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Understanding Counselor Licensure and Ethics: A Comprehensive Guide, Exams of Media Laws and Ethics

An in-depth exploration of the history, key players, and ethical considerations surrounding counselor licensure. Topics covered include the national board for certified counselors (nbcc), the american counseling association (aca), and the council for accreditation of counseling and related educational programs (cacrep). It also delves into the scope of practice, confidentiality, and privileged communication, as well as the role of accreditation and licensure in the united states. The document also discusses ethical dilemmas, professional responsibilities, and the impact of counseling on mental health.

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Available from 05/12/2024

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CPCE Professional Orientation & Ethics Exam Questions and Answers.

  1. Which group has been most instrumental in opposing counselor licensure? - Correct answer Psychologists
  2. In the late 1970s, AACD (known as ACA since 1992) began to focus very heavily on professional credentialing. This led to the formation of the _____ - Correct answer NBCC
  3. NBCC - Correct answer National Board for Certified Counselors
  4. The title NCC is a...? - Correct answer Generic certification
  5. The NCC designation lasts for _____ years - Correct answer 5
  6. An ACA affiliate formed in 1981 that certifies counselor programs rather than individual counselors - Correct answer CACREP
  7. You can only secure specialty certificates
  8. Such as CCMHC, NCSC, and CCMHC after you secure the _____ credential - Correct answer NCC
  9. Suggests that counselors should only practice using techniques for which they have been trained - Correct answer Scope of practice
  10. Ethics always describes...? - Correct answer Universal principles which apply to all others
  11. The ethics set forth by one organization may not be identical to those spelled out by another organization. True or false? - Correct answer True
  12. If your state sends you ethical guidelines after you secure your license that are state statutes, then in this instance...? - Correct answer your guidelines will be the law
  13. Most ethical dilemmas are related to _____ - Correct answer Confidentiality
  14. The landmark 1969 case, Tara off versus the Board of Regents of the University of California illuminated the...? - Correct answer Duty to warn a client in imminent danger
  15. A counselor reveals information that is extremely damaging to a client's reputation. This counselor could be accused of _____ - Correct answer Defamation
  16. Means the counselor is working for the good of the client or the group - Correct answer Beneficence
  17. Means that the counselor treats all members fairly - Correct answer Justice
  18. Means that the counselor will do no harm - Correct answer Nonmalficence
  19. Describes behavior that can damage one's reputation - Correct answer Defamation
  20. Written defamation - Correct answer Libel
  21. Verbal defamation - Correct answer Slander
  1. State laws can govern title usage and practice, however, they do not govern _____ - Correct answer Accreditation
  2. The term accreditation applies to _____, not _____ - Correct answer Programs; Individuals
  3. _____ checks in as the 11th or 12th leading causes of death in the US - Correct answer Suicide
  4. Among those ages _____ suicide is the second or third leading killer - Correct answer 15 to 24
  5. _____ Account for more suicides than all the other methods put together - Correct answer Firearms
  6. Suicide is more likely to occur in...? - Correct answer rural areas that are not highly populated
  7. Suicide is more likely to occur in times of...? - Correct answer Economic recession or depression
  8. Most suicides occur in the spring at the end of...? - Correct answer April or May
  9. A legal term that implies that a therapeutic interaction (verbal or written) will not be available for public inspection - Correct answer Privileged communication
  10. A counselor/client relationship protected by privileged communication is one in which the client-not the counselor-...? - Correct answer is the holder of the privilege
  11. In regard to state law and privileged communication, counselors must be aware that...? - Correct answer Laws are unclear and may vary from state to state
  12. Privileged communication does not apply to...? (List 2) - Correct answer Minors or the mentally incompetent
  13. Privileged communication is not applicable in the cases of...? (List 1-3) - Correct answer Child abuse, neglect, or exploitation
  14. Privileged communication is not applicable in the cases of...? (List 4 & 5) - Correct answer Suicide or homicide threats
  15. Privileged communication is not applicable in the cases of...? (6) - Correct answer Criminal intentions
  16. Privileged communication is not applicable in the cases of...? (7) - Correct answer Clients in dire need of hospitalization
  17. Privileged communication is not applicable in the cases of...? (8) - Correct answer Counselor is the victim of a malpractice lawsuit
  18. When counselors state that privileged communication is "qualified," they actually mean that...? - Correct answer Exceptions may exist
  19. Counselors are mandated reporters for...? - Correct answer Child abuse
  1. Professionals generally adhere to the principle of minimal disclosure, which suggests that you reveal only...? - Correct answer what is necessary
  2. This landmark case suggests that therapists should warn others (i.e., third parties) who may also be in danger - Correct answer Hedland case
  3. Professional ethics emphasize that your primary responsibility is to your _____ - Correct answer Clients
  4. The _____ is to psychologists as the NCE is to counselors - Correct answer EPPP
  5. One major difference between the psychology versus the counseling movement seems to be that the psychologists are working to ..., while the counselors... - Correct answer Eliminate practitioners with less than a doctorate; Are not
  6. A counselor who is alcoholic and suffering from burnout could best be described as an...? - Correct answer Impaired professional
  7. A helper who does not possess the education and experience necessary to secure professional credentials - Correct answer Paraprofessional
  8. Counselor certification is not synonymous with licensure. True or False? - Correct answer True
  9. Counselor certification recognizes that you have reached a given level of _____ and thus are authorized to use a _____ - Correct answer Competence; Title
  10. Virginia was the first state to license counselors in 1976. The APGA (later AACD and now ACA) division that was initially the most instrumental in pushing for licensing was the _____ - Correct answer ACES
  11. ACES - Correct answer American Counselor Education and Supervision
  12. The problem with income sensitive or sliding fee scales (based on the client's ability to pay) is that...? - Correct answer it is difficult to administer them in a fair manner
  13. Occurs when one state or organization accepts the license or credential of another state or organization - Correct answer Reciprocity
  14. You are a school counselor who wishes to refer an orthopedically disabled student to a private therapist. In general, the best referral would be to a _____ - Correct answer CRC
  15. CRC - Correct answer Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
  16. MAC - Correct answer Master Addictions Counselor
  17. A list of providers - Correct answer Registry
  18. Occurs when a counselor stops providing services and does not refer the client to another helper - Correct answer Abandonment
  1. _____ Hours of professional development are needed during a five-year period for recertification - Correct answer 100
  2. ACA ethics indicate that a minimum of _____ years must pass before the counselor can have a romantic relationship with the client - Correct answer 5
  3. NBCC ethics stipulate that you should not engage in sexual intimacies with a former client within a minimum of _____ years after terminating the counseling relationship - Correct answer 2
  4. When a computer helps manage your practice (yes, just like a manager) then it is known as _____ - Correct answer CMC
  5. Would include tasks such as bookkeeping, client scheduling, printing billing statements, and compiling referral sources - Correct answer Computer Managed Counseling
  6. A computer software program that attempts to counsel clients is an example of _____ in action - Correct answer CAC
  7. A violation of ethics—transpires when a journal article is submitted to more than one journal at a time - Correct answer Multiple submission
  8. Ethics state that a counselor should _______ all clients for group counseling - Correct answer Screen
  9. Multiple or duplicate submissions are _____ in relation to journal articles - Correct answer Unethical
  10. Nosology refers to a system of classification. Name the oncological system(s) utilized by professional counselors who diagnose clients - Correct answer DSM and ICD
  11. Traditionally, _____ counseling has caused the most ethical concerns - Correct answer Behavioral
  12. Insurance payments are also called...? - Correct answer Third-party payments
  13. The DSM uses a multiracial classification system with five axes. Diagnostic codes have _______ digits - Correct answer 5
  14. Axis I (DSM-V) - Correct answer Clinical syndromes
  15. Axis II (DSM-V) - Correct answer Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
  16. Axis III (DSM-V) - Correct answer General Medical Conditions
  17. Axis IV (DSM-V) - Correct answer Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
  18. Axis V (DSM-V) - Correct answer Global Assessment of Functioning
  19. As you are reading the DSM you see this code: 296.2X. In this case the X (i.e., the fifth digit) refers to _____ - Correct answer Severity
  20. Written 296.20 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer Unspecified
  1. Written 296.21 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer Mild
  2. Written 296.22 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer Moderate
  3. Written 296.23 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer Severe without psychotic features
  4. Written 296.24 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer Severe with psychotic features
  5. Written 296.25 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer in partial remission
  6. Written 296.26 the condition is "_____" (Mood disorders) - Correct answer in full remission
  7. If the fifth digit is a 1 (Organic impairment) - Correct answer with delirium
  8. If the fifth digit is a 2 (Organic impairment) - Correct answer with delusions
  9. If the fifth digit is a 3 (Organic impairment) - Correct answer with depression
  10. If the fifth digit is a 0 (Organic impairment) - Correct answer Uncomplicated
  11. In the DSM, these refer to conditions which are not attributable to a mental condition - Correct answer V Codes
  12. In V Codes, the V replaces the _____ digit in the five-digit code - Correct answer First
  13. Formal diagnosis, also known as nosology, is most closely related to the _______ model - Correct answer Medical
  14. The type of mental health service provided to the client is coded via ... and is generally required for insurance payments - Correct answer The AMA's Current Procedural Terminology
  15. Counselors cannot ethically accept referral fees. True or False? - Correct answer True
  16. The most popular paradigm of mental health consultation has been proposed by _____ - Correct answer Kaplan
  17. In order for the doctor--patient structure to work, the consulted (i.e., the person receiving the consultation) must accurately depict symptomatology, trust the consultant's diagnosis, and carry out the consultant's directives. This model is associated most closely with the work of _____ - Correct answer Schein
  18. _____ _____ is the leading cause of malpractice actions taken against counselors, therapists, and mental health providers - Correct answer Sexual misconduct
  19. Ethics guidelines clearly state that the counselor should not solicit testimonials from clients. True or False? - Correct answer True
  1. Counseling is a relatively new profession. The first counselors in the United States were not called counselors. They were _____ and _____ employed after the Civil War in college settings to...? - Correct answer Deans; Advisors; Watch over young women
  2. Historically speaking, the first psychology laboratory was set up by _____ _____ - Correct answer Wilhelm Wundt
  3. Counseling became popular after the 1931 publication of...? - Correct answer Workbook in Vocations by Proctor, Benfield, and Wren
  4. Freud's most influential work - Correct answer Interpretation of Dreams
  5. _____ helped counseling become a specific and separate profession such as psychology or psychiatry - Correct answer Credentialing
  6. The 1950s was the age of tremendous strides in...? - Correct answer Developmental psychology
  7. The _____ movement began in the late 1960s - Correct answer Group
  8. One of the primary problems of counseling in the early 1960s was that it wrongly emphasized...? - Correct answer Intrapsychic processes
  9. Ethics tell us that if a client has a contagious fatal disease the counselor is justified in telling a third party who would be at risk. True or False? - Correct answer True