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CPCE Practice Exam Questions and Answers A+ Guide, Exams of Career Counseling

CPCE Practice Exam Questions and Answers A+ Guide

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Answers A+ Guide

C - correct answers✅✅ Self concepts are individuals' perception of who they are, their attributes and traits. Stabilization of one's self concept a. typically occurs during the pre school years b. is completed by early adolescence c. may be influenced by cultural and fmaily factors d. seldom stabilizes in one's lifetime D - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter which facilitates messages between neurons? a. dopamine b. serotonin c. acetycholine d. atropine A - correct answers✅✅ The view that children begin their development as a blank slate has been identified by John Locke as... a. tabula rasa b. plasticity c. resiliency d. genotype D - correct answers✅✅ According to Erikson, young adults seek close relationships with others but fear that doing so would mean giving up independence. Erikson called this tension a. adaptation vs. accommodation b. formal vs. concrete developpment c. autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Answers A+ Guide

d. intimacy vs. isolation C - correct answers✅✅ Justin's fmaily moved to anew school district in October of the school year. His teacher noticed that although his verbal skills were well developed, he was not particularly interested in interacting and playing with other children his age. Justin seemed preoccupied with anything with wheels and would try to determine what made them turn. Often the teacher would see Justin make turning movements with his hands or arms. The teacher decided to refer Justin to the school psychologist for assessment. It may be that Justin has... a. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder b. autistic disorder c. Asperger's disorder d. obsessive compulsive disorder C - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following is a true statement pertaining to the DSM-5? a. all major categories of disorders have been renamed b. there is less emphasis on pathopsychological origin of symptoms and behavior The axial classification system has been dropped d. Autism and Asperger's are classified under disruptive impulse control disorders D - correct answers✅✅ According to behaviorists, the law of effect most nearly refers to... a. hierarchy of needs b. defense mechanisms c. psychosexual development

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d. conditioning principles B - correct answers✅✅ Strong interpersonal relationships are often forged by individuals working for the same company. Not infrequently marriages are the result of some of these relationships. The principle involved here is called... a. adaptation b. propinquity c. commitment d. accommodation A - correct answers✅✅ Frequently a mental status exam is administered to an individual seeking mental health services. This formal assessment process covers several specific areas. Which of the following is NOT one of those areas? a. interpersonal relationships b. mood and affect c. appearance and behavior d. sensorium B - correct answers✅✅ Albert Bandura developed a social learning theory and self efficacy is one of the principal concepts. Self efficacy is the belief that we can do some task or behavior. As counselors, we need to be able to empower clients to become more self efficacious. Which one of the following is NOT an approach recommended by Bandura? a. vicarious experience b. raising anxiety level c. modeling d. verbal persuasion

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ A professional counselor determines fees for monthly consultations services on a job by job basis. This is an example of which of the following types of reinforcement schedules? a. fixed ratio b. variable ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval A - correct answers✅✅ Piaget identifies four major stages of child development. Which of the following refers to the period during which the child develops the abilities to classify and seriate objects and to maintain relationships between objects despite their physical manipulation? a. concrete operations b. preoperational c. formal operations d. sensorimotor D - correct answers✅✅ No single theory explains how women develop, however, there are a number of concepts attributable to women in their process of development. Which of the following concepts are NOT representative of women's development? a. caretaking and social b. relationships and other oriented c. communication and connections d. self absorption and power networks.

Answers A+ Guide

C - correct answers✅✅ Erikson called the last stage in his theory of human development Integrity vs. Despair. A person's challenge in this stage is to achieve acceptance of the finality of life. Erikson postulated that such acceptance could be achieved only if the person had... a. successfully met the challenges of the previous stages b. reached an economic position wherein the person did not need to worry about having good living conditions c. accepted the accomplishment of the various roles the individual had filled in life d. reached a parallel level of moral development. A - correct answers✅✅ A prominent theory of psychosexual development is that of Freud. In one of his five postulated stages, children are often thought to be attracted to their parent of the opposite sex. This attraction appears to occur in the ____________ stage. a. phallic b. genital c. oral d. anal B - correct answers✅✅ A counselor is seeing a Latina client for the first time. She is experiencing anxiety and is distressed that her family members are scattered throughout several states in order to have jobs. the counselor determines that this client is an illegal immigrant and is considering what course of action he should take. the counselor chooses not to report this client to authorities which is consistent with Kohlberg's level of... a. conventional moral development b. postconventional moral development c. acceptance moral development d. preconventional moral development.

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ Gloria visits her college counseling center because she has difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep. She finds out that about five percent of the students at the college have similar complaints. This is known as ____________ of the sleep problem a. etiology b. prevalence c. incidence d. prognosis D - correct answers✅✅ A school counselor has met several times over the year with a tenth grader who is having difficulty with authority figures. At a session which includes the student's mother, the counselor notices the student exhibiting a number of childlike behaviors. In terms of defense mechanisms, this behavior can probably be labeled... a. displacement b. reaction formation c. denial d. regression A - correct answers✅✅ One of the early theorists viewed human development from an ecological perspective. this suggests that the system in which the individual finds him or herself is critical to the developmental process. this theorist was... a. Urie Bronfenbrenner b. Robert Havighurst c. B.F. Skinner d. William Perry

Answers A+ Guide

C - correct answers✅✅ Proponents of Maslow's theory believe that people's behaviors are directed primarily by... a. pleasing others b. oral gratification c. need gratification d. pleasure principle D - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following statements about microaggressions is NOT true? a. it can be a comment, action or gesture b. it is usually based on personal characteristics or history of the microaggression target c. individuals with disabilities may also be targets of microaggressions d. is never unintentional C - correct answers✅✅ Some definable communities have a set of values, mores and behaviors which are passed from one generation to another. This can include such things as language, music and food. This describes... a. social class b. pluralism c. culture d. nationalism C - correct answers✅✅ Over the centuries, various groups of people have viewed themselves as the standard bearer and cultural model other people should strive to emulate. this notion is called... a. prejudice b. white privilege

Answers A+ Guide

c. ethnocentrism d. cultural encapsulation D - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following statements is NOT true? Climate change... a. may be correlated with rising sea levels b. may result in more severe hurricanes c. may result in psychological consequences for those impacted d. leaves a very limited role for counselors in related intervention programs. B - correct answers✅✅ Appearing expert to your client may help to influence her or him to join into the counseling process. The individual who identified the interpersonal influence process is... a. Albert Bandura B. Stanley Storng C. Gilbert Wrenn D. Carl Rogers C - correct answers✅✅ The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been a valuable piece of federal legislation. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. ADA refers to discrimination of individuals who are handicapped in employment, access to public facilities, and public transportation b. disability refers to limits of the individual in several life activities such as manual tasks, walking, hearing, and learning c. if individuals with disabilities cannot complete the usual employment application process, there is no discrimination in not hiring such a person d. even employers with only 25 workers are subject to the provisions of ADA

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following statements relating to teenage suicide is mort true? a. girls are more successful at committing suicide than boys b. among 10-24 year olds, suicide is the second leading cause of death c. of all the demographic groups, gays and lesbians are at lowest risk of suicide d. there are no valid indicators to look for to predict youth suicide. A - correct answers✅✅ Counseling women may be different than counseling men. Which of the following statements about counseling women is NOT true? a. Men experience as many conflicts in their roles as women do. b. As a group, women may be more emotionally expressive than men in counseling c. women are more apt to initiate the counseling process d. the feminist approach to counseling women directs focus on their history and cultural limitations placed on women. A - correct answers✅✅ In general, clients from minority groups may prefer engaging in which of the following counseling approaches? a. action oriented b. person centered c. psychodynamic d. existential C - correct answers✅✅ Motivation and reinforcement may come from within a person or from sources external to the person. According to Rotter,

Answers A+ Guide

people's behavior is determined by their belief that reinforcements are either internally or externally controlled. this concept is called... a. expectancy level b. goal orientation c. locus of control d. reinforcement contingency D - correct answers✅✅ A counselor in a social services agency is working with an economically deprived immigrant. The first priority for this client might be... a. education b. love c. safety and security d. shelter and food B - correct answers✅✅ A number of different cultural factors and forces impact on individuals to make them unique. Some of these factors and forces have a broader impact than others. which of these factors results in the greatest similarity between individuals? a. national b. racio ethnic c. universal d. ecological B - correct answers✅✅ In counseling individuals from the same racial or cultural group, which statement is true? a. members of a racial or cultural group are fairly indistinguishable

Answers A+ Guide

b. there may be more differences between members within a racial or cultural group than between members of two or more racial or cultural groups c. if the counselor is well grounded and educated, there is no need to view a client from their particular cultural perspective d. differences between members of an ethnic group should be noted but socioeconomic differences have little importance. A - correct answers✅✅ Some counselors may disregard cultural variations believing that individuals from the same culture are basically the same. They may also use the same counseling techniques for each individual from the same cultural group. this approach is referred to as... a. cultural encapsulation b. world view c. assimilation d. white privilege A - correct answers✅✅ To effectively counsel individuals cross culturally, the counselor may need to adopt some modifications in approaching such clients. Which of the following is most true? a. for individuals from some cultures, an introduction by a mutually known individual may be helpful b. with Latina/o client's' identification with the fmaily may be disregarded c. a walk around the block or sitting on a park bench seldom facilitates getting a counseling relationship established d. sharing any amount of personal information may be detrimental to the relationship. C - correct answers✅✅ In terms of multicultural counseling, network therapy means all the following may be involved in the counseling EXCEPT for...

Answers A+ Guide

a. extended family members b. immediate family members c. neighbors who know of the family's difficulties d. important community persons such as religious or spiritual leaders B - correct answers✅✅ Counselor training programs are expected to include cross cultural competencies in all courses required by students. These competencies include all of the following components EXCEPT... a. consciousness raising b. personal counseling c. affective d. knowledge and skills A - correct answers✅✅ Not all minority groups are farin gas well as others in the US. For example, one gorup has the highest infant mortality rate, the highest dropout rate from high school at about 70%, and the highest suicide rate. All these descriptors are most pertinent to... a. Native Americans b. Hispanic Americans c. Asian Americans d. African Americans D - correct answers✅✅ Tim is a high school sophomore who is very bright and adept with al the most recent computers and communication devices. He doesn't have many close friends and can't wait for classes to end so he can continue playing the World of Warcraft online game which he can play for hours each day. Which of the following statements is most UNTRUE? a. compulsive online gamers follow the same patterns as others with addictions

Answers A+ Guide

b. online gaming provides constant rewards for the gamer's actions c. gamers can assume different personalities and create avatars to represent themselves d. game playing appears restricted to one or two countries and the vast majority of gamers are teenagers. D - correct answers✅✅ Regarding fmaily abuse and violence, which of the following statements is LEAST true? a. child sexual abuse typically occurs when the child is between 7 and 13 years old b. children who have been abused are slightly more apt to be abusers as adults than children not abused c. state laws require that suspected or actual child abuse be reported d. the level of stress the fmaily is experiencing is seldom related to the incidence of child abuse. B - correct answers✅✅ Object relations theory conceptualizes four broad stages of development. Which of these stages is usually the third to occur in the child? a. symbiosis b. separation/individuation c. constancy of self and object d. fusion A - correct answers✅✅ In his person centered approach to counseling, which of the following processes did Rogers feel was NOT necessary or appropriate? a. diagnosis b. the relationship

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c. core conditions d. client's phenomenological world D - correct answers✅✅ A counselor focuses on belief systems, self talk, and crooked thinking with her client. It is likely that the theoretical approach of this counselor is strongly influenced by... a. existential theory b. reality therapy c. solution focused therapy d. rational emotive behavior therapy C - correct answers✅✅ A counselor who believes that people's behavior is best explained as reactions to stimuli in their environment is probably working from a _____________ theoretical perspective a. transactional b. person centered c. behavioral d. solution focused B - correct answers✅✅ Rogers has noted that the second half of therapy often creates more unhappiness and depression for the client than the first half. It is likely that hits may be attributed to... a. the threatening nature of the counselor during this period of time. b. experiencing the reorganized self c. the fear of ending the relationship d. more intensely working through the issues which have been identified.

Answers A+ Guide

A - correct answers✅✅ In narrative therapy, the client often talks about the problem saturated story. Some specific counseling techniques which may be used in this therapy include all the following EXCEPT a. miracle question b. re authoring c. externalization and deconstruction d. questions and clarifications D - correct answers✅✅ the family systems approach which views the fmaily as an emotional unit and stresses the importance of more than one generation is that of... a. Nathan Ackerman b. Virginia Satir c. Carl Whittaker d. Murray Bowen B - correct answers✅✅ A counselor can use many different techniques with a client. One potentially powerful technique in moving the counseling process forward helps the client see issues and problems in a new light. This technique is called... a. restatement b. interpretation c. paraphrasing d. summarizing A - correct answers✅✅ There are many effective counseling techniques used by counselors who practice from a behavioral perspective. Two of these are systematic desensitization and stress inoculation. Who are the theorists most closely associated with these techniques?

Answers A+ Guide

a. Joseph Wolpe and Donald Meichenbaum b. Gordon Allport and Aaron Beck c. Alfred Adler and Joseph Wolpe d. Donald Meichenbaum and robert Carkhuff B - correct answers✅✅ Some counselors develop a personal theory for counseling based on their worldviews, education and experience. They choose those techniques and processes from other theories which fit their own personal theory. this is called... a. multimodal therapy b. integrative counseling c. cognitive and behavioral counseling d. individual psychology D - correct answers✅✅ There are many techniques in family counseling used by different therapists to examine the relationships between nd among family members. One of these techniques asks that a member of the fmaily place other family members in a physical arrangement representing the relationship between family members. this technique is called... a. genogram b. structural c. alignments d. sculpting C - correct answers✅✅ Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) although developed principally for borderline personality treatment, is now used more broadly. Which of the following four module skills is NOT one applied by DBT practitioners? a. emotion regulation

Answers A+ Guide

b. interpersonal effectiveness hypnosis mindfulness A - correct answers✅✅ The counseling technique used by the counselor to explain to the client the logical inconsistencies in the client's in the client's statements is known as... a. confrontation b. immediacy c. congruence d. reflection A - correct answers✅✅ Which of the following statements about the relationship of neurobiology and psychotherapy appears most accurate? a. genetics fairly exclusively determines brain growth and differentiation b. there are five principal brain locations and functions c. a counseling relationship can foster the development of new neurons and neural networks d. so far, biofeedback has not been found useful in re-wiring neural networks. D - correct answers✅✅ Conceptual and operational difference between individual counseling and family counseling include all the following EXCEPT a. locus of pathology b. unit of treatment c. focus of treatment interventions d. the system gets priority attention in both.

Answers A+ Guide

C - correct answers✅✅ A number of principles from feminine psychology undergird feminist therapy. Which of the following is NOT one of those basic principles? a. therapy is not just for the individual but has as its goal the transformation of society b. women's perspectives are central and serve as the norm for women because when compared to men's perspective, the feminine view is often viewed as deviant c. because the counselor probably understands feminine psychology better than the client, the counselor's role is to lead and educate the client d. client problems often have social and political roots which have resulted in marginalization, oppression and stereotyping. A - correct answers✅✅ Some of the key concepts of this theoretical approach include the unity of personality, the need to view people from their subjective perspective, and the importance of life goals that give direction to behavior. This theory suggests people are motivated by social interest and by finding goals to give life meaning. These statements most clearly define the _____________ counseling theory. C - correct answers✅✅ Some counselors work with clients who have been victims of various traumatic events and circumstances. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and terroriist attacks can all result in post-traumatic stress disorder. There may be consequences to the counselor for engaging in this kind of counseling work. One of the possible consequences for the counselor may be... a. burnout b. lack of confidence in her or his ability to help c. secondary traumatic stress d. negative cognitive shift.

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ Corey is the middle child of a fmaily with three children. His older brother is three years older and his younger brother is four years younger. the counselor seeing Corey agrees with many of the concepts explicated by Adler. Applying birth order and fmaily constellation concepts, the counselor is aware that Corey a. will receive the bulk of attention and be high achieving b. may be lost in the middle and view life as unfair c. never learned to share or cooperate but deals with adults well d. will tend to go his own way and develop in unique directions. D - correct answers✅✅ The proponent of structural family therapy is Salvador Minuchin. He believed families were composed of subsystems. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. possible subsystems include spousal, parental and siblings b. boundaries between subsystems may be permeable or diffuse c. diffuse boundaries may lead to enmeshment or disengagement d. healthy families have rigid rules for subsystems. C - correct answers✅✅ There are a number of different groups that have their own focus and purpose. one group is designed for the members to acquire information and skills. It may be preventative, growth oriented or remedial. This most nearly defines which kind of group? a. psychotherapy b. self help c. psychoeducation d. guidance

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ Members respond differently when in an actual group. Which of the following is NOT a role often assumed by group members? a. Blocking b. Training c. Facilitative/building d. maintenance D - correct answers✅✅ Even before the group is constituted, an important function for the group leader is... a. reviewing group theory b. arranging for a co leader c. reading the code of ethics for group counseling d. screening of potential members A - correct answers✅✅ Shawna is leading a group which is meeting for the third time. She notes that the eight members are showing a lot of resistance to the process and to her as leader. They are questioning the purpose of the group's existence. It is likely that the next stage for this group to move into is... a. working b. consolidation and termination c. transition d. forming D - correct answers✅✅ A new community mental health agency has been established and its stated goals are to work with the community in terms of psychoeducation with a focus on children before they graduate from high school. To stretch their resources, they hope to conduct the majority of their

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work through small and large groups. An overall name that may be ascribed to these groups is... a. process b. tertiary c. outcome d. primary C - correct answers✅✅ A corrections counselor working in a juvenile detention center hopes to start a group. The teenagers in the center are of varying races and cultures. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. Extent of the teenagers' acculturation may determine willingness to participate. B Some cultures discourage sharing of personal and fmaily issues with others of different races and cultures c. group participants from a variety of cultures and backgrounds have a high degree of understanding of other members' circumstances d. group leaders must understand the historical and systemic factors pertinent to such group members. A - correct answers✅✅ When there are two leaders conducting a group, they must be sensitive to several issues which can impact the group's performance. which of the following can be a negative factor in co leading a group? a. conflicting theoretical orientations of group leaders b. co leaders should process the co leading regularly c. it may be helpful if one leader is male and the other female d. co leaders can take on roles and serve as models for group members to observe and learn from.

Answers A+ Guide

B - correct answers✅✅ Being a member of a group often sends a powerful message to members that they are not alone and unique in the issues being addressed by the group. this phenomenon is commonly called... a. linking b. universality c. cohesion d. group dynamics B - correct answers✅✅ Group leaders with very different individual counseling orientations have applied their theoretical approach to their group work. One group leader concentrates on the here and now with the members and uses a variety of exercises with the focus on actions and insight although affect is not ignored. this would be categorized as a _____________ group a. transactional b. gestalt c. reality d. behavioral C - correct answers✅✅ Although group effectiveness is difficult to define and is related to the purposes and leadership of the group, some general principles have been agreed upon. For example, group processes are most effective when the group... a. works on several group tasks simultaneously, thereby increasing the efficiency of the group b. has an authoritarian leader who maintains interpersonal rules and directions c. develops new ways of functioning in response to emerging needs and patterns of interaction among group members d. identifies group members who inhibit movement toward the group's goals.

Answers A+ Guide

D - correct answers✅✅ In a counseling group using psychodrama techniques, the group member whose problem is being addressed takes the role of... a. director b. auxiliary ego c. stage hand d. protagonist B - correct answers✅✅ Group members who have issues as well as goals they believe are unknown to other group members, are operating in the _______________ quadrant of the Johari Window a. upper right b. lower left c. upper left d. lower right A - correct answers✅✅ which of the following is likely to occur in the early life of a group? a norms are developed b. goals are achieved c. trust is developed d. cohesion takes place D - correct answers✅✅ Counselors know that groups are formed for different purposes. For example, in some groups the primary goal is to achieve some specified outcome, or product, while in others the primary goal is to focus on

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the process of interaction within the group. Which one of the following types of groups is more product than process oriented? a. transactional analysis b. Adlerian c. Client centered d. behavioral A - correct answers✅✅ Two counselors in a university counseling center are preparing to conduct a group focusing on developing interpersonal relationship skills. In preparing to conduct the group, their discussion focuses on all the following topics EXCEPT... a. stages of a group b. open vs. closed group c. homogenous vs. heterogeneous d. duration D - correct answers✅✅ There are several advantages of doing group versus individual counseling. One is NOT... a. safe place to practice new skills b. more nearly replicates the real world of group participants c. with scarce resources, it spreads out the cost per individual counseled d. a good place to develop a circle of close friends. C - correct answers✅✅ In their research on effective group leaders, Yalom and others have determined that four leader functions seemed to be present no matter the theoretical orientation of the leader. Which of the following is NOT one of the four effective leader functions? a. Frequent use of the caring (focus on emotions) function

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b. moderate amounts of executive direction (structure, providing direction) c. sparse use of meaning attribution (not all feelings and experiences need to be identified and named d. moderate amount of emotional stimulation (encourage expression of emotion A - correct answers✅✅ The Systemic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) program is based on the theoretical work of... a. Alfred Adler b. Carl Rogers c. Michael Waldo d. Diane Hulse Killacky B - correct answers✅✅ Before group cohesion occurs, conflict is often present. Ina group setting, conflict... a. negates the progress of the group b. promotes group involvement c. should be settled by those in power d. requires group leaders to intervene firmly C - correct answers✅✅ In group counseling, a number of ethical issues present themselves. Which of these is NOT one of those issues? a. group members must be free to leave the group if attendance is not mandatory b. confidentiality cannot be assured but must be emphasized and contracts should be signed c. small social subgroups in addition to the actual group can be encouraged for practicing new skills