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CPCE Exam Questions and Answers: Counseling and Psychological Assessments, Exams of Occupational therapy

Test questions and answers on various topics related to counseling and psychological assessments. Topics include empirically supported treatments, significance levels, crisis intervention, psychoeducation, group therapy, and assessment methods. This resource is useful for university students preparing for exams, quizzes, or thesis research in psychology, counseling, or related fields.

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Available from 03/19/2024

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Download CPCE Exam Questions and Answers: Counseling and Psychological Assessments and more Exams Occupational therapy in PDF only on Docsity!


Empirically validated Treatment or Empirically Supported treatment - correct answer When counselors do integrate research into practice. Correlation - correct answer Correlation is simply an association. It is not the same as causality. The correlation between people who have an umbrella open and rain is very high, but opening your umbrella does not cause it to rain. Three types of correlations - correct answer Go from negative 1 to 0 to positive 1. Zero means no correlation while positive 1 and negative 1 are perfect correlations. A negative .5 is not higher than a correlation of -.5 In fact, a correlation of -.8 is stronger than a correlation of .5. A positive correlation: when x goes up, y goes up. For example, when you study more, your GPA goes up. A negative correlation: when x goes up y goes down. For example, the more you brush your teeth, the less you will be plagued by cavities. Quantitative research - correct answer when one quanitifes or measures things. It yields numbers.


Qualitative research - correct answer When does research does not use numberical data Bubbles - correct answer When research has flaws What is a true experiment? - correct answer Two or more groups are udes. What is random sampling? - correct answer People are picked randomly and placed in groups using random assignment. Systematic sampling - correct answer where every nth person is chosen can also be used howere, researchers stillprefer random sampling and random assignment What is quasi-experimental research? - correct answer When the groups are not picked at random or the researcher cannot control the IV then it is a quasi rather than a true experiment. quasi- experimental research does not ensure causality.


What is the independent variable - correct answer The experimental group gets the IV and it is known as the experimental variable. what is the DV or dependent variable? - correct answer the outcome data in the study is called the DV. If we want to see if eating carrots raises one's IQ then eating carrots is the IV while the IQ scores at the end of the study would be the DV. Type I alpha error - correct answer When a researcher rejects a null hypothesis that is true. Type II beta error - correct answer When a research accepts null when it should have been rejected. What is significance levels in social science? - correct answer .05 or less (.01 to .001) The signifcance level gives you the probability of a type 1 error. N=1 - correct answer a single subject design or case study and thus does not rely on IV, DV, control group, ect. Case studies are becoming more popular.


Demand characteristics - correct answer evident when subjects in a study have cues regarding what the researcher deires or does not desire that influence their behavior. This can counfound an experiment rendering the research inaccurate. An obtrustive or a reactive measure - correct answer if subjects know they are being observed. Observers' presence can influence subject's behavior rather than merely the experimental variable or treatment modality. Unobtrusive measure - correct answer When subjects are not aware that they are being measured. Internal vailidty - correct answer when an experimental has few flaws and thus findings are accurate. The IV caused the changes in the DV, not some other factor (known as confounding extraneous variables or artifacts). When internal vaility is low the researcher didn't measure what he thought he measured.


External validity - correct answer it is high when the results in a study can be generalized to other settings. A t test - correct answer a popular parametric test for comparing two means. ANOVA or analysis of variance - correct answer Also called a one-way ANOVA. used when you have two or means to compare. The t test and the ANOVA are parametric measures for normally distributed populations. The ANOVA provides F values and the F test will tell you if significant differences are present. MANOVA - correct answer Used when you are investigating more than one DV> A factorail analysis of variance - correct answer When you are investigating more than one IV/experimental variable (if you have two IVs it would be called a two-way ANOVA three IVs a three way ANOVA.) Chi square - correct answer if the population is not necessarily normal


then this nonparametric test is used. or a Kruskal-wallace can be used. Ex post facto or causal comparative design - correct answer if the researcher did not manipulate the variable and you are looing at after the fact data, the the research is not a true experiment. Descriptive statistics - correct answer statistics that describe central tendency like the mean, median, the mode, the range, quartiles, the variance and the standard deviation. Statistical analyses - correct answer include correlation, coefficients, t tests, ANOVAs, Analusis of Covariance, Chi square, Krushal Wallis Cohort studies - correct answer examine a group of people who have something in common Longitudinal research - correct answer tkaes place when the same individuals are evaluated over a period of time.


Cross-sectional research - correct answer Relies on observation or data from a given point in time. Formative evaluation - correct answer takes place during treatmetn or while a program is going on while summative or outcomes evaluations occurs at the end of a program or treatment (e.g. after the final session of counseling) Between groups design - correct answer Uses different subjects in the different groups (e.g. one group of subjects for the control group and another group of subjects for the experimental group) Within groups repeated measures design - correct answer uses the same subjects for the control condition and then at a different time for the IV/experimental conditions. Scope of practice - correct answer implies that you only practice if you are adequately trained in a given area or with a given population.


A counselor's duty to warn - correct answer Based on the Tarasoff case. This principle now states that if a client is going to harm him or herself, somebody else, or both, you will break confidenctiality and contact the appropriate people (the police, the target person) to ward off this tragedy. Dual Relationship - correct answer Could also be called multiple relationships on the exam. This concept implues that you are a person's helper but you also have another significant relationship with that person (maybe you are dating them or perhaps they are a relative or business partner) Such relationships get in the way of objectivity and should be avoided whenever possible unless the relationship is beneficial to the client. Priiviledged communications - correct answer Set by the state, law priviledged communication asserts that you cannot reveal what a client said in session in court unless the client allows you to do so. There are exceptions to this such as child abuse, suicide, homicide, and supervisory sessions or if a lawsuit is filed against you. You should never release information about the client outside of court (unless it is the exceptions just mentioned) unless the client signs a release of information consent form. Remember to disguise the identity of your clients when doing research, training or in a work for publications.


Standardized tests - correct answer uniform procedures for scoring administration. In addition, these instruments have validity and reliability and norm data which has been investigated and analyzed. The Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print - correct answer From the Buros Institute provide counselors with information on thousands of tests. Online versions are now available. Approximately 2,500 of the tests have been critically analyzed by Burros. What are raw scores - correct answer Unaltered scores. Then can be converted to standard scores (e.g. t scores, z scores, percentile rank, standard deviation or stanine) so that the scores related to the normal bell curve. Range - correct answer The range is the highest score minus the lowest score. Percentile rank - correct answer tells the counselor the percent of scores equal to or below the score you are investigating. Hence, a client who is at the 75th percentile scored equal to or


better than 75% of the people who took the exam. It does not necessarily imply that he or she got 75% of the answers correct since a score of 20% correct might be higher than 75% of the examinee What are the three measures of central tendency - correct answer mean, mode, median What is the mean - correct answer an arithmetic average What is the mode - correct answer the most frequently occuring score or category the median - correct answer the middle score when the data are ranked from highest to lowest. What is a normal curve - correct answer They all have the same point in the center of the bell shape If the curve tail is to the left, the curve is what - correct answer Negatively skewed


If the curve tail is to the right, the curve is what - correct answer Positively skewed What is standard deviation - correct answer A measure of variability or dispersion of score. A standard deviation of 1 is a z score or standard score of one. A standard deviation of -2 is a z score of negative 2 What is a t score - correct answer Have a mean of 50 and the standard deviation is 10 What are the three areas under the normal curve - correct answer 68% plus or minus 1, 95% plus or minus 2, 99.7% plus or minus 3. This is called empirical 68-95-99. normal curve Validity - correct answer is the most important property of psychology test. Reliability - correct answer is the test consistent? Will it give the similar results if we administer it again and again. If am


IQ test yields a score of 100 todayand 130 for the same client tomorrow it is not valid. What is the rule for validity and reliability - correct answer a reliable test is not always valid, but a valid test is always reliable. What is interrater relaibility - correct answer Describe the consistency of two or more raters. If two counselors read the same test reports and come up with the same diagnosis, then interrater relaibility or agreement is high. IF they come up with different diagnoses then it is low. How is a test normed - correct answer It is normed on the majority culture is not appropriate for cultural minorities since it is misleading and could cause discrimination Can test give a false positive or a false negative? - correct answer Yes What does an aptitide test do? - correct answer Predicts potential. For example a high score on an aptitude test for music doesn't imply that you


are a great musician but that with the corect training and practice you could excel in this area. What does an achievement test do? - correct answer Gives you the current accomplishment, what has been learned or the level of performance achieved up to the point in time. (e.g. she is reading at the sixth grade level) Intelligence tests or IQ - correct answer Wechsler or the Binet attempt to measure mental abilities. IG are very controversial and have been a source of debate for counselors. Power Test - correct answer (slow performance) is not a factor like it is in so-called speed test. Projective tests - correct answer There is no correct answer. The client merely looks at an ink blot, a vague picture, or an incomplete sentence. The client's answer is assumed to be a projection of his or her personality. Thus two clients look at the same Rorschach Ink blot card or TAT picture and see something totally different.


Interrater relaibility - correct answer Scoring projective tests is subjective. Thus one rater could score it differently than another rater. Regression to the mean - correct answer states that if a client scores exceptionally low or exceptionally high on a test, then the client with the low score will go up on the next administrion; while the client with the high score will go down toward the mean or average. Chance factors or everyday luck probablyt influenced the first score. Computer Assisted Career Guidance what is it? examples

correct answer SIGI plus or Discover. Screen the client to make certain this modality and computer program is approrpiate. Give the client an orientation to describe the pros and cons of the system. Follow-up to make certain an appropriate plan of actionis evident. What is the Dictionary of Occupational titles (DOT) - correct answer List over 20,000 jobs titles. It replaced the O NET. GOE or Guide for Occupational Information - correct answer Uses 14 interest areas (e.g. plants and


animals or education and social services) to help fine tune career searches. OOH or Occupational Outlook Handbook - correct answer Gives job trend for the future and salaries and can be accessed over the Internet What was Richard Bolles's book? - correct answer What Color is Your Parachute? What is the Hidden Job Market - correct answer 80% of all job are not advertised and this job seekers need to network. Underemployment - correct answer Occurs when a person takes a job below his or her level of skill, expterise, and training (e.g. PhD who works in an entry level fast food position) Dislocated worker - correct answer A term that describes a person who is unemployed due to downsizing a company relocationm or the fact that the company closed the business.


Displaced homemaker - correct answer Describes women who enter or reeneter the workforce after being at home. This often occurs after a divorce or the death of a partner or spouse. Outsourcing - correct answer Tkaes place when U.S. companies rely on labor from another country in order to save money. What is a central tendency bias - correct answer When a supervisor erroneously rates the majority of workers as average. The recency effect - correct answer Occurs when the rating reflects primarily the worker's recent performance (rather than the entire rating period) since this effect suggests we remember things the best that are presented last. Halo effect - correct answer A supervisor generalizing about an employee based on a single characteristic (e.g. giving a worker who is kind a higher rating than a worker who is just as good but isnt kind) Positive and negative halo effects are possible.


What is trait and factor theory in career counseling and who came up with it? - correct answer Frank Parsons (father of guidance) he was the author of choosing a vocation. A client needs to know his or her personal attributes and interests or traits; Appropriate occipations should be investigated; match the client's traits to the occupation. E.G. Williamson twist on trait and factor theory-six steps - correct answer analysis, synthesis, diagnosis, prognosis, counseling and follow up. The assumption is that there is a single best career goal for everyone. Most experts disagree. What is Ann Roes psychodynamic needs approach to career counseling - correct answer Roes is like Rogers in person centered environment for careers. emphasized early child rearing practices influence later career choices. Jobs meet our needs determined by our childhood satisfaction and frustrations. Occupations are categorized by six levels and eight fields. Our orientation toward or awar from other people can influence our career choices. Who developed (development theory for careers) and what is it? - correct answer Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma. Three periods: fantasy (birth to 11 in which play becomes


work oriented; tenetative (ages 11 to 17); and realistic (17 and up) What is the career developmental approach? - correct answer David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara. In their model career development is commensurate with psychosocial development linked to Erik Erikson's stages. What is the Life Rainbow? - correct answer Donald Super. Emphasizing the role of the self-concept in career and vocation choice. People seek career satisifaction through work roles in which they can express themselves and further implement and develop their self concept. What are the Five Life and Career Developmental Stages of Super - correct answer Growth Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance and Decline What are the Tasks of Career Development - correct answer Crystalization, Specialization, Implementation, Stablization, Consolidation What was John Holland's personality typology theory? - correct answer 6 types: realistic, investigative, artistic,


social, enterprising and conventional. (RIASEC). Also known for self-direct search tool, my vocational situation and vocational preference inventory. Social Learning Theory career counseling? - correct answer Krumbolts, Mitchell and Jones-Career decisions are based on it. Four factors impact career choice: genetic factors and special abilities; the environment and special events; learning experiences; and task approach problem solving skills. What is circumscription and compromised in career counseling? - correct answer Linda S. Gottfredson. Self concept and self efficacy in determining vocational choices. Emphasized circumscription (the process of narrowing the acceptable alternatives) and compromise (realizing that the client will not be able to implement their most preferred choices.) the client adjusts aspriations to accommodate such things as hiring practices, family obligations or educational programs. People sacrifice interests rather than sex-type of prestige. What is Social Cognitive Career Theory - correct answer By lent, Brown and Hackett. Helps


complement other theories emphasizing the role of self- efficacy and cognitive processes. What are the six types of groups - correct answer psychoeducational/guidance groups. counseling groups, group therapy, t-groups, structured groups, self help groups/mutual groups/support groups What is psychoeducation/guidance groups - correct answer Provide members with information relevant to their situation Counseling groups - correct answer Focus on conscious issues related to personal growth and development Group therapy - correct answer A term coined by Jacob Moreno who founded psychodrama. Can focus on unconscious material, the past and personality change. T-group - correct answer training groups are often intended for business or personal motivation


structured groups - correct answer are centered around certain issues such as shyness or how to prepare for a job interview Self-help groups/mutual help or support groups - correct answer Not led by a professional. These groups have been dubbed as support groups and those that follow the AA model are often called 12 step groups. What is autocratic or authoritarian group style - correct answer advocates making decisions FOR members. It is appropriate during a crisis or when a quick decision is in order but in most situations it will foster resentment. Laissez faire or hands off style what is this group style? - correct answer Here the leader has little involvement. This approach is appropriate when all members are very commited to a group outcome or goal. Democratic approach group style - correct answer allows input from members but allows group members to have input into their decisions. This is generally the best style.


Speculative leaders group style - correct answer Often seen as charistmactic. they rely on their personal power and charisma to move the group in a desirable direction. They are often adored and group members look up to them, though they are not peer oriented. Confrontive leadership style - correct answer The facilitator reveals the impact that his behavior has on himself as well as the impact that other group members have on him. Which group style is best? - correct answer Research has not shown that the speculative style is superior to the confrontive style or vice verse. Whatever style the leader utilizes, he or she must not impose his or her personal values on group members. How big should groups be?> - correct answer Ideal sixe is 5 to 6 to 8 members, with 8 being preferable. Groups that are conducted for a long time (6 months or so) can function effectively with up to 10 members. Size should be smaller with children. What is the difference between and open and a closed group? -


correct answer An open group is new members can join after the group begins. A closed group is no new members can join after the group begins. What are the rules with leaders? - correct answer A group can have a single leader or be led by coleaders. The advantage of coleaders: having two role models (perhaps two genders) more feedback, one leader can deal with the client if there is transference and two leaders can better see what is transpiring in the group. Disadvantages: leaders can work at cross- purposes, may have conflicting models of therapy, could be in a power struggle and may each decide to charge the client a different fee. What are the stages of group? - correct answer The initial stage, the forming stage or the orientation stage-This is called the get acquainted stage. The 2nd stage is the transition, conflict or the storming stage. This stage is characterized by power struggles for control and resistance. The 3rd stage is the working, productive, performing or action stage, Here the group works toward goals in a cohesive manner; the termination, closure, completion or mourning and adjourning stage. Members must deal with saying goodbye.


What are Yalom's 11 reasons that groups work so well? - correct answer Altruism-giving help to others gives members of sense of wellbeing. Universality-simple the notion that you are not the only one in the world with a particular problem. Installation of hope-In plain everyday English, the members expect the group to work. Catharsis-Talking about your difficulities is beneficial. Group cohesiveness: A sense of we-ness Imitative behavior-We learn by watching others. In this situation, the members copy or model the leader and the other members. Family reenactment-The group helps abet family of origin issues and feelings and the group allows you to work through them. Imparting information: This could be advice or even psychodynamic insight. Interpersonal learning: Members receive feedback regarding how their behavior affects others. Socialization techniques: such as feedback and instruction are helpful. Existential factors: Discovering that life can have meaning even if it is seemingly unjust or unfair at times.


Who was Nathan Ackerman - correct answer Family psychodynamic or psychoanalystic aproach to family counseling Crisis intervention - correct answer used for persons who are experiencing an expected normal reaction to stress. Therapy on the other hand, is aimed at reducing absnormal and pathological behaviors and symptoms. What is Milan Model know for? - correct answer a treatment team with a one-way mirror. What is consultation? - correct answer Occurs when you voluntarily assist a counselor or counselors who will be helping clients. Gerald Caplan - correct answer the father of mental health consultation What is strategic family counseling? - correct answer designed by Jay Haley and Cloe Madaness the therapist ggives directive or prescriptions often paradoxical. reframing and relabeling problems is common in this modelaity. This approach warns us that double-bind communication (a parent telling a child she