ANSWER American College Counseling Association (1991) ACA - CORRECT ANSWER American Counseling Association (1952) AMHCA - CORRECT ANSWER American Mental Health Counselors Association (1976) ARCA - CORRECT ANSWER American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (1958) High-context communication - CORRECT ANSWER Individuals relaying messages by relying heavily on surroundings (many things can be left unsaid) Low-context communication - CORRECT ANSWER Individuals communicating primarily verbally to express thoughts and feelings Paralanguage - CORRECT ANSWER Verbal cues other than words (volume, tempo, prolongation of sound, etc.) Kinesics - CORRECT ANSWER Postures, body movements, and positions Chronemics - CORRECT ANSWER How individuals conceptualize and act toward time Monochromic time - CORRECT ANSWER An orientation toward time in a linear fashion (use of schedules, advanced planning of activities) Polychromic time - CORRECT ANSWER The value of time as secondary to relationships among people Proxemics - CORRECT ANSWER The use of persona physical distance (four interpersonal distance "zones": 1. intimate distance (0-18inches); 2. personal distance (18inches-4ft); 3. social distance (4-12ft); 4. public distance (12ft or more) Acculturation - CORRECT ANSWER The process in which an individual (usually an immigrant) makes sense of a host culture's value system in relation to his or her own Locus of responsibility - CORRECT ANSWER What system is accountable for things that happen to individuals Locus of control - CORRECT ANSWER The degree of control individuals perceive they have over their environment Resilience - CORRECT ANSWER A person's ability to maintain equilibrium, adjust to distressful or disturbing circumstances, or to bounce back toward a level of positive functioning in spite of adverse situations Race - CORRECT ANSWER Describes how groups of people are thought to be identified by physical characteristics such as skin color, facial features, hair texture, or eye shape Ethnicity - CORRECT ANSWER A person's identification with a group of people who have a similar social or cultural background Socioeconomic Status (SES) - CORRECT ANSWER Individuals in each SES can have a different worldview, conceptions of problems, perceptions of themselves, and needs to be met Wealth - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to a surplus of social, educational, and/or economic resources Generational poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Poverty has been a factor in numerous generations Situational poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Occurs when the lack of resources is due to an extenuating circumstance (divorce, unexpected unemployment, or a death) Classism - CORRECT ANSWER A form of discrimination founded on a person's social status Bem's Gender Schema Theory - CORRECT ANSWER Interprets the "why" behind an individual's placement of genders into certain categories Sexual orientation - CORRECT ANSWER The way people prefer to meet their sexual needs and the object of their sexual attraction Spirituality - CORRECT ANSWER Meaningful experiences that possibly include a relationship with a divine entity, the universe, or nature Religion - CORRECT ANSWER The actual ritualized practices that may involve a church or other organization, authority figures, and religious mores Crethar's 4 main foci of social justice - CORRECT ANSWER Equity (balanced allocation of services, rights, and duties); Access (fair access to services, resources, and education; Participation (individuals' rights to have their opinion taken into consideration); Harmony (working for the greater good of all the community instead of being self-serving) Privilege - CORRECT ANSWER The ability of a group to receive benefits and prestige that are not as readily available to other goups