Download CPCE EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 2024 and more Exams Community Health in PDF only on Docsity! CPCE EXAM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 2024 When beginning a counseling relationship, you are ethically required to - Ans - Inform the patient of the limits of confidentiality As you begin a counseling relationship, it is important to - Ans - jointly decide, between patient and counselor, how the counseling process will proceed A client arrives for counseling with the presenting complaint of relationship difficulties. She goes on to describe that she has had multiple abortions, and seems to use abortion as a birth control method. You are personally opposed to abortion. How should your personal beliefs impact the therapeutic relationship? - Ans - Your personal belief system should not have any bearing on the therapeutic relationship You have been involved in a counseling relationship with a client for six months, when he presents you with a small gift. What should you do? - Ans - Accept or decline depending on the circumstances You are court-ordered to disclose confidential information about a client you are counseling. What do you do? - Ans - Limit, as much as possible, any possibly damaging personal information and obtain written permission from your client to share confidential information What should you do if your client requests to see his confidential file? - Ans - Accept or decline depending upon circumstances You are a counselor with several clients, and at the same time you are adjusting to a difficult divorce. You aren't sleeping or eating well, find you are highly distractible, and generally are less in-touch with your emotional state. You should... - Ans - Be alert to your mental status, and be able to determine if continuing with your clients poses any threat of being detrimental to the counseling process A former client of yours has been arrested for a crime. As his former counselor, you are called to perform a forensic evaluation. What is your responsibility in this case? - Ans - It is not considered ethical to perform a forensic evaluation on a current or past client, so you should decline You are the supervisor for a new counselor, and are asked to attend her wedding. Would it be ethical to do so? - Ans - Yes, you should be able to attend her wedding without a breach of ethics While involved with a research study, you learn that several of your students are using confidential material in an unethical manner. You had no prior knowledge of this, and all of your safeguards for professional practice were appropriate. Are you, as the principal researcher, responsible for the student's behavior - Ans - Yes, you are ultimately responsible When publishing research, it is important to - Ans - Give credit to other contributors or sources, not plagiarize, and submit material to only one journal at a time When a conflict arises between the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics and a governing authority, which takes precedence? - Ans - Ultimately the law may be adhered to over the Code of Ethics An ethics violation should NOT be reported when - Ans - A counselor has been retained to review another counselor who is in question; and when confidentiality rights would be violated What does multicultural/diversity counseling refer to? - Ans - Counseling that recognizes diversity and approaches beneficial to specific groups and an approach that all counselors should ethically be aware of Most ethical issues are related to - Ans - Confidentiality Only one psychoanalyst's developmental theory covers the entire lifespan. Who is he? - Ans - Erik Erikson The Id, Ego, Superego are attributed to which psychoanalyst? - Ans - Sigmund Freud What is the fourth stage of Jean Piaget's four stages - Ans - Formal Operations Identity Crisis - Ans - Erik Erikson Positive Psychology - Ans - processes that contribute to optimal functioning/ not focusing on abnormalities Smoking habit to Sigmund Freud - Ans - Oral Fixation Most mental health professionals believe - Ans - no one theory of development completely explains the process John Bowlby - Ans - Attachment Theory Lawrence Kohlberg's three levels of morality - Ans - Pre-conventional, Conventional, and post-conventional Female version of Freud's Oedipus complex - Ans - Electra Complex Researcher known for Rhesus Monkeys - Ans - Harry Harlow The only test you are using with your client has a reliability of .60, you should... - Ans - disregard the results of the test as the reliability is too low Francis Galton - Ans - Inherited intellectual abilities; father of behavioral genetics; personality traits are passed down J.P. Guilford - Ans - individual differences and intellect; creativity Developed the first intelligence test - Ans - Alfred Binet and Theophilus Simon Rorschach - Ans - Inkblot test Most researched test in history - Ans - MMPI; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Psychometrics - Ans - Psychological measurement; measures the inner workings of the mind and behavior Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Ans - Personality test You say a word to your client and he answers back with the first thing that comes to mind. What theorist developed the method you're using - Ans - Carl Jung A career test that tests one's ABILITY - Ans - An aptitude test When did group counseling begin to be done more regularly - Ans - After the 1960s Which early theorist engaged in group therapy - Ans - Alfred Adler Group therapy session that will be open only to patients suffering from depression, and will not allow new patients to join once the sessions have started. What type of group therapy are you offering? - Ans - Homogenous closed groups (members share similarity; does not add new members once the session has begun) Closed group - Ans - Stronger cohesiveness within the group and less cost-effective A common weakness in group therapy - Ans - Not setting firm goals for the group Why did R.K. Conyne create the "Group Work Grid" - Ans - to expand practical understanding of group work E-therapy - Ans - Online Psychological Treatment You're concerned about how your group therapy sessions are progressing? - Ans - Have an outsider observer assess the group When counseling young children in a group setting, it is helpful to enlist the involvement - Ans - Parents In a group therapy setting, what is a gate keeper - Ans - a role assumed by a group therapy member Someone who always agrees with anything the other group members say is - Ans - nonassertive There are various stages in group therapy - Ans - Forming, Storming, Norming, performing, and adjourning In group therapy, what is a blocker - Ans - Group member who blocks new ideas Clients who are in the midst of a personal crisis are often not good candidates for group therapy. They would need... - Ans - Medication and individual psychotherapy Group process - Ans - analysis of the group's interactions Group Content - Ans - the material that is being discussed within the group Most therapists consider the best size for group therapy to be between - Ans - 6 and 8 members Branch of Psychology deals primarily with groups and social factors - Ans - Social Psychology Who is considered the father of sociology - Ans - Emile Durkheim You are sent a client who is culturally different from yourself. Is it ethical for you to counsel this client - Ans - Yes,Counselor can enter a therapeutic relationship with someone who is culturally different Proxemics - Ans - The study of proximity; refers to personal and interpersonal space An Asian client is most likely to choose a counselor who is - Ans - Asian An area of study in social cognition - Ans - Attribution A cultural norm - Ans - how people are supposed to act Milgram experiment - Ans - People will usually obey authority Social Distance Scale - Ans - Emory Bogardus Foot in the Door Technique - Ans - Compliance - Freedman and Frasier. If you ask someone for something small, they will eventually comply with getting something big Self fulfilling prophecy - Ans - the false becomes true. Robert Merton. Stating something false will eventually come to pass Theory that helps explain prejudice - Ans - Social Identity Theory - Henry Tajfel. When associated with a group, people will begin to think they are better than another group Altruism may be explained by - Ans - Social Exchange Theory Jack and Samantha are alike in every way an it isn't long before they marry. What might explain their relationship? - Ans - Consensual validity; they validate each other Cognitive Dissonance - Ans - Making up excuses to make you feel better about yourself. Justifying your bad behavior in order to stay consistent - Leon Festinger The contingency model of leadership states that leadership is determined by - Ans - Personality and situation Bystander effect - Ans - You are more likely to help someone in need if you are the only other person present Your client is struggling with a weight problem. She loves sweets, but she hates what they do to her body. Your client's conflict is one of - Ans - Approach/Avoidance (3 types - avoidance/avoidance and approach/approach) Acculturation - Ans - When two cultures mix The Likert scale measures... - Ans - Attitude and Physical Health You are asked to speak to a group and you plan your presentation based upon your knowledge of one of the members. What type of reasoning are you employing? - Ans - Inductive Reasoning Using a specific measurement, such as smiles to measure happiness is an example of - Ans - operational definition Every element of the population has an equal chance of being sampled. What type of sampling is this? - Ans - Random Sampling A study measuring the IQ levels of a group of men, of differing ages, performed on a single day is most likely an example of - Ans - Cross-Sectional study type of measurement which causes participants to behave differently because they are being watched - Ans - Observer effect; Hawthorne effect In what ways do stereotypes distort reality - Ans - Stereotypes exaggerate the differences that exist between groups Jennifer has to choose between spending the evening at home with her parents of spending the evening babysitting her younger sister. Jennifer does no like either of those choices. This situation describes a: - Ans - Avoidance-avoidance conflict Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client's point of view. This counselor is taking the __________ perspective - Ans - emic Working with individuals from different cultures requires that the counselor: - Ans - have knowledge about the different cultures and have sensitivity to the needs of the individuals A high standard of counseling practice when working with diverse populations involves everything EXCEPT - Ans - treating all clients the same way When working with individuals from different cultures, the effective counselor may not: - Ans - maintain good eye contact at all times Client is smart, but procrastinates and puts off writing papers which result in Fs. Therapist helps establish small specific goal and has the client keep a diary of how he is spending his time. What is the method that is used to help his problem: - Ans - Behavioral Therapy The Social-Learning Perspective is to the psychodynamic perspective as __________ are to _____________ - Ans - ENVIRONMENTAL conditions; unconscious dynamics Process of saying freely whatever comes to mind in connection with dreams; memories, fantasies, or conflicts. in the course of psychodynamic therapy session, is referred to as - Ans - free association Which of the following is not a behavioral therapy - Ans - Unconditional Positive Regard The primary goal of __________ therapy is to find meaning in life - Ans - existential Problem pair and successful therapy - Ans - Specific phobia - desensitization; depression - rational -emotive therapy The bond of confidence and mutual understanding established between therapist and client is - Ans - therapeutic alliance An apparent treatment success that is due to the patient's expectation or hopes rather than the treatment itself - Ans - placebo effect In ______________ therapy, the therapist uses logical arguments to challenge a client's unrealistic beliefs or expectations - Ans - rational emotive behavior Systematic desensitization and flooding are - Ans - behavioral therapies Which of the following types of psychotherapists would be most likely to use free association and transference - Ans - psychodynamic therapists Existentialism - Ans - Humanistic approach that emphasizes the tragic aspects of life, the burden of responsibility, and the need to face the inevitability of death. According to Carl Rogers, ___________ is love and support given to another with no strings attached - Ans - Unconditional positive regard Abraham Maslow - Ans - existentialist Transactional analysis pairs with - Ans - Complementary transactions Horney, Adler, and Jung - Ans - All three theorists have something in common The withdrawal of reinforcement until the conditioned response no longer occurs is - Ans - extinction Feud is to ego, id, and superego - Ans - Berne is to parent, adult, and child Developed by Luft and Ingham, this asserts that there are four parts to the personality: public, private, blind, and unknown self - Ans - Johari Window Existential Counseling - Ans - The focus on the meaning of life and the relevance of the individual Popular techniques of this approach are role playing, "empty chair" and making the rounds" - Ans - Gestalt Examination of the client's memories, "spitting in the client's soup" and "catching oneself" - Ans - Adlerian In this therapeutic approach, the counselor's emphasis is on being authentic while concentrating on verbal and nonverbal messages - Ans - Gestalt therapy Paradoxical intention, implosive therapy, and thought stopping are all techniques used by _______________ - Ans - Psychoanalytic Stress inoculation is a concept introduced by - Ans - Donald Meichenbaum According to Freud, ___________ is the most important defense mechanism - Ans - Repression A dog that has been trained to stop and stand at attention when she hears a duck call does not stop and stand at attention when she hears a goose call - Ans - stimulus discrimination The disadvantage of closed-ended questions is that the client usually fails to: - Ans - disclose personal information or continue to dialogue with the counselor Rational-emotive behavior therapy follows a five-step system using ABCDE, where D stands for - Ans - Disputing irrational belief The goals of this type of therapy include gaining knowledge about the self and recognizing and integrating the self - Ans - Jungian In order to elicit a conditioned response, the neutral stimulus that will become the conditioned stimulus must ______________ the unconditioned stimulus - Ans - Precede In contrast to feeling sorry for the client, the counselor needs to demonstrate - Ans - empathy In order to facilitate growth in a client, the counselor uses all of the following strategies EXCEPT - Ans - abandonment An _______________ schedule of reinforcement is the most difficult to extinguish - Ans - intermittent The primary distinction between reinforcement and punishment is that reinforcement ___________ the likelihood of the behavior to occur again, while punishment ______________ decreases the likelihood of the behavior to occur again - Ans - increases;decreases Negative reinforcement increase the behavior by taking away a reinforce - Ans - Positive reinforcement increases the behavior by adding a reinforcer There are long silences, several members of the group are acting out, and it seems like all the group members are expressing frustration with both the structure of the group and the way the group leader is functioning. Most likely this group is in the ________ state of the group process - Ans - transition From which perspective are the group goals to enable members to pay close attention to their here-and-now experiences so they can recognize and integrate disowned aspects of themselves - Ans - Gestalt A career counselor who adheres to Holland's theory of career choice may have his clients take the _______ to help determine personality types - Ans - SDS Postulates of Hoppock's theory - Ans - Everyone has basic needs - influences occupational choice, people tend to move toward careers that serve their needs, and self-awareness and understanding are the bases upon which a person chooses an occupation Developmentalists of career choices. They believe that early experiences and early development influence career choice. - Ans - Hoppock and Roe According to Roe, career choice is influenced by - Ans - genetics, parent-child interactions, and unconscious motivators Gender Bias - Ans - A man who is studying to be a nurse or a woman who drives a semi truck You are a career counselor who is interested in keeping up with trends in the job market so that you can better assist your clients. One of the best ways to keep up with the trends in the job market is to consult the... - Ans - OOH A 42-year old woman returns to her career as an HR manager after her children start to attend school all day - Ans - reentry woman A receptionist at a dental office is not allowed to sing or hum at the office, but when she gets home, she turns on the radio and sings her favorite songs as loudly as she can. This is an example of - Ans - The compensatory effect The 20th percentile represents - Ans - the score at or below which 20% of the scores in the distribution fall A test is considered "standardized" if it includes - Ans - clearly specified procedures for administration, for scoring and normative data Which of the following sources of information about tests would probably provide the best information about sources and trends in testing and assessment - Ans - Test critiques, Journal articles, and test manuals Which of the following best describes norms - Ans - They give meaning to a behavior sample Which of the following best describes a "good" test - Ans - It is reliable, it has norms, and it is valid If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are - Ans - positively correlated A researcher who observes a strong negative correlation between income and mental illness would conclude that: - Ans - those with lower incomes tend to suffer from higher rates of mental illness and those with higher incomes tend to suffer from lower rates of mental illness A test producing the same results from one time to another is to a test measuring what it is supposed to as _______ is to _________ - Ans - reliability; validity Measures of central tendency - Ans - Median and mode Forms of reliability - Ans - Equivalence and internal consistency Testing people with disabilities - Ans - There exists a need for a growing body of research related to the equivalency between tests administered under standardized and under modified conditions Best approach to minimize or eliminate test bias - Ans - Creating separate norm groups for different groups against whom the test is thought to be biased Multiple-choice items tap skills primarily of - Ans - recognition One method of calculating intelligence quotient (IQ) is: - Ans - mental age/ chronological age x 100 Which of the following is NOT an intelligence test - Ans - MMPI-II MMPI-A and CPI are to _________ as Rorschach and TAT are to - Ans - objective; subjective The Rorschach, TAT, and Rotters Incomplete Sentences are all - Ans - projective tests One of the major criticisms of projective is that they - Ans - are too subjective A counselor may decide to administer a number of personality tests in order to: - Ans - better understand the client, predict future performance, and evaluate the outcomes of counseling The key difference between ipsative scales and normative scales is that ipsative scales - Ans - provide information about an individual client Jennifer took the Geneva Advanced Placement test in mathematics and earned 177 points out of a total of 200 points. This score means that Jennifer did as well or better than - Ans - 89% of the graduating seniors at her highschool Terry's average score per basketball game is 27 points. This places him sixth among all the forwards in the Midwest. The level of measurement described in this example is - Ans - ordinal